
Monday 17 October 2011

Nearly 100 years later and this is what it has come to

kenny's sideshow

I suppose one could say 'better late than never' for an uprising against the central bankers but we are still at a disadvantage. A century of tried and tested tricks and tactics will be used to keep us not only placated with the 'allowing' of minor protests but if need be to keep the same criminals in power more drastic measures will be on the table.

From the founding of this country we have been warned of the consequences when central banks rule the money supply. We have wavered in our duty, going from killing the banks to giving them full reign.

It's possible that this will be our one last chance.

What will be our response?

In 1912, Alfred Owen Crozier in his book "US Money vs. Corporate Currency "Aldrich Plan"" gave us one of the last warnings before the age of the Federal Reserve began.

Much of what he had to say still holds true today.

Selected excerpts:
The Wall Street and bank combine are now dickering for support with the management of both parties. It is said to be offering to finance the campaign of both sides if friendly candidates are nominated, and a real investigation of the "money trust" is prevented. It is willing to spend millions, because the play is for future billions and the political control of the republic.

Remember, those who have power to make money scarce or plenty have power over the business of every man, the happiness of every home, to make or break, to confer or destroy general prosperity. It gives them a hunger-hold on every man, woman and child. Shall this autocratic power be granted without reservation?

The people can kill the scheme. But will they do it? Public sentiment, lashed to indignation and fury by knowledge of this dangerous and daring legislative "hold-up," can smash the entire conspiracy. But will the people wake up; will they realize their peril and act in time? It must be war!

Wealth honestly and fairly gained by individual effort^ whatever the size, may put upon the owner a public responsibility, but no stigma. It should receive the full protection of the law. But law-made wealth, that obtained, improperly by private interests through acts of Congress or State Legislatures, if it tends to increase the burden upon the people for the profit of the few, should be either confiscated or strictly regulated for the public benefit. This line of distinction between law-made and individually earned. wealth should ever be kept in mind.

No honest person will be prejudiced against any man simply because he is a banker, or rich. On the other hand,, because a man is a banker, rich and powerful, is no reason why he should be shielded or feared if he has been guilty^ of graft, fraud and criminal conduct.

In all great national and international monetary and financial affairs the Rothschilds always play the ruling hand. They possess masterful genius and financial intellect. But it is the sheer weight of liquid or ready wealth held in such large quantity that all the nations of the world must go to the Rothschilds for financial assistance in time of peace, or before they can go to war whatever the provocation or emergency, that gives them supreme power in the world's affairs. No war can be waged without money, and no large nation can get adequate money to finance a war from any one but the Rothschilds. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that whenever any war is begun the Rothschilds have consented thereto. They may finance both sides, because it is immaterial whether the interest profits they crave come from one or both countries. In fact the war furnishes an excuse recognized as legitimate for charging both nations higher interest rates not only on the new debts but on old obligations maturing and being refunded.
It is known, of course, that after the nations have fought for a while and murdered tens of thousands and wounded and permanently maimed hundreds of thousands of human beings on both sides, pressure exerted by other governments instigated by the financiers will force a quick com- promise, leaving the nations both in approximately the same condition as before except that each has vastly in- creased its debt and the annual interest burden on its people while the financiers have gotten rid of accumulated capital in exchange for high interest gold bonds that cannot be paid for perhaps thirty or fifty years. This surely is the result if not the deliberate plan.
Frequent rumors of war or warlike preparations each year have been ping-ponged back and forth between the countries in the public press. These have tended to excite popular fear, hate and patriotism and cause the people to consent and even to urge the governments to swell vastly the mortgage burden upon the peoples for funds to increase and equip still larger standing armies and to build greater and more expensive navies. By withdrawing millions of men. into armies and idleness it reduces production and the earning power of the people, increases the burden on those employed, and makes it more certain that existing bonds will not be paid but will be refunded and increased. Why not have bigger armies, navies, forts, guns, idleness of millions of soldiers, rumors of war or even occasional war, when such things are so fruitful, so necessary to cause the issuance of more bonds to provide profitable investment.
When this hour comes, and the people find that they have been tricked and betrayed and are helpless, the country may become as inhospitable as Russia to the Hebrew race, ultimately the cry goes up "Down with the Jews !"
Many of the American people will believe that the instigators of their troubles and the chief beneficiaries are those greatest of all world-owning Hebrews — the Rothschilds. 
It will be to the interest of every American Hebrew outside of Wall Street to have the Aldrich plan defeated, and every loyal citizen of this race will demand that the Government of the Republic retain control of the people's money supply and avoid permanently plunging this great republic into the bondage of hopeless debt.
Wall Street seems to be willing to play second fiddle and permanently sell out the interests of the United States and the welfare of all the people for the mere hope that by thus getting near the money throne of the Rothschilds some crumbs from their table will fall within the reach of our high financiers.
The banks will manufacture with the printing press their own "cash reserves" on which the huge volume of bank credit is based. What is the use of the banks going to the expense of providing actual cash capital when its central corporation can print and supply currency, money, to the banks without legal restraint or limit? It's all in the bank family. They can do as they please. The Government and the people henceforth are to have nothing to say about the public currency or the quantity to be furnished for their use.
It is time for the people to call a halt on all this tmfair and injurious juggling of their money supply and its debt- paying qualities, done by the banks for their profit and advantage ; done to discredit and handicap Government currency, the people's own money, in the interest of corporate bank currency.
The growing, selfish and insolent Money Power, incorporated and unincorporated, violates every law regulating and restraining its conduct, treats the people and their government with contempt, and then invokes the protection of the laws and the courts to shield the stolen "vested rights*' and privileges against violence that their own lawless course tends to incite.
The omnipotent and deadly octopus Congress is urged to legally set loose and install as the master of American banks, business, finance, industry, commerce and politics. Its poisonous and itching tentacles will gradually reach out and bind themselves about every home, farm, industry, bank, the public treasury, courts. Congress and the White House, gathering to itself supreme political power, sucking the wealth and substance of the people into Wall Street and dumping it into the Stock Exchange or the eager laps of the handful of men who will seek by moral if not by legal treason to rob the people of their God-given liberty, destroy the republic as a living reality and in its place erect an empire disguised as a democracy with incorporated wealth crowned as the ruling sovereign and all the people its subjects.
Read more in various formats.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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