
Friday 10 February 2012

Poison in the Cake

Nahida the exiled Palestinian
The typical Zionist hasbara method of systematic attempt to discredit any genuine Resistance Mass Movement, is brilliantly exposed by Jonathan Azaziah thorough analysis of the case of Uri-Avnery, allegedly a "humanist" and "peace activist". Not surprisingly, the same method and tactics are used by another UK "humanist" and "peace activists". In this case Tony Greenstein takes it upon himself to discredit the Islamic Resistance Mass Movement which was also elected by majority Palestinian into government in 2006.

After a long campaign along with his partisans "Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods" JBIG, Mr. Greenstein managed recently to insert a sugar coated motion that would act as a diversion of PSC and lead it away from total dedication of supporting the oppressed Palestinians into fighting side battles of ADL and BOD of British Jews type.

Hence they have managed to steer the solidarity movement away from prime aims of marching to help Palestinians in their struggle of Liberation, into getting stuck with fighting alleged "anti-Semitism" and dealing with accusations without proof, endless debates and in-fights that would only weaken, distract and waste valuable time of the movement. Altogether, these amount to dilatory tactics allowing the Zionists to brutally finalize their Jewish national project.

Under the pretext of fighting anti-Semitism and racism, the hijackers aim to obfuscate and cover up any study or scrutiny of Jewish supremacy and racism which was not even mentioned in the motion about racism, presented by JBIG and adopted by PSC.

Under the pretext of fighting racism and anti-Semitism the goal of the hijackers is to block and prevent serious investigation of global Jewish-Zionist networks and organizations in their respective Jewish communities world wide, and their role in supporting, defending and protecting the criminal Zionist entity.

Under the pretext of the uniqueness and exceptionality of Jewish suffering, they aim to justify the need of the perpetual existence of a "state for the Jews", a "homeland for the Jewish people" in Palestine, an "Israel", a "safe-haven" where the "eternally persecuted" Jews can finally call "home", where they can exercise their "sovereign rights" to be a "nation"; be it as it may, an invented one, and be it as it may at the expense of another nation and the almost total extermination and dispossession of another people through wars of conquest and genocide. They call their omnibous solution, a Secular state for ALL its citizens. Hence preparing the ground of the soft, cultural, factual and permanent TAKE OVER of Palestine (early Zionists called that type of soft takeover, Cultural Zionism).

Under the pretext of the uniqueness and exceptionality of Jewish suffering, our detractors want to impose on Palestinians to give up their rights to resist and defend themselves, they want Palestinians to abandon the idea of reinstatement of their stolen land, and to impose on them the acceptance of sharing permanently their land with those who oppressed and dispossessed them for decades, those who have systematically violated, desecrated and destroyed the beloved land of Palestine.

This obfuscation, control, manipulation and exclusion of many activists including Palestinians is nothing but a tool that would only help the finalization of the Zionist project with all its abhorrent criminality, lunacy and cultural supremacy, all while clothing it with a softer -yet no less domineering, no less supremacist, no less ugly face.

The finalization of the Zionist project basically means securing the foreign Jewish-Zionist implant in someone else's land.

I, an exiled for 45 years, and with me millions of Palestinians either exiled or languishing under the iron fist of an illegitimate occupation, we refuse to give up our sovereign right to fully Liberate our Homeland from this malevolent atrocious occupation.

Of course the likes of Greenstein and co, would like the world along with PSC members to believe that there is absolutely no Jewish link, and there is absolutely no Jewish connection or dimension in the catastrophe that befell upon Palestine!

Non of the occupiers is Jewish;
Non of the IDF is Jewish;
Non of the settlers is Jewish;
Non of their supporters outside Palestine is Jewish;
Zionism is a not a Jewish movement;
The "promised land" is a not a Jewish concept;
Even "Ha Torah Ha'Melech" Is a Zionist and not a Jewish book.

"If a Zionist is a Jew, it is anti-Semitic to mention it; if an anti-Zionist is a Jew, it is mandatory to point it out." Gill Kaffash

Of course according to our detractors this sentence is "anti-Semitic" !



The image above of "Ha'Torah Ha'Melech" was posted on Greenstein's blog. The book was presented as a "Zionist" Orthodox book. When I pointed out to a Jewish friend the hypocrisy, the lie and deliberate falsification in such representation, and when I asked her: "since when Torah, and Talmud and such books have become Zionist books?", mysteriously, a "damage-control", "counter-productive" little birdy whispered something into Mr Greenstein's ear, who immediately replaced the previous image with this one:

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