
Saturday 15 December 2012

To My Dear Stateless Palestinian

While searching for a suitable picture, I discovered a site and a letter written by Sameeha, a palestinian living in Gaza, uprooted from Aqeb, a Palestinian village, south of Ramlla, occupied by Israel since 1948. Gaza is the largest refugee camp on earth. Two thirds of the Palestinians of Gaza are refugees who were kicked out of their cities, towns, and villages in 1948.

The letter is addressed to a Palestinian uprooted from Sandala, a Palestinian village, 8 km north Jinin, under Israeli military occupation since 1948, actually it is addressed to me, to Nahida, and every exiled Palestinian, every stateless Palestinian.

A cry against "Father Palestine" who signed Oslo, sold us, the exciled Palestiniana and 78% of Palestine, for a noble prize

A cry against Abbas, who engineered Oslo, sold his right  for a tour in Safad

A cry against Yasser Abd-Rabu, who sold our ROR in Tzipi Livni's bed.

I would add, its a cry against the leaders of Hamastan Celebrating the long truce and the "Intifada" against the Syrian enemy.

Here, I was Born

Declaring Palestine: Revisiting Hope and Failure

there could be no “Palestinian State” without you. For this, Stateless we shall both remain.

To My Dear Stateless Palestinian

06 Saturday Aug 2011

My Dear Stateless Palestinian,
They say that the soft wind of September would blow us a State. A Palestinian State. Amongst the fuss, the debates, the arguments, the pleas, my heart cannot but wonder, “Would we be finally brought together by a state?”

You, who were born elsewhere and forced to live there; I, who was born and confined here within the borders, within the walls, within the barber wires.
Do you still remember that benevolent smile of yours that mocked my naivety when I wrote to you that I finally got my passport?
My Palestinian Passport.

You said you are not eligible for one. Held in my hands, my Palestinian Passport was turned into a curse with the words,
” This Passport/ Travel document is issued pursuant to the Palestinian Self Government agreement according to Oslo agreement signed in Washington on 13/9/1993″
inscribed. Oslo.

Damn Oslo!

How could they strip you out of what is yours and turn you into a final status negotiations.

How could I, a seven-year old swinging in a white dress celebrating their return, not then realize that they would one day bring upon me, upon you, our eternal separation.

I could then forgive all of your insults that you’ve never spared when the PA or Arafat were mentioned.

I have even enjoyed your polite eloquent offense of a man I once considered a symbol. But, alas, no more.

Could September separate us even more?

Could borders confine us even more?

They say that by September I might no longer spend the night cursing the ever-roaring drones. It would be our air then. With no drones of our own. Not even a plane that might take me to you.

They say that I won’t have to calm my sister down every time she wakes screaming in the midnight, for the bombing would stop. Her nightmares won’t. Her memories won’t.

They say we would be an independent people. My mother would no longer be a refugee. She would have to give up every dream of going back to Aqer.

A Tour in  Aqer report

My grandmother would stop telling us of her tales of the lost village near Ghazza from which they fled in 1948. She would forget this history. It is no longer hers. She would have to stop telling the story every now and then. She’d eventually die; we would eventually forget, wouldn’t we?
And you would forget about your village. It was called Sandala, wasn’t it ? After all, it is out of the boundaries of your State where you cannot belong.

Sandala, 8 km north Jinin, Under Israeli military occupation since 1948

They also say we would have a president. An anthem. A flag, again. A map. And when I teach my students to draw the map of the State of Palestine, I would have to explain to them why it is fragmented into tens of pieces.

Why does it not sound like the Gold Palestine their mothers wear on their chests, embroider with their hands. I would have to explain to them why the State of Palestine is surrounded everywhere by another state called Israel.
Amongst this mess, I wonder if they would remember that you exist somewhere. That you exist everywhere. But not home. Not in the “State”. Would they see you the way I do?
You are my realization of the Palestine that resides beyond the borders; of the millions of the Palestinians I’ve never seen, of the experiences I’ve never felt. The exile. The Diaspora. The hymns of return. The hope.
You are my realization that there could be no “Palestinian State” without you. For this, Stateless we shall both remain.
Another Stateless Palestinian.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Aqrab Karbala

Was there a massacre in the Syrian town of Aqrab? 

As David Cameron insisted more needed to be done to back Syrian rebels, Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson is the first outside journalist to report from the town of Aqrab and can reveal that rebel forces could be behind one of the worst atrocities yet.

