
Thursday 24 May 2012

Isreal Army hunts 4500 Jew deserters

Israeli soldiers are welknown for hunting down Palestinian youth throwing rocks on them and sometime using these young natives as ‘shield’ to capture the so-called ‘Arab terrorists’. However, the Zionist-controlled mainstream media will never report that Israeli army have long been hunting down thousands of Jewish male and female deserters and draft-dodgers.

Israel daily YNet reported on May 18, 2012 that Jewish military police arrested 474 Israelis in the course of six days in Israel’s largest ever manhunt of military deserters and draft-dodgers. It also reported that the Israel Occupation Force (IOF) is searching for the 4500 known active soldiers and new recruits who have gone into hidding to avoid serving in the Zionist ‘killing machine’.

In the Zionist entity, with the exception of Orthodox Jews, every Jewish male and female Israeli citizen of 16-year age is required to report to the army for military training. After completion of their military training – boys serve IOF for 24 months while girls 18 months in IOF.

This ‘military racism’ pact between the mainstream Jews and Orthodox minority was negotiated by the current Israeli president Shimon Peres on the orders of Israel’s first prime minister David Ben Gurion. On the creation of the Zionist entity in 1948 – the Zionist leaders were affraid that the anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish communities may decide to move out of Palestine and set-up their religious schools (Yeshivot) in the US, Canada and Europe. Under Shion’s deal, the Orthodox were promised not to be forced into Israeli military service.

With the growing population Orthodox communities (an average of six kids per family) in Israel – its military is running short of soldiers to fight Hizbullah, Syria or Iran. Therefore, there is a war going on between the majority of Israeli Zionist Jewish population and the Orthodox minority who refuses to serve in the army but enjoy equal political and social benefits as the Zionists who risk their lives fighting Hamas, Hizbullah and Muslim resistance groups in India, Somalia, Sudan, Bahrain, the US, Canada, France, Libya, etc.

This resentment even showed-up in the ‘unity government’ deal between Netanyahu and Kadima party leader Gen. Shaul Mofaz along with freeze on new illegal Jewish settlements. Israeli Supreme Court in its recent ruling has asked Netanyahu to clear the Ulpana neighborhood of the Beit-El settlements by August 1.

From an international law perspective there is a debate about the legality of all settlements without the distinction about what we call illegal settlements and legal settlements,” says professor Eli Salzberger (University of Haifa).

Netanyahu unity government with 94 seats in 120 seats Knesset is planning to enforce military draft for all Israeli Jews. This could force the Shas and United Torah Judaism with 16 seats to leave the unity government. It’s worth remembering Shas’s founder, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef who called for annihilation of Arabs in 2001.

Historically Orthodox communities around the world never supported the creation of a homeland for European Jews in Palestine, Uganda, Grand Island, Angola, North Africa, etc. The Ultra-Orthodox did not accept Stalin’s Jewish state of Birobidjan which was established on May 7, 1934 inside Communist Russia. The ‘Israel Poject’ was mainly carried out by secular and atheist Jewish leaders of World Zionist Organization. The new entity was supposed to be a ‘socialist state’ on Russian model.

The Jewish army is so demoralized since its military humilation in 2006 Lebanon war that the radical Zionist Jew Jeffrey Felton, US Assisstant Secretary of State for Near Estern Affairs confided to Maura Connelly, Washington ambassador in Beirut: “Israel army cannot defeat Hizbullah“.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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