
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Syria’s Zoabi: We Can End Crisis in Hours, But That Would Be Disastrous

Local Editor
ZoabiSyrian Information Minister Omran Zoabi announced that thousands of well-equipped militants entered Syria through its borders, especially through Turkey.

In an interview with Al-Manar TV, Zoabi said Syria “capable of putting the crisis to an end in few hours, but that may result in heavy losses to Syria and its people.” “So, we’re launching qualitative operations against militants,” this minister added.

“There’s nothing called Free Syrian Army but separate armed groups joined altogether with the Western-Israeli scheme in Syria,” Zoabi pointed out.

On the other side, Zoabi said the falling of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is ‘imminent’, adding that “his [Erdogan] positions concerning the falling of the Syrian regime worth no reaction from us.”

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