
Friday, 26 August 2011

Al Quds Day: An Everlasting Will

by Nour Rida, Moqawama
Al-Quds day is only one of the gatherings taking place worldwide, which symbolize the everlasting will to eradicate injustice and support the oppressed.
The month of Ramadan has come, and the last Friday in this month, just like every year holds Al-Quds day within its folds. The Free people of the world have been taking part in the different rallies on this day, all over the world.
“End the Siege…End Oppression…End the attacks and violation… End “Israeli” Occupation and apartheid” are the chants we hear across the demonstrations and gatherings.
Participants and organizers focus on distributing flyers, changing profile pictures to the Al Quds Day poster and tweet about the march, and do further activity to spread the word of justice.
In fact, this Day extends beyond Palestine to support all oppressed people in their struggles across the world. All over the world, rallies and marches are held on this day, the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan, in order to pledge solidarity with those struggling to live in dignity, in a world free from oppression and injustice.
As the world is engulfed in atrocities of various kinds- from colonization of lands to the exploitation of the poor, to human rights abuses, and the dignity of human lives is greatly undermined by those who have the power to do so, there are people who will to sacrifice everything for the sake of their just cause, for the sake of their rights and dignities. As for the the occupation of Palestine by the illegal Zionist regime, it embodies these crimes, and is the greatest threat to peace and stability across the globe.
The current year witnessed several gatherings which were in allegiance of Al-Quds, and of Palestine. Be it the commemoration of the Nakba (Catastrophe) or the Naksa (Setback), all were drenched with the bloods of Palestinians, youth and elderly. But they remained steadfast, and remained to call for their rights, topping the list is the right to return to their lands that have been usurped. This while the “Israelis” remain on alert, out of fear that a day will come when they have to give back by force what they had taken by force.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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