
Friday, 28 January 2011

The Palestinization of the World

House passes $662 billion defense bill
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House passed a massive $662 billion defense bill Wednesday night after last-minute changes placated the White House and ensured President Barack Obama's ability to prosecute terrorist suspects in the civilian justice system.

The vote was 283-136 and reflected the strong support for annual legislation that authorizes money for the men and women of the military as well as weapons systems and the millions of jobs they generate in lawmakers' districts.

It was a rare instance of bipartisanship in a bitterly divided Congress. The Senate is expected to pass the measure on Thursday and send it to Obama.

The House vote came just hours after the administration abandoned a veto threat over provisions dealing with the handling of terrorism suspects. [...]

Specifically, the bill would require that the military take custody of a suspect deemed to be a member of al-Qaida or its affiliates and who is involved in plotting or committing attacks on the United States. There is an exemption for U.S. citizens.

House and Senate negotiators added language that says nothing in the bill will affect "existing criminal enforcement and national security authorities of the FBI or any other domestic law enforcement agency" with regard to a captured suspect "regardless of whether such ... person is held in military custody."

House passes $662 billion defense bill
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The bill also says the president can waive the provision based on national security

The Associated Press

Indefinite detention, extrajudicial execution, offensive wars of aggression, torture, ect. -- officially confined into LAW.

The recent bill and its provisions authorizing the military to indefinitely detain "terrorist suspects" without evidence or court procedure, should surprise no one.

Take a look at the information Richard Edmondson gathered in a recent post analyzing this latest tyrannical development in the United States of America Israel, as well as Ron Paul's reaction. Also, Glenn Greenwald has a straightforward and articulate analysis of the bill, including a post in which he dispels three myths about it being promoted by the Obama administration and it's partisans.

This is a 30 second propaganda piece aired on MTV. Can you recognize the narrative they are pushing? ( Losing Freedom)

It is evident now that those who control the US are openly declaring to the American people that They are all officially Palestinians now.

Israel openly abuses, illegally detains, assassinates, and otherwise mistreats the people whose land they stole on a daily basis. They've been doing it for years. After Israel and the Jews staged the FALSE FLAG/INSIDE JOB on 9/11, they immediately went to work turning America into another occupied land, and have been treating its people like they treat the Palestinians ever since.

The entire "War on Terror" is a complete fraud, instigated as a means to further the Zionist agenda in the Middle East and justify tyrannical policies in the West. Benjamin Netanyahu wrote a book in 1995, which he updated following the Zionist false flag attack on 9/11, describing this global War on Terror (read: War on Islam). The following excerpt is from the forward of the 2001 edition:
September 11, 2001, was a day that future historians will call a hinge of history. On that day, a lethal blow was struck in the heart of freedom. From that day on, international terrorism could no longer be considered a tactical threat with no real global implications. On that morning, it became apparent that a terrible and perfidious force was endangering the free world.

The first edition of this book, published in 1995, described this danger -- its genesis, its growth, its ambitions, and the terrible consequences to our world if it was not immediately addressed. This danger is now apparent to all but the most obtuse. [...]

Each one of us today understands that we are all targets, that our cities are vulnerable, and that our values are hated with an unmatched fanaticism that seeks to destroy our societies and our way of life.

I am certain that I speak on behalf of my entire nation when I say: Today, we are all Americans. In grief, as in defiance. In grief, because my people have faced the agonizing horrors of terror for many decades, and we feel an instant kinship both with the victims of this tragedy and with the great nation that mourns its fallen brothers and sisters. In defiance, because just as my country continues to fight terrorism in our battle for survival, I know that America will not cower before this challenge.

The very same Netanyahu who soon after 9/11 said

Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel

According to Ma'ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is 'benefiting from attack' as it 'swung American public opinion.'

Naomi Klein writes in her book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, that:
The [Israeli] government also encouraged the tech industry to branch out from information and communication technologies and into security and surveillance. In this period, the Israeli Defense Forces played a role similar to a business incubator. Young Israeli soldiers experimented with network systems and surveillance devices while they fulfilled their mandatory military services, then turned their findings into business plans when they returned to civilian life. A slew of new start-ups were launched, specializing in everything from "search and nail" data mining, to surveillance cameras, to terrorist profiling. When the market for these services and devices exploded in the years after September 11, the Israeli state openly embraced a new national economic vision: the growth provided by the dot-com bubble would be replaced with a homeland security boom.
Analyzing these two sources together tells us two things: (1) the whole point of staging 9/11 was to get America (and the West) to destroy those still resisting the Jews and their agenda, and (2) to completely corner this newly created 'Homeland Security', 'War on Terror' market into Israeli/Jewish hands.

