
Saturday 22 October 2016

Duterte Welcomed to China, Announces ‘Separation’ from US

It looks like Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has had enough of America. The following is from the L.A. Times:
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte announced Thursday that he was “separating” from the United States and embracing China as the new best friend of the Philippines.
The 71-year-old president, famous for blunt, often profane rhetoric, announced his country’s realignment in a state visit to Beijing, where he was hailed as China’s new “brother.’’

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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The Rigging of the Election Campaign: World Champion Poker Player Accuses Hillary of Cheating

Global Research, October 22, 2016

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Jaysh Al-Islam to leave Syria’s Douma largest city in east-Ghouta


According to reports the Douma elders of the stronghold city of the Jaysh Al-Islam rebel group reached a deal with the Syrian government and Russian military this week to end the hostilities between them.
According to an Al-Masdar correspondent in Damascus, a joint Syrian and Russian military delegation arrived in Douma this week to discuss terms of reconciliation.

Previously, the militants inside Douma rejected the Syrian Army’s offer to reconcile; however, due to their recent losses in the East Ghouta, the rebels have agreed to entertain the idea.
As a sign of good faith, the Syrian government sent humanitarian aid to the people of Douma this week, while also halting their military operations in the East Ghouta.
The next few days will be crucial for all parties in this war, as the Syrian military looks to conclude their operations near the strategic town of Douma.

submitted by SyrianPatriots 
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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ثلاثة مسارات أميركية متزامنة

ناصر قنديل

– معانٍ هامة حملتها العودة الأميركية إلى المحادثات المشتركة مع روسيا حول سورية، وتزخيمها من خلال الدعوة المشتركة لاجتماع لوزان، الذي ابتكر إطاراً موازياً لمسار فيينا، لكن لعدد أضيق من المشاركين، أي أنه ليس موعداً روتينياً يستدعي الحضور بل إطار جديد مبتكر لتفعيل التفاهم، وجد هو الآخر ترجمته في اجتماع الخبراء القائم منذ أيام في جنيف، والذي يشارك فيه مع الروس والأميركيين ضباط سعوديون وقطريون وأتراك هو مشغِّلو الجماعات المسلحة المعنية بالفصل عن جبهة النصرة في التفاهم الروسي الأميركي الذي سبق نعيه من كل من وزارة الخارجية ووزارة الدفاع في واشنطن، وسط بيانات عن البيت الأبيض تتحدّث عن بدائل غير دبلوماسية وتلمّح بالخيار العسكري.

– أهم هذه المعاني هي أن الإدارة الأميركية المنتهية الولاية لا تتصرف على قاعدة ترك الملفات العالقة، خصوصاً مستقبل الحرب في سورية كواحد من الملفات المؤجلة للإدارة المقبلة، وإلا فلا مبرر لاستئناف المساعي والمحادثات وابتكار مبادرات واجتماع خبراء، بل البقاء في المنطقة الرمادية، كما كان الحال قبل العودة للمحادثات وتزخيمها بمبادرة المبعوث الأممي ستيفان دي ميستورا حول خروج جبهة النصرة من حلب، التي كتب نصها المعاون السياسي للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة الدبلوماسي الأميركي المخضرم جيفري فيلتمان. كما يتقدم هذه المعاني سقوط الخيار العسكري كواحد من البدائل، بل كسلاح حرب إعلامية للتهويل أو لرفع السقوف التفاوضية، ليصير التسليم بالقلق من حسم عسكري ينفذه الجيش السوري بدعم من الحلفاء وتوفر موسكو له الغطاء الناري، هو المحرك الرئيسي للمواقف الأميركية على قاعدة قبول التسليم بحقيقتين ثابتتين لا يمكن توقع التقدم السياسي بدونهما، الأولى أن النصرة باتت هدفاً مشروعاً للحرب ولم يعد ممكناً الرهان على تعويمها، والثانية أن الدولة السورية كمرجعية مؤسسية باتت عنوان مستقبل سورية السياسي والعسكري ومن ضمن مؤسساتها وتحت سقف دستورها يمكن فقط للمساعي السياسية والعسكرية أن تبصر النور وتحقق التقدم.

