
Saturday 1 November 2014

Ashraf Rifi Delivery Service: Smuggling money to the army kidnappers in Ersal?

Lebanon: Who is smuggling money to the army kidnappers in Ersal?

A protester shouts on October 29, 2014 in Beirut during a demonstration of the families of the Lebanese soldiers who were captured in Ersal, to ask for their release and draw attention to the plight of their relatives. (Photo: AFP)
Published Saturday, November 1, 2014Al-Akhbar
The kidnappers of the Lebanese army soldiers on the outskirts of Ersal do not seem to be in a rush. They continue to blackmail the Lebanese government and have their demands met. Money and medical and food supplies have allowed them to continue their occupation of the barren areas surrounding Ersal, while the government is unable to give any assurances or guarantees to the families of the abductees.
Six trucks carrying food and medical supplies entered Ersal yesterday and will likely end up in the hands of kidnappers, who continue to blackmail and manipulate the Lebanese government, as well as the families of the abductees. Yet, the kidnappers have not taken any positive steps toward releasing some or any of the soldiers.
In the latest maneuver, Qatari envoy Ahmed al-Khatib headed to Ersal yesterday to continue the negotiations with the army kidnappers and try to obtain a clear written list of their demands.
He led a convoy of six trucks loaded with food and medical supplies, on the pretext that it is being transferred to Syrian refugee camps in the outskirts of Ersal. While political and security sources have said that “the aid will only reach the displaced Syrians,” sources familiar with the negotiations confirmed that “the supplies will be smuggled to the kidnappers who occupy the outskirts of Ersal.” The sources added that “the transfer of materials to the barren areas in the last few days has been very easy.”

In the past two weeks, large sums of money were transferred from Beirut to the hijackers.The Lebanese army seized last Saturday a car containing more than $250,000 en route to Ersal. The driver had intended to hand over the money to intermediaries in Ersal in order to transfer them to the kidnappers. After the intervention of “high-level political figures”, the driver, vehicle, and the money found on board were discharged.
While the parties involved in the negotiations have remained discreet as to the source of funds, informed sources said that Qatar is the source of funding. Other sources said that the funds come through Lebanese sources, noting that it is ransom money demanded by the kidnappers in order not to slaughter a kidnapped soldier.
Al-Khatib reportedly left Ersal shortly before midnight heading to Beirut after meeting with representatives of al-Nusra Front and the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), amid tight discretion about the progress of the negotiations. Until the night of October 30, the kidnappers had not handed over any written or oral list of their demands to the Lebanese authorities.
The Qatari envoy’s car, which has dark tinted glass, was stopped by an army intelligence patrol while cruising in the area of Tarik al-Jdideh on October 31. His car was also being monitored by a patrol belonging to another security apparatus, which resulted in an altercation between members of the two patrols. Al-Khatib was held for about eight hours and was released after mediation by political and security figures.
Al-Akhbar also learned that there are currently two channels of negotiation between the government and the army hijackers, one through the Director General of General Security Major General Abbas Ibrahim, and another through Health Minister Wael Abu Faour. According to available information, Faour – at one stage of the negotiations – headed to Ersal, where he met with figures who are in contact with the kidnappers, and he maintains communication with Sheikh Mustafa Hujairi (Abu Taqiyi).
Meanwhile, the families of the kidnapped soldiers decided to postpone the protests they had threatened to hold, after meeting yesterday with Prime Minister Tammam Salam, who briefed them on the course of the negotiations “over the duration of three months.”
Talal Taleb, the father of kidnapped soldier Mohammed Taleb, said on behalf of the families, “We are waiting for the return of the Qatari envoy from Ersal, and the prime minister has not given us any assurances or guarantees.”
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

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بخفتها المعتادة، تتعامل الدولة اللبنانية مع ملف العسكريين المخطوفين. تعددت قنوات التفاوض، وتعدد الخاطفون، وأرسل وزير مالاً للخاطفين، فأوقفه الجيش، فتدخل وزير ثان لضمان وصول المال. مشاهد قد تكون غير مسبوقة في تاريخ عمليات التفاوض في العالم
حتى ليل امس، كان خاطفو العسكريين في جرود عرسال يرفضون إعلان مطالبهم التي يريدون من الحكومة اللبنانية تحقيقها لقاء إفراجهم عن العسكريين. محتلو جرود عرسال استقبلوا الوسيط السوري ــ القطري، مرتين خلال اليومين الماضيين، لكن من دون نتيجة. حصلوا بالابتزاز، على ما يريدونه، من اموال ومواد غذائية، لكنهم رفضوا منح الجانب اللبناني أي مقابل. مصادر متابعة لقضية الخاطفين اكّدت لـ»الأخبار» انهم لن يتنازلوا بسهولة عن العسكريين المخطوفين. فإبقاء المخطوفين في الجرود المحتلة يمثل الورقة الوحيدة التي تتيح للجماعات الخاطفة تخفيف آثار الحصار عنها. فهذا الحصار تزداد حدته يوماً بعد آخر، وفشلت كل محاولات الاختراق الجدية التي سعت إلى تحقيقها. آخر هذه المحاولات جرت أمس في جرود عسال الورد السورية، حيث وقعت قوة من جبهة النصرة وحلفائها في كمين للجيش السوري وحزب الله، ما أدى إلى فشل الهجوم، الذي كانت هذه القوة في طريقها إلى شنه في البلدة المذكورة. وبسبب تشديد الإجراءات الأمنية التي يتخذها الجيش السوري وحزب الله على الجانب السوري، والجيش اللبناني على الجانب الآخر من الحدود، اعتمد الخاطفون سياسة ابتزاز الدولة اللبنانية التي رضخت لهم. فقبل إرسال شاحنات المواد الغذائية إلى عرسال اول من امس، تسلّم الخاطفون مبلغ 280 ألف دولار، أشرف على إيصاله إلى الجرود يوم الأربعاء الماضي وزير الصحة وائل بو فاعور، بعدما هدد الخاطفون بذبح عدد من الجنود. وسبقت هذا الأمر محاولة فاشلة لإيصال المبلغ ذاته، بحسب ما ذكرت مصادر سياسية رفيعة المستوى لـ»الاخبار». فيوم السبت الماضي، كان احد مرافقي الوزير أشرف ريفي، ويُدعى ديب اللهيب، متوجهاً إلى عرسال، ناقلاً في سيارة يقودها مبلغ 280 ألف دولار اميركي، فأوقفه حاجز للجيش اللبناني. وبعد التحقيق معه، تبيّن انه مكلف نقل هذه الامول لتسليمها إلى وسيط في عرسال، بهدف نقلها إلى الخاطفين. وقد أحال الجيش الموقوف مع الاموال والسيارة على النيابة العامة العسكرية، وفيما رفضت مصادر عسكرية الإفصاح عن هوية الموقوف، فإنها نفت ان يكون الجيش قد أفرج عنه استجابة لضغوط سياسية، مؤكدة انه أحيل على مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية.