In his article titled "From Occupation to 'Occupy': The Israelification of American Security.", Max Blumenthal's writes:
The Israelification of America’s security apparatus, recently unleashed in full force against the Occupy Wall Street Movement, has taken place at every level of law enforcement, and in areas that have yet to be exposed. The phenomenon has been documented in bits and pieces, through occasional news reports that typically highlight Israel’s national security prowess without examining the problematic nature of working with a country accused of grave human rights abuses. But it has never been the subject of a national discussion. And collaboration between American and Israeli cops is just the tip of the iceberg.

Having been schooled in Israeli tactics perfected during a 63 year experience of controlling, dispossessing, and occupying an indigenous population, local police forces have adapted them to monitor Muslim and immigrant neighborhoods in US cities. Meanwhile, former Israeli military officers have been hired to spearhead security operations at American airports and suburban shopping malls, leading to a wave of disturbing incidents of racial profiling, intimidation, and FBI interrogations of innocent, unsuspecting people. The New York Police Department’s disclosure that it deployed “counter-terror” measures against Occupy protesters encamped in downtown Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park is just the latest example of the so-called War on Terror creeping into every day life. Revelations like these have raised serious questions about the extent to which Israeli-inspired tactics are being used to suppress the Occupy movement.

The process of Israelification began in the immediate wake of 9/11, when national panic led federal and municipal law enforcement officials to beseech Israeli security honchos for advice and training. America’s Israel lobby exploited the climate of hysteria, providing thousands of top cops with all-expenses paid trips to Israel and stateside training sessions with Israeli military and intelligence officials. By now, police chiefs of major American cities who have not been on junkets to Israel are the exception. [...]

Karen Greenberg, the director of Fordham School of Law’s Center on National Security and a leading expert on terror and civil liberties, said the Israeli influence on American law enforcement is so extensive it has bled into street-level police conduct. “After 9/11 we reached out to the Israelis on many fronts and one of those fronts was torture,” Greenberg told me. “The training in Iraq and Afghanistan on torture was Israeli training. There’s been a huge downside to taking our cue from the Israelis and now we’re going to spread that into the fabric of everyday American life? It’s counter-terrorism creep. And it’s exactly what you could have predicted would have happened.”
Related to this is a recent press release by the Anti-Defamation League, a criminal enterprise dedicated solely to protecting criminal Jews from scrutiny. On December 8, 2011, we learn:
From December 4-6, 2011, ADL held a milestone event--the 20th session of the Advanced Training School (ATS), a program which was first piloted in 2003 and has now come to be recognized as one of the premier counter-terrorism trainings in the country. The three day training provides heads of FBI field offices and chiefs and commanders of major city and state police departments with the practical information, resources and contacts to help them combat domestic and international extremist and terrorist threats. ATS is acclaimed for the excellence of its curriculum, the skill and knowledge of its presenters and the quality of its participants.

The most recent session featured presentations by: Matt Olsen, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center; John Pistole, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator; Superintendent Micky Rosenfeld of the Israel Police; and ADL's own subject matter experts. The class was composed of 41 executives and commanders from agencies including: the Federal Bureau of Investigation; US Customs and Border Protection; California Highway Patrol; Texas Department of Public Safety; Missouri State Highway Patrol; Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana and Rhode Island State Police; and the Philadelphia, Houston, Atlanta, Phoenix, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Dallas, Milwaukee, Miami Beach, St. Louis and Washington DC Metropolitan Police Departments. [...]

ATS has now trained 735 commanders from 225 different agencies across the country.
I wonder how much money the ADL was paid by the illegitimate, Zionist occupied U.S. government to train brainwash the individuals who participated in this seminar? I'll bet it was at least $1 million.

Whether it's offensive wars of aggression, torture, training propagandizing and infiltrating FBI and other police forces around the country, airport security, whatever -- the Israelis and the Jews in the West have it locked up.

One particularly egregious, yet largely unknown, example of Jews cashing in on the War on Terror industry is the case of David Brooks, a completely out of control criminal Jew who made millions of dollars as a private contractor for the Pentagon. And what did this criminal Jew do with all the money he made off the fraudulent War on Terror?

From Talking Points Memo:
The former head of a military contractor is on trial in Long Island for fraud, having allegedly used company funds to buy porn for his son, a burial plot for his mother, prostitutes for his employees and a ruby-encrusted American flag belt buckle worth $100,000.

David H. Brooks, the founder and former chief of body armor manufacturer DHB, is facing charges of fraud, insider trading and using millions of dollars in corporate cash to fund, as the New York Times puts it, “personal extravagance.”