تسعة أيام من الحصار اضطر بعدها الضحايا إلى تبليل أقمطة الفتيات بالمطر وعصرها من أجل الشرب، وضرب الأطفال من أجل البكاء لتحويل دموعهم إلى رشفات من الماء!؟
لندن، الحقيقة(خاص): بعد أربعة أيام من مجزرة "عقرب"، أو ما يمكن تسميته بـ"كربلاء عقرب"، وخلافا للرواية القذرة التي عممتها "هيئة التنسيق الوطني" من خلال مسؤولها الإعلامي و"مرجعها الحقوقي" النصاب الدولي رامي عبد الرحمن، والتي أنكرت حتى حق هؤلاء في أن يكونوا ضحايا لعصابات"الفاروق" الإجرامية، دخلت "القناة الرابعة" البريطانية ، ممثلة بمراسلها أليكس تومسون، بلدة"عقرب" في ريف حماة وأجرت تحقيقا ـ بثته مساء أمس ـ حول المجزرة التي وقعت في الحادي عشر من الشهر الجاري ، والتي زعم نصاب المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان وبقية الوهابيين من حلفائه في المجموعات المسلحة، أن السلطة قتلتهم يوم الثلاثاء الماضي ( 11 /12) بالقصف المدفعي والجوي، قبل أن تتبنى هذه الرواية "هيئة التنسيق الوطني" بزعامة حسن عبد العظيم ـ المرشد السياسي لـ"لواء الإسلام" وقائده زهران علوش!
القناة البريطانية، ومراسلها، اللذان لا يخفيان عداءهما للنظام السوري منذ سنوات ، وخصوصا إبان الأزمة الراهنة، قابلا ثلاثة شهود ( الفتى علي الحسين / 16 عاما، حياة يوسف التي لا يزال مصير زوجها مجهولا وساق ابنها البالغ 18 عاما والذي كسر المسلحون ساقه ولم يعالجوه طيلة فترة الحصار، ومادلين حسين) وفق معايير التحقيق الاستقصائي : وهو أن لا يعرف أي منهم أن الآخرين سيقدمان شهادات للمحقق، والجميع لم يكان يعرف بوصول القناة إلى المنطقة ، الذي كان وصولها مفاجئا، كما يقول تومسون. هذا فضلا عن إجراء المقابلات في أماكن منفصلة بغياب تواجد ممثلين عن الحكومة.
ويقول تومسون كانت إجابات الثلاثة متطابقة تماما في جميع التفاصيل. فقد أجمع الثلاثة على أن مسلحين ملتحين وصلوا في الثاني من الشهر الجاري إلى القرية في أربع أو خمس سيارات من جهة بلدة"الحولة" التي تقع في المنطقة. لكن مادلين تضيف" لم يكونوا يلبسون مثل السوريين العاديين (...) وعربيتهم لم تكن سورية، بحيث لم نكن نفهم ما يقولونه"، في إشارة إلى أن ملابسهم غير مألوفة في المنطقة ، ولهجتهم ليست سورية.ونشير هنا إلى أن المنطقة تعج بمئات المسلحين الأجانب( تركمان، شيشان، باكستانيين ، مغاربة ..إلخ) الذين يقاتلون في صفوف عصابات"الفاروق" وبقية عصابات "الجيش لحر" الأخرى.
بدأت الواقعة في الثاني من الشهر الجاري حين وصل المسلحون إلى القرية وعمدوا إلى جمع حوالي خمسمئة من أبناء القرية ، رجالا ونساء وأطفالا، ينتمون إلى الطائفة العلوية ، وضع بعضهم في منزل من طابقين (يظهر باللون الأحمر في الشريط المرفق جانبا) يملكه رجل أعمال محلي يدعى "أبو اسماعيل" كرهائن. وهو المنزل الذي زعمت مواقع المتردين ومرصد رامي زرقاء اليمامة أن السلطة قصفته جوا وبالمدفعية. وكان مطلبهم هو أن يأخذوا النساء والأطفال إلى معسكر للمسلحين في "الحولة" يستخدمه "الجيش الحر" لاستخدامهم دروعا بشرية لمنع السلطة من قصف المعسكر، على أن يقتلوا الباقين من الرجال ، كما كانت نساؤهم وأولادهم يعتقدون. علما بأن منطقة "الحولة" يسيطر عليها المسلحون منذ فترة طويلة.
حاول المسلحون إدخال الطمأنينية المخادعة في قلوب الضحايا، من خلال محاولة إقناعهم بانهم لن يؤذوهم " فنحن من الحولة ومن الرستن ، إخوانكم في الإسلام ، ولن نؤذيكم"، لكأنما كانوا يريدون اختطافهم لمشاهدة عرس أو فيلم كوميدي مسلّ، وليس لاتخاذهم دروعا بشرية!
لكن الجميع أصروا على البقاء معا أو الرحيل معا ، فإما أن يموتوا معا أو يعيشوا معا.
التحول الدرامتيكي حصل عصر الإثنين الماضي حين جاء ثلاثة لممارسة الوساطة ، وهم الضابط المتقاعد من الجيش "حامد عز الدين" و إمام البلدة "السني"، حسب تعبير الصحفي، الشيخ سعيد هواش ، ورئيس البلدية / المختار "الهشاب". لكن المفاوضات ، التي امتدت حتى الثامنة مساء ، انتهت إلى طريق مسدود.
في تلك المرحلة بدأ المسلحون إطلاق النار من النوافذ والصراخ بالرهائن إن المبنى مفخخ، فيما يبدو أنه محاولة منهم لمنعهم من الفرار إلى خارجه. وقد استمر إطلاق النار حتى منتصف الليل وسط بكاء وعويل الرهائن والفوضى التي دبت في داخل المبنى . وبعد ذلك جرى إبرام نوع من"الصفقة"، حيث حضرت ثلاث سيارات نقلت حوالي 70 من الرهائن إلى مكان آمن على بعد حوالي ميل من المنطقة. لكن سيارة رابعة أخذت رهينتين إلى "الحولة" (امرأة وطفل) حيث يقع مشفى ميداني للمسلحين، لمعالجتمها من جراح أصيبا بها أثناء إطلاق النار. والواقع ليس هذان سوى السيدة " أم أيهم" و"الطفل" اللذين أجبرهما المسلحون لاحقا على تسجيل إفادات كاذبة مثيرة للسخرية أصبحت هي "الرواية المتداولة حول العالم"( أي الرواية التي روجها الفاجر رامي عبد الرحمن وإعلام"هيئة التنسيق"، وبعدهما بقية وسائل الإعلام الأخرى). أما الباقون (حوالي مئتين)فقد اختفوا. وهم الذي قتلوا على الأرجح.
وبحسب ما رواه التحقيق، فإن الرهائن ، وعلى امتداد تسعة أيام ، حرموا من الطعام والماء. وفي مرحلة من المراحل وصل الأمر بالنسوة إلى وضع أقمطة (إشاربات) الفتيات تحت المطر من خلال النوافذ من أجل عصرها وشرب ما علق بها ، بينما قامت نسوة أخريات بضرب الأطفال فقط من أجل أن يبكوا ويرتشف العطشى دموعهم! والحال إننا أمام مشهد كربلائي بامتياز، يستعيد مشهد جنود يزيد وهم يمنعون الماء عن الطفل المحموم "عبد الله بن الحسين"، قبل أن يقتل بسهم في رقبته!
تحقيق القناة البريطانية يختتمه أليكس تومسون بتسجيل ملاحظات لفتت انتباهه:
أولا ـ الغريب ، كما يقول، هو أن المتمردين ( ومعهم مرصد زرقاء اليمامة الرحماني في لندن) يقولون إن المبنى الذي احتجز فيه الرهائن "دمرته السلطة بالكامل" بالمدفعية والطائرات يوم الثلاثاء الماضي ، علما بأن المسلحين أرغموا "أم أيهم" على القول إن أزواجهم فجروا قوارير الغاز في المبنى!!. ومع ذلك رأينا المبنى وصورناه ، وقد أكد لنا الرهائن المحررون وبقية سكان القرية الذين قابلهم أنهم كانوا فيه. وهو في الواقع سليم . ( هذه الملاحظة نضعها برسم النصاب عبد الرحمن الذي روج لخبرية تدمير المبنى. فهو ـ ورغم أنه يرى سوريا وحتى إصابات الجرحى وعددهم من لندن كما زرقاء اليمامة ـ لم ير المبنى!!).
ثانيا ـ هناك ملاحظة أخرى غريبة، والكلام للصحفي البريطاني، فقد راجعت مواقع المتمردين (يركز الصحفي على موقع"زمان الوصل"، الذي يضطلع بالترويج لأكاذيب المسلحين مع شريكه موقع" كلنا شركاء") وأشرطة الفيديو الخاصة بهم على موقع "يوتيوب"، ابتداء من الثاني من هذا الشهر، ولكني لم أعثر على أي إشارة إلى "عقرب"! فهل من المعقول أن يتجاهلوا قيام السلطة ـ حسب روايتهم ـ بما قامت به ، بحيث يمكن أن يقلب الدعاية لصالحهم تماما!؟
ثالثا ـ إن المتمردين ، وحين تقع مجزرة من قبل السلطة، سرعان ما يضعون الجثث على موقع يوتيوب ويملأون الدنيا ضجيجا حولها . والسؤال الآن : إذا كانت الحكومة اقترفت مذبحة فعلا بحق ما يصل إلى 250 مواطنا من"طائفة الرئيس"، لماذا لم يقم المتمردون بوضع أشرطة لهذه الجثث على الشبكة!!؟ ( سؤال آخر موجه أيضا للفاجر المذكور أعلاه).
تبقى الإشارة أخيرا إلى أن المبنى والمنطقة كلها لا تزال محتلة ومحاصرة من قبل المسلحين كما يظهر في نهاية الشريط، بحيث أن الصحفي لم يستطع أن يدخل الحي، واكتفى بتصوير المبنى الذي احتجز فيه الرهائن عن بعد.
ـ راجع هنـــا التحقيق الأولي الذي نشرته "الحقيقة" بعد ساعات على وقوع المجزرة، والذي يتقاطع في الكثير من خطوطه مع تحقيق القناة البريطانية.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

