
Sunday, 28 August 2011

Davutoglu to rebels: Enter Tripoli as how Prophet Muhammad entered into Mecca.

Turkish FM Davutoglu to rebels: Enter Tripoli as how Prophet Muhammad entered into Mecca. Pardon all pro-Gaddafi loyalists. 

Via FLC  

Modern spokesmen for the Prophet Mohamad & the Crusades: 'Awake Saladdin, we have returned!'

'Davutoglu & Gueant: Lune et Croissant de Miel!"'

Davutoglu: "Enter Tripoli as how the Prophet Mohamed enteted Mecca ...!"

Surely Davutoglu, employed by the pious Erdogan knows that the 'rebels' are not alone in the siege & final push into Tripoli. Surely he must know that comparing British Special forces and the French air force to the followers of the Prophet Mohamad is lethally offensive ... Surely he knows.

(Rappel) Libye : Guéant se félicite que Sarkozy ait "pris la tête de la 'Croisade'!"

Bush had his crusade in Iraq and now Sarkozy gets his in Libya... paving the way to a return to Saladdin's graveside in Damascus!
"... le ministre de l'intérieur a déclaré, lundi 21 mars, sur Le : "Le monde entier s'apprêtait à contempler à la télévision des massacres commis par le colonel Kadhafi, heureusement, le président a pris la tête de la croisade pour mobiliser le Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies et puis la Ligue arabe et l'Union africaine"..."

Posted by G, M, Z, or B at 4:27 AM River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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