
Thursday 27 October 2011

We came, we saw, we are are stuck.

“When the bodies were first exhibited curious people came and some said bad insults. But by the next day the atmosphere has completely changed. People came to honor Colonel Gadhafi for his courage in dying for what he believed was best for Libya and that was to keep Libya free from colonialism.” Ahmad explained "I don’t believe the media is accurately reporting this. Our leader died a hero like Omar Muktar in my opinion and history will prove this someday.” he added

Abdul Jalil promised to handle Kadhafi's body to his family, to be burried as a Muslim, but as the stooge fears him dead more than Alive, they buuried him somewhere deep in the desret, and called his masters to to continue its campaign in Libya at least till the year’s end. History is reppeating itself.
"We came, we saw, he died" thus rejoiced Clinton.

Now the real resistance will begin! The Libyan people are now even surer than they were during this summer that the NTC sold our country to the NATO colonial
countries." Ahmed Said. Someday, Clinton would say, we came, we saw, we are are stuck.

Meanwhile, the Nato Veteran's smearing campain shall continue, but truth shall prevail

What Next for Libya?

"October 20 events didn't liberate Libya. It's the beginning, not end, of protracted struggle perhaps for years.

On October 23, Obama duplicitously "congratulated the people of Libya on today's declaration of liberation. After four decades of brutal dictatorship and eight months of deadly conflict, the Libyan people can now celebrate their freedom and the beginning of a new era of promise."

Obama's the embodiment of evil, an inveterate liar, a serial killer, and war criminal multiple times over. He matched the worst of Bush and exceeded him. Libyans and free people everywhere revile him. One day they'll have the last word.

Liberation never comes easily or quickly. For sure, it's worth protracted struggle to achieve, no matter the cost.

Gaddafi was no coward or quitter. Neither are Libyans and others throughout North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

Their liberating struggle continues. It won't end until America's imperial scourge is vanquished, and NATO's consigned to the dustbin of history. It's just a matter of time.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at


NTC Chief Asks NATO to Stay on, Secure Libya from Gaddafi Loyalists

Local Editor

Arguing that loyalists of Muammar Gaddafi still pose a threat to Libya, interim leader Mustafa Abdul Jalil urged NATO on Wednesday to continue its campaign in the country till the year’s end.

At a Doha conference of military allies of National Transitional Council (NTC),

Abdul Jalil said:"We hope (NATO) will continue its campaign until at least the end of this year to serve us and neighboring countries”.
This request is aimed at "ensuring that no arms are infiltrated into those countries and to ensure the security of Libyans from some remnants of Gaddafi's forces who have fled to nearby countries," the head of NTC added.

The NTC is also seeking help from NATO in "developing Libya's defense and security systems, Abdul Jalil told the conference.

In Brussels, diplomats said that NATO had decided to delay a formal decision to end Libyan air operations until Friday after the NTC's request for an extension and a Russian demand for UN consultations.

NATO's decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council (NAC)"will meet with partners this Friday to discuss the Libya mission and take a formal decision," NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu told AFP news agency.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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