AMMAN: Assad staying till 2014

سوريا الله حاميها


Assad could resist two more years, provided there would be no direct external military intervention, and the flow of military and security assistance, Russian and Iranian, continue at their current level....

Syrian armed opposition can not win a military; Therefore, the plans of the hostile intelligence agencies , which manages the gunmen on the ground is aimed at draining the Syrianfinancial capacity and economy , and to prevent the existence of safe areas, and cutting international road and trains networksmaking them impassable.

Bassed on this background, we can understand the violent rejection shown by the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, hard core of the armed opposition, against their American allies decision to include the Nusra Front linked to al-Qaeda on the list of terrorist organizations;

Al-Nusra front

The role assigned to the Nusra Front is central in the plans to destroy the Syrian regime. And, because their ability to do suicide bombings, coupled with attacks within the lines control system, is what prevents immunization security areas and transportation routes, and undermine the economy, and the ability of citizens to withstand, and push more of them to lose confidence and prepare for migration so as to ensure the success of the sectarian cleansing plans.

The relationship between the «Brotherhood» armed opposition and terrorism, is an organic relationship, so you can not separate these parties, niether in militarly nor in politics, as claimed by American diplomacy, and Civil opposition, especially  the «coordinating body» which is still insisting that the Brotherhood should be a participant in the political process, and still demanding one-sided  cease fire..... 