وأكّدت المصادر السياسية لـ «الاخبار» أن اللهيب عنصر امن في جهاز رسمي، وانه يعمل في فريق حماية ريفي وعائلته. وقالت المصادر إن المبلغ المالي الذي كان في حوزته مأخوذ من «النفقات السرية للاجهزة اللبنانية، لكن من خارج الموازنة». ولفتت إلى أنه بعدما صادر الجيش المبلغ الذي كان في طريقه إلى عرسال، اضطر فريق بو فاعور ــ ريفي إلى جمع مبلغ 280 ألف دولار بطريقة غير رسمية، وضمان وصوله إلى الخاطفين الذين كانوا يهددون بذبح عدد من المخطوفين. ولفتت المصادر إلى ان الخاطفين «باتوا يلعبون في المساحة الفارغة بين فرق التفاوض اللبنانية، التي لا يبدو انها تجيد التنسيق في ما بينها». وعلى ذمة المصادر نفسها، فإن ما جرى من جمع للمال وتوقيف ثم إيصال المال إلى الخاطفين، جرى من دون رضى المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم، الذي «خرج عن السمع» لنحو يومين قبل أسبوع، وتوقف عن التواصل مع رئيس الحكومة وعدد من الوزراء احتجاجاً على طريقة معالجة ملف العسكريين المخطوفين.
بري على موقفه

سياسياً، لا يزال الرئيس نبيه بري على موقفه من اقتراح التمديد للمجلس النيابي، المزمع مناقشته في الهيئة العامة يوم الأربعاء المقبل، فكما انه يرفض إجراء انتخابات يقاطعها شريك أساسي، فإنه لا يريد تمرير قانون التمديد دون موافقة شريك أساسي آخر. لذلك لا يزال يقود حركة مشاورات مباشرة مع الأفرقاء المسيحيين المعارضين للتمديد، حتى لا تفقد الجلسة ميثاقيتها. مصادره تؤكّد أنه «لولا تلقّيه إشارات إيجابية من رئيس تكتّل التغيير والإصلاح العماد ميشال عون، والنائب جورج عدوان، لما حدّد موعداً لعقدها، أقله من خلال وعدهما بتغطية التمديد عبر حضور الجلسة، لا التصويت مع القانون»، لكن ما أشار إليه عدوان أمس في حديث تلفزيوني عن أن «الرئيس برّي أبلغه أنه يريد ميثاقية في التصويت على التمديد لا في الحضور وحسب»، يفتح باب التساؤلات عما يعنيه الرئيس برّي، وهل إن عدم تصويت نواب الكتل المسيحية الأكثر تمثيلاً سيدفعه إلى التريّث في طرح اقتراح التمديد؟

بحسب المصادر «الجميع يعلم أننا لم نُعد قادرين على إجراء الانتخابات، ولن نخاطر بالدخول في الفراغ». وترى المصادر أن الجلسة «تزداد ميثاقيتها يوماً بعد يوم، مع إعلان نواب مسيحيين بارزين قرارهم التصويت إلى جانب التمديد، كما هو حال النائبين بطرس حرب ودوري شمعون». وإذ أكدت المصادر أنه «لا يُمكن الجزم بما يمكن أن يحصل يوم الأربعاء، حيث يمكن أن تطرأ الكثير من التغيرات في المواقف خلال اليومين المقبلين»، أشارت إلى أن «بال الرئيس برّي مشغول حالياً بإيجاد إخراج ملائم للكتل التي تتقاطع على رفض التمديد». وفي هذا الإطار لمّحت إلى «حديث جرى التداول به عن إمكانية ألا يرفع نواب الكتل المعارضة أيديهم لا تأييداً للقانون ولا رفضاً له، بمعنى ألا يبدوا رأيهم، بما يشبه الورقة البيضاء، التي يجري إسقاطها في صندوق الاقتراع».
مخزن سلاح في منزل دقماق

تتوالى ضربات الجيش اللبناني للمسلحين والمشتبه بهم في طرابلس والمنية وعكار، بعد سيطرته على مواقعهم ومربعاتهم الأمنية وتواريهم عن الأنظار.

الضربة الأبرز التي سجلها الجيش، كانت عملية الدهم التي نفذها ليل أول من أمس في محلة أبي سمراء في طرابلس، بعدما رصدت قوة منه «تحركات مشبوهة لأشخاص ينقلون صناديق مجهولة المحتوى وبطريقة مريبة، فدُهم المكان حيث عثر على كميات كبيرة من الأسلحة المختلفة وقواذف «آر. بي جي» وذخائر متنوعة، وبنتيجة التحقيقات تبين أنها عائدة للمدعو بلال دقماق».

دهم منزل دقماق كان قد سبقه دهم الجيش منزل والديه، وعثر في داخله على كميات من الأسلحة جرت مصادرتها، ما دفع دقماق إلى تبرير وجودها بأنها قديمة وبالية، وتعود إلى معارك قديمة، لكن صوَر المضبوطات أظهرت أن الأسلحة جديدة، ما دفع دقماق إلى الادعاء لاحقاً بأنه «قام بتخزينها لا لاستعمالها»، لكن وصول عمليات الدهم فسرت على أنه ما من خط أحمر أمام الجيش، وان الغطاء سقط عن الجميع، لكون دقماق يعد من أبرز المقربين من وزير العدل أشرف ريفي، وكان يَعدّ نفسه محمياً. وقد تبين أنه في تركيا.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!


