
Saturday 25 June 2016

Nasser Kandil: Brexit, War on Syria and the New Word oder

هل سقط الاتحاد الأوروبي بالضربة القاضية؟

ناصر قنديل

-أعاد الفوز لدعاة الانفصال عن الاتحاد الأوروبي في الاستفتاء البريطاني التذكير بأشياء متعددة أبرزها، الفوز المعاكس المشابه للاستفتاء البريطاني على الانضمام بعد إقرار معاهدة ماستريخت، بصفتيهما علامتين فارقتين في مصير الاتحاد، وتحوّله من مشروع فرنسي ألماني أو ألماني فرنسي أسباني إيطالي، أيّ كاثوليكي، إلى مشروع أوروبي أيّ عالمي، ومما ذكر به الاستفتاء البريطاني ما قيل يوم فوز دعاة الانضمام إلى الاتحاد في بريطانيا بالاستفتاء، عن بريطانيا الدولة الأشدّ انعزالاً وبعداً عن التلاقي وتعالياً وتفاخراً بالعرق والدين والتاج والتاريخ الإمبراطوري، من أنّ الكتلة الرائجة بين خيارَيْ الانعزال والاندماج المتمثلة بـ 5 من البريطانيين تختصر الرأي العام الأوروبي في رسم اتجاهاته صعوداً وهبوطاً، لأنها تقرأ بعيون الأوروبيين وعود المشروع وآماله البراقة، أو شحوبه وأوهامه المضللة.

-قالت الكتلة الرائجة في بريطانيا إنّ الاتحاد الأوروبي لم يعد مشروعاً مقنعاً، ولا جاذباً، وصار مشروعاً شاحباً يؤذن بالأفول، لأنّ الاتحاد الأوروبي خلافاً للشائع عن كونه تطوراً طبيعياً لما بدأ في الستينيات من القرن الماضي باسم منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والأمني الأوروبي وصارت في السبعينيات مشروع سوق أوروبية مشتركة، هو في الحقيقة مشروع سياسي واستراتيجي رعته وساندت قيامه أميركا في ظلّ استغراب المحللين والمتابعين الذين خدع بعضهم أنفسهم وصدّقوا أنه مشروع قوة عظمى ستنافس أميركا، بينما كان هو مشروعها الذي جنّدت له كلّ أوراق قوتها ليفوز مساندوه بحكومات بلادهم في الدول الأوروبية، كما شجعت البريطانيين على التصويت لبقائه وحزنت للنتيجة السلبية التي حسمها الاستفتاء البريطاني أكثر مما حزن كثير من الأوروبيين.

-تبلور الاتحاد الأوروبي كمشروع ورؤية لدى الأميركيين ومَن معهم في أوروبا مع انهيار الاتحاد السوفياتي بصفته الوعاء الذي يستحيل بدونه الاستيعاب السريع لدول أوروبا الشرقية الأرثوذكسية الخارجة لتوّها من الاتحاد السوفياتي والتي تستحيل مخاطبتها باتحاد كاثوليكي، أيّ بدون بريطانيا، كما يستحيل بدون الاتحاد الأوروبي المتعدّد مسيحياً التقرّب في الجوار الأوروبي لروسيا وخصوصاً في جورجيا وأوكرانيا، ومقابل الكلفة التي ستترتب على احتواء الدول الفقيرة لأوروبا الشرقية، سيكسب الاتحاد ودوله الغنية فرص استثمار يد عاملة رخيصة لبناء تكتل اقتصادي صناعي ينافس الصين بدلاً من أميركا، وببريطانيا سيكسب خبرة آسيوية يحتاجها للعب دور المنافس للصين، وبالوصول للجوار الروسي سيتمكن من الحصول على النفط والغاز بأسعار رخيصة، تمنح مجتمعاته مكاسب مجزية، وتمنح صناعته قدرات تنافسية، فيحمل أعباء التوسّع وينتعش وينمو اقتصاده، وبهذه القوة تتمكن واشنطن من امتلاك شريك في العالمين العربي والإسلامي يملك الخبرة والقدرة والمصلحة والجوار، وهي ذاهبة في حرب إمبراطورية لحسم الحلقة المفصلية في حروب الطاقة والزعامة المنفردة للعالم.

