
Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Ooh / Operation Open Heart / Syria

by Daniel Mabsout
Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

What is it that is at stake in the Arab countries? Why the drums of war are beating now more than ever? And who is beating them? Why the whole world is rallying against the President of Syria?

Since when Syria has become the center of the world or Assad the most important ruler of our time? A country that is not rich, that has no nuclear power, that should not represent any serious threat to any one, that is hardly present in the world market?

Why this big mobilization of the international media? This vast campaign monitored by so many stations and sites and written press?

Why these huge amounts on money spent on these campaigns? Billions and billions of dollars spent to destabilize countries. Has the world gone mad?

What is the Establishment up to? Destroying Iran? Causing a nuclear war? Expanding Israel? What are they up to? Giving the Arab countries to al Qa’ida? Or destroying all Arab countries one after the other? What are they up to?

People on fb are all mobilized and also armies everywhere are getting prepared, agents are filling the place and the space plotting for this against that, spreading rumors about this and that, some with Libya or against Libya, others with Syria and against Syria, agents have become sources of information to all, some hide their agency, some don’t, others alternate between hiding and revealing. What is happening? It could not be just a country or a region, it could not be Syria nor Assad, not even Palestine or Iran. What is happening is beyond all these details and cannot be confined to a certain place or time. We are witnessing the battle of humanity, only such battle could explain the large number of people who have joined in from everywhere.

We will defend Syria of course and stand with Palestine and support the resistance, but it is neither Syria nor Palestine and it is not the resistance, it is the whole world and the whole of humanity that is under question. It is the human being that is under threat, it is man everywhere that is threatened by having his land usurped by war, his home land invaded and his house taken, his environment poisoned, his safety and that of his children totally exposed, his resources confiscated, his culture attacked, his religion normalized, his vision blocked, his mental life frustrated and emotions alienated, his family and clan torn apart, his faculty of understanding crippled, his capacity of acting handicapped, his right to live a normal life violated, his internal balance deranged, his work inachieved and his life unfulfilled and you name it; this is what is at stake, this is the plight that is to be inflicted on humanity threatening the core of human life.

That this battle is taking place in Syria or in Palestine, or Lebanon does not in any way mean that it is confined to these places, because this battle is happening everywhere and in every spot, but the media wants to picture it as happening here and there and not anywhere else so as not to alert people that this is their immediate cause and their immanent plight, for who amongst us does not want to live in peace and lead a good life and have the children grow in a mentally sound environment, developing a balanced personality and treading the right path and acquiring the good conduct and the adequate morals? Who does not wish this for himself and for the deserving ones?

The battle for the right of a good life spiritually, mentally and materially is not only fought in Syria and Palestine, this has little to do with Assad or Ahmadinejad; it will not be affected if Assad remains president or not. This has to do with the future of man everywhere, this is the essential battle man is fighting and the future awaiting him, is there a future for a balanced life man can enjoy? Is there room or a place for a good life where the natural legitimate rights of life granted to men and to all living beings are not constantly violated? Where they can be enjoyed by man and other creatures without immanent constant threats?

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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