Bani Israel
You've dug yourselves a hole
You keep digging... Fools
The flood is behind you
Tears and blood and floating body parts
For those of you with hearts that see
Those who want to save themselves
Very little time left
Give up your guns
Give up your greed
Give up your arrogance
Give up your support of a doomed ideology
Join humanity
Face your demons
Climb down from your pedestal
Come begging for forgiveness
Without which redemption is no more
Shed off your delusions:
Your DNA is not "Jewish"
Your IQ is not “superior”
Your "spiritual leadership" is a sham
Your “chosen-ness”... Heh
Your “chosen-ness” is your biggest downfall
The call of all prophets:
Hear O Hear, Bani Israel
The darkest of your nights
The darkest of your nights
Has been announced
Clocks are ticking . . .
Retrieve your conscience
Come running
You have been warned
The End Game is upon us
The day of your atonement is within sight