عمّان : الأسد باق حتى 2014

13 Dec 2012 at 8:50pm

ناهض حتر
في التقديرات الاستراتيجية المبنية على معلومات استخبارية متعددة المصادر متوافرة لدى أعلى مستوى قيادي في عمّان، فإنه لا توجد معطيات جدية تسمح بتحقيق المعارضة المسلحة نصراً على نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد الذي «يستطيع الصمود في المعركة، عامين آخرين، ولكن بشرطين هما: عدم حصول تدخل عسكري خارجي مباشر، واستمرار تدفق المساعدات العسكرية والأمنية، الروسية والإيرانية، في مستواها الحالي».
الشرط الأول يصعب اختراقه في المدى المنظور، لكن تبرز بعض الشكوك إزاء بوادر «خلخلة» في الموقف الروسي، ظهرت في تصريحات نائب وزير الخارجية ميخائيل بوغدانوف، أمس، والتي تقرر «أن النظام السوري يفقد السيطرة على البلاد أكثر فأكثر، بحيث أنه لم يعد يستبعد انتصار المعارضة المسلحة».
لا أتعاطى، عادة، مع تصريحات بوغدانوف (أظنّه من تيار 14 آذار الروسي)، وأهتم، حصرياً، بتصريحات بوتين ولافروف فيما يتصل بالشأن السوري. لكن ما يلفتني هو المغزى السياسي لإصرار طهران وحزب الله على إدامة العلاقة مع حماس والإخوان المسلمين، بغض النظر عن الخلاف حول سوريا.
مخاوف عمّان تتعلق بالاقتصاد واللوجستيات. وفي التقديرات، سوف تواجه سوريا، ثلاث مشاكل جدية، اعتباراً من ربيع 2013، من شأنها الإضرار العميق بالصمود السوري، وهي: (1) تناقص الأموال ـــ بالقطع الأجنبي ـــ إلى ما دون القدرة على إدارة الحرب. وحل هذه المشكلة يتوقف على الدعم الإيراني والعراقي، (2) تدني الإنتاجية إلى حدود غير اقتصادية أو حتى التعطل الكامل لعجلة الإنتاج. وتجاوز هذا الوضع يعتمد على قدرة السوريين على توفير حصانة أمنية عاجلة لمناطق خارج القتال وخارج الاستهدافات الإرهابية، (3) تزايد صعوبات توزيع السلع والخدمات على المستوى الوطني، ما يتطلب التركيز على خطة تأمين شبكة المواصلات الرئيسية الداخلية.
المعارضة السورية المسلحة لن تستطيع تحقيق فوز عسكري؛ ولذلك، فإن خطط الأجهزة الاستخبارية المعادية التي تدير المسلحين ميدانياً تهدف إلى استنزاف القدرات المالية والاقتصادية السورية، والحيلولة دون وجود مناطق آمنة، وتقطيع شبكة الطرق الدولية والقطارات، ليس بالسيطرة المباشرة الدائمة ـــ غير الممكنة ـــ عليها، ولكن بجعلها غير سالكة.
على هذه الخلفية، نستطيع أن نفهم الرفض العنيف الذي أبداه الإخوان المسلمون السوريون ـــ وهم يشكلون النواة الصلبة للمعارضة المسلحة ـــ لقرار حلفائهم الأميركيين إدراج «جبهة النصرة» المرتبطة بتنظيم «القاعدة» على قائمة المنظمات الإرهابية؛ فالدور المناط بـ«جبهة النصرة» مركزيّ في خطة تقويض النظام السوري. وذلك، لأن قدرتها على القيام بالتفجيرات الانتحارية، المترافقة مع هجمات انتحاريين داخل خطوط سيطرة النظام، هي التي تمنع التحصين الأمني للمناطق وطرق المواصلات، وتقوّض الاقتصاد، وقدرة المواطنين على الصمود، وتدفع أقساماً متزايدة منهم إلى فقدان الثقة والنزوح والاستعداد للهجرة بما يؤمن نجاح خطط التطهير الطائفي والمذهبي.
العلاقة بين المعارضة المسلحة و«الإخوان» والإرهاب، هي علاقة عضوية، بحيث لا يمكن الفصل بين هذه الأطراف، ميدانياً وسياسياً، كما تدّعي الدبلوماسية الأميركية، أو كما تتوهم المعارضة الوطنية المدنية ـــ وخصوصاً «هيئة التنسيق» ـــ التي لا تزال تعتبر جماعات المسلحين المحليين و«الإخوان» مشاركين مطلوبين لقيام العملية السياسية، ولا تزال تطالب النظام السوري بالتوقف، من طرف واحد، عن القتال.
انتحاريّو «النصرة»، بعديدهم المتزايد وتصاعد أدوارهم في سوريا، يقلقون المسؤولين الأمنيين الأردنيين الذين يركزون 90 في المئة من جهودهم لمنع السيولة الإرهابية عبر الحدود، ذهاباً وإياباً، لكن القلق أكبر على المستوى السياسي من أن تؤول سوريا إلى دولة فاشلة تكون «جبهة النصرة» القوة الرئيسية فيها. وهي نتيجة حتمية، بسبب ما تؤديه الآن من أدوار حاسمة في الحرب، وما تختزنه، إقليمياً ودولياً، من موارد بشرية غير محدودة، وما تملكه من موارد مالية وتسليحية لا تنضب من شبكة الأمراء ورجال الأعمال في الجزيرة العربية والخليج.
أفغانستان جديدة في سوريا، وفق تحليل مصادر أردنية رفيعة، ستؤدي إلى انزياح الحركة الإخوانية نحو الاقتراب وربما التداخل مع «القاعدة». وسوف ينشأ عن ذلك كله خطر داهم لا يهدد، فقط، استقرار الشرق الأوسط، بل يهدد، أيضاً، الجار الأوروبي عبر البحر المتوسط، سواء في غزوات بحرية انتحارية أو في تأمين قاعدة عمليات للسلفيين الجهاديين من مواطني أوروبا. وتقوم الدبلوماسية الأردنية، وفقاً للمصادر نفسها، بمحاولات حثيثة لعرض المعطيات والهواجس السابقة على مسامع القوى الغربية، أملاً بتلافي هذا المصير، والبحث عن تسوية سلمية في سوريا.
تأمل عمّان أن تستعيد دمشق المبادرة، بحيث تسمح سنتا الصمود للنظام السوري بمراكمة العناصر الداخلية والإقليمية والدولية، للتوصل إلى تسوية تستثني التحالف «الإخواني» ــ الإرهابي، والإعداد لإجراء انتخابات رئاسية في موعدها الذي يصادف انقضاء الفترة الرئاسية الثانية للرئيس بشار الأسد.
Hafez al-Assad Speech on M Brothers after the events of Hama and leter to Hafez al-Assad .. From a former hater of the regime

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!


Russia gears up for World War 3

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Is Russia is defending Syria? Or Syria defending Russia?


‏الجمعة‏، 14‏ كانون الأول‏، 2012

خاص أوقات الشام

المحرر السياسي

تغير في الموقف الروسي.. هذا ما تحاول وسائل الاعلام ليل نهار تسويقه تارة بالاستناد الى فيديو لبغدانوف مزور وتارة الى تصريح من غير المؤكد صحته أو عدمه أو ظروفه أو القصد الحقيقي منه.. فالهزائم على الارض تتوالى و أخرها فشل معركة مطار دمشق و مقتل الاف المسلحين من ميليشيا الحر... لا بد من نصر اعلامي فالمعنويات تكاد تنهار.. وهو كذلك.. ( تغير في الموقف الروسي ) علّ هذا يرفع معنويات المعارضة المسلحة التي تكاد تنهار بعد سنتين من التمرد دون احراز اي نصر استراتيجي حقيقي يهدد النظام بشكل فعلي.

ولكن هل يمكن حقا أن تغير روسي موقفها ؟ الأن أو غدا أو في أي وقت ؟

علينا أولا أن نفهم ان المصالح الروسية في سوريا أصبحت مرتبطة وجوديا بالنظام السوري بعد مراهنتها عليه ب 3 فيتو و اللعب صولد على سوريا و قيادتها, وهي تدرك تماما أن تغيير موقفها أو عدم تغيير موقفها لن يفيدها أبدا لأن وصول معارضة اسطنبول للحكم سيرمي بالمصالح الروسية خارج سوريا بشكل كامل و الإتيان بأميركا و أصدقاء سوريا الألداء لينهبوا ما تبقى من خيرات في سوريا.

