
Thursday, 20 December 2012

Do you Remember the Operation of Qibya in the night of gliders?

Twenty four years ago, on 25 Nov 1987, PFLP General Command carried out a qualitative commando operation two weeks before the first intifada, and two weeks after the Arab Summit held in Amman (boycotted by Syria) between (8-11) Nov, to liquidate the Palestinian cause through the settlement and mobilize massses against Iran.  
The operation was carried out by
1- Khalid Akar - Syrian from Aleppo - 20 years old
2- Mayloud Bin Luma - Tunisian - 34 years old.

Muzaffar Al-Nowab: Khalid Akar you came in impossible time

Because we are one nati on, and we are Arabs and Palestine is our central cause, and because we believe in Palestine, free and Arab from the river to the sea and we seek and believe in Arab unity, and the need to achieve to restore our nation's dignity and its status among other nations I invite my honored brothers to contribute to us

Muzaffar Al-Nowab: An Appeal to Arab pilots

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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