Using the company coffers — which were flush with Pentagon money — Brooks allegedly bought gifts for his family, including pornographic videos for his son, plastic surgery for his wife and textbooks for his daughter. He also bought luxury cars, country club memberships and a stable full of racehorses.
As if the debauchery described above weren't enough, this scum bag Jew Brooks spent $10 million on his daughter's bar mitzvah. From CNN:
One-time defense contractor David Brooks dropped $10 million on his daughter's bar mitzvah in 2005. Brooks paid for a variety act that reportedly included Nelly, 50 Cent, Ciara, Tom Petty and Aerosmith. Party favors for the kids included iPods and digital cameras. Brooks would later be convicted on 17 criminal charges for tax and securities fraud, 14 of which he still contests.
And of course we all remember the staged incident in Detroit in December 2009, which justified the naked body scanners, conveniently manufactured by two criminal Jews, George Soros and Michael Chertoff, used in most or all major U.S. airports these days.

Could it be any more obvious who is behind and profiting off the fraudulent global War on Terror (read: War on Islam)?

This is what happens when you have a Jewish-run government, and a Jewish run-police state. It is time to arrest these individuals and put an end to their tyranny.

Last Friday, I called into Mike Rivero's radio program What Really Happened to discuss these matters. I made the following YouTube video of our conversation.


In Which I Turn Myself In For Indefinite Military Detention

Dear Department of Homeland Security,

As someone who could be said to “substantially support al-Qaeda, the Taliban, or associated forces,” I am writing to turn myself in under the new NDAA law. Please send a US military brigade, preferably the Marines (semper fi, guys!) to indefinitely detain me. (I’d prefer the Marines because I’m a big fan of Gen. Smedley Butler – and I LOVE Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket. I mean, let’s face it, compared to the other services, the Marines are seriously cool.)

I suppose you want me to explain what “substantially support” means. Well, I’m wondering about that myself.

If “substantially support” means giving money and weapons, then unfortunately I’m ineligible to be indefinitely detained for life and put up on a military base at the expense of the US taxpayer. Of course, the only reason I haven’t given al-Qaeda and the Taliban any money is that they haven’t asked. If Bin Laden, who died in December 2001, returned from the grave one more time, dragging his seaweed-covered dialysis machine behind him, and showed up on my doorstep with a begging bowl, I would definitely offer some spare change. And if Mullah Omar ever dropped by for a visit, I would offer him three cups of tea and plenty of sympathy. If he needed a few bucks, well, who am I to refuse charity? He could probably use a clean, shiny new glass eye by now.

If, on the other hand, “substantially support” means to “like” or “cheer for,” in the same way I substantially support, say, the Green Bay Packers – who are kicking almost as much ass in the NFL as the Taliban is in Afghanistan – well, then, let me admit that I am a fan of Bin Laden and the Taliban.

The comparison is slightly misleading, because I support the Packers wholeheartedly and unreservedly, whereas I do have some areas of disagreement with Bin Laden and the Taliban. I think Bin Laden’s decision to become a lifelong CIA asset was misguided, to say the least. And I think the Taliban have at times behaved inconsiderately to Shi’ites and other non-Pashtuns, women, and gigantic stone statues.

Nonetheless, I think Bin Laden will go down in history as a hero for having the guts to repeatedly insist that he had nothing to do with 9/11. Those statements, which he made throughout September and early October 2001, may have sealed his fate. (Then again, he was an end-stage kidney patient and wouldn’t have lived much longer anyway.)*

Additionally, Osama Bin Laden was by all accounts a good, pious man as well as a terrific public speaker. I unreservedly support at least 95% of what he said in the many excellent speeches and public statements he made throughout his tragically curtailed life. (I’m not just talking through my turban here – I was part of a translation team hired by an anthropologist at UW-Madison to translate a bunch of OBL’s speeches.)

And as far as supporting the Taliban – well, how could anyone NOT support them? These guys are bravely defending their country from a foreign invasion! Just like we would do here if the Chinese invaded us!

Remember, guys, AGGRESSION (invading somebody else’s country) is THE SUPREME WAR CRIME and THE SUPREME CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. It is worse than genocide, worse than torture, worse than gassing people, worse than firebombing cities full of civilians, worse than nuking cities full of civilians. This is not my opinion – it is a fact, i.e. the established position of the profession of international law. Why? Because aggression paves the way to all the other crimes.

The right of people to defend themselves and their land, by any means necessary, against a foreign aggressor, is THE most fundamental human right.

And the Taliban are exercising it brilliantly.

Since I am neither a moron nor a psychopath, I have no choice but to support them.