-فشل الاتحاد الأوروبي في أوكرانيا، وفشل في سورية، بعد مراهنته على الحروب الأميركية وانخراطه فيها، فصار التوسع مجرد أعباء اجتماعية واقتصادية ومالية وأمنية، لم يعوّضها لا سعر غاز رخيص ولا قدرة تنافسية في الأسواق للتوسّع بوجه الصين، وصارت أوروبا عربة ثقيلة يجرّها الحصانان الألماني والبريطاني، فقرّر البريطانيون الاستقالة من المهمة، وبكى الفرنسيون، ويفكر الألمان بما يجب عليهم فعله، والبديل لسقوط الوحدة الأوروبية بثنائية كاثوليكية بروتستانتية تجعلها امتداداً للسياسات والحروب الأميركية وتسعى لاستتباع الدول والشعوب الأرثوذكسية في شرق أوروبا، ليس إلا ثنائية كاثوليكية أرثوذكسية لا تقوم بدون تفاهم ألماني فرنسي مع روسيا بصفتها ركناً أوروبياً، وكلفة هذا الخيار الإنقاذي الخروج من السياسات الأميركية نحو أوروبا محايدة، تهتمّ لأمنها ومصالح شعوبها، وإلا صار حلم الاتحاد أضغاث أحلام سيتفكك تباعاً، فمثلما بدأ الاسكتلنديون يفكّرون بالانفصال عن بريطانيا، بدأت في ألمانيا صيحات الخروج من الاتحاد، وسيتفكك الاتحاد وتبدأ دوله بالتفكك، لأنّ سقوط الهوية الأوسع لا يتوقف بالعودة إلى الأضيق منها بل بالتقهقر بلا قعر إلى الأضيق فالأضيق فالأضيق، وهذا معنى الخيار الاسكتلندي في بريطانيا بالانفصال، والخيار الكاتالوني في أسبانيا.

-لن يكون سهلاً حماية وحدة الكيانات الأوروبية دون حماية وحدة الكيان الأوروبي الأوسع، وهذا لن يتحقق بدون التوجّه نحو روسيا، ففي هذا التوجه الغاز والنفط الرخيصين، والسوق، والحرب على الإرهاب، والمصالحة مع العالمين العربي والإسلامي، من بوابة دعم حلّ للقضية الفلسطينية يدعم بقوة وجدية تطبيق القرارات الدولية الخاصة بفلسطين وحقوق شعبها، من دون ذلك سيسجل التاريخ يوم 24 حزيران 2016 كبداية للعدّ التنازلي لتفكك أوروبا.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!


Saddened by the abrupt and disgraceful exit of British war criminal and genocidal freak, David Cameron, Dr. Bashar Al-Assad demonstrates true empathy for the blackguard.
The British people have spoken and, quite candidly about their relationship with the murderously tight association of gangsters called the European Union.  Not satisfied with the specious arguments of those Zionists who support the EU because it makes Zionist control over the lives of Europeans so much easier, the people of the U.K. hoisted a middle finger at the whole blithering project and told Obama, Merkel, Junker and the rest of the no-gooders pulling the oars of that sinking ship that they wanted to be free of it.  Cameron, a most dishonorable and cheap variety of bathroom scum, felt the pressure of his indecorous financial missteps, his support for terrorism in Syria and his inability to secure the confidence of his own people, and did what he would have to do anyways and that was to go back to his cesspool in Saudi Arabia and permit Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn to finally rise to their position as premier, as though they were born to it.  Boris Johnson’s encomium upon Cameron’s resignation was hilarious for its irony.
Mr. Cameron has no role to play in Britain’s future.  Cameron was illegitimate.  He must go. He must oblige Mr. Johnson by allowing him to bring in a transitional government to unite the people of Britain.
And so, with an heavy heart, Dr. Assad bids “Farewell to David Cameron”.
Bye bye. Toodley-doo.  Hasta la Vista, Arrivederci, Khodaa Haafez, Ma’a Al-Salaama, Sayonara, Ja-jing, On yong o-sayo, Au revoir, Auf Weidersehen, Salve tibi, Grrrrr, you swine!  Just as he said goodbye to Sarkozy, Guido Westerwelle, Sergio Berlusconi, King Abdullah, Hamad and Madame Banana, Hillary Clinton, Zapatero, Morsi, Hamad bin Jaassim, inter alia.

