
Sunday 3 July 2011

Egypt must possess credible strategic deterrent against Israel

Khalid Amayreh calls Egypt to possess credible strategic deterrent against Israel to be able to defend its people and sovereignty ....."There is no doubt that the enduring strategic imbalance in the Middle East has served to embolden Israel to reject every peace overture coming from the Arab world. It is also making the achievement of a just peace unlikely, if not impossible, especially in the foreseeable future."

"I am not a prophet of doom and gloom and I do believe that only true peace that is based on justice and human dignity constitutes the ultimate guarantee for security for states and peoples alike."

"The Israel of today is not the same Israel of the 1960s, when a certain semblance of rationality and logic governed its nuclear doctrine. The Israel of today is more Talmudic, more fanatical, and even more genocidal."

The strategic inferiority facing the Arab world vis-à-vis Israel is a constant motivating factor driving Israel to blackmail and bully Arab states, individually or collectively.
"The current strategic situation between Israel and Egypt is a real scandal. Accepting this scandal as a perpetual fact of life is a real crime against the dignity and sovereignty of Egypt." More here

Khalid is calling to put an end to the "strategic imbalance in the Middle East" which "has served to embolden Israel to reject every peace overture coming from the Arab world.". he said nothing about  putting an end to Arab Peace Initiative, most likely because "true peace" ...based on justice and human dignity constitutes the ultimate guarantee for security for states and peoples alike." - Peoples of Israel and Palestine.

Two months ago the same khalid wrote:

"The Syrian regime must change, or it will be changed"...."This is not the cold-war era, and what was arguably permitted or necessary then is no longer acceptable."

"The regime of President Bashar al Assad has been speaking of "infiltrators" and "foreign agents" who it said stood behind much of the recent killings. Moreover, in recent days, the state-run media would want us to believe that "fundamentalists" and "Salafis" are carrying out a conspiracy against Syria. But with all due respect, it is amply clear that most if not all of these claims are pure rubbish and disinformation that seem to carry no iota of truth."
"the totalitarian police-state apparatus which has been ruling Syria since the early sixties must be dismantled and terminated once and for all. The Baath party is inherently undemocratic; it can't be reformed, it must be ended."
So, according to khalid, the collapse of Syrian regime is not An "Israeli"-American Interest
as Sayyed Nasrallah concluded on Liberation Day 2011 , and Israel’’ is not Weaker than A Spider Web.

Changing the regime in Syria, and Khalid's "Syrian" and Egyption brothers would put an end to the state of power "Imbalance" and  guarantee security for states and peoples alike." - Peoples of Israel and Palestine.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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