
Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Eye on the Enemy: ’’Israeli’’ Gas Masks Used to Smoke Weed, Marijuana

"Israeli" Gas Masks with Bong Attachments in Manhattan

Ynet- Yitzhak Benhorin

In "Israel", there is a shortage of gas masks that protect from non-conventional weapons, but in Manhattan they sell it for $ 25 and not because they fear a chemical attack on the Big Apple (New York). At different stores in East village, they provide masks which their protective filters have been removed and replaced with bongs that are used to smoke Marijuana, weed or other drugs.

What's behind the mask?

"The "Israeli" gas masks make you go high", reported the Jewish newspaper "Forward". The newspaper noted that the "Israeli" gas mask 4A1 is placed on the shelves of the shops next to the spare parts of smoking. It is used to boost the impact of drugs.

According to the "Forward" report, the masks in Manhattan are stamped with the telltale rubber-triangle seal of "Shalom Chemical Industries Ltd", the Tel Aviv-based company that manufactures all the civilian gas masks of "Israel".

According to distributors in the U.S., the gas masks used to hook up with the bong are likely surplus, sold by the "Israeli" government in bulk without filters. Via the Internet, you can buy 4A1 "Israeli" masks with a filter for only $ 19.90.

In January 2012, the Home Front Command published that only 400 masks remained of the reserve, which was endorsed and funded by the government. The distribution of masks began in April 2010. According to estimates, 55% of the Blue ID card holders in the country would have a mask. This fact shows that approximately half of the population won't be immune from non-conventional attacks, so as tens of thousands of illegal immigrants and other foreigners.

"Israeli" Army not ready for modern war

NFC news website - Yoram Har-Lev

monument at Maroun ar Ras, site of Hezbollah defeat of Israeli army
"The battle in the modern battlefield is resolved through the same public opinion that affects the policy-making of the Western countries. The heads of the army and the state should have learned from all the victories that were robbed from us in the past and all the failures that we made in the modern battlefield."

The modern battlefield is endless; it is being documented by cameras in TV studios, where there is a hall for viewers too. The soldiers in the modern battlefield are only those who are in direct confrontation, while in TV studios, there are another kind of "soldiers" who give a hand in choosing images and captions.

The victims of the modern battlefield are not those who are directly being shot at, but they are the western public opinion who is being damaged as a result of the flow of distorted information.

The battle in the modern field is resolved through the same public opinion that affects the policy-making in the west. The heads of the army and the state should have learned from all the victories that were robbed from us in the past and all the failures that we made in the modern battlefield concerning the public opinion.

The story of Lt. "Eisner" is only a reminder of the urgent need to change the structure of the "Israeli" army and prepare it for modern war.

He didn't know the camera was shooting. Lt. Eisner's mistake wasn't in the way he hit the Danish demonstrator; in the latter's country, the demonstrators are being beaten more brutally, yet his mistake was not being aware of the camera set as a trap for him. The heads of the army lost this battle because they weren't trained on how to behave in the battlefield, they were not provided with intelligence, defensive weapons to disperse the demonstrators, and most importantly with confrontational weapons, i.e. cameras, journalists, editors, and loving analysts.

The heads of the army failed to train the soldiers on new combat ideologies that fit the new modern battlefield.

The weapon of Media is as important as the armored corps. Cameras are no less important than canons. pir

Drills under the glare of cameras are no less important than drills in residential hoods. The heads of the state failed for they didn't take care of the friendly media outlets, even within "Israel".

On this scale, our enemies are stronger.

They have internal media support - Aljazeera for example. They are also capable of bringing "free" western media outlets to their side. They have supplied their fighters with cameras since the war of Hizbullah with the "Israeli" Army that settled in south Lebanon.

They use "informative idiots" from leftist parties to support their goals.
They use international bodies such as the UN and the Court as heavy weaponry.
Indeed, the privileges of our enemies are clear: the United Nations structure, which was controlled by the block of enemy countries; features of the Media outlets who are looking for "a direct story; the new religion of the West - the multicultural liberalism; the Islamic cultures that encourage lying."

But we have important privileges as well: we have the same values of the West, particularly, we have a common enemy. If only the heads of the army and the state learn from Lt. Eisner failure in order to prepare well for the coming battle. "

"Israeli" Navy gains control over a merchant vessel with Liberia's Flag

Ynet - Yossi Yehoshua

Last night, the commander of unit "Shayetet 13", Colonel A., was summoned suddenly after he was ordered to directly head to the unit's base in Atlit.
These sudden orders meant that he received urgent info, and that no mission was already planned.

After a short while, commandos' fighters seized control in the heart of the sea, 260 km off the "Israeli" shores, over the merchant vessel "Beethoven". According to international site of vessels, this is a large ship of 282 meters length, which departed from Beirut's harbor in Lebanon on 20 April carrying Liberia's flag and made its way to the port of Alexandria in Egypt. However, the intelligence estimate says that the ship was heading to Gaza carrying weaponry to the "terrorist" organization residing in the strip. After halting ship - that didn't show any resistance- the commandos' fighters began to search the big ship, and until yesterday, no weaponry had been found. The containers' inspection lasted throughout the night.

The "Israeli" army reported that, "in the framework of current operational missions implemented by the "Israeli" naval forces to maintain security and halt smuggling, an "Israeli" naval force unit captured a merchant vessel "Beethoven" flying the flag of Liberia in order to be inspected after gaining the approval of the captain. Had we found no suspicious materials on board, then the vessel shall continue its way. The "Israeli" army and security forces will work tirelessly to fight against the efforts seeking to arm the "terrorist" organization that intend to intimidate the citizens of "Israel". "

Source: Hebrew Press, translated and edited by

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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