ISIS suicide driver seen here after being killed by Syrian Army regulars. (Thanks, Khaled)

That was his vehicle with the words “The Islamic State, Army of the Caliph” written on it.
CARTOON OF THE DAY (Thanks, Khaled)
Read more 

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Saudi: Pro-ISIL Twin Brothers Murder Mother for Refusing Takfiri Thoughts

Saudi twin brothers loyal to the ISIL Takfiri terrorist group have stabbed their mother to death because of her refusal to accept the terror group’s Takfiri doctrine.
According to a report by the Saudi state TV al-Ekhbariya on Friday, the 18-year-old brothers first chased their younger brother to the rooftop of their house in the Hamra neighborhood of the capital Riyadh, and stabbed him several times.Saudi: Pro-ISIL Twin Brothers Murder Mother for Refusing Takfiri Thoughts
The unnamed brothers then headed back to their father and mother, and stabbed them multiple times.
According to the report, their mother succumbed to her sever injures, while their father and brother are currently in critical condition. Unconfirmed reports said that the twin decapitated their mother, while other reports said the father lost his life due to severe wounds.
Saudi security forces apprehended the two while they were trying to flee the crime scene.
This has by no means been the only case in which ISIL has persuaded its members and sympathizers to commit horrendous crimes against family members.
In early January, a 20-year-old Daesh militant in the northern Syrian city of Raqqah, the de facto capital of the terror group, publically executed her mother after she reportedly “incited” her son to leave the terrorist group and escape from the city together, saying the group had no chance and was going to be “wiped out.”
Back in September, two other Saudi brothers, both ISIL sympathizers, lured their cousin, a member of the Saudi armed forces, to the desert and gunned him down while recording the whole incident.
Source: Press TV
25-06-2016 – 13:35 Last updated 25-06-2016 – 13:35
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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U.S. deploys special troops to southern Yemen