– الحركة الأميركية المحكومة بهذا العامل الضاغط في حال سورية تتكرّر في حال اليمن، حيث لا أمل بإنعاش عناصر القدرة السعودية في الحرب، ولا أفق لتغيير موازين هذه الحرب، التي تحوّلت عبئاً بلا أمل يُرتجى، وسط ضيق مالي وعسكري تعانيه السعودية، واضطراب في قواتها المسلحة وثباتها عبر الحدود مع اليمن، وتورطها بجرائم حرب لم يعد ممكناً توفير الغطاء لها. فتعود الحركة الأميركية من بوابة التفاهمات ومحورها مبادرة وزير الخارجية الأميركية جون كيري التي تتضمّن تسليماً بقيام حكومة موحدة كمدخل لتطبيق بنود القرارات الأممية، بعيداً عن لغة العنتريات السعودية السابقة عن تسليم المدن والسلاح، «وبعدها نتحدّث في السياسة». وهذا معنى الدفع باتجاه إحياء الهدنة في اليمن بالتزامن مع السعي لتكريس الهدنة في شرق حلب وتمديد مهلتها، من ضمن التسليم الأميركي المزدوج بالوقائع والحقائق الجديدة في اليمن وسورية.

– يتزامن هذا التسليم الأميركي مع مسعى فرض الوقائع المرتبطة بالمصالح الأميركية، عبر رسائل عسكرية مشفرة تراهن أميركا وتأمل أن تتمكّن عبرها من بدء مفاوضات موازية مع كل من الدولة السورية والقيادة اليمنية الوطنية، فهي تعلم أن المسار السياسي الذي ينتهي بالاحتكام لصناديق الاقتراع لن يمنح جماعاتها في سورية واليمن، إلا حضوراً رمزياً، وبالتالي فالتعاطي سيجري مستقبلاً مع حكم نواته مناصرو الرئيس السوري في سورية وثنائي أنصار الله والمؤتمر الشعبي في اليمن، من هنا تجد واشنطن سيناريو التزامن بين التسليم بالسير في تكريس معادلة تعاكس مصالح جماعتها، والاعتراف بها، مع السعي لفتح قنوات تفاوض مع هذه القيادات في سورية واليمن بالرسائل العسكرية المشفرة التي تلقاها السوريون بين سطور الغارة الأميركية على دير الزور، وتلقاها اليمنيون مع الصواريخ التي تساقطت على سواحلهم بذريعة الرد على استهداف غامض لم يثبت لمدمّرات أميركية قرب باب المندب وفي البحر الأحمر، والواضح أن واشنطن تسعى للحصول على امتيازات أمنية في سواحل اليمن وشرق سورية ترفضها قيادات البلدين، ما يجعل مسارات التهدئة غير مستقرة وعرضة للجذب والشد بتقطع.

– يتلاقى هذان المساران المتعرجان مع تقدم روزنامة الانتخابات الرئاسية الأميركية والحاجة لقيام الإدارة الحالية بما يلزم لتزخيم فرص المرشحة الرئاسية للحزب الديمقراطي، رغم حظوظها العالية بالفوز، لذلك يسرع الأميركي بمعركة الموصل، ويسعى لجعلها الحدث الأبرز في الشرق الأوسط للأيام الفاصلة عن موعد الانتخابات، ما يستدعي إطفاء النار الملتهبة في حريقَي سورية واليمن، وإطفاء الأضواء عنهما بتبريد الجبهات ومنح جرعات إضافية لخيارات التهدئة.

 إدراك تداخل وتشابك هذه المسارات الثلاثة يمنح القيادتين السورية واليمنية ومعهما القيادة العراقية الفرص لفرض شروط وتنازلات على واشنطن، التي فرغت يدها من الخيار العسكري، ولو من باب التهويل، وسقط من حسابها الرهان على توظيف مزدوج للحروب، ولا تملك أوراق قوة لفرض الامتيازات التي تطلبها، مقابل الاستعداد للرضا بضمان المصالح، الذي تعرضه سورية واليمن دون التهاون في الشؤون السيادية، فيظهر التهديد السوري لتركيا كعلامة على ذكاء التوقيت في إدارة روزنامة الحرب ومقتضياتها، وواضح أن الأتراك الملتحفين بالأميركيين، يلعبون في مناطق الفراغ، غرب الفرات وشرق دجلة، وفي الوقت الفراغ ما قبل الحسم السري والعراقي استطراداً.

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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UN Human Rights Council Supports America’s Imperial Project in Syria

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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“Al-Nusra not priority”, U.S. State Dept. says while terror group shells civilians in Aleppo, Syria

US military efforts in Syria are not directed against Al-Nusra, the State Department said. ~ This week, Russia paused its joint offensive with Syrian government troops on eastern Aleppo, which is held by an assortment of armed groups, including Al-Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda offshoot. The goal is to allow people wishing to leave the city to do so, including both civilians and militants, who were offered separate corridors to leave Aleppo with their arms. ~ On Thursday, however, the militants opened fire on civilian evacuation routes, injuring three Russian officers at the El-Masharka government checkpoint, the Russian Center for Reconciliation said. ~ Asked if Al-Nusra’s presence in East Aleppo was an obstacle to the cessation of hostilities, Kirby once again tried to shift the responsibility on Syria and Russia: “The only thing that stands between where we are now and a permanent and enduring ceasefire in Syria is Bashar al-Assad and his supporters”, Kirby said. ~ You need to figure out more clearly on which side stands the Zionist puppet regime that leads the U.S. policy?

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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israel busy destroying Jerusalem's history and replacing it with fake artifacts

A historic photograph shows Jerusalem’s Moroccan Quarter, below the al-Aqsa mosque compound and the Dome of the Rock. Israel demolished the 700-year-old neighborhood, including a 12th century mosque, to create the Western Wall Plaza, after it occupied East Jerusalem in 1967. (via Library of Congress)
Israel is once again trying to remove Jerusalem’s ancient sites from a UN list of endangered world heritage.
The effort to strip the protection comes as groups that call for the destruction of the al-Aqsa mosque and its replacement with a Jewish temple are intensifying their activities, often with Israeli government funding and support. It also follows decades of Israeli destruction of ancient sites in the city.
Less than two weeks after UNESCO adopted a resolution sharply criticizing Israel’s violations at the al-Aqsa mosque/Haram al-Sharif compound in Jerusalem, the UN educational and scientific body’s World Heritage Committee Executive Board will vote on whether to keep the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls on the list of endangered sites, a status they have held since 1982.
Fifty-five other UNESCO World Heritage sites around the globe are considered to be in danger.
Jerusalem’s Old City was placed on the list after delegates found the site’s “historical authenticity” and “cultural significance” were threatened by negligence, rapid urbanization and the destruction of religious properties.
Israel has controlled Jerusalem’s Old City since its army occupied East Jerusalem along with the rest of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is planning to ask the 21 member nations on the World Heritage Committee Executive Board not to support keeping the area on the endangered list.
Israel has opposed the inclusion of the site on the list since it was first proposed byJordan.
“There is a will to stop this chaos [of such resolutions] which harms everyone,” Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO Carmel Shama-Hacohen told The Jerusalem Post.
But Shama-Hacohen said winning favor for Israel’s position from from the World Heritage Committee will be tough.
The committee will meet in Paris next week.

Extremist settlers

In April, Jordan submitted its report to the World Heritage Committee outlining why the site should remain on the endangered list.
Israel also submitted a report claiming it has undertaken several projects to protect the Old City “while improving the lives of its inhabitants and its use by tourists.”
The Israeli report claims that the Israel Antiquities Authority conducts or supervises all projects in and around the Old City.
But the report fails to mention that the authority has handed over control of several archaeological projects to the extreme settler organization Elad.
Elad currently manages a tunnel project that connects the Western Wall to the Davidson Center, an Israeli-built exhibition facility, in the Palestinian neighborhood ofSilwan.
Jordan’s report details many of the concerns over the al-Aqsa mosque and the Haram al-Sharif outlined in the UNESCO resolution adopted on 13 October, but also discusses how the surrounding Muslim neighborhoods within the walls of the Old City are threatened.
In recent years, Israeli-government supported private settler groups such as Elad and Ateret Cohanim have forcibly displaced scores of Muslim and Christian families in the Old City to make way for Jewish settlers.
Jordan’s report states that Israel has carried out 20 excavations in the area surrounding the al-Aqsa compound during 2015. It presents evidence that the excavations are discarding historic remains from the Mamluk and Ottoman periods. Jordan asserts that the excavations threaten to breach the walls of the al-Aqsa mosque.
The archaeological projects Israel undertakes in Jerusalem have the narrow agenda of unearthing artifacts that demonstrate an ancient Jewish presence in the land while ignoring or destroying artifacts from other eras.

History of destruction

Immediately following the 1967 war, Israel destroyed the 700-year-old Mughrabi Quarter, also known as the Moroccan Quarter, in the Old City in order to create the Western Wall Plaza adjacent to the al-Aqsa compound.
Today the plaza serves primarily as an open gathering space for tourists and Jewish worshippers.
When Israel occupied the area on 7 June 1967, the entire neighborhood was put under strict curfew and Palestinians were shut in their homes.
On the evening of 10 June 1967, the day the war ended, the 650 residents of the Mughrabi Quarter were given two hours to vacate their homes, according to scholar Tom Abowd.
Those who did not leave voluntarily, were removed by force before the area was flattened by bulldozers. By the next night, more than 130 homes had been destroyed.
One woman was buried beneath the rubble, her body found the next morning in the ruins of her home.
Among the scores of homes and structures reduced to rubble, was one of Jerusalem’s oldest Islamic schools, al-Afdaliya, which later came to be known as Sheikh Eid mosque.
The structure has been dated to Saladin’s reign in the 12th century.
Benjamin Kedar, a retired professor of history at Hebrew University and a former vice president of Israel’s National Academy of Sciences and Humanities, called the destruction an “archaeological crime.”
In the last five years, Israel has allowed the Simon Wiesenthal Center to build a so-called “Museum of Tolerance” on top of the ancient Muslim Mamilla Cemetery. Though in West Jerusalem, and therefore not the subject of the UNESCO resolutions, it is a stark example of the Israel Antiquities Authority’s disregard for Jerusalem’s people and heritage.
Hundreds of skeletons were dug up in the middle of the night. Yehoshua Dorfman, the head of the Israel Antiquities Authority at the time, later admitted, “I should have stopped the excavation and not allowed the destruction of that part of the cemetery.”
Dorfman also admitted to mistreatment of Muslim and Christian graves at excavation sites elsewhere, including the Elad-run “City of David” in occupied East Jerusalem. “The bones were just left lying around outside for months until they were taken away,” Dorfman wrote in a book published after his death in 2014, according to the Tel Aviv newspaper Haaretz.

Vilifying UNESCO

Since UNESCO passed the resolution condemning the myriad ways Israel violates the rights of Palestinian and Muslim worshippers at al-Aqsa mosque and threatens the architectural integrity of the compound, Israel has gone on the offensive.
This week, Yisrael Hasson, the head of the Israel Antiquities Authority, stepped up the vilification of UNESCO, comparing the UN body to the Islamic State group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, that has destroyed ancient sites in Syria.
Claiming falsely that the resolution denies Jewish reverence for the site it calls Temple Mount, Israel has effectively convinced UN leaders to distance themselves from the resolution.
These include Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNESCO director-general Irina Bokova and UNESCO executive board chair Michael Worbs.
Mexico and Brazil, two of the 24 countries that voted in favor of the resolution, have since repudiated their support.
Though there will not be a re-vote, the countries say they would not support a similar resolution in the future.
If Israel should now succeed in convincing the World Heritage Committee to remove Jerusalem from the list of endangered sites, the UN would in effect give a blessing to Israel’s ongoing assault on the city’s ancient heritage.
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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NATO War Crimes: Russia shows Belgian ambassador proof Belgian jets struck Syrian village

…the real liars are always liars, even confronted with evidence, especially if they know they have the support of the media propaganda & omerta…(SFP-WP)

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned Belgian Ambassador Alex Van Meuwen to present him with proof that the Royal Belgian Air Force took part in strikes at the Hassajek village near Aleppo, Syria.
“On October 21, Belgian Ambassador Alex Van Meuwen was summoned to Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the meeting with the Ambassador, Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov said that it is puzzling that Belgium is continuing to pesistently deny the fact that the Royal Belgian Air Force performed a strike on the area near Aleppo on October 18, in consequence of which civilians died,”according to a statement issued on Friday.
“The Belgian diplomat was presented with proof of the Royal Belgian Air Force’s involvement in the bombardment of the Hassajek village. It is stated that detailed information about technical aspects of the flight path of two F-16 jets was sent earlier to Belgium’s military attache in Moscow”.
Earlier on Thursday, the Russian Defense Ministry released the detailed information about the airstrike on Hassajek, which had resulted in destruction of two houses and deaths of six people.
According to Russian Defense Ministry’s spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, the aircraft that took off from Al-Azraq air base in Jordanhave been immediately identified to be F-16, and their affiliation was established as that of the Belgian Air Force.


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Belgian Jets Could be Behind Airstrike Killing 6 People Near Aleppo


Sputnik News
submitted by Lone_Bear (Lone Bear)
War Press Info Network at:

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Western Aleppo Strikes: Casebook for Human Rights Organizations ~ [Graphic]

A compilation of evidence of airstrikes in western Aleppo that are killing and injuring civilians in government-controlled parts of the city on an almost daily basis. These are the facts that receive less attention from human rights organizations than strikes on the eastern part of the city.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, it will be an illegitimate, null and void THEFT of power

Mike Adams — Natural News Oct 21, 2016
In a little over two weeks, we’re going to find out whether we have a country anymore. If Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, she will preside over an illegitimate, illegal dictatorship that was seized through massive fraud, collusion and corruption at every level.
Without all the fraud, collusion and corruption, Hillary Clinton would have been indicted for criminal violations of national security. She would be down 20 points in the polls, and the media wouldn’t be covering up all her crimes and failures. Without the collusion, Hillary Clinton wouldn’t have known all the TV debate questions ahead of time. The voter “panels” wouldn’t have been coached by Clinton operatives to regurgitate rehearsed comments, and the official media polls wouldn’t have been rigged to construct the appearance of widespread Clinton support.
Every element of this election is so rigged, so illegal and so fraudulent that if Hillary Clinton “wins” this vote, the Presidency of the United States will be null and void.
As Wikileaks accurately states in this tweet, “There is no US election. There is power consolidation. Rigged primary, rigged media and rigged ‘pied piper’ candidate drive consolidation.”

“Sadly, it is difficult to disagree with the assessment,” adds Zero Hedge. “That an establishment democratic candidate could endure an extended FBI investigation, in which multiple federal laws were clearly and intentionally broken, and clear evidence of corruption and collusion between the FBI and State Department is mind boggling. Throw in evidence from WikiLeaks clearly linking the DNC to criminal efforts to incite violence at rallies, numerous examples of pay-to-play activities at the ClintonFoundation, blatant media collusion, etc, etc, and it actually becomes quite frightening.”

Donald Trump should REJECT the results of a fraudulent, stolen election

All this explains why Donald Trump should openly and firmly reject the results of a fraudulent election. It is not anti-democratic to do so, by the way, when your opponent despises democracy and has rigged the entire election from the start to obliterate democratic principles.
What’s clear right now is that democrats hate democracy. They despise a free and fair election because they don’t trust the voters to elect democrats unless massive fraud is involved. This demonstrates, by the way, just how much the democrats know their own leaders are hated by the voters. (It’s also why democrats can never run for office by telling the truth of what they plan to do. Case in point: Hillary’s ridiculous claim that she “will not add a penny” to the national debt.)
To seize the White House and put Hillary Clinton in power, democrats haveabandoned every principle of fair elections, invoking a “win at all costs” strategy that thrusts their party leaders and operatives into the category of lawless tyrants and Third World dictators running a criminal regime. To democrats, laws don’t matter. Fairness doesn’t matter. Even democracy doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is seizing power by any means, even if it involves hiring people to violently assault Trump supporters at rallies (see for the video footage) or colluding with the head of the FBI to avoid the criminal prosecution of their nominee.
As Selwyn Duke writes in The New American, “No, Trump Should Not Accept the Results of a Possibly Stolen Election.”
Reality No. 1: There is vote fraud.
Reality No. 2: Since there’s vote fraud, it’s possible an election — especially a close one — could be stolen.
Yet the three-little-monkey coward-cons think that, somehow, it’s noble and healthy to view a possibly stolen election and say “Nothing to see here; move along.” Maybe if we pretend hard enough, everything will be okay.

Until Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, Bill Clinton and other corrupt democrat operatives are behind bars, America does not have a legitimate federal government

One of the very best reasons to vote for Donald Trump — and perhaps the most important reason of all — is because he promises to seek criminal investigations of the most lawless operatives in the Obama / Clinton regime.
Until America “drains the swamp” and wrests the criminal slag out of the halls of power in Washington D.C., we cannot move forward as a nation that claims to respect law. The outrageous lawlessness of the Clintons and the entire democrat establishmentmust be brought to an end by We the People. If it cannot be brought to an end at the ballot box, I have no doubt that concerned citizens will find other ways to take back their country from the criminals in Washington.
Right now, voting for Donald Trump is the last (and best) hope to prevent America from being seized by a criminal cabal of deep corruption and runaway lawlessness that hasinfected every institution in our nation, across every branch of government. Should this effort be thwarted by the criminal conspiracy of the Clintons, the media, the FBI, the DOJ and all the other co-conspirators involved in all this, America ceases to become a nation of law and plunges into Third World dictatorship status (with all the obvious ramifications that follow such political corruption).

Beware of the intense, destructive evil that will fester out of a powerful, centralized political establishment which realizes it is ABOVE THE LAW

As Hillary Clinton seizes the White House, the message to all the elite leftist power brokers will be obvious: We can get away with anything! They will realize they can commit any crime they want… and the media will cover up their crimes while the FBI excuses their actions with contorted legal immunities and whitewashed explanations. They will be above the law, and they will know that they control every institution in government, effectively granting themselves absolute power and absolute immunity.
When, in the history of the world, has the concentration of absolute power into the hands of the few ever turned out well for the populace?
It is a vast understatement to remind you that this is the most dangerous time in the entire history of our nation since the American Revolution. Once the democrats realize they have absolute power with zero accountability, there will be death squadsto seek out and murder their political opponents. Websites critical of the Clinton regime will be seized and silenced. People who speak out against the regime will find themselves indicted by the IRS, or investigated by the FTC, or arrested by the DEA after drugs are planted in their homes. What the Obama regime has already done to Julian Assange, the Clinton regime will do to Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Alex Jones and Sean Hannity.
The prisons will be filled with the political enemies of the regime in power… and then to clear out the prisons, the mass murders will begin. Piece by piece, the corrupt democrats will become the Fourth Reich, murdering their political enemies, demanding absolute obedience (P.C. thought control), raising their rhetoric to levels of psychological insanity that haven’t been witnessed since the days of Adolf Hitler.
And sometime during all this, the armed American people will realize they have nothing more to lose, and they will almost certainly pick up their rifles, march on Washington and lay it all on the line to either take back their country or die trying. Because in a society where the Second Amendment still lives, it only takes about 1% of the population to take their country back from a corrupt, criminal regime.
The only good news in all this is that democrats hate firearms, which means they won’t be able to put up much of a fight if all this plunges into kinetic action. In other words, if America devolves into a shooting war — open revolution or armed revolt — there’s no question that the gun owners win.
Why do you think Obama and the Clintons have been desperately trying to take away guns from all the citizens? And why do you think that all the talk about gun control never suggests the government itself should be disarmed? No, “gun control” isn’t about reducing gun violence… it’s about monopolizing the power of gun violence into the hands of the corrupt government regime so that the citizens are defenseless (and so much easier to round up, imprison, or execute).
Read your history, folks. If you don’t learn from it, you’re doomed to repeat it. Every time corrupt regimes concentrate power into the hands of the (criminal) few, it ends in genocide or bloodshed. Hillary Clinton is thrusting America into a future of intense pain, suffering and death. Remember all this as you cast your vote on November 8th.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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