
Sunday 21 October 2012

Israel captures Gaza-bound Zionist ‘Estelle’ vessel

Today, Israeli troops intercepted and took control of Gaza-bound Finnish-flagged vessel ‘Estelle’ carrying 16 human rights activists from several western countries including a former Israeli pilot and former Canadian MP Jim Manly.

Interestingly, the leader of this ‘provocation’ against the Zionist entity is no other than Israeli Jewish activist Dror Feiler. He is chairman of the Jews-Only Swedish organization ‘Jews For Israeli Palestinianian Peace (JIPF)‘ and European Jews for Just Peace (EJJP). That shows how the so-called ‘pro-Palestinian’ groups are also controlled by the pro-Israel Zionist Jews.

On October 16, the Israeli ambassador to United Nations, Ron Prosor, in a letter to UN secretary general UN chief Ban Ki-moon and UNSC’s president for October, Guatemalan envoy Gert Rosenthal, had demanded that United Nations persuade Swedish boat ‘Estelle’ carrying human rights activists not to try to break the Zionist state’s six year old blockade of Gaza Strip which is home to 1.6 million Native Muslim and Christian Palestinians.

An interesting unfolding story tells us that even the who should be on board of ‘Estelle’ is controlled by Israel. For example, US Colonel Ann Wright, a former US diplomat who resigned in March, 2003 in opposition to the Iraq war was told three hours before she was to board a flight to Europe to meet up with the Swedish boat to Gaza, the ‘Estelle’ – by a board member of the ‘Estelle’ that being a critic of Israel , she had been dis-invited.

Ann Wright is member of Free Gaza Movement, co-founded by Greta Berlin (born 1941), who is being portrayed an anti-Semite by the Israel Hasbara media outlets in the US, Canada and Israel. Greta Berlin is accused of calling Israel an “illegal entity” and a “country founded on terrorism”, the “US Congress is occupied by Israel Lobby” – and “Zionists Ran the Holocaust and the Concentration Camps”. Greta is well-known for her support for one state solution for Palestine and Palestinians refugees’ right to return to their lands, homes and businesses stolen by foreign Jews.

But the fact is that there are more people in the world than world’s total Jewish population of 12.7 million including those 8,000 Jews listed on the ‘Self-Hating, Israel-Threatening (S.H.I.T)‘ list – who agree with Greta Berlin. As for Zionists running the Nazi concentration camps and the ethnic-cleansing of non-Zionist Jews – Rabbi Wolf Gunther Plaut, former president of the Canadian Jewish Congress in his 1990 book, ‘The Man Who Would Be Messiah’ did claim that Frankist Jews committed Holocaust. The book’s ‘Forward’ was written by no other than Elie Weisel, the father of ‘holocaust religion’.
Interestingly, Berlin’s scandal has exposed several so-called “pro-Palestinian Jewish groups” and individuals’ hypocrisy. For example, the Jewish Voice for Peace has distanced itself from Greta Berlin and the Free Gaza Movement which had sponsored several aid vessels to Gaza in the past. Naomi Klein has resigned from Gaza Free Movement advisory board. Tom Pessah criticized Berlin at Israeli +972 magazine while Derfner at the same magazine defended Berlin against Zionists’ smear campaign lead by JTA, Ha’aretz, Desert Peace blog and Canada’s National Post.

Ali Abunimah also joined the Zionists’ crusade against Berlin. Gilad Atzmon, Jeffrey Blankfort and Ramzy Baroud took Ali Abunimah to task. Israeli-born Gilad Atzmon wrote:
The recent attack on free Gaza’s Greta Berlin and Colonel Ann Wright suggests that we have crossed the red line – Jewish domination within the Palestinian solidarity movement belongs to the past. We are now, it seems, under the Zionist occupation, and we are subject to all the symptoms of Israel abuse and Zionist brutality“.
Read the entire article here.

Kevin Barrett wrote an excellent article, entitled ‘Mind-controllers chant “anti-Semite” to prevent thought crime’, published by the Press TV on October 16, 2012. Read the article here.

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