
Saturday 30 December 2017


On December 28, government forces liberated the villages of Ad Dajaj, Tamat al-Khalifah and Mushayrifah and reached the southern vicinity of the militant-held village of Abu Dali.
Abu Dali is controlled by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) and is one of the key militant defense points in the area. If Abu Dali falls into the hands of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the militant defense may collapse in the entire area east of the town of Morek.
Clashes in the area continued on December 29.
On December 28, the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) announced that their fighters had advanced on the ISIS-held town of Hajin in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to the SDF, 15 ISIS members were killed and a vehicle and motorcycle of the terrorist group were destroyed.
The US-led coalition announced in an official statement released on December 27, that on December 23 it and Maghawir al-Thawra (MaT) launched a military operation against ISIS in the Hama desert around the al-Tanaf base.
MaT fighters secured several caves, which had been used by ISIS to store weapons, explosives and communications equipment around al-Tanaf. The coalition revealed that ISIS had used these positions in the Hama desert to move to and from the Euphrates Valley.
The US-led coalition statement confirms that ISIS maintains a presence in the al-Tanaf area right under its nose, just as Russia and the SAA had claimed on many occasions.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu praised the “tremendous firepower” of the Israeli Air Force and sent a warning to Iran and the Palestinian movement Hamas. The prime minister once again claimed that the Israeli leadership “will not allow the forces of the Iranian army to establish themselves in Syria in order to harm us.”
According to experts, the US and Israel are in close coordination to limit the Iranian influence in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. However, so far, their activity has only led to the growth of the Iranian role in the region.

Map update: Syrian Army bolts into Idlib amid the disintegration of jihadist defenses

BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:40 P.M.) – The last four days have witnessed the Syrian Arab Army make major advances in the provinces of Hama and Idlib capturing countless towns and villages and deploying some of the best forces available in its order of battle to achieved such results.
These advances have served to consolidate the Syrian Army’s presence in the province of Idlib, a region that has essentially been under the total control of armed rebel groups for years now.
The once seemingly impregnable militant defenses of northwest Syria have been breached and to this end the mechanized mass of the Syrian Army’s best formations are pouring through the gaps to take back from jihadist militias the lands they have stolen on behalf of hostile foreign powers.

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التفاهم الروسي الأميركي يتصدّع في سورية

التفاهم الروسي الأميركي يتصدّع في سورية

ديسمبر 29, 2017

د. وفيق إبراهيم

يشهد الميدان السوري تصعيداً ملحوظاً في مستوى التنافس الأميركي الروسي يهدّد بالانزلاق من مستوى المجابهات غير المباشرة إلى مواجهات مكشوفة. أمّا الأسباب فتعود إلى عرض مشبوه تعهّد فيه الأميركيون بعدم استهداف المناطق التي توالي الدولة السوريّة، مقابل تحاشي تقدّم الجيش السوري نحو شرق البلاد ابتداءً من الحدود مع العراق حتى الحدود مع تركيا، وعلى طول خط نهر الفرات.

وهذا عرض يؤدّي فوراً إلى تقسيم سورية إلى ثلاث دوائر: إحداها للدولة بمساحة تزيد عن 65 في المئة من مساحة البلاد، مقابل عشرين في المئة للمنطقة الكردية العشائرية الأميركية، ونحو عشرة في المئة لـ «جبهة النصرة» المتعاونة مع الجيش التركي ومنظّماته التركمانية. هذا إلى جانب خمسة في المئة هي مناطق خفض التوتر تنتشر فيها قوى ملتبسة عدة.

لكنّ الردّ السوري الرسمي كان صاعقاً، ومتجسّداً في رفض صارم اعتبر أنّ العرض الأميركي ليس إلا وسيلة لتقسيم سورية وتفتيتها، ومحاولة لاحتواء الهزيمة العسكرية التي مُنيت بها قوى الإرهاب والمعارضات المسلّحة التكفيرية المحسوبة على أميركا وتركيا والخليج.

لجهة الردّ الروسي، فلم يكن أقلّ وضوحاً، لأنّ موسكو حريصة على تحالفاتها مع الدولة السوريّة وإيران على الرغم من أنّها فهمت العرض على أنّه قبول أميركي صريح بحقّ موسكو «برعاية» الدولة السورية بشكل مباشر، لذلك رفض الروس العرض لسببين: لأنه يسيء إلى علاقاتهم بالدولة السوريّة وإيران من جهة، ولأنّه يمنح الأميركيين فرصة إعادة بناء آليات إرهابية جديدة تُعيد بعد مدة ليست بعيدة شنّ حروب في سورية والعراق ولبنان، وهذا ما دفع بموسكو إلى تأكيد أنّ هدفها في 2018 هي «جبهة النصرة» بكلّ أشكالها ولبوسها المتعدّدة. وهذا يكشف أنّ المشروع الأميركي شرق الفرات ليس بعيداً عن متناول الرقابة الروسيّة، بوسائل متعدّدة منها الأقمار الاصطناعية والاستخبارية.

لقد تبيّن لموسكو أنّ 14 قاعدة أميركية تنتشر شرق سورية، وتعمل ليلاً نهاراً على بناء ما أسمته «جيش سورية الجديد» المتشكّل من القوات الكردية «قسد» وعشائر عربية سوريّة نظّمتها المخابرات السعودية وموّلتها برعاية وزير الدولة السعودي لشؤون الخليج ثامر السبهان، بالإضافة إلى أعداد كبيرة من منظمات «داعش» و«النصرة» وجيش الإسلام وفيلق الرحمن وبضع مئات من الأنفار يشكّلون ما يسمّى «الجيش الحر»، ولأنّ موسكو تعرف أنّ «النصرة» هي المنظمة الأكثر عدداً، وجّهت إعلاناً صريحاً بأنها على رأس لائحة المستهدفين للعام 2018.

وهذه رسالة مزدوجة للأميركي والتركي معاً، لأنّ الأول يريد تنظيمها في آليّاته العسكرية الجديدة لإعادة إحياء الإرهاب. أمّا التركي، فيريد استخدامها ليحقق دوراً لحلفائه من الإخوان المسلمين السوريين في التسوية السلمية المرتقبة.

والدولة السورية الملمّة بمطامع الأتراك لم تتأخّر في تسديد اتهامات للأتراك بأنّهم قوى تحتلّ الشمال السوري وتدعم المنظمات الإرهابية، وهذا ما دفع بأنقرة إلى التشنّج والعودة إلى الخطاب التقليدي الذي يزعم «أنّ بقاء الرئيس الأسد في السلطة جريمة كبرى».

هناك إذن قوّتان متقابلتان، يفصل بينهما نهر الفرات، لكنّه لن يطول منعهما من المجابهة، وهما 14 قاعدة أميركية ومعها فلول الإرهاب ومنظّمات الكرد وجيش سورية الجديد، مقابل الجيش السوري وحلفائه الروس والإيرانيين وحزب الله والقوى الرديفة والحليفة. وما يدفع باتجاه رفع مستوى التوتّر بين الفريقين، هو الطيران الروسي الذي يريد استئناف نشاطه في قصف ما تبقّى من أراضٍ سوريّة يعيث فيها الإرهاب، خصوصاً في الغوطة الشرقية وشرق الفرات ومنطقة إدلب. ولأنّ هاتين المنطقتين هما تحت الوