
Friday 27 May 2011

Obama & Cameron "Saving the World"

Perhaps the most worrying news of the week was revealed on page 2 of the Daily Mirror 25 June 2011, which declared that Obama & Cameron were going to "save the world".

So it seems that David "I'm a Zionist" Cameron is going to combine with AIPAC/Israel's pet lap dog, Obama, to save us all, when most rational people not affected by the USA/UK's media blackout realise that the main threat to world peace is Zionism itself.

Obama just last week declared that the pre 1967 borders between Israel and Palestine should be the starting point for peace deal. However he was quickly reminded that if he had any hopes at all of being re-elected he needed to toe the line and he amended his statement by saying the pre-1967 borders should be adjusted to take into account further Israeli land grabs.

There seems to be a misapprehension in the USA that the 1967 war was caused by a need for Israel to defend itself against hostile neighbours, overlooking the fact that Israel started it. But Zionist Jews have a habit of actually admitting to the truth when they think no one is listening, Menachem Begin admitted that wars in 1956,1967 & 1982 were all wars of choice for Israel and not necessity . The 1967 war was a deliberate land grab by Israel for territory they have no legal right to occupy. Their continued occupation of a large proportion of Palestine is illegal and contrary to International Law. Simply because one country and attacks and occupies another doesn't give them any rights of ownership.

It's not as how Israel has made any attempts whatsoever to make peace with Palestine, claims that the Oslo Accord was not agreed to by Arafat was clarified when Netanyahu admited on video he deceived USA to destroy Oslo accord

In fact we've had a succession of lies from the Apartheid State, Olmert admitted that attack on Lebanon (2006) was planned in advance and had nothing to do with the excuse that two Israeli soldiers had been "kidnapped" in Israel when in fact they had been arrested by Lebanese police after already illegally crossing the border.

Then there were the claims that the genocide in Gaza in 2008/9 was necessary due to Hamas/Palestine rockets. This being despite the fact there weren't any, Hamas had agreed and kept to a ceasefire for at least 6 months and indeed were ready to re-sign the agreement. An Israeli Government Document Says Hamas Did Not Fire Rockets From June to November 2008 . We later find out that the Gaza genocide was planned well in advance

Meantime Obama & Cameron & their respective homelands are doing nothing to promote world peace, indeed quite the opposite. At this very moment they are turning Libya into another Iraq and for exactly the same reasons. The fact that Libya was about to drop the USA dollar for oil trades, the fact that Libya was talking of nationalising oil production instead of handing over the vast majority of oil revenue over to western oil companies, the very fact that Libya is an oil producer.

Libya was never a "popular " revolution indeed there's every indication that the armed uprising was planned in the west, certainly by the UK & France, and I suspect with USA approval, in 2010. I doubt that the west had no difficulty in finding "rebels" , or should I say terrorists, willing to do the job on the promise of huge rewards payable on completion.

The fact that Libya before this "induced" revolution was the most socially advanced nation in the whole of Africa, free health, free education and a safety net for those less well off.

Now of course this "peace loving" President is begging the puppet government in Iraq for US troops to continue having a presence in the country after 2011 , but you can be sure that even if they do say "no" the USA will create false flag operations to justify a continued occupation in the interests of milking Iraq's oil revenues & avoiding the risk of a switch to another currency for oil trades.

The continued occupation of Afghanistan is also necessary since the reasons for the invasion still remain, the control of trade routes and pipelines for gas and oil, all this despite the fact that Bin Laden has once again been killed.

Meantime Cameron & Obama's zionist friends are baying for more blood in regards to Iran, and for exactly the same reasons as the others, oil & the protection of the US dollar for oil trades and our peace loving President & Prime Minister would have no compunction at all in seeing another million plus deaths to secure that objective.

So please these two Zionist quislings "saving the world", do me a favour

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