Haaretz's political cartoon on October 30, 2014

Editor’s Note
There is an obvious significance to this story that cannot and will not be revealed by Jewish or Western media. The captionless cartoon published in “Israeli” newspaper Haaretz unambiguously portrays Benjamin ‘Mileikowsky’ Netanyahu flying a jet marked “Israel” into the World Trade Center. The ostensible theme of the cartoon is Zionist butcher Mileikowsky’s ‘trashing of US-Israel relations’, a notion that is nonsensical to any person who understands the true nature of the US-“Israel” relationship – one of complete and total fawning and subservience – with US Congressmen and Presidents alike being literally selected by the Jewish lobby.
Verily, the astounding significance of this cartoon lays not with “US-Israel relations”, but with the Jewish false flag of 9/11 itself. It was Benjamin “Mileikowsky” (hailing from modern day Belarus, not Palestine) Netanyahu in 1987 who penned the book “Terrorism: How the West Can Win”; this butcher of Gaza was not only one of the key architects of the Mossad false flag of 9/11, but in fact one of the seminal authors of “War on Terror” mythology.
Is this cartoon a display of characteristic Zionist and Jewish arrogance, or simply an example of the unmitigated stupidity of a liberal Jewish journalist trying to make a tame and widely-known point in a provocative way?

Haaretz panned for cartoon of Netanyahu as 9/11 pilot

Artist defends caricature showing PM flying plane into World Trade Center, says it represents his ‘disastrous’ handling of US-Israel relations
Hebrew daily Haaretz’s political cartoon on Thursday stirred controversy by depicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flying a plane into one of the World Trade Center towers attacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001.
The cartoon, by the paper’s Amos Biderman, shows the prime minister flying a plane labeled “Israel” into the building, which is flying an American flag. There is no caption explaining the significance of the caricature.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Ukraine Waits for Solutions to Its Problems from Everyone but Itself

Pyotr ISKENDEROV | 01.11.2014 | 13:53

At trilateral talks held in Brussels on October 30th, Russia, Ukraine and the European Commission reached an agreement on Russian gas supplies to Ukraine and gas transit to Europe. It is a temporary solution to this problem, since the agreement only covers the next five months – until the end of March 2015. Shortly before this, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso made it clear that emergency lending to Ukraine, including for the payment of its Russian gas debts, would not exceed €790 million (Ukraine is asking for €2 billion). Money for Ukraine can only be taken out of the pockets of European taxpayers.

But European taxpayers are already disgruntled.“I get the feeling that Ukraine is waiting for solutions to its problems from everyone but itself,” declared Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico during talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. “I would like to see what measures Ukraine itself is undertaking to solve its own problems,” he added. Fico recalled that when Slovakia gained independence 21 years ago, everyone in the republic had to start afresh, the population lived through extremely difficult reforms, and nobody from abroad paid off a single one of Bratislava’s debts free of charge.

Everyone understands that, one way or another, the European Union will have to take on the cost of Ukraine.

Ukraine’s insolvency, coupled with its government’s habit of tapping into transit gas flows, are a dangerous mix that will primarily affect Europeans counting on stable Russian gas supplies.

It is not surprising that the provision of aid to Ukraine became a key issue during recent intense consultations.

There is no doubt that the €790 million Barroso has promised a collapsing Ukraine is not much. It is true that Barroso is Portuguese and is perhaps intending to use the European Commission’s money to help Portuguese banks led by Banco Espírito Santo that are currently experiencing hard times. The Bank of Portugal has already been given a rescue package of €4.4 billion and is going to be given more still.

Brusselsalso has a much more ambitious financial instrument at its disposal by way of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), which, when it was set up, had a capital of €500 billion and has already given €100 billion to bail out Spanish banks and €9 billion to stabilise Cyprus’ financial system. In addition, the ESM is actively issuing bonds. A new issue of these securities totalling €4 billion was recently placed on the market with a maturity of two years. When it comes to Ukraine, however, the ESM is not promising to help.

So who exactly is going to end up paying for the geopolitical experiments of Washington and Brussels in the former Soviet Union? According to The Wall Street Journal, it is going to be the governments of EU member states. The newspaper is hoping that the current situation might create pressure on EU member states to intervene and close the gap.

Translating the diplomatic language, this means that the EU’s governing bodies will expect European capitals to shoulder half of the aid to Kiev, if not more.

You will recall that just one of Ukraine’s gas debts to Gazprom is $5.3 billion, and Kiev still needs to prepay for future supplies. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak sees “guarantees from first-class European banks, bridge loans (short-term loans to cover the current payments of a troubled borrower - P.I.), funds from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Commission” as possible sources of funding for Ukraine...

Brusselsis looking at it differently, however; it prefers to shift Ukraine’s gas debts onto the shoulders of ordinary Europeans.

The financial situation in the EU at present is not the best. The European Commission still does not have a long-term anti-crisis strategy and is lurching from one anti-crisis programme to another – from the establishment of stabilisation funds to the direct purchase of debt obligations. Under the circumstances, it would be fitting for Europeans to ask their own governments as much as the European Commission why they are kindling the flames of the Ukrainian conflict, why they are closing their eyes to Kiev’s militant tendencies, why they unleashed a sanctions war against Russia and why, after all that, they are complaining about the financial problems? The answer lies in geopolitics. As does, by the way, the creation of the very same eurozone that is currently being forced to save Kiev with money.

The Ukrainian crisis that has been going on for nearly a year and the thousands of people who have paid for it with their lives are evidence of what happens when politics is deprived of common sense. Perhaps the approaching winter will force Europeans to better understand the simple truth.

“Europe needs to take responsibility. Unfortunately, the European Union may not have enough political will to cope with the historical challenge that has arisen before it,” writes the French newspaper Le Monde. The European Union is hurrying to strengthen its shaky economic position, and now all it needs to do is convince the EU taxpayers to put up with just a little bit more for the sake of Ukraine. 

