
Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Egypt’s Security Forces Increase Attacks on Civilians, With US Support

Up to 13 people have died since Friday in new clashes that seem to reverse the advances toward democracy

by John Glaser, December 19, 2011
The death toll in the uprisings in Egypt have reached 13 since Friday, as security forces attack civilians protesting the lingering military rule.

Early Monday morning, security forces attempted to clear Tahrir Square, swinging batons and shooting tear gas at unsuspecting, nonviolent protesters. Resilient Egyptians resisted, throwing stones and returning to Tahrir Square hours later.

The military rulers disseminated mass propaganda about the recent clashes, claiming protesters were aggressive vandals engaged in a plot to destabilize the country. General Adel Emara, a member of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), said there was “systematic” plan to destroy the Egyptian state by provoking security forces.

“From the start of the revolution, evil forces have wanted to drag Egypt into a chaos, putting army into confrontation with the people,” he added. Despite graphic photographs and video images showing brutal violence on protesters, Emara claimed the police and security forces had shown “self-restraint.”
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said of the recent violence that she was “deeply concerned” and urged the authorities “to respect and protect the universal rights of all Egyptians.”

But actions have spoken much louder than words, as U.S. money continues to flow to Egypt’s ruling military council and weapons – including riot gear for security forces – have continuously been shipped from American to the Egyptian authorities.

U.S. support for SCAF – even as it rolled back progress toward democracy in post-Mubarak Egypt – has been consistent since they took power in what initially was promised to be temporary rule, but now shows signs of permanency.
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