اللاعبون جميعهم لعبوا و راهنوا بكل ما يملكون.. فلا تغيير تركيا أو قطر لمواقفهم سيعطيهم أي فرصة للعب أي دور مستقبلي في سوريا أو مع سوريا في حال بقي النظام.

ولا تغيير روسيا لموقفها سيعطيها أي دور مستقبلي في سوريا في حال سقوط النظام.. و الروس يدركون ذلك..
ولكن لماذا تغير روسيا موقفها أصلا ؟

هل روسيا هي من تدافع عن سوريا ؟ أم أن سوريا هي من تدافع عن روسيا ؟
إن الأزمة السورية ليست بازارا للمصالح وإلا لتخلت روسيا منذ زمن بعيد عن سوريا, فما عرض عليها لتتخلى عن سوريا كان مغريا و مغريا جدا.. ولكن.. الموضوع السوري بالنسبة للروس هو مسألة أمن قومي من الممكن الدخول في حرب عالمية ثالثة لأجله و لعدة أسباب:

1- روسيا تتحكم بكامل أوربا عن طريق الغاز الذي يمد أوربا بالطاقة مما يوفر لها دخلا ماديا كبيرا بدلا للغاز الذي تبيعه للأوربيين و سيطرة استراتيجية على أوربا لأنها تستطيع عبر إيقاف الغاز شلّ أوربا بشكل كبير, الهدف من الإطاحة بالنظام السوري هو مد أنابيب للغاز القطري الى سواحل المتوسط ومن ثم أوربا عبر سوريا و التحرر من السيطرة الروسية على أوربا عبر سلاح الغاز, و هذا ما يفسر المواقف الهيستيرية و المتطرفة للألمان و للفرنسيين و غيرهم من الأوربيين, فمصدر للطاقة كقطر يمكن السيطرة عليه تماما كمورد أمن و دائم للطاقة, أفضل ألف مرة من مصدر للطاقة كروسيا يسيطر و لا يمكن السيطرة عليه.

2- التخوف الروسي من المد الاسلامي من تونس الى تركيا على حدودها الجنوبية و من ثم الى روسيا التي يقطنها 10 مليون مسلم, عدا عن عداء الروس للاسلاميين و قتالهم في الشيشان.

3- أعطى الملف السوري للروس فرصة ذهبية لا تتكرر للعودة كقوة عظمى عالمية بعد أن فقدوا نفوذهم لصالح الولايات المتحدة بعد سقوط الاتحاد السوفيتي.

لجميع هذه الأسباب و لأسباب أخرى فانتصار سوريا هو انتصار لروسيا و العكس صحيح, سوريا ليست دولة يمكن خسارتها كليبيا أو غيرها.. سوريا هي أهم خط دفاع عن أسوار موسكو..
روسيا لا يمكنها أن تبدل من موقفها تجاه سوريا, هي تنتصر أو تهزم مع النظام ولا حل أخر لديها, وهي على استعداد لخوض حرب عالمية ثالثة لأجل الدفاع عن أسوار موسكو..

لن يقاتل الروس على الأرض مع النظام ضد الميليشيات المسلحة, و لا داع لكي يقاتلوا أصلا,, فهم يعرفون عن طريق استخباراتهم العسكرية و منذ أن راهنوا بكل شيء في مجلس الأمن على النظام السوري أن لسوريا جيش قوي و شعب جبار قادر على الانتصار.. ولكنهم سيمنعون كل من يفكر بالتدخل العسكري في سوريا لدعم المسلحين..
ستستمر الفقاعات الاعلامية و الحرب النفسية و لكن على الجميع أن يتذكر ما قاله بوتين: انا مستعد لحماية سورية حتى داخل شوارع موسكو.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

Syrian Update....the US led sanctions.By Franklin Lamb‏

Syrian Students Condemn American Led Sanctions that are Escalating Food Prices…

Damascus Street Notes

Franklin Lamb

United Nations, Syria, Russia“Who does that obnoxious woman think she is?” demanded a staffer who works in the Russian Embassy media office inside the vast windowless soviet style massive high walled compound which belongs to his country, here in Damascus.
“Viktor” had been invited to our table, for lunch at the “Lady of Damascus” (“sitt a cham”) restaurant in the middle class neighborhood of Shalan, having been spotted by our charming host, a Sheik and MP in Syria’s Parliament.
The well-spoken gentleman was furious, after putting down his mobile phone having apparently heard some rather upsetting news. What ignited Viktor were the recent statements of the US State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland and her seemingly anti-Russian statements lecturing and insulting Syria’s ally, which Victor considered a bald effort to misinterpret the recent statement of Russia’s Middle East envoy, Mikhail Bodganov. Badganov, on 12/13/12 had stated, in response to a question, “One must look the facts in the face… unfortunately, the victory of the Syrian opposition cannot be ruled out.” Bogdanov also noted that the Syrian government was “losing control of more and more territory.”
Viktor explained that what has galled the Russian and his embassy colleagues here about Nuland, known for her pro-Zionist, anti-Syrian, Russian, Arab and Muslim views, was her arrogant language:

“We want to commend the Russian government for finally waking up to the reality and acknowledging that the regime’s days are numbered.”
According to Viktor,

“Bodganov said nothing really new. And we will issue a clarification of this very soon.”
He continued,
“Everyone knows that theoretically the foreign-backed rebels could win. This is not new and is always a possibility during an uprising. But Mrs. Nuland surely knows that the Syrian government has purposely pulled back from some rural areas where there is mainly open space in order to concentrate its forces to protect population centers. This is very basic military strategy and has been employed throughout history. In the English language I think it’s called something like a “strategic retreat or tactical redeployment. It is reprehensible for western and Gulf media to use our Middle East envoys statement as a form of psychological warfare while deceiving the media.”
He added,
“Of course we have contingency plans for an evacuation of our citizens if necessary. This is quite normal and we and other countries have such plans for Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, the Gulf countries and Palestine, among others. Russia has not lessened its support for Syria and to think otherwise is yet another in the series on many miscalculations from Washington.”