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Iran’s Deputy FM Warns against West’s Plots for Syria in Kobani

 Posted on October 31, 2014 by 
Editorial Comment:

Today’s statement confirms the alliance between the YPG-YPJ defense forces and the FSA, which effectively reduces their status to that of  a Turkish-US-NATO counter-revolutionary proxy army that will serve imperialist interests in the region. 
An earlier article I published stated: 
“The reason why the Kurds of Kobani are to be sacrificed stems from the fact that they are the wrong kind of Kurds. Masoud Barzani and the bourgeois Kurds of the Kurdish Democratic Party (KDP) are the “good Kurds” and the predominant force among the Kurds of Iraq. Their control of almost 45% of Iraqi oil reserves and the booming business that they have been involved in with U.S. oil companies and Israel since their ‘liberation’ with the U.S. invasion makes them a valued asset for the U.S. The same goes for Turkey where despite the historic oppression of Kurds in Turkey, the government does a robust business with the Kurds of Iraq.” (While Da’ash Moves to Slaughter the Kurdish People of Kobanê, the US Bombs Syrian Grain Silos
Also see: 
That the YPG-YPJ may have been effectively infiltrated,  renders them vulnerable to defeat. 
One can hope that this tragic turn of events will be reversed and that they can resurrect the dream that inspired the world.  Their fate rests largely upon the members of the Kurdish Women’s Movement. 
There are promising reports from Syrian sources today:

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian lashed out at the western countries and their regional allies for interfering in Syria’s internal affairs, and said helping the Kurdish people of besieged Kobani city should not be used by the West as a pretext for further foreign intervention in the Muslim Arab country.

“Helping the people in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani should not be used as an excuse for foreign intervention in the Arab country,” Amir Abdollahian said on Thursday.

He warned against the excessive foreign interferences in Syria, and said, “Those who pursue specific goals are pushing Syria towards disintegration.”

The Iranian deputy foreign minister reiterated that protecting Syria’s territorial integrity and national unity will be in the interest of the Syrian people and all regional countries.

Amir Abdollahian, meantime, criticized the US for its destructive policies which have resulted in the escalation of terrorism and foreign interventions in the Middle East on the pretext of fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group.

According to reports, the intense fighting for the strategic town has also forced over 200,000 people to take refuge in neighboring Turkey.

Kobani, Syria’s largest Kurdish city, has seen intense battles over the past tow months as ISIL terrorists are trying to seize the city due to its strategic location.

Earlier this month, Iran’s Chief of Staff Major General Hassan Firouzabadi said the ISIL attack on Kobani is only a plot to provide an excuse for the US-led coalition to start a military build-up in Syria.

“You can smell conspiracy in the air as it seems that they want to victimize the Kobani people to pave the ground for the presence of the coalition’s military presence in Syria,” Firouzabadi said.

“We are truly worried about this massacre and believe that it is a catastrophic crime in mankind history,” he said.

He also smashed the US-led coalition for its selective airstrikes on ISIL-occupied territories which, he said, will further accelerate the ISIL’s operational advances.

Firouzabadi described the ISIL as a mercenary of the regional nations’ enemies, and said all Muslims and peace-seeking people across the world should protest at this situation and keep vigilant against the theatrical moves of the so-called anti-ISIL coalition.

“If the oppressed people of Kobani are assisted, God willing, they will be able to push back the ISIL from Kobani,” he added.

US-Led Anti-ISIL Coalition Doomed to Failure

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran’s Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Hojjatoleslam Kazzem Seddiqi said the so-called international coalition against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is in pursuit of suspicious goals which, he said, will not materialize.

Addressing a large and fervent congregation of the people on Tehran University campus on Friday, Hojjatoleslam Seddiqi said, “This coalition does not pursue benevolent intentions and its members are merely interfering in internal affairs of Syria and Iraq which is doomed to fail soon.”

Last week, Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli Larijani underlined that the US and the European countries are behind the wave of Takfiri terrorism in the region in a move to contain Islamic awakening and defame Islam.

“The killing of innocent people and other acts committed by this group have nothing to do with the Shiism and Sunnism; in fact it is one of the colonial policies of the US and the European countries who want to taint the image of Islam by introducing ISIL as Islam,” Amoli Larijani said in a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Tehran on October 22.

He reiterated that terrorists do not pose a threat just to Iraq, “rather the world powers have more programs to make the Middle East region insecure”.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Palestinian prisoners overshadowed by war

Sheikh Khader Adnan consoles the mother of Samer al-Issawi. (Photo: Al-Akhbar)
Published Friday, October 31, 2014
The situation in Palestine is never monotonous or quiet. The intensity of the events in Palestine leads most news to be forgotten the next day. As such, the recent war on Gaza and its repercussions have pushed the question of prisoners out of the limelight from the media and political circles.
Gaza – Samer al-Issawi and Sheikh Khader Adnan – the two men who symbolize the "battle of the empty stomachs," with their hunger strikes – are currently held in Israeli prisons far away from the cameras or any active mobilization on the ground.
Issawi, from Jerusalem, has broken all hunger strike records with his 9-month strike. However, his cause only attracts the attentions of a narrow circle of people, mostly human rights activists. The same goes for Sheikh Adnan, one of the most prominent leaders of Islamic Jihad in the West Bank, who is renowned for his inflexibility and solid positions while being interrogated.
The malaise of the Palestinian street concerning the issue of prisoners could be explained by the fact that the besieged Gaza Strip is still recovering and considering issues beyond those of daily life. This is in addition to the Palestinian media's neglect of this important cause. This led to the lack of popular focus on the issue.

