
Saturday, 7 May 2011


May 7, 2011 by freedemocraticsyria

Security and police personal killed with US weapons in Homs by United States sponsored terrorists.
A military source stated that army and security forces units on Friday pursued armed terrorist groups in the outskirts of Homs city in the areas of Baba Amro, al- Sultaniyeh, Bab al-Dreib and al-Qarabis.

This came after an attack by these terrorist groups on an army and police checkpoint in the city. The clashes led to the number of military and police martyrs to rise to ten martyrs in addition to a number of injuries.
Several members of the armed terrorist groups were killed or injured during the clashes.

Earlier, the military source said that an armed criminal group attacked on Friday a military checkpoint, the police and security forces west of Baba Amro near al-Sultaniyeh Bridge in Homs.

The terrorist group fired at the checkpoint members, killing Officer Ahmad Hallaq and four policemen: Sergeant Major George Elian, Policeman Mohammad Maarouf, policeman Bassam abu al-Anz and the policeman-driver Thaer Jardou, and wounding others.

The armed criminal group mutilated the martyrs’ bodies.

A number of police and army wounded members reported about the attacks they were exposed to by the hands of the armed terrorist groups.

“We went to guard at al-Sultaniya barricade… we were ordered not to fire, but when a group of protesters approached, we asked them to return. Later, they suddenly opened fire against members of the patrol,” Policeman Ahmad Suleiman told Syrian TV.

Policeman Adjutant Mohammad Ismael who was shot in his left hand said “we have been informed of shootings in al-Mreijiya and al-Fakhoura neighborhood… we rushed to the place, but we were heavily fired by snipers who were hiding on the roofs of buildings.”

Sergeant Feras al-Mohammad, for his part, told the Syrian TV station that he and a number of his fellows were ordered to go on patrol in Bab al-Dreib neighborhood after they had been informed of shootings against civilians.

“When we arrived in the place and got out of the car, snipers on the roofs shot us and I was injured,” Sergeant al-Mohammad said.

Doctor Hussein al-Habet said the medical staff in Homs was on alert since Friday morning and the atmosphere was calm. But suddenly a batch of martyrs and wounded reached the hospitals. The injuries ranged between limbs, chest and head.

“The remarkable thing is that the bullets’ direction was from top to the bottom,” Doctor al-Habet said.
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