U.S. Sends Special, Intelligence Troops to Southern Yemen

(FNA) ~ Yemeni intelligence sources disclosed that the US special troops have been deployed in the Southern part of Yemen.
“The US special and intelligence forces have arrived in Southern Yemen on the pretext of fighting the Al-Qaeda terrorist group,” a Yemeni intelligence source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told FNA on Monday.
The source noted that the US troops have been stationed in al-Anad military base in Lahij province to the North of Aden province.
“The UAE has asked the US to dispatch its special forces to Southern Yemen to control Bab al-Mandeb Strait,” the Yemeni source added.
In early May, the United States military deployed more than 200 US Marines in the port city of Mukalla in the Central province of Hadramout.
Yemen’s Arabic-language al-Masirah news website reported that the forces were deployed in the strategic seaport and oil terminal.
The news came as local media quoted an unnamed military source the US army has deployed 20 new military helicopters in Southern Yemen.
“15 Apache and five Black Hawk choppers have been sent to al-Anad military base in Lahij province in Southern Yemen,” the Arabic-language news website al-Khabar quoted an unnamed military source as saying.
In a relevant development, Ansarullah popular movement in a statement condemned the US deployment in the Southern parts of Yemen.
“This action is in line with Washington’s colonial goals and is blatant aggression against Yemen,” part of the statement read.
The statement reiterated that the Yemeni people irrespective of their political inclinations are against the US troops’ deployment in their country.
The statement described the US redeployment of Special Forces in Southern Yemen a dangerous move at a time when political efforts and peace talks are underway in Kuwait for putting an end to war and suffering of the Yemeni people.
US military has also deployed a significant number of its forces in coastal waters near Yemen, as al-Masirah reported that the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer with more than 1,200 sailors and Marines as well as a group of vessels aboard were also stationed offshore in the Gulf of Aden.
Yemen’s Southern coast is now under the control of US troops, who are deployed to the region under the pretext of battling al-Qaeda militants.
The deployment of US troops comes a year after the withdrawal of its forces from Yemen. On March 21, 2015, the US evacuated its remaining forces from the airbase “due to the deteriorating security situation” a day after al-Qaeda captured the nearby city of al-Houta.
Pentagon has also announced that it sent a group of its commandos to Yemen.
“The Group of al- Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula remains a significant security threat to the United States and to our regional partners and we welcome this effort to specifically remove AQAP from Mukalla and to degrade, disrupt and destroy AQAP in Yemen,”said Navy Capt. Jueff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman.

From the archives:

U.S. special forces deployed in Yemen
to fight alongside Saudi-led occupation forces

US Military Forces in ME

Fars News Agency
Submitted by Cem Ertür
War Press Info Network at :

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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S. Nasrallah: Hezbollah Will Reinforce Troops in Aleppo to Achieve Major Victory

