
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Vatican: 'Syrian wheat is looted & sold to Turkey!'

'Eat, Your most adorable Royal Custodian Magnificence, eat ...
This is made with looted Syrian wheat!'
"..Archbishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, titular of the Syrian Catholic archeparchy of Hassaké-Nisibis, placed the attention on one of the many sides obscured by the Syrian drama: things are getting worse quickly, and the situation - warns the Syrian Archbishop - "could soon become catastrophic.". ... . In the appeal to FAO, also sent to Fides Agency, the deterioration of the conditions of survival of the population of the area is outlined in detail. At the beginning of winter, every economic activity appears paralyzed. The supply routes to the west have been interrupted for more than a month, and this causes the depletion of essential goods and soaring prices of all commodities. The lack of fuel prevents heating homes and leads to the complete closure of all agricultural activities, just as the planting season begins. "The grain silos - refers in particular Archbishop Hindo - were looted and wheat was sold to Turkish traders who conveyed it in Turkey, under the gaze of the Turkish customs officers. Our wheat was sold at a very low price." The region of Jazira was renowned for the production of high quality wheat. ..."

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
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