Sure enough, within hours, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Alexander Lukashevich, a friend of Viktor’s issued a statement:

“We would like to remark that he (Bogdanov) has made no statements or special interviews with journalists in the last days. We once again confirm the principled Russian position about the lack of any alternative to a political solution in Syria.”
 After venting on Nuland, Victor and others at our table were totally dismissive of the statement of the secretary general of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who told reporters in Brussels after a meeting with the Dutch prime minister at NATO headquarters. 

“I think the regime in Damascus is approaching collapse,”
he told reporters after a meeting with the Dutch prime minister at NATO headquarters.

 “I think now it is only a question of time.”

The Syrian MP explained that Rasmussen has no credibility at all after all the lies he spoke concerning NATO in Libya and how NATO’s more than 9,000 bombing missions “protected the civilian population” whereas in truth, everyone there at the time (including this observer) knew very well that the main threat to Libya’s population, starting in March 2011 and continuing until mid-October was from NATO.

From Sorman to Sabna NATO forces rained indiscriminate death on the civilian population of Libya and according to Russian President, due to meet with Obama in February, has condemned the US and NATO for deceiving Russia and the international community regarding its true aims. Viktor told us that his country fears the same deception is afoot in Syria.
Damascenes are tense, sullen, but not panicked following the recent events and what many consider terrorist acts by so-called “rebels.”
According to students I very much enjoy meeting with from Universities and Colleges here, their President, Bashar Assad, still has the support of a majority of the population. Many, as does the Assad government, accept, in principal, the April 2012 Geneva Proposals. That initiative, proposes a transitional government resulting from dialogue leading up the 2014 election which would be open to all candidates. They favor letting the Syrian people choose at the ballot box the next president whoever that may be.
It is evident here in Damascus that the main worry of the population is the manifold effects of the generally viewed illegal and immoral US led sanctions. On a another subject, “Tamara, a university student explained that the target of students and intimidation by rebel backers of students and faculty plus the kidnappings, taking of houses and cars by these same elements are affecting education here although almost all the schools and universities are still functioning.
This observer had the help of a small group of Damascus University students in conducting a survey of the effects of the US led sanctions regime on the civilian population. Virtually every person who expressed a view on this subject told this observer that the only purpose of the American sanctions is regime change by way of trying to force the population to suffer to such an extent that the long lines for bread etc. turn violent and break the bond between the Bashar Assad government and the civilian population. People here commonly refer to the US led sanctions against Iran as also being about regime change and not because Washington believes it can force Iran to abandon its perfectly legal nuclear development program.
December 2012: at least 29 Syrian students and their teacher 
were killed after a rebel mortar attack hit their school in a camp
for displaced people near Damascus. (AFP)
The results of a student led survey of grocery stores in Damascus, completed on 12/12/12, shows the following increases in food prices that citizens here must pay against the backdrop of current unemployment figures currently estimated by economists as being between 40-60 percent of the population.
Damascus Student survey: Price rises for food items between May 2011 and December 2012
(Official exchange rate is currently 80 Syrian pounds for one US dollar)
Lamb—500 Syrian pounds to this week’s price of 750 sp, Chicken—200 sp to 450 sp, Milk—per liter….from 40 to 95 sp, Rice—from 40 sp to 100 sp, Eggs—160-300 sp for a carton of 30 medium sized eggs, Cooking oil—30 per liter to 60, Sugar—40 sp per kilo to 85 sp, Bread—20 sp for 10 loaves of flat bread to 55 currently in Damascus but 220 s.p. in Aleppo where, as in Homs, Hama and the east, a massive humanitarian crises in rapidly spreading.
Russia has promised wheat for this basic staple in Syria. But time is of the essence. In many areas of Syria most in need, basic food stuff supplying NGO’s are absent.
Bottled cooking gas– 500 sp now up to 1000 sp, is also becoming more difficult to find in several Damascus neighborhoods.
Heating oil which was 100 sp per liter is now on average 250 sp but becoming quite scarce. Even some of the five star hotels here in Damascus, due to a severe shortage of “mazot” fuel oil, are cutting off the heat and hot water to rooms except for periods between 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 8-10 p.m. Russia has reportedly promised a tanker of fuel oil but it will be dangerous to transport it by road to the population centers here because, according to students working as volunteers with the Syrian Arab Republic Red Crescent Society and other humanitarian organizations, rebel forces are increasing stealing or destroying aid convoys and rampaging the countryside.
Students here in Damascus intend to publish a more detailed list of consumer goods every two weeks. Yesterday some picketed the empty American embassy in protest against US led sanctions. “The Syrian people will never forget or forgive the American campaign to starve us into submission”, one sign read.
It appears to this observer that, rather as is the case with Iran, the illegal and immoral US led sanctions, which urgently need to be challenged at The Hague, imposed on the civilian population of Syria is having the opposite effect of what their cynical architects intended. The piling on of sanctions is giving credibility to the Assad government which, while employing measures to curtail prices increases here, so far with modest success, is arguing that the price rises are the result of Syria’s American and Zionist enemies. This view is widely shared among students at Damascus University and the general public.
Franklin Lamb is doing research in Damascus and is reachable c/o

The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga

The Staging of a US-NATO Sponsored Humanitarian Disaster?

 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Global Research, December 12, 2012
Modeled on the Saddam Hussein WMD narrative, the propaganda ploy concerning the alleged threat of Syria’s chemical weapons has been building up over several months.

The Western media suggests –in chorus and without evidence– that  a “frustrated” and “desperate” president Bashar al Assad is planning to use deadly chemical weapons against his own people. Last week, U.S. officials revealed to NBC News that “Syria’s military has loaded nerve-gas chemicals into bombs and are awaiting final orders from al-Assad”.
Western governments are now accusing Syria of planning a diabolical scheme on the orders of the Syrian head of State. Meanwhile, the media hype has gone into full gear. Fake reports on Syria’s WMD are funneled into the news chain, reminiscent of the months leading up to the March 2003 invasion of Iraq.