In the occupied West Bank, it seems the disturbance caused by the seasonal processions and sit-ins supporting the prisoners is too much for the Palestinian Authority security forces, who compete with the Zionist state in arresting members of the Resistance. This has created a climate that prevents any popular mobilization.
This marginalization took place in parallel with the wide campaign of arrests conducted by the occupational forces, targeting the top leadership of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, including members of the legislative council after three Zionist settlers went missing this past June in Hebron. The incident shook the Israeli military establishment and was enough to make the Israeli forces re-arrest prisoners freed in the Gilad Shalit exchange in 2011, in violation of the understanding and terms of the deal sponsored by Cairo.
The Zionist state grabbed this valuable opportunity and found the legal basis in decree 1651, which allows "re-arresting freed prisoners until the end of their original sentence date, in case they commit a violation.
" Since June, the decree gave Israeli forces a solid legal ground to arrest 63 freed prisoners. Then the war came and went and they remained under detention, including three women: Mona Qadan, Bushra al-Tawil, and Shireen Issawi (Samer's sister).
Issawi's mother described her ordeal to Al-Akhbar.
"My heart is burning for my two imprisoned sons, Samer and Medhat, and my daughter Shireen, who is a lawyer and is currently in solitary confinement since last May, without a real trial or any mobilization in the media or the street for their release."
With deep sorrow, she explains that her son Samer, who is in Gilboa prison, suffers from chronic pain in the head, back, and kidneys. He barely survived a sickness that struck him repeatedly due to his on-going hunger strike.
"Medical care in the prisons is deteriorating. Even the amount of food is becoming too meager following the war on Gaza, which forces prisoners to buy their needs from the canteen," she explained.
As for the setback in the prisoners' cause, Issawi believed it was due to the carelessness of human rights organizations in general, their reduced influence on the ground and with the public, and delays in providing prisoners with lawyers, like what happened with her son Samer. This is in addition to the fear of persecution and arrest.
The catastrophe that befell Gaza also played a pivotal role in reducing media attention to the cause of the detainees. "I almost forgot my children when I saw all that blood spilled in Gaza," Issawi said. "The war is over, but the question of reconstruction took over the streets and the media."
The father of imprisoned Sheikh Khader echoed her thoughts.
"The Palestinian street of all components and political colors is currently focusing on the Strip, which led many to ignore the prisoners' cause," he told Al-Akhbar. He added that the enemy did not allow the family – except his two daughters Maali and Bissan – to visit Adnan since his arrest, so they filed a complaint at the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Randa Moussa, Adnan's wife, told Al-Akhbar will join the battle of empty stomachs once again, in the event his administrative detention is renewed next January. However, she refused to blame the Palestinian National Authority for the neglect and public apathy. "The authority was never behind this deadly indolence," she said with high enthusiasm. "Those who believe in this cause should face the authorities and take to the streets, even if it meant arrest. Freedom is not without a price."
During the ceasefire talks in Cairo, the Palestinian negotiating team failed to obtain any real guarantees for the release of the "Shalit deal" prisoners or prevent their re-arrest. However, Hamas seems to be hiding its most important cards related to a prisoner exchange, to be revealed in the next few days.
On the other side, and amid Hamas reassurances leaked to the media from time to time, the enemy exploits the current idleness in dealing with the prisoners' issues and focuses attention on Jerusalem. Repression inside the prisons has reached a climax. The head of Israeli prison services recently decided to lift the ban on the use of firearms during prison cell searches.
According to media spokesperson for the Palestinian Center for Prisoners Studies, Riad al-Ashqar, restrictions against those freed in Wafa al-Ahrar [prisoner exchange operation], especially those who joined the hunger strike, were not merely the result of the killing of the three settlers. It became apparent two months following the deal, claiming they did not present themselves at civil administration headquarters or that they left their areas of residence. Ashqar went back to the beginning of the unending series of detentions, when the enemy detained freed prisoner Ayman al-Sharawneh at the end of January 2012, three months into the deal.
Follow Orouba Othman on Twitter: @OroubaAyyoubOth
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   

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Anti-Zionist Wit Vs. “Chosen” Gutterisms: Dieudonné and Imperialist Subservience To Jewish Supremacy

Anti-Zionist champion
and infuriator of the 
European establishment.

The United Kingdom. That gleaming beacon of democracy. That illuminating shimmer of human rights. That incandescent emanation of justice. That grand representative of the poor, downtrodden and marginalized. That empire of benevolence which stands out in the history of not-so-benevolent empires. That crux of all that is good in a world gone so, so very bad. 

An assessment of the utmost accuracy, right?

Wrong. Dead wrong.

More like that putrid vassal of World Jewry. That effervescently vile regime of “shabbos goyim”. That repugnant gang of invaders, occupiers, oppressors and Zionist-serving hellspawn. That detestable client state of the Talmudist Rothschild dynasty’s dominion (1), which has invaded 90% of the countries on the face of the earth (2). That hideous, colonist-breeding homeland of Benjamin Disraeli, the Jewish-Zionist prime minister who has sired generations of Zionist interlopers (3). That abhorrent origination point of oneArthur James Balfour, who sold Palestine to his “chosenite” overlords and thus put an official British stamp on the genocide to come (4). That spineless, gutless, yellowbelly but somehow still pompous gaggle of grovelers whoseintelligence services were well aware of the attacks that Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun and Stern carried out against their nation, most prominently the infamous King David Hotel bombing, but did nothing to stop the flow of terror other than the conduction of a few cosmetic raids and arrest operations (5). 

Splendiferous imperialist
delusions aside, the British
state is nothing but an
outpost of international

The United Kingdom. That rancid, corrupt, pathetic excuse for a country that inflicted the curse of Tony Blair on the world, whose premiership was controlled by a “Jewish cabal” (6),whose rise to political stardom began in an“Israeli” embassy in 1994 and who was nothing but a demented, warmongering tool for the likes of Lord Michael “Cashpoint” Levy (7) and Lord Peter Mandelson, the Zionist chieftain who assisted Levy in fomenting the “New Labor Revolution” scam (8). That violent, sanguinary, servile stooge of Zion that brought the cowardGordon Brown to power, who kneeled before the “Holocaust” idol on a visit to the Zionist occupation regime (9), declared his nation a “true friend” of the usurping Jewish entity (10) and still, still, STILL got burned in the end by the extremist Zionist operatives Jon Mendelsohn and property tycoon David Abrahams (11). That Global-South-destroying, racist, hateful isle of iniquity that took the likes of Blair and Brown and raised the stakes just a bit further with an even fouler creature: David Cameron, a product of literal Jewish royalty (12). 

When the latter view of the UK is accepted as having a firm, irrefutable basis in reality and the former view of the UK is rejected as a fantasy situated somewhere between hogwash and poppycock, it is quite easy to understand why Dieudonné (or Dieudo for short), the French-Cameroonian comedic virtuoso and anti-Zionist activist who has been struggling against a systematic Jewish-Zionist censorship campaign for over a decade due to his challenging of the primacy of Jewish suffering and his pro-Palestine, pro-Iran, pro-Hizbullah, pro-Resistance, liberationist views, was declared “persona non grata” and prevented from setting foot on British soil (13). Home Secretary Theresa May, the official responsible for banning Dieudonné, was coerced into doing so by none other than the Board of Deputies of British Jews (14), arguably the most influential and heavy-handed Zionist Lobby group in the UK.

Sarah Silverman: 
A leading voice of Jewish 
"comedic" degeneracy.

The punchline is a glorious one though. While the politically dissident Dieudonné is barred from entering British territory on utterly and absurdly baseless grounds,subversive Jewish comedienne Sarah Silverman (15) and Jewish comedy mogul Larry David of “Seinfeld” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm” fame (16) make their way in and out with no issue. This is of the utmost significance due to the UK’s population being in the neighborhood of 82% Christian, compared to a staggeringly meager 0.02% Jewish. Silverman is widely known for her “I hope the Jews did kill Christ. I’d do it again. I’d fucking do it again — in a second” declaration (17), as well as her unspeakably obscene film“Jesus Is Magic”, which features a sex scene with her own twisted version of Jesus Christ. Larry David for his part did his own rendition of Jesus-defiling when he urinated on a picture of Christ in one of the more sickening episodes of his aforementioned show “Curb Your Enthusiasm” (18), which, for the record, has also featured chauvinistic, ultra-Zionist, anti-Palestinian tropes (19). 

One is not inclined to offer advice to an empire on how to run its affairs in a more efficiently repressive manner, for as Palestinian academic and anti-orientalist pioneer Edward Said wrote in a July 2003 Los Angeles Times essay, “Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate (20),” but some nuance and observation are exceedingly necessary. It transcends the limits of irony that Dr. Said penned a piece that was rightfully ferocious in its criticism of “US power” in a newspaper owned by billionaire scoundrel Sam Zell, a preeminent Zionist who has donated countless millions to synagogues, Jewish day schools, Mossad’s Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center and the “Israel” Center for Social and Economic Progress (21). Dr. Said was known for his sharp polemics and criticisms of Western hubris but in this instance, clearly, he failed miserably to be polemical or critical enough.

Larry David:
Raging, Christ-hating,
Zionist stalwart of
the smut-factory known
as Hollywood.

What needs to be intimately comprehended here, and it is a point that is interchangeable with the case of the UK rejecting Dieudo but accepting Silverman and David, is that while a brilliant intellectual like Said was able to unleash a tirade against American imperialism in a major mainstream newspaper without having to worry himself sick over any possible backlash, he could not utter a word about the ruling class, that is, the Jewish-Zionist ruling class, in which American imperialism is in service of. With more irony still at hand, in the same paper, an obnoxiously arrogantZionist Jew can tickle his own fancy about Organized Jewish Interests controlling the media, Hollywood, Wall Street, the government, and, if it wasn’t nauseating enough, that he hopes this domineering trend will continue (22). Which then begs a rather obvious question: If the “American Empire” can be criticized, but “the Jews” cannot, despite the fact that “the Jews” openly brag about their status as worldbreakers and globebenders, who is really running the show here? 

An empire is categorized by an amalgamation of neo-nationalism, xenophobia, warmongering euphoria, prevailing arrogance from the richest of the rich to the poorest of the poor, a culture of excess, decadence and a glorification of its leaders as demigods worthy of worship, sometimes even overtaking the place and necessity of religion itself. Religion, while disregarded on the spiritual and moral levels and stripped of any attribute that could amount to free-thinking or resistance, is then used by an empire to keep its citizenry in check, foster an identity that can be tapped into down the line for any imperialist adventurism surely to arise and also to create a false sense of hope and faith in a god misinterpreted.

Therefore, an empire of prestige, or state of note for that matter, will defend its “interests”, culture and identity and will not, under any circumstances, allow any individual or group even a scintilla of leg room to undermine its authority. So when the ostensibly “Christian” British state, known and hated the world over for its “Christian” missionary activities that cloaked so many if not all of its genocidal invasions, chucks its “Christian” identity to the wayside and castigates a man likeDieudonné, who identifies himself as an “Islamic-Christian (23)”, while welcoming filth-peddlers and desecrationists like Sarah Silverman and Larry David, it is betraying an upsetting truth that many Brits may not be able to accept: Their country is not the great power that they’ve been brainwashed into believing it is since birth. Their country is a subcontractor for a far more powerful, far more sinister force. Their country is not Christian. Their country has no love or respect for Jesus Christ The Messiah. Their country is not sovereign. Their country is on its knees, its forehead at the feet of the Rothschilds and other “chosenite” overlords. Their country is subservient to Jewish supremacy.

As is America. The US and UK regimes are empires and imperialists only in name, for they do not serve their own interests but the interests of Organized Jewry, which sends its Christ-hating spokespersons into the public eye to bash and humiliate what they allegedly hold most dear while they remain deafeningly silent. But when opponents of Zionist-subverted Western policy criticize the parasitic, plutocratic elite running the West into the ground, they are not greeted with the same silence. They are not even greeted with accusations of “anti-Westernism”. No, they are bombarded with the gobbledegook of “anti-Semitism”. Pounded with the sheer irrationalness of “Jew-hatred”. Browbeaten for spitting on the “memory” of the “Holocaust”. This is not just an exercise in hypocrisy alone. Hypocrisy represents the mere obviousness of the matter. This is proof, the kind comprised of unbreakable stone embedded in unshakeable ground, that imperialism, while a terribly real threat that must be combated and stopped, is only vice president in the hegemonic power structure; its agents are “shabbos goyim” and its boss is Zionism.