So please, send those Marines to detain me ASAP. As they march through my neighborhood (“the battlefield”) to my door, it would be wonderful if you could have them singing “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “Halls of Montezuma.” I hope you can spare some bugle-players and drummers for the occasion.

And if possible, I would like to request a cell with a big-screen color TV, so I can watch the Packers and the Taliban keep right on kicking ass.


Dr. Kevin Barrett
Western Wisconsin (you know where)

Israeli Rabbi Who Teaches That Non-Jews Are to Serve Jews Sets Up Shop in US

Israeli Rabbi who teaches that “the sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews” plans to tap support of Sephardic Jews in US

The Forward, Nathan Guttman

Shas Rising Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, right, wants to raise the profile of Sephardic Jews worldwide.

Washington — In its 30 years of existence, Shas has evolved from a marginal ethnic political group to Israel’s fourth largest party in the Knesset and is today the unchallenged kingmaker of Israeli politics.

Its leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, as quoted in Israel’s Jerusalem Post, teaches:

The sole purpose of non-Jews is to serve Jews, according to Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas’s Council of Torah Sages and a senior Sephardi adjudicator.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.

Now, Shas — or in its full name, the Sephardic Torah Guardians Movement — is attempting to establish a beachhead among American Sephardic Jews and, it hopes, replicate its success in Israel. On December 4, the group launched its United States affiliate, American Friends of Shas, based in Brooklyn.

The new organization’s goals are still in flux and, while activists agree its main mission should be raising the profile of Shas in America, some are also calling for active fundraising to support the party’s operations in Israel.

Beyond these goals, the affiliate’s founders also hope to unite Sephardic American Jews under the leadership of Rabbi Ovadia Yossef, Shas’s founder and spiritual leader, who is revered as the most important rabbinic authority in the Sephardic world.

American Friends of Shas activists believe that such a consolidation of leadership could help elevate the standing of Orthodox Sephardic Jews, who often feel left out of the Ashkenazi-dominated American Jewish organizational world.

Jewish Supremacist - Rabbi David Algaze - "Jerusalem is Not a City of Three Religions"

“Associating with a very powerful leader and a very powerful organization can give us a sense of pride,” said Rabbi David Algaze, who chaired the founding meeting of American Friends of Shas.

Rabbi Algaze added that while he did not believe there is prejudice against Sephardic Jews in the U.S., there is a “subconscious bias” that has made members of the community almost entirely absent from the Jewish communal leadership.

Calls to join the new organization were posted in recent weeks on billboards in Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn and New Jersey.

The official launch took place, as first reported by the Jewish Star, a Long Island-based newspaper, with Rabbi Ovadia Yossef’s personal aide, Zvi Hakak, greeting participants on behalf of the 91-year-old sage.

“The dream,” Hakak said in the meeting, “is to raise the image of Sephardic Jews.”

[Editors Note: Before the end of WWII, other Jewish Supremacists, the Irgun, were actually running coast to coast fundraising tours to fund their killing of British soldiers in Palestine.

The British Embassy complained bitterly at the time that while Tommies were dying to free Europe and save those left in the camps, that we allowed this terrorist organization to raise money here. But U. S. Politicians gave the poor Brits the bad news, "We are sorry, but as a political reality there is nothing we can do."

Hear some Hebrew Klan gospel straight from the horses mouth, a horse with a suit... Jim W. Dean]

Rabbi Algaze

The group plans to incorporate as a tax-exempt charitable organization.

Shas Knessett Member - Nissam Zev

The driving force behind the initiative, Israeli Knesset member Nissim Zeev, was among the original founders of the Shas party in Israel.

“Our main goal was to have a channel in which Shas’s political views could be expressed in America,” Zeev told the Forward in a December 13 phone interview. “It is also very important for us to unite Sephardic communities in the U.S. around the party and around our rabbi, Ovadia Yossef.”

Shas started off in Israel as a social-issue party, focused on the needs of its key constituency — Sephardic Orthodox Israelis, many of whom were from the struggling classes in Israeli society.

Shas established its own government-funded school network, which gained marked popularity in poor Sephardic towns. This, in turn, increased the party’s popular support.

[Editors Note: So what these hustlers are going to do, of course, is launder tax deductible funding from here into the Israeli political process. Don't hold your breath for a Justice Dept. investigation. They won't do it. But we will at least get them on the record by officially asking them to...Jim W. Dean]

The party initially held centrist views on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and supported the Oslo Accords. But Shas has since moved to the right. As a member of the ruling government coalition led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party, the party has opposed any freeze in Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef wishes death to all Palestinians

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: "The role of gentile serve the Jews"

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