The evolving media consensus is that  “the regime of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad appears to be entering its twilight”  and that the “international community” has a responsibility to come to the rescue of the Syrian people to prevent the occurrence of a humanitarian disaster.
Accused: George Bush and Tony Blair who said today that Archbishop Tutu was wrong about the Iraq war“…Fears are growing in the West that Syria will unleash chemical weapons in a last-ditch act of desperation”
Recent reports that the embattled government of Syria has begun preparations for the use of chemical weapons [against the Syrian people] . After two years of civil war and more than 40,000 deaths, events in Syria may be heading to a bloody crescendo.  (WBUR, December 11, 2012)

Syria versus Iraq
Antiwar critics have largely underscored the similarities with the Iraq WMD ploy, which consisted in accusing the government of Saddam Hussein of possessing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The alleged WMD threat was then used as a justification to invade Iraq in March 2003.

The WMD Iraq ploy was subsequently acknowledged in the wake of the invasion as an outright fabrication, with president George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair actually recognizing that it was a “big mistake”. In a recent statement Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu called  for ‘lying’ Blair and Bush to face trial in the Hague`s International Criminal Court

The Syria WMD saga is in marked contrast to that of Iraq. The objective is not to” justify” an all out humanitarian war on Syria, using chemical weapons as a pretext.

An examination of  allied military planning as well as the nature of US-NATO support to the opposition forces suggests a different course of action to that adopted in relation to Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011).

The purpose is indeed to demonize Bashar Al Assad but the objective at this stage is not the conduct of an all out “shock and awe” war on Syria, involving a full fledged air campaign. Such an action would, under present conditions, be a highly risky undertaking. Syria has advanced air defense capabilities, equipped with Russian Iskander missiles (see image) as well as significant ground forces. A Western military operation could also lead to a response from Russia, which has a naval base at the port city of Tartus in Southern Syria.

Moreover, Iranian forces from its revolutionary guards corps (IRGC) are present on the ground in Syria; Russian military advisers are involved in the training of the Syrian military.
In recent developments, Syria took delivery of the more advanced Russian Iskander missile system, the Mach 6-7, in response to the deployment of US Made Patriot missiles in Turkey. Syria already possesses the less advanced E-Series Iskander. Syria is also equipped with the Russian ground to air defense missile system Pechora-2M. (see video below)
Iskander Mach 6-7


The Pechora-2M is a surface-to-air anti-aircraft short-range missile system designed for destruction of aircraft, cruise missiles, assault helicopters and other air targets at ground, low and medium altitudes.

Ground to air defense Russian Pechora 2M deployed to Syria

Non-Conventional Warfare

At this juncture, despite US-NATO military superiority, an all out military operation, for the reasons mentioned above, is not contemplated.

Non-conventional warfare remains the chosen avenue. Reports confirm that NATO-led military operations would be largely in support of rebel forces, its command structure, communications systems, recruitment, training, the transfer to rebel forces of more advanced weapons. Part of this undertaking including the training of rebels is being carried by private mercenary companies. 
A limited and selective air campaign in support of the rebels, using Syria’s chemical weapons bunker stockpiles as a pretext could be contemplated, but even this would be a risky undertaking given Syria’s air defense capabilities.

What was on the drawing board of a recent “Semi-Secret” Meeting in London, hosted by General Sir David Julian Richards, head of Britain’s Defense Staff  is a coordinated military agenda characterised by “air and naval support, plus military training for the opposition”.

The meeting in London included the participation of the military chiefs of France, Turkey, Jordan, Qatar, the UAE and the US. No further details were made public (See Felicity Arbuthnot, Secret Meetings in London Plotting to Wage War on Syria without UN Authorization, Global Research, December 11, 2012

The thrust of this London gathering behind closed doors (reported on December 10, 2012) was to support a unified military command structure of opposition forces designed to “unify insurgent ranks” fighting government forces. In practice, this will require a renewed influx of mercenaries under the supervision of Western special forces which are already on the ground inside Syria.

Staging a Humanitarian Disaster?

The training component of  US-NATO action is of crucial importance. How does it relate to the Syria ‘chemical weapons’ issue?

The Western military alliance does not contemplate at this stage an all out war in response to Syria’s possession of chemical weapons. What is contemplated is the need to train the opposition rebels in the handling of chemical weapons.

This specialized training program which was confirmed is already ongoing, implemented with the support of specialized private mercenary and security companies on contract to the Pentagon:

“The United States and some European allies are using defense contractors to train Syrian rebels on how to secure chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria, a senior U.S. official and several senior diplomats told CNN Sunday. ( CNN Report, December 9, 2012)

What is unfolding is a diabolical scenario –which is an integral part of military planning– namely a situation where opposition terrorists advised by Western defense contractors are actually in possession of chemical weapons.

This is not a rebel training exercise in non-proliferation. While president Obama states that “you will be held accountable” if “you” (meaning the Syrian government) use chemical weapons, what is contemplated as part of this covert operation is the possession of chemical weapons by the US-NATO sponsored terrorists, namely “by our” Al Qaeda affiliated operatives,  including the Al Nusra Front (see image on right), which constitutes the most effective Western financed and trained fighting group, largely integrated by foreign mercenaries. In a bitter twist, Jabhat al-Nusra, a US sponsored “intelligence asset”, was recently put on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations.

The West claims that it is coming to the rescue of the Syrian people, whose lives are allegedly threatened by Bashar Al Assad.  The truth of the matter is that the Western military alliance is not only supporting the terrorists, including the Al Nusra Front, it is also making chemical weapons available to its proxy “opposition” rebel forces.

The next phase of this diabolical scenario is that the chemical weapons could be used by the US-NATO recruited “opposition” terrorists against civilians, which could potentially lead an entire nation into a humanitarian disaster.

The broader issue is: who is a threat to the Syrian people? The Syrian government of Bashar al Assad or the US-NATO-Israel military alliance which is recruting and training “opposition” terrorist forces.

The Syria Chemical Weapons Pretext: Background

The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga was launched last Summer. In  early August, the Pentagon announced that it would send “small teams of special operations troops” into Syria with a view to destroying Syria’s Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). These teams would in turn be supported by “precision air strikes”, namely air raids. An all out aerial attack was not contemplated. According to the Pentagon, the precision strikes were intended to “destroy the chemical weapons without dispersing them in the air”, a highly risky undertaking…

Ironically, at the outset of this diabolical plan, the US special forces incursion and air operation were not to be directed against the Syrian regime. In fact quite the opposite. The stated intent of the operation was to protect civilians against “opposition” rebels, rather than government forces.

