
Friday 25 January 2013

Syria between Lavrov and al-Faisal

Compiled by Alex

Saud al-Faisal, has unveiled the truth about the role the Kingdom plays in the foreign aggression against the Syria people, admitting that he is engaged in a battle against Syria which he has not yet won.
The battle against Syria started after other options fell in both Iraq and, consequently, Lebanon, leading to the failure in forcing Iran to hold uranium enrichment amid all threats, including the war.
Speaking after the final Arab Social and Economic Development Summit, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal asked: What Could We Do to Win the Battle in Syria?
“Unfortunately, we have a Syrian government that rejects any solution, and it doesn’t seem that a political solution based on negotiations between the government and the opposition could be reached,” he added....

“We have reached an impasse. What could we do to win the battle? Yes, the situation in Syria is very bad, and the UN has a duty in this case, and if a UN decision on this issue was not released, the situation will worsen,” the Saudi foreign minister further indicated.

Despite having failed in the 'foreign intervention stage' of the aggression on Syria, al-Faisal reiterated his call upon the Security Council to take such a move under Chapter VII, hoping that this could be a way for undermining the steadfastness of the Syrian people and army who have strongly confronted the terrorists.

On the other hand, al-Faisal's employer, the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton admitted in her turn that the terrorists in Syria are using weapons which were transferred from Libya after the foreign military intervention in it.
Speaking before the Congress about the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Clinton acknowledged that Libya has turned into a country of militias where gunmen are using weapons stolen from Libya's warehouses and smuggle them to be used in terrorist acts on the territories of neighboring countries.
While admitting so, Clinton ignored her country's role in the transfer of the Libyan weapons to Syria either by giving the orders to its regional agents or through turning a blind eye to the transfer operations by sea to Turkey and then to Syria under the supervision of the Turkish government.

One day after the Riyadh Declaration, speaking at the annual press-coference summing up the state of international affairs for the past year, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said " Nothing will improve with the situation in Syria while the opposition is possessed with the idea of ousting President Bashar Assad."

You can watch Lavrov's press conference live­.
“I repeat: everything ends with the opposition’s obsession with ousting Assad. As long as this intransigent attitude remains in force, nothing good will happen. The fighting will continue and people will die,” Lavrov said. “Some countries of the West and the Middle East welcomed creation of the opposition coalition. When we asked our partners why they have chosen an attitude that rejects dialogue, we were told that the main task is to unite the opposition, and once that’s done, the Western countries taking part in the settlement of the Syrian crisis will talk the opposition into taking a more constructive position,” said the minister.

But that never happened, he explained, saying that “there were no attempts to call the sides to negotiation table,” despite efforts by Russia, China, UN special envoy Kofi Annan and another envoy, Lahdar Brahimi, who replaced Annan.

For Russian foreign politics, preserving or deposing President Bashar Assad’s regime is not a priority, Lavrov pointed out. The settlement of the Syrian crisis means putting an immediate halt to the fighting to stop the bloodshed and stabilize the situation in Syria.

“Our priority is not reaching some kind of a geopolitical goal, which ousting the existing regime [in Syria] definitely is,” Lavrov said. He pointed out that for the external players of the Syrian crisis “priorities seem to differ from those declared.”

“We openly speak with [our Western partners]. They verbally agree with us, saying they realize the threats of the collapse of the Syrian state in the perspective. But when they go to the public, they say things that differ from those previously said by them in private,” Lavrov revealed.

Russian Black fleet ships take part in a Russian military Navy Day parade near an important navy base in the Ukrainian town of Sevastopol, on July 31, 2011.
Russia starts major naval drills in Mediterranean Sea amid Syria crisis

Lavrov also shared his belief that the presence of the Russian fleet in the Mediterranean Sea guarantees stability in the region. Lavrov called the navy war games the Russian fleet is conducting right now in the Mediterranean an ordinary event and promised that such drills will happen regularly in the future.


Russians are legitimate targets for military attacks in Syria, a member of the Syria’s National Opposition Coalition said. The Coalition is recognized by the US and a number of its allies as the only legitimate representative of the Syrian people.

