
Thursday, 3 November 2011

ICC: Seif Al-Islam Gaddafi Trying to Flee - Saif-Al-Islam Second Letter

Local Editor
The International Criminal Court said that the former Libyan leader’s son might be trying to flee Libya with the help from mercenaries.

The prosecutor of the ICC, Luis Moreno-Ocampo, sent a statement to the UN Security Council, calling in the other countries to disrupt such plans by Seif al-Islam Gaddafi.
Seif, who was once the presumed successor to Muammar Gaddafi, has been in hiding for months.

Reports from last month claimed he was in a convoy heading toward Libya's desert border with Niger, where other Gaddafi allies have fled - but the reports were never confirmed.
An ICC arrest warrant issued for Seif al-Islam in June accuses him of murder and persecution.

The document claims that he played an essential part in systematic attacks on civilians in various Libyan cities carried out by Gaddafi's security forces in February.
The ICC has been holding talks with intermediaries to secure his arrest, following the death of his father on 20 October.

On the other hand, Ocampo said they were examining allegations against NATO and interim forces, as well as pro-Gaddafi troops.

"These allegations will be examined impartially and independently by the [prosecution]."

Ocampo said there were allegations that pro-Gaddafi forces committed mass rapes crimes, as well as allegations about war crimes committed by the former rebels and NATO forces.
Source: Agencies

 Second Letter Saif-Al-Islam Gaddafi (ENG-ITA) Seconda Comunicazione di Saif-Al-Islam (+Video) – Libya (on November 2, 2011) – In his second letter, Saif-Al-Islam: “We have not surrendered and we will continue and you will be hearing lots from us.”

According to Seven Days News, after the proliferation of rumors of a surrender to the International Criminal Court, in a letter to the agency Seven Days News, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, has denied rumors about his surrender to the ICC.

Saif al-Islam said: “Some people believe that we were captured while others say that the Brother Abdallah Sanousi is out of Libya. Based this assumption, how then we engage the ICC?”

Saif al-Islam said that he could not betray his father, who never surrendered to the enemy and he never betrayed Omar Mukhtar, who always repeated “We never give up .. We win or we die.”

Saif al-Islam again said that the media war is very strong in order to demoralize honorable Libyans and sow doubt in them, and asked them to be patient for two months to ease the crisis.

He added, “The scope of what happened in Libya, betrayal and shock led Libyans to believe rumors, but we say to all those who loved Muammar Gaddafi and are always faithful, and to the millions who are among those harassed and repressed in the name of ‘democracy’, – we tell them they should trust the Libyan Resistance. The TNC can not stop lying: once Gaddafi escaped and once he negotiated surrender – and now everyone knows their game.”

He added, “They denied Libya a future based on Unity and Love, and they wanted the Libya of tomorrow to be based on sacrifices and hunting traitors and we are ready”.

In conclusion, Saif al-Islam in his message to his supporters said: “When Libyan leader Moammar Kadhafi told you to continue to resist, even if you do not hear his voice, he had decided to remain resistant in Sirte with heroism and courage but he could not speak because of a power and telecommunications blackout.

But as for me, I continue with the resistance and you’ll be hearing a lot from me, insha’Allah”.
“We will finish what Omar Mukhtar and Moummar Gaddafi began, the Libyan resistance is in excellent shape and Libya of tomorrow is ours and Allahu Akbar!”

(ITALIANO) – Libia – Nella sua seconda lettera, Saif-Al-Islam: “Non ci siamo arresi, continueremo e ne sentirete ancora molte su di noi”

Dopo il proliferare di voci di una resa alla Corte penale internazionale, in una lettera all’agenzia Seven Days News, Saif al-Islam Gheddafi ha negato tali dicerie sulla sua consegna alla ICC.

Saif al-Islam ha dichiarato: “Alcune persone credono che siamo stati catturati, mentre altre dicono che il fratello Abdallah Sanousi è fuori dalla Libia. Sulla base di questi presupposti, come potremmo arrenderci alla Corte penale internazionale?”.

Saif al-Islam ha detto che non avrebbe mai potuto tradire suo padre, il quale non si è mai arreso al nemico e non ha mai tradito Omar Mukhtar, che ha sempre ripetuto “Non ci arrenderemo mai .. o vinciamo o moriamo».

Saif al-Islam ancora una volta ha detto che la guerra mediatica è molto forte al fine di demoralizzare i libici onorevoli e seminare l’incertezza in loro, e chiede loro di essere pazienti altri due mesi per superare la crisi.

Ha aggiunto: “La portata di quello che è successo in Libia, il tradimento e lo shock hanno portato libici a credere a queste voci, ma noi diciamo a tutti coloro che amavano Muammar Gheddafi e gli sono sempre fedeli, e ai milioni di persone che sono tra i perseguitati e repressi nel nome della ‘democrazia’, – diciamo loro che devono fidarsi della Resistenza libica. Il TNC non può smettere di continuare amentire:.. una volta dicono che Gheddafi sta fuggendo, una volta che starebbe trattando una resa negoziata – ma ora tutti sanno quale sia il loro gioco”.
Ha aggiunto: “Hanno negato alla Libia un futuro basato sull’unità e l’Amore, e vogliono che la Libia del domani si basi sui sacrifici e sulla caccia ai traditori e noi siamo pronti”.

In conclusione, Saif al-Islam nel suo messaggio ai suoi sostenitori ha detto: “Quando il leader libico Muammar Gheddafi vi ha detto di continuare a resistere, anche se non si sente la sua voce, aveva deciso di rimanere resistente a Sirte con eroismo e coraggio, ma non poteva parlare a causa dell’interruzione della corrente elettrica e delle telecomunicazioni.

Quanto a me, io continuerò con la Resistenza e sentirete ancora molte cose da parte mia, a Dio piacendo”.

“Noi finire quello che Omar Mukhtar e Moummar Gheddafi hanno cominciato, la Resistenza Libica è in gran forma ed il futuro della Libia ci appartiene: Allahu Akbar!” - (Italian translation by LibyanFreePress)           

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