
Sunday 8 May 2011

Syria Thwarts Attempts by Armed Men to Infiltrate Lebanon Broadcasts new Confessions

Syria Thwarts Attempts by Armed Men to Infiltrate Lebanon

The Syrian army has thwarted attempts by "armed men" to escape to Lebanon by land and sea, the Syrian al-Watan newspaper reported Sunday.
The daily said that the Syrian military was making strong efforts to "eradicate terrorist cells" in the country.

The report came a day after the National News Agency said that two badly wounded Syrians crossed into northern Lebanon from the Syrian village of Tal Kalakh.
NNA said the two men were found on a bank of Nahr al-Kabeer in the border area of Bukayaa, suffering from bruises and wounds.

The agency said that they were taken to a hospital in the town of Qbayyat and placed under police guard. Authorities will continue their investigations into the incident, it added.

Syria TV Broadcasts Confessions of ‘Terrorist Group’

Syrian Television on Saturday broadcast confessions of a terrorist group that attacked the military families' residences in the town of Saida, Daraa, in April, 29th, with the aim of killing people and stealing weapons.

Members of the group confessed that they had received money and bought weapons from external sides. They tried to exploit the protests to attack the army and the security forces.

Moreover, 25 year old Zakaraiya Mitleq from Homs province revealed how he was recruited as an eye witness to appear on satellite channels to falsify facts and fabricate stories and news with the aim of distorting the truth in Syria and harming the image of the Syrian security forces, SANA news agency reported.

"In 2006, I became friends with a guy from Daraa called Mohammad al-Zu'bi at university who traveled to Saudi Arabia while I went back to Homs to work in aluminum carpentry," Mitleq said in his confessions broadcast on the Syrian Television.

"When events started in Syria, al-Zu'bi called me and asked me to provide him with information about what is going on and promised me a visa so that he can go to Saudi Arabia," Mitleq added.

He continued that al-Zu'bi asked him once to talk to the BBC satellite channel and say that the security forces were shooting at the demonstrators in Homs and that in case he was asked to comment about the reforms, he should say they came late and to call for overthrowing the regime.

He went on saying that al-Zu'bi told him about a group in Yabroud area who can get weapons to transfer them to Homs.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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