No accusations were directed against President Bashar al Assad to the effect that he was underhandedly conniving to use WMD against Syrian civilians. According to the Pentagon, the operation was to ensure that Syria’s WMDs, which allegedly “are left unguarded” in military bunkers around the country do not fall in the hands of opposition jihadist rebels who are fighting government forces:

Pentagon planners are more focused on protecting or destroying any Syrian stockpiles that are left unguarded and at risk [of] falling into the hands of rebel fighters or militias aligned with Al Qaeda, Hezbollah or other militant groups. ( U.S. has plans in place to secure Syria chemical arms –, August 22, 2012
What the Pentagon was saying in August, was that these WMD could fall in the hands of  the “pro-democracy” freedom fighters recruited and financed by several of America’s close allies including Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, in liaison with Washington and NATO headquarters in Brussels.

In essence, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was refuting his own lies. In August he acknowledged the terrorist threat, now he is accusing Bashar Al Assad. Tacitly acknowledged by Washington, the majority of the Syrian freedom fighters are not only foreign mercenaries, they also belong to extremist Islamist groups, which are on the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations.

Israel is a partner in the Syria chemical weapons operation in liaison with NATO and the Pentagon.

Training Terrorists in the Use of Chemical Weapons

If the Obama administration were genuinely concerned in preventing these chemical weapons from falling “in the wrong hands” (as suggested by the Pentagon in August), why then are they now training “opposition rebels” –largely composed of Salafist and Al Qaeda affiliated fighters– to gain control over government stockpiles of chemical weapons?

The training [in chemical weapons], which is taking place in Jordan and Turkey, involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials, according to the sources. Some of the contractors are on the ground in Syria working with the rebels to monitor some of the sites, according to one of the officials.
The nationality of the trainers was not disclosed, though the officials cautioned against assuming all are American. 
(CNN, December 09, 2012)
 While the news report does not confirm the identity of the defense contractors, the official statements suggest a close contractual relationship to the Pentagon:
 While the news report does not confirm the identity of the defense contractors, the official statements suggest a close contractual relationship to the Pentagon:

The US decision to hire unaccountable defense contractors to train Syrian rebels to handle stockpiles of chemical weapons seems dangerously irresponsible in the extreme, especially considering how inept Washington has so far been at making sure only trustworthy, secular rebels – to the extent they exist – receive their aid and the weapons that allies in the Gulf Arab states have been providing.
It also feeds accusations that the Syrian Foreign Ministry recently made that the US is working to frame the Syrian regime as having used or prepared for chemical warfare.
“What raises concerns about this news circulated by the media is our serious fear that some of the countries backing terrorism and terrorists might provide the armed terrorist groups with chemical weapons and claim that it was the Syrian government that used the weapons,” the letters said.”( John Glaser, Us Defense Contractors Training Syrian Rebels,, December 10, 2012, See also CNN Report, December 9, 2012)  
The central question is: what is the nature of this gruesome covert operation? Is the purpose of the US-NATO led operation to “prevent” or “encourage” the use of chemical weapons by the Free Syrian Army (FSA)?

The above report confirms that the US and NATO are training terrorists in the use of chemical weapons. Does this type of specialized training require the actual handling of toxic chemicals? In other words, is the Western military alliance, through its appointed defense contractors, making chemical weapons available to terrorists for training purposes?

Knowing that the Syrian insurgency is in large part made up of jihadists and Al Qaeda affiliated formations, this is hardly a means to “preventing” the actual use of chemical weapons against civilians. Moreover, amply documented, many of the “opposition” rebels who are receiving training in chemical weapons, have committed countless atrocities directed against Syrian civilians, including the massacres in Houla:

“Terrorist groups may resort to using chemical weapons against the Syrian people… after having gained control of a toxic chlorine factory [in Aleppo],” the foreign ministry said Saturday.” (Press TV, December 8, 2012)
 It should be noted that the use of chemical weapons by opposition forces does not require that the rebels actually secure control over government stockpiles. Chemical weapons could easily be made available –from Western stockpiles– to the defense contractors involved in the specialized chemical weapons training programs.

Needless to say, the chemical weapons training and the involvement of private mercenary outfits on contract to NATO and the Pentagon, increase the risk; they create conditions which favor the use of chemical weapons by opposition forces, thereby potentially triggering a nationwide humanitarian disaster.

The US-NATO coalition has clarified at its “semi-secret” meeting in London (reported on December 10), however, that it does not contemplate “boots on the ground”. The special forces will be working with the opposition insurgency against government forces.

In the absence of an all out US-NATO military operation, the focus is on non-conventional warfare. In this context, one of  several diabolical “options on the table” would be to create conditions whereby chemical weapons “fall in the hands” of the terrorists thereby potentially triggering a nationwide humanitarian disaster.

While this option, were it to be carried out, would not require a US-NATO military intervention, the humanitarian catastrophe would set the stage for the collapse of the Syrian government, namely the long sought objective of “regime change”.

The Libya or Iraq model is not an option. The strategic choice of the Western military alliance points towards the possible staging of a humanitarian catastrophe?

In the logic of war propaganda and media disinformation, the deaths of civilians resulting from the use of chemical weapons would be blamed on President Bashar Al Assad, with a view to enforcing subsequent actions by the US-NATO military alliance.

We are not suggesting that this option will inevitably be carried out. What we are saying is that the option of chemical weapons in the hands of the rebels which could potentially trigger a humanitarian disaster is on the US-NATO drawing board.

How can we ensure that this gruesome and diabolical option be thwarted and definitively shelved?

The issue must be brought into the open. Public opinion must be mobilized against the US-NATO-Israel led war.

Denounce the Déjà Vu WMD lies.

Challenge the mainstream media consensus.

Reveal and refute the lies and fabrications concerning Syria’s chemical weapons program.

Spread the word, far and wide,

Bring the issue to the forefront of public debate, Confront the war criminals in high office.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!