
Thursday, 7 July 2011

Emergency demo for Flotilla to Gaza


Wednesday, 6th of July, 5:30PM. SW corner of Yonge and Dundas

Update from the Canadian boat the Tahrir

The steering committee members aboard the Tahrir, remain in Crete after being boarded, commandeered, and towed back to port against our will. Today our steadfast resolve won two important victories:

we were allowed to leave the Tahrir without threat of arrest of us or any of the other delegates on board; and Soha Kneen, Michael Coleman and Sandra Rush were released from custody with a promise to appear in front of a judge tomorrow.

We remain concerned about the fate of Sandra Rush and the charges she may face. As for Soha Kneen, Michael Coleman, expectation is that they will not get more than a suspended sentence.

On the positive side we have been informed that charges against the captain of the US boat that tried to sail a few days ago was also obstructed and returned to shore have been dropped.

We remain concerned and demand:

- an end to interference by Greek authorities with our vessel and the flotilla;

- that Greek authorities fix the damage they did to the Tahrir. The ship was damaged by Greek forces on the way back to port after being boarded. This is outrageous and the vessel should be repaired without delay at the expense of Greek authorities;

- that Greece allow The Tahrir to relocate to a safe port of our choosing. The Greek authorities want to move the boat to a different location. We assert our right to move the ship with local captain of our choosing, rather than Greek authorities commandeering our ship

- dropping all charges against the three organizers with the Canadian boat to Gaza ; and

- that Greece stop enforcing Israel 's illegal blockade of Gaza and allow the flotilla to complete its mission.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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