
Monday, 28 April 2014

Ukrainian Soldiers Killed by Neo-Nazi for Refusing to Fire at Own People
Olga SHEDROVA | 28.04.2014 | 00:00

The «anti-terrorist operation» announced by the Kiev-based regime to quell the protests in the south-eastern parts of Ukraine is unpopular in the army. 
The local police units in the Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov and other south-eastern cities refused to take action after the administrative buildings were captured by Donbass protesters. In response acting Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov ordered to start the formation of new police units across the whole country. They should be trained for punitive actions. Billionaire Igor Kolomoisky, a citizen of Israel appointed governor of Dnepropetrovsk region by the Kiev interim regime, promised cash rewards for the capture of protesters. 
The army is also involved into the operations in Donbass. Reservists began to dodge their duty and even switch sides from the very beginning. For instance, on April 11 the soldiers of Alfa security service special operations unit refused to assault administrative buildings in Donetsk and Lugansk captured by local people. One of commanding officers said, «We’ll act in strict accordance with the law. Our unit is created for the mission of liberating hostages and fight against terrorism». On April 24, the unit did not join combat as another attempt to re-capture the building was undertaken. 
On April 14 the soldiers of the 25th airborne brigade deployed near Slavyansk switched sides to join the people’s militia. There was internal revolt in the 93th mechanized brigade based in Cherkassy, the Dnepropetrovsk region. 
Reservists called for 10-days active duty account for the major part of army personnel used for the mission of putting the protests down. The mobilization plans have failed, so the age limit for people to be called for active duty has been increased to 55 years. The employees are to hold reservists’ jobs for two weeks, but they are kept on active duty for over a month. Many of them lose employment and have no means to care about their families. In some unites they are made to sign long-term active duty contracts. Due to lack of money their everyday life conditions are not up to par, many a time they are not even provided food rations. Many military units taking part in the operation are based in the city of Izium, the Kharkov region. There are cases of plundering committed by servicemen. Often military just take food away from local population. There was a failed attempt to re-take Slavyansk when Ukrainian servicemen stole away all the food for militia’s block posts. But Kiev turns a blind eye to the needs of its military as well as the people of Donbass. The authorities said the 25-th brigade servicemen who gave in their weapons to «terrorists» in Slavyansk will face trial. Chairman of the Lustration Committee under the Junta’s Cabinet of Ministers Yegor Sobolev said every commanding officer of Alfa who refused to carry out orders during the Slavyansk operation should face dishonorable discharge from service. 
Having failed to make the military shoot at their own people, the Kiev interim rulers and their stooges like Kolomoisky, for instance, use the neo-Nazi Pravy Sector forces of execution for the mission of countering the people’s protests. They opened fire at the soldiers of the 93th brigade during the revolt. Andrey Kiselev, a young conscript assigned to the 25th airborne brigade, was killed by Pravy Sector militants in the Dnepropetrovsk airport. His murder is a real tragedy. According to formal version, he was scared after an accidental discharge to the ground. Being afraid to face responsibility for the random shot, he committed a suicide. But before that he had made a call to parents to say he was to be killed for refusal to fire at people. Now the parents want justice but they are haunted by special services, military prosecutors and the military.

How many servicemen must be killed to make the army eliminate its own citizens whose only fault is the refusal to support the coup and the policy of new rulers aimed at discrimination of Russians? Having lost the support of the army, the Kiev junta can rely only on neo-Nazi chasteners. 
Is it what the Western curators of the junta will paint as an example of democracy? 

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