Hezbollah witnessing new phase of war in Syria

S. Nasrallah: Hezbollah Will Reinforce Troops in Aleppo to Achieve Major Victory
Mohammad SalamiSayyed NasrallahHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah confirmed on Friday that the party will send more troops to Syria’s Aleppo where a major battle goes on in order to defeat the takfiri-terrorist project backed by Saudi and the US.
Sayyed Nasrallah, who was delivering a speech during Hezbollah ceremony to mark the 40th day since the martyrdom of the military commander Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine (Zulfikar), said that the Syrian army and allies fought the terrorist groups before the Russian intervention and amid serious circumstances, adding that the ongoing battle in Aleppo is set to be a new chance for the American-Saudi-takfiri project to reach a certain achievement and to dawdle the victories made by the Syrian army and allies.
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that thousands of takfiri fighters were brought via the open Turkish border into Aleppo in the context of a new stage of the war on Syria, stressing that defending Aleppo will protect Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan.
“We are facing a new wave, or a new phase, of military operations in Syria that will be fought in the north, specifically in the area of Aleppo,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.
“After they failed to reach Damascus from Lebanon, Jordan and the eastern front, Saudi Arabia and Turkey have dispatched thousands of militants in a bid to launch an offensive from the northern front,” his eminence added.
Sayyed Nasrallah noted that the terrorist axis was about to collapse before the US and the UN Security Council imposed on Russia the ceasefire which was utilized by the terrorists to renew their attacks.
His eminence added that Gulf-funded media outlets promoted a propaganda which claims that Hezbollah suffered huge losses in Aleppo countryside, noting that all such rumors and lies are in the context of a psychological warfare and revealing that Hezbollah sacrificed during the recent battle in Aleppo 26 martyrs, one captive and one missing mujahid.
Sayed Nasrallah said that since June 1, 2016, 617 terrorists (including field commanders) were killed, 800 others were injured and 80 of their tanks and vehicles were destroyed in Aleppo countryside, reckoning that losing certain villages in the area is not game-changing.
Aِِِs what happened in the southern province of Daraa, we aim to inflict the heaviest possible losses upon the terrorists in Aleppo and strike their fighting will as they operate in response to the Saudi impositions, unlike Hezbollah mujahidin and social milieu who comprehend the propriety of their path and have firm determination to achieve victory, according to Hezbollah leader.
Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that the Resistance and the brethren of the military commander martyr Zulfikar will  preserve its military deployment in Aleppo and wherever it is needed because it is based on a social enviorenment that trusts the party’s options.
Addressing Hezbollah mujahidin in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah said,
“You have the truthful pledge; you are the truth of the Husseini love; you are the custodians of the martyrs’ will, your defending the right; you did the historical miracle in the region in 2006, and you will frustrate the plots of hegemony, sedition and atonement in the region.”
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that martyr Badreddine had a major role in defending Iraq and Syria, adding that Sayyed Zulfikar used to consider that this would contribute to protecting Lebanon from  the surrounding grave dangers.
“Sayyed Zulfikar had many major responsibilities, including the jihadi files in Syria and Iraq.”
Martyr Badreddine could estimate from the beginning the seriousness of the threats against the whole region and was among few who believed that there was a chance to surpass the crisis, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who added that a large number of countries thought that the terrorists could defeat Syria within few weeks due to the sectarian sedition and propaganda, but Sayyed Zulfikar’s contribution was game-changing.
Martyr Badreddine volunteered to defend Syria in order to protect and expressed readiness to sacrifice his soul for the sake of this target.
“When ISIL invaded the Iraqi cities in 2014, we received from our brethren in Baghdad a call to send military commanders,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, “I informed Sayyed Badreddine about the matter, and Hezbollah sent the following day a number of his commanders to Iraq.”
“Had not the Iraqis, the IRGC generals and Hezbollah responded to this call, ISIL would have occupied Baghdad and many other capitals of the ‘Caliphate’, which would have led Iraqi into a real catastrophe.”
Sayyed Nasrallah hailed the Iraqi national achievement of liberating Fallujah city from ISIL terrorists despite all the media and political attempts to stir seditions among the country’s various factions, highlighting the role of Sunnite clerics who provided the campaign with the needed religious and political coverage.
Locally, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that Hezbollah rejects the US Financial Act which targets the Resistance environment and that the party has not been affected financially by such measures because it does not run business projects or investment institutions that benefit from banks. We openly say that Hezbollah’s budget and funds come directly from the Islamic Republic of Iran, not via the banks.
“As we used to receive rockets from Iran to fight Israel, we now get the Iranian funds.”
Sayyed Nasrallah also thanked the Supreme Leader Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei and entire Iran for its continuous support to Hezbollah.
In this context, Sayyed Nasrallah denied the reports which claim that Hezbollah collapsed financially and labeled them as stupid and childish.
Hezbollah Secretary General called on protecting the party’s environment from the measures, adding that some of the banks went too far and implemented measures that were not even requested by the Americans themselves.
“They removed the accounts of charitable associations whose names were not mentioned in the US blacklist. Is this a legal and humanitarian behavior or is it an attack on people?”
“Does targeting a large segment of the Lebanese serve the country’s economics?” Sayyed Nasrallah asked the banks, accusing them of harming the national economic interests.
Sayyed Nasrallah noted that Hezbollah is open to positive solutions and discussions  with the concerned parties for the banking crisis.
Tackling the celebratory gunfire phenomenon, Hezbollah called on all the Lebanese to put an end for this scourge, asserting that Hezbollah decided to expel all the members who are involved in this calamity.
On Bahrain, Sayyed Nasrallah denounced the regime’s decision to revoke the citizenship of Sheikh Issa Qassem, noting that the Bahrainis have resorted always to the peaceful track and that the authorities of Al Khalifa, directed by Al Saud, rejected to reach a political solution.”
“Al Saud dynasty is worried about the outcomes of the Bahraini revolution which may push the Saudis to follow the same pattern.”
Sheikh Qassem always has controlled the Bahrainis’ reactions to the regime’s repressive practices and measures, but the authorities, ordered by the British and Saudi leaders rewarded him by revoking his citizenship, according to Sayyed Nasrallah who pointed out that Bahrain’s Ulama who are independent in taking the suitable stance regarding the ongoing events.
Sayyed Nasrallah also called on the international community to prevent the bahraini authorities from implementing their decision to revoke the citizenship of Sheikh Qassem who, consequently, may be expelled out of the country.
Sayyed Nasrallah had started the speech by reiterating congratulations and condolences to martyr Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine’s family and companions and to the families of Hezbollah martyrs who embraced martyrdom in Aleppo southern countryside and those of the injured and the prisoners, asserting that Hezbollah does not abandon his captives behind the jail bars.Ceremony
Sayyed Badreddine is the best proof of this formula his eminence added.
Sayyed Nasrallah also called on all worshippers to observe al-Qadr nights which mark the anniversary of martyrdom of Imam Ali (P) who was killed by one of the holders of the takfiri thoughts.
According to Hezbollah Secretary General, the party lost a major commander and a creative mind on Sayyed Badreddine’s martyrdom.
Sayyed Nasrallah added that Sayyed Badreddine led Hezbollah negotiating team during the swap talks which released martyr Samir Kuntar and other prisoners from the Zionist jails in 2008, stressing that martyr Zulfikar used to volunteer to play such vital roles as a commander and as an ex-prisoner, which was emotionally functional.
The ceremonyt was started by a blessed recitation of Holy Coranic verses and a short video about the achievements of martyr and military commander Mustafa Badreddine.
To watch the video on teh achievements of martyr Badreddine which was broadcast during Hezbollah to to honor him on May 20, 2016click here.
Source: Al-Manar Website
24-06-2016 – 19:27 Last updated 24-06-2016 – 23:29
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Comment - Britain & EU: A separation

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Brexit and Jewish Oligarchy

Yesterday Britain voted to leave the EU. The causes of this result have been known for a while. More than half of the Brits are dismayed by the level of immigration, multiculturalism, lack of job opportunities, global capitalism, evaporation of manufacturing and a housing bubble that leaves most young Brits without the prospect of a decent future.
The Brexit was an outlet for these legitimate frustrations. Yet the problematic symptoms listed above have little to do with the EU or Brussels. Their root cause lies elsewhere.
Immigration and multiculturalism (that is; the ideology designed to suppress expression of chauvinism) are integral to cultural Marxist ideology. Britain, like the rest of the West, has been subject to an invasive and brutal paradigm designed to vitiate the working class. Flooding Britain with immigration was a conscious political act pushed by the Jewish left and the Jewish lobby. This is explainable. Jews have good reason to be fearful of the working classes. Historically, it has been the working classes that turned against the Jews. Breaking society into fragmented and diverse segments is transparently a Jewish left interest. When a society is broken into a manifold of tribes and identities, the Jews become merely one tribe amongst many.
I am an immigrant myself and not an anti immigration campaigner. However, at a certain stage in the early 2000s my eight piece Orient House Ensemble consisted of seven immigrants and one native Brit. We were Israelis, a Palestinian, a Romanian and a Moldovan. At the time our ensemble won every British musical award. We were a favourite of the BBC and the Guardian’s album of the year. We were heroes of multiculturalism and the symbol of a new ‘tolerant’ British society. The British Council sent us around the globe to promote those ideals. This didn’t last long. I quickly grasped the underlying agenda. As those who know me may expect, I didn’t keep my mouth shut.
Yesterday the Brits voted against immigration. But leaving the EU may not be the answer for their plight. Looking into the elements and ideologies that planted pro-immigration policies and multiculturalism may be the ultimate way forward.
The demography of the referendum suggests that it is primarily the British working people who want to leave the EU. In the last four decades they have watched manufacturing dying out. They saw an economic bubble that left many of them impoverished and off the property ladder. But it wasn’t really the EU that caused all of it and leaving the EU may not improve things. Milton Friedman, who taught ‘free market’ philosophy to Margaret Thatcher, never lived in Brussels. Friedman believed in the service economy. He also believed that capitalism wasn’t just a great idea, it was alsovery good for the Jews. Goldman Sachs, George Soros and others who fecklessly destroy one country after another are also not part of the Brussels Government. The British vote was actually a vote against Goldman Sachs, Soros, Friedman and cultural Marxism, but most of them do not know it yet.
Yesterday the Brits proved, once again, that they are a brave people. They made a decision that they understood could inflict some serious difficulties on their society. Knowing that, they marched into the Brexit with pride and I admire their courage.  The Brits voted against immigration, banksters, the global economy, the City and the two parties that have facilitated this disaster for decades.  However, the Brits failed to attack the root cause of the problem.  Leaving the EU is not going to emancipate them. For Jewish oligarchy, the Brexit is a red alert. ‘Hands off’ would be the most clever strategy. Can they follow this humble advice? I doubt it.
Most British Jews have little to do with it. Liam Fox and Michael Gove who were amongst the leaders of the call to leave, are notorious for being dedicated servants of the Jewish lobbies. The Jewish press was pretty quiet on the Brexit. And crucially, if British Jews had identified that the call to leave the EU was somehow related to Jewish power, Jewish Banking or Jewish Left pro immigration we would have seen the rapid formation of a “Jews for Brexit campaign.” This is what Jews do when they detect dissent to their political power, they immediately form the bodies that control the opposition.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Blaming Putin for Brexit Vote

 FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 2016

Irresponsible Putin bashing is a virtual cottage industry, blaming him for almost anything a constant Western headline theme.

Following Brits voting for Brexit, UK Prime Minister David Cameron said Putin and ISIS “might be happy” with the outcome. Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond accused him welcoming a British exit.

Ahead of Thursday’s vote, US-supported Putin antagonist Garry Kasparov called Brexit “the perfect gift for Vladimir Putin. An EU without Britain is exactly what the Russian president wants, a weakened institution with less power to confront his assaults on Europe’s borders.”
Former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul tweeted “(s)hocked by Brexit vote! 

Losers: EU, UK, US, those that believe in unity of a strong, united, democratic (sic) Europe. Winners: Putin.”
“I genuinely complement Putin for his victory tonight on Brexit. Tonight is a giant victory for Putin’s foreign policy objectives.”
Astonishing comments – out of line, irresponsible, offensive and plain wrong! Whatever his personal views, Putin, of course, had nothing to do with Brexit voting.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova commented, calling Thursday’s vote “a purely intra-British and intra-EU problem.”
“It is evident that the British people should make a difficult, fateful choice. Its decision will surely seriously affect the future of Great Britain and the EU on the whole.”
“At that, really respecting the choice of the people of this or that country, we proceed from the fact that the choice should take place without any pressure, all the more so from outside.”
“So we are respectfully watching the Britons holding this important referendum. When its results are summed up, it will be possible to make relevant assessments.”
Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said
“(w)e have already got(ten) accustomed to the Russian factor (as) one of persistent tools in the US election campaign. But (its) use or (injecting) President Putin in the Brexit issue is new for us.”
He noted how many times Russia’s leader stressed having cooperative relations with the EU and its member countries, adding:
“In speaking about Britain in particular, then of course we are interested that our relations, which are rather deplorable now, (be) revived and become…mutually beneficial.”
“Russia has repeatedly signaled its readiness to show the necessary flexibility, but (it) has its limits. It is not boundless.”
“We welcome the wish of the (British) parliamentarians to talk as the way out of those difficult situations in which we get involved sometimes can be found only in dialogue.”
US pressure created Western adversarial relations with Russia, a reckless policy risking eventual confrontation – perhaps likely if Clinton succeeds Obama.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at
His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”

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