­"Russia, like Iran, supports the Assad regime with weapons and ammunition, as well as in the political arena, so the citizens of these countries are legitimate targets for militants in Syria," Haitham al-Maleh, a member of the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces told RT.

A Syrian businessman in Aleppo has shot his wife for supporting President Bashar al Assad, AFP reported quoting the deceased woman’s cousin.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.Russia is not going to evacuate its citizens from Syria, but if anybody decides to leave the country, Russian Emergencies Ministry jets can take them on their way back to Russia since they deliver humanitarian help to Syria regularly, Lavrov informed.

So far only 77 people, including 27 children, have decided to leave for Russia, though previously about 1,000 women with their children expressed interest in flying to Moscow.

“We cannot start a mass evacuation since there are tens of thousands of Russian citizens, mostly women who married Syrians,” Russian FM said.

According to official data 8,008 Russian citizens have registered in the consulate in Damascus, but the real number could be as high as 25,000.

Sergey Lavrov said Russia has no plans to close its embassy in the Syrian capital.

“The embassy is functioning properly, fulfilling the task of being in contact with both the Syrian leadership and the opposition,” Lavrov said.

He recalled that the families of the diplomats and some secondary personnel left the country quite some time ago, which was the right decision since it is not safe in Syria.


Al-Faisal Admits Failure of Battle in Syria…
Clinton: Terrorists Are Using Libyan Weapons 
So, the  Syrian crisis is getting complicated and the Western -Arab alliance open war on Syria will continue to achieve a single goal not goals, Assad should go after that all differences may be settled.

Amid this great international split on the crisis in Syria, though there is an agreement that the only solution is political and that the war will only lead to more death and destruction and to no avail, but the Western -Arab alliance continue to send weapons and fighters to the confrontationswith certainty that it would not be able to twist the arm of Syria, who introduced of a lot of amendments to the tactics of war used by the regular army, who promised surprises very soon, specifically in Damascus country side clean up the entire area of militants.

In this context, the President of Russian diplomacy announced, in a direct response to the Western -Arab alliance, there is no solution, even politically without the Syrian President, confirming the continuity of the crisis and the need to live with it as long as possible.  Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov expected the crisis would continue at least two years to 2014, the expiry date of the mandate of the Syrian president until the emergence of  new field data re-shuffle the deck again.

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International reports highlights the decline in violence in all regions of the clashes to below 50%, as a result of the control of the Syrian army on many of the hot spots and killing the terrorists, and always according to international circles indicated the so called armed opposition suffered heavy casualties, affecting their morals and performance. 

Many of its members withdraw from the battlefields and get out of Syria,in spite of all the temptations offered to them, especially on the financial level.

This brings us to say that any transitional government with full powers transferred by the Syrian president is out of the question because Assad himself would not accept it as it is inconsistent with the terms of the Syrian Constitution, not to mention that Assad, according to the regional and international powers, is a central part of the new multi-pole emerging world


‏الخميس‏، 24‏ كانون الثاني‏، 2013
أوقات الشام

محمد شمس الدين
يستعدّ المبعوث الدولي – العربي المشترك إلى سورية الأخضر الإبراهيمي على ما يبدو لمغادرة مهمته التي كلّف بها في هذا البلد بعد نحو 6 أشهر على تعيينه فيها، من دون التوصّل إلى صيغة للحلّ، فيما خرجت موسكو أمس بموقف واضح لا لبس فيه أضاء على تفصيل واحد بات يشكّل محور الأزمة في سورية، وهو بقاء أو رحيل الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد من دون العودة إلى أي من المطالب التي شنّت الحرب عليه على أساسها.

لكن الموقف الروسي المتجدّد الذي أعلنه وزير الخارجية سيرغي لافروف في مناسبة تقديمه جردة نشاط وزارته للعام الماضي، لم يكن محطة عابرة، خاصّة وقد أتى بعد يوم واحد على إعلان الرياض على لسان وزير الخارجية السعودي سعود الفيصل، أن «العرب» في مأزق حقيقي ولا يدرون ما الذي يمكن أن يفعلوه في ما أسماه «المأساة» السورية المستمرّة، على أمل أن يتم تحقيق المرجو منها «والفوز» بحسب تعبير الفيصل، بالنسبة إلى تحالفه مع الغرب واتفاقه معه على البدء بإرساء قواعد «الشرق الأوسط الجديد»، من الشام، بعدما سقطت الخيارات الأخرى في كل من العراق وتالياً لبنان، وصولاً إلى الفشل الذريع في تطويع إيران عبر ثنيها عن متابعة تخصيب اليورانيوم وسط كل التهديدات ومن ضمنها الحرب.

وسط هذا التجاذب الدولي الكبير حول الأزمة في سورية يبرز اتفاق التصريحات على أن الحلّ يكمن في الناحية السياسية، ويعترف الجميع بأنّ الحرب لن تؤدي إلّا إلى مزيد من القتل والدمار ومن دون جدوى، غير أن الحلف الغربي – العربي يستمر في إرسال السلاح والمسلحين إلى المواجهات، مع تأكده أنه لن يتمكن من لي ذراع الدولة في سورية، التي ما زالت تواجه بقوّة كما في الأيام الأولى للأزمة مع إدخال الكثير من التعديلات على تكتيكات الحرب التي يستعملها الجيش النظامي الذي أعلن أنه سيكشف عن مفاجآت قريباً جداً، وتحديداً في ريف دمشق على خلفية بدئه حملة قد تؤدّي إلى تنظيف كامل المنطقة من المسلحين وإعلانها آمنة أمام المواطنين السوريين وغيرهم من الأجانب.

لقد حدّد التحالف الغربي – العربي ثمناً واضحاً لـ»وقف النزف» أو التراجع، وهو «سقوط الرئيس» حتى لو لم يؤدّ ذلك إلى إجراء التغييرات التي يعلن عنها، وبذلك تتعقّد الأمور لأن الحرب المفتوحة صار لها هدف واحد لا هدفان، على أن يُصار إلى مناقشة كافة الخلافات بعد هذه المرحلة، فاستمرار الأسد في موقعه من شأنه فتح المواجهة مع كل من مسّ سورية ودورها بسوء في حال توقفت الحرب.

وفي هذا السياق، كان لما أعلنه رئيس الدبلوماسية الروسية عن أنه لا حلّ ولو سياسياً من دون الرئيس السوري، رداً مباشراً على هذا «الثمن» ما يؤكّد على استمرارية الأزمة وضرورة العمل على التعايش معها أطول فترة ممكنة، كما توقعها نائب وزير الخارجية الروسية ميخائيل بوغدانوف وقد لا تقل عن سنتين أي إلى عام 2014 تاريخ انتهاء ولاية الرئيس السوري، إلّا أنّ الخلاف يبقى قائماً في أي حلّ سياسي على دور الأسد المستقبلي ووفق أية أجندة دولية.

ما تؤشر إليه تلك التصريحات و»التوقعات» هو أنّ الأزمة مستمرّة بعنف إلى حين ظهور معطيات ميدانية تعيد خلط الأوراق من جديد. فيما تؤكد أوساط دولية أن التقارير التي ترد إليها تسلّط الضوء على تراجع العنف في كل مناطق الاشتباكات إلى ما دون الـ 50%، وذلك نتيجة سيطرة الجيش السوري على كثير من النقاط الساخنة وقضائه على المسلحين فيها، ودائماً بحسب الأوساط الدولية التي أشارت إلى أنه لحقت بمن وصفتها بـ»المعارضة المسلّحة» خسائر بشرية كبيرة قُدّرت بالمئات، كان لها التأثير المعنوي الكبير على أدائها وانسحاب العديد من أفرادها من ساحات القتال والسعي إلى الخروج من سورية، حيث نجح البعض بذلك بالرغم من كل الإغراءات التي تقدّم لهم لا سيّما على الصعيد المادي.

يقودنا هذا الكلام إلى أن البحث في أية حكومة انتقالية تُنقل إليها صلاحيات الرئيس السوري كاملة، أمر غير وارد على الإطلاق ذلك لأن الأسد نفسه لن يرضى به إذ لا يتوافق مع بنود الدستور السوري، ناهيك عن عدم رضى المنظومة السياسية الإقليمية و الدولية التي يشكّل الرئيس الأسد جزءاً محوريّاً فيها وفي منطقة يدور مجمل الصراع حول موقعها ودورها.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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