Gordon Brown
put the interests
of Zionist war criminals
above and beyond
the interests of the
nation he was prime
minister of.

Further confirming and interconnected with this very point is that the aforesaid British ex-premier Gordon Brown, under heavy pressure from the Jewish-Zionist Lobby (24), approved a change to its universal jurisdiction law that would protect “Israeli” war criminals from prosecution, including Tzipi Livni and Ehud Barak (25). 

The message that the West and the British regime in particular are sending is as reprehensible as it is telling: Baby-killing, civilian-besieging, land-thieving “Israeli” war criminals should be protected, while those who condemn such acts of barbarity must be condemned themselves. Christ-hating, filth-slinging, egregiously offensive Jews like Sarah Silverman and Larry David must have their “freedom of speech” upheld, while those who stand against such disgracefulness must be declared “persona non grata”. Jewish interpretations of history must be imposed on the world, while those who have the gall to question it must be punished for sticking a knife in Jewish sensitivities. What is held so dear by 2 billion Christians and 2 billion Muslims must be disregarded, while Jewish “sanctities”, and this word is used tremendously loosely, must not simply be defended but paid homage to and even worshiped.

Moreover, Sarah Silverman and Larry David, described as “dirty Jews” who “assert their Jewishness emphatically” through anti-Christian attacks on “family-friendly culture” by Josh Lambert, an academic director of the Yiddish Book Center and visiting assistant professor of English at the University of Massachusetts (26), are not fringe elements of the global Jewish community. They are not extremists, cuckoos, cranks, or exceptions to some prevailing Jewish morality. They are in fact living, breathing manifestations of Jewish tradition. They can even be considered an extension of the Jewish smut peddlers that birthed and still dominate pornography in America. One of those Jewish porn kings, the notorious Al Goldstein, said that, “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks (27).” 

Despite Jewish claims
to the contrary, the
Talmud is a book
of the most despicable racism 
and hatred, especially towards
Jesus Christ and his holy

So despite their secularism, atheism, agnosticism or whatever version of godlessness or spiritual ambiguity they claim to adhere to, the truth is, hatred of Isa al-Masih (Jesus Christ the Messiah) is the lifeblood of the Jewish religion-culture. Whether one reads the Talmud itself (28), the late, great Israel Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years” (29), Jesus In The Talmud” (30) by Professor Peter  Schäfer or all of the above, the shocking, hideous actuality is that Jews believe that Isa al-Masih is being boiled in hot excrement in the fires of hell for being a black magic and witchcraft practitioner, a sorcerer, a sexual deviant, an idolater, a person of wickedness, a self-mutilator and the son of a whore. Yes, even the pristine Mother Mary, championed by Muslims, Christians and humanity-embracing non-believers alike for her purity, steadfastness and courage, is assailed by the monstrous, supremacist, devilish Talmud.

With Dieudonné still being attacked, the latest of which being a failed attempt to link him to a video calling for the release of man who tortured and murdered a French Jew back in 2006 (31), as well a court order to remove certain parts of a Youtube video of his (32), a discussion is needed more than ever on what is the true root of the world’s hardships. It extends well beyond the parameters of the political gangsterism and criminal organization of Zionism and deep into the heart of Jewish Identity Politics.

Whether it’s a Zionist Jew like Rabbi Eli Ben Dahan, the illegitimate “Israeli” regime’s Deputy Minister of Religious Services, who declared that the hierarchy of the human species has “Jewish men who have sexual relations with Jewish women” sitting at the top, and “male goyim” and “female goyim” subsisting at the bottom (33), or an “anti-Zionist” Jew like Philip Weiss, who thinks that Jews count as “5/3 of a man” when it comes to commenting on the issues of the genocidal Zionist entity and its bullying lobby apparatuses (34), what lies at the core, what unites seeming opponents such as these, is their fundamental, visceral belief in Jewish supremacism. This horrific ideology, which is responsible for so much death, chaos, destruction and pain in every region of this precious planet, should not be excused; it shouldn’t be downplayed; it shouldn’t, under any circumstances, be whitewashed; it shouldn’t, no matter whose feelings get hurt, be capitulated to; it must be challenged, it must be beaten down, and, for the sake of humanity, it, alongside its trusty counterparts White Supremacy and Takfirism, must be sent back to the hellish dark ages from which it was initially spawned.

Jewish supremacy has
no place in a civilized world.

In a civilized world, the brotherhood of humanity should triumph over the tight-knittedness and arrogance of the few; tyrants should be disgraced and forced to bow humbled at the doorstep of the once wretched; invaders should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, a law that is derived from Divine Justice; those who desecrate what is sanctified should be banished to a fate so detached from normality that they will not be able to express their regret even after an infinite number of lifetimes pass; clannish guilds of capitalism, terrorism and imperialism will be pursued to the ends of the earth for every ghoulish crime that they committed. In a civilized world, Resistance will reign supreme and evil will perish. In a civilized world, supremacy of any kind, in any form, most especially one as barbarous as the Judaic incarnation, would be an anachronism.

What does it say about the state of this world that such a hateful, anti-human ideology is not only tolerated but applauded? What does it say about this world’s peoples who have allowed this ideology and its adherents to establish an Empire, a “Jewish Utopia”, with bases on just about every continent? It says that this world is not civilized, despite all attempts by the US-“Israeli” Empire and its Islamophobic, orientalist pundit network to convince us otherwise, and that this world’s people have been duped in an elephantine way. It says that this madness has to stop.

It says that this insanity is unacceptable, and that the Zionist-nuke-enforced doctrine of Jewish superiority over Gentiles is a categorical falsity; one that must be struggled against until it ceases tormenting the peoples of the Global South and Global North. As the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) declared, “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor does a non-Arab have any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over a white except by piety and good action.” And also, “Just as the fingers of the two hands are equal, so are human beings equal to one another. No one has any right, nor any preference to rule over another. You are brothers.” These concepts are anathema to the Jewish supremacists and their cohorts.

Dieudonné understands
that the concept of 
multi-ethnic solidarity
is key to overthrowing 

We Gentiles should recognize the sagacious words of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) and reconcile them with the words of the prophet who came before him, Jesus Christ the Messiah (A.S.): “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand?” The words of the Messiah (A.S.) can be summed up in short: Division is synonymous with Zionism’s triumph, whereas unity is synonymous with Zionism’s failure.Dieudonné recognizes this clearly, hence why his brilliant comedy transcends ethnic, religious and national lines (13).

Our quest to bury Jewish supremacy and keep it buried should officially be dubbed “Operation United Against Zion”. And first on our takedown list are thepro-“Israel” gatekeepers who masquerade in “leftist” garb (35). 

Those cowards, hypocrites and stooges who pay lip service to resistance; who pose as fronts for the Palestinian cause while denigrating its greatest allies, Hizbullah, Syria and the Islamic Republic of Iran; who declare their opposition to imperialism and capitalism but never name the names that implement these horrors “for fear of the Jews”; who outright reject the undeniable fact that Jewish-Zionist neocons orchestrated the annihilation of Iraq (36); who wouldn’t for a minute even contemplate mentioning the usurping Zionist entity as the culprit behind 9/11 and other shadowy false flags; who contemptibly depict those who reject the official, nonsensical story of the "Holocaust" as persons not even worthy of living let alone speaking with; who attack a brave soul like Dieudonné but who remained in the doldrums of abstruseness on the likes of Silverman and David after they insulted Jesus Christ; who tell us that they represent “freedom” but fail to mention that their definition of “freedom” is immensely different from our own. Their “freedom” is that of living under the “Jewish Utopia” after International Zionism has picked apart all of its enemies (37); our “freedom” is that of liberation, plain and simple.

Let these gatekeepers crumble first. And then, let the false kings sitting behind the gate who signed their paychecks and marveled at their collaborationist efforts crumble next. Never will the gutterisms of “the chosen” ever drown out the wit of the anti-Zionists, endless resources of the former be damned to the darkest, deepest, foulest depths of the wrong end of the afterlife. Give ‘em all hell. Or even better, in the spirit of brother Dieudonné, give ‘em a quenelle.

~ The End ~


(1) The Zionist Infestation Of Africa: Zimbabwe To Uganda, Congo To Somalia And Beyond by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask Of Zion

(2) British Have Invaded Nine Out Of Ten Countries  – So Look Out Luxembourg by Jasper Copping, The Telegraph

(3) The Disraeli Saga by Shifra Horn, Haaretz

(4) Despite Abbas And Balfour, We Will Return To Our Homes In Palestine by Shahd Abusalama, The Electronic Intifada

(5) How Zionist Terrorism Became British Spies’ Biggest Enemy by Calder Walton, Foreign Policy

(6) Fury As Dalyell Attacks Blair’s ‘Jewish Cabal’ by Colin Brown and Christ Hastings, The Telegraph

(7) Michael Levy: Lord Cashpoint by Paul Vallely, The Independent

(8) Mandelson On Judaism, Lord Levy And His JC Dad by Jenni Frazer, The Jewish Chronicle

(9) Gordon Brown Visits Jerusalem Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem On Israel by Melissa Kite, The Telegraph

(10) Brown: U.K. A True Friend Of Israel, Will Work Toward Terror-Free Future by Haaretz

(11) Some People Never Learn The Lesson by Gilad Atzmon, The Truth Seeker

(12) All In The Family: David Cameron’s Jewish Roots And The Coreligionists Who Brought Him To Power by Martin Iqbal, Empire Strikes Black

(13) Don’t Laugh! It’s “Anti-Semitic”! - International Zionism’s Crusade Against Dieudonné and The Global Jewish Assault On Freedom of Speech by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(14) The Quenelle: Blame Dr Strangelove And The Bomb by Stuart Littlewood, Dissident Voice

(15) Sarah Silverman’s UK Debut Was No Laughing Matter by Ed Stafford, The Guardian

(16) My Breakfast With Larry David by Peter Rosengard, The Jewish Chronicle

(17) Seeing Shlock: Jewish Humour And Visual Art by Judy Batalion, Jewish Quarterly

(18) Larry David Blasted For ‘Curb’ Episode Where He Urinates On Jesus Painting by Fox News

(19) Curb Your Racism by Eleanor Kilroy, Mondoweiss

(20) Blind Imperial Arrogance by Edward Said, Los Angeles Times

(21) Billionaire Boychiks Battle For Media Empire by Nathaniel Popper, The Jewish Daily Forward

(22) Who Runs Hollywood? C’mon by Joel Stein, Los Angeles Times

(23) Op-Ed: Dieudonné: Anti-Semitism That Makes People Laugh by Giulio Meotti, Arutz Sheva

(24) Bowing To Jewish Pressure by Gilad Atzmon, Uprooted Palestinians

(25) UK Amends Law To Protect Israelis From Prosecution by Jonny Paul, The Jerusalem Post

(26) ‘Dirty Jews’ And The Christian Right by Josh Lambert, Haaretz

(27) Triple-Exthnics by Nathan Abrams, Jewish Quarterly

(28)  The Truth About the Talmud: A Documented Exposé of Supremacist Rabbinic Hate Literature by Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research

(29) Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak, Pluto Press

(30) Jesus In The Talmud by Peter Schäfer, Princeton University Press

(31) French Court Acquits Dieudonne Over Anti-Semitic Video by The Times Of Israel

(32) Remove Parts Of Quenelle Youtube Video, Dieudonne Ordered by Jewish Telegraph Agency

(33) The Hierarchy Of The Human Species As Told By Eli Ben Dahan by Uri Masgav, Haaretz

(34) When A Jew Gets 5/3 Of A Vote... by Philip Weiss, Mondoweiss

(35) Gatekeeping For Zion by Philip Giraldi,

(36) Jewish At The Root: Iraq’s Destruction, Hell Weapons, Hatred, Networking And The Interconnectedness Of It All by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(37) PSYWAR: The Fake Fall Of Tripoli And The Zionist Dragon’s Butchery Across Palestine II by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion