
Sunday 19 August 2012

Iraq, Iran, Albright & Sanctions

Headline in New York Times NYT yesterday "U.S. Says Iraqis Are Helping Iran to Skirt Sanctions".

Well we know from experience that most of what is written in the NYT is simply U.S. Goverment propaganda, but in this case I hope it's true.

The Iraqis know all about U.S. Sanctions, up to 1.5 million Iraqis died as a consequence of them combined with the deliberate destruction of Iraq's infrastructure, especially medical ,water and power resources. You could argue they weren't U.S. sanctions but UN Sanctions, but it was the USA along with its servile puppy dog the UK, who threatened to veto any attempt in the UN to stop the genocide.
You may recall Madeline Albright gloating over the deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children and saying it was "worth it" .

Worth it for whom, you might ask, Israel, U.S. Oil Companies, U.S. hegemony , world domination objectives?

Albright is of course a Khazar Jew, although she claims it was only in later life that she discovered that fact, presumably living in houses without mirrors before that time. There's no mistaking the sadistic, eastern European Ashkenazi look in her eyes.

Now of course the illegal invasion of Iraq justified by ficticious weapons of mass destruction and removing Saddam but it had nothing to do with regime change in reality. It was because Iraq had started selling oil in a currency other than USdollars and also had taken control of their own oil/gas resources, just like Iran, Afghanistan, Libya ,Venuzuala and the rest of the countries either already destroyed or on the list of "still to do".

Likewise of course also with Syria, as of yet a country not controlled by USA's zionism, it's not about removing Assad, it's about turning Syria into a 3rd world country, just like the other victims.

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