
Wednesday 21 September 2011

The UN approach killed the Palestinian reconciliation !

September 20, 2011 - 11:41 PM

More and more voices speak out against the Palestinian diplomatic approach penned down by PLO and the Ramallah Authority for the UN recognition of a Palestinian State, a part of the Palestinian nation occupied by the Zionists. Various arguments, including legal and policy disputes, are put forward to reject and denounce the initiative proposed by the ruling circles of the Ramallah Authority.
News-media columnists and academic personalities, associations and movements, political parties and organizations, insist on one or more arguments to reject the initiative of the Ramallah Authority, accusing it of abandoning especially the way of principal Palestinian claims, such as the liberation of Palestine and the right of return for refugees, but also acknowledging the lack of transparency about the purpose of the approach:

That of a Palestinian state, what for and for who?

Nevertheless,the content of the arguments remains one of the most serious aspects of this process, that of setting aside or even slaying the Palestinian reconciliation process, a measure that remains until this moment, of utmost importance to be addressed by the Zionists and their safe and popular variety of institutions;
The situation in the city of al-Quds, threatened by Judaization,(ethno-religious cleansing), is raising the worst of fears, because the internal-Palestinian reconciliation is not adopted on an open and genuine basis.The same situation persist in the West Bank, where the squatters-settlers,the executive arm of the Zionist establishment, without restrain continue its rampant aggression against the Palestinians, and - in Gaza, where the Palestinian society including the exiled 48 Palestinians also live in a bitter state of disappointment, marked by the division.
Too late, just before heading on to the UN, the Ramallah authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas made effortless attempts to unify Palestinian ranks in his approach. However as expected, it was only empty rhetoric about various moves, taken by the representative of Fateh, in favor of reconciliation.
The hugs at the opening of a well-choreographed show in Cairo, containing surprisingly plenty of promises and even a timetable for the reconciliation of the Palestinian people, but not around the UN approach, however regardless what one perhaps had hoped, a confrontation of Zionists actions in the field, also direct attention to public organization of Palestinian political life (including elections) to be held in the territories of the Ramallah Authority.
This show in Cairo under the auspices of the Arab revolution, included participants of Egyptian people who brought forth the down-fall of Hosni Mubarak, an inveterate supporter of internal Palestinian division.
The quarter of Mahmoud Abbas have successfully used the PR - show in Cairo to hide their policy on poverty, maintained intact inside a total blur to obscure their real agenda at the UN, a coup to prevent the key stakeholders, the Palestinians, to understand the challenge;

For several months subsequently, the direction of the Ramallah Authority has been counterfeited, pretending a refusal of the American-Zionist approach, to make us believe them, presenting itself as a defender of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian people.

And so well - timed arrived several brief statements from the "UN", without consistence followed, and so often - contradictory:

We would like to know;

Who are the members of the brain trust that controls the United Nations ? And, in regards to the fate of the Palestinian people, what is the agenda of the fiduciaries? The UN alliance - the independent states, founded in 1945 to promote peace and security, and economic development trough-out our injured and maltreated mother earth?
We presume there is a predisposition of UN, we would like to know, so tell us, what is your sway - what are the directives? It is important to us, because these factors will to a large extent determine the outcome. So come on, tell us what are the fundamental changes that can be expected on the ground ? What are the trade-offs, and what are the concessions to be made? What type of Palestinian state do you have in mind ? A sovereign political power - or a province which is governed, administrated and ruled - the control exercised by a foreign empire?

The error, unfairly attributed to bad judgment, ignorance and inattention of Palestinian organizations opposed to the approach in UN, intended to give Carte Blanche, complete discretion,without consideration in Cairo - to Mahmoud Abbas.Meanwhile the promised release of the Palestinian resistance and their families held captive in the dungeons of the Ramallah Authority, noticeable figures participating in internal Palestinian talks, did not accomplish anything in this regard. Except for a few promotional releases of detainees that took place throughout the course of the festival, which followed the month of Ramadan.

Even at this level, the security services of the Ramallah Authority have not wavered:
No response to the requests from Hamas, throughout the course of Hamas Ramadan festival days. The response to Hamas was a "presidential -pardon", a move made to insult, to gain a tactical end, not meant to stand up in compassion,in devotion to a moral obligation, the necessary need and recognition of releasing political detainees, the Palestinian resistance.

Simultaneously, the Palestinian resistance demanded the end to security collaboration with the Palestinian enemy and occupation forces, however it never was brought to an end.The Palestinian resistance, including their families,who is fighting for national liberty - without a stop in the activities of security collaboration, was prosecuted either by the Zionists, or by the Ramallah Authority.

The case of the Islamic Jihad leader, Bassam Saadi, is more eloquent;

Detained by the Zionists, for almost a decade, he was released earlier this year. Hence, then he was arrested again,together with several Palestinian politicians, including Hussam Khadr - this arrest operation occurred after the announcement of the Palestinian agreement. Yet, the security services of the Ramallah Authority continued its dirty work, threatening Hussam Khadr’s family and in the recent past,arrested Mahmoud Saadi, the leader of Islamic Jihad in the Jenin refuge camp, and also arrested were close relatives of Bassam Saadi.
And still, the Zionists and the security services of the Ramallah Authority continue to share the task of containing those who meriting all respect, honorable men and women, the Palestinian resistance, who oppose the Zionist occupation and act with composure in this direction.

Beyond security cooperation, the service coordination of Abbas-Fayyad and the Zionists, which is a true modulated language in describing de facto;
Collaboration with the enemy.

It does not appear that Ramallah Authority has invented any course of action to combat the hordes of squatters-settlers,the agitators of the Zionist enterprise, to protect the Palestinian population who is threatened in its very existence.Neither the enabling of Maqdisi, to force-off the Judaizing of their town, moreover we can not find any concrete measures taken to end the illegal blockade against Gaza,nor can we find a participation by the Ramallah Authority in the nation’s domestic and international campaign to de-legitimize the Zionist entity, or any other concrete moves that would give life to a Palestinian reconciliation does not carry enactments.
Only a few months after that Mahmoud Abbas managed to gain unrestrained control of his questionable maneuvers, several Palestinian organizations included in the struggle for liberation, begin to doubt and denounce the astounding UN procedures, fearing for the outcome. At the beginning, the probable reason was lack of transparency of the Ramallah Authority, but above all, the absence of political strategy, as indeed denounced in the latest report of the International Institution of the Al-Quds, which has pointed out the inability of Palestinian organizations, to develop a strategy to preserve the Arab identity or protect its people in the city of Al-Quds.
The Palestinian organizations have more or less blessed the show in Cairo and the process of the UN, without to comprehend the nature or the real meaning, merely giving confidence and hope, trusting the empty words of the Ramallah Authority.Now the political program which the Ramallah authority had proposed for consideration, to seal the deal the Palestinians remain in the hands of an anonymous UN commission, yet another hurdle, ensnared in the mine-field to respond to a piece-meal,the vague statements of the team - "UN".

It is evident that Palestinian organizations have been slow to respond at this moment, in fear of accusing the Ramallah Authority officials and their “infantry” to play the game of the enemy, in particular since they had not realized all the hidden issues of this approach.
But now, while the Palestinians are mobilized for the "recognition" - or rather - what will the media suggests in its statements, and its press releases, in its analyses and articles in this regard ?

It is very, very puzzling – it confuses, and it need to be clarified:
Why such a long delay?
Why wait for the response of the UN procedures?
Why was a media - battle - campaign never organized?
It would have gathered a mass:
to protect and prevent the Judaization of al-Quds and the West Bank.
to break the illegal blockade against Gaza.
to prevent the Zionist colonization of al-Naqab.
to release the Palestinian prisoners.
to assert the inalienable rights of the refugees.
Why was the progress of the battle for the liberation of Palestine, halted ? _______________________________________________________
"Palestine is the heart of Arab countries" - PalestineFreeVoice

The Palestinian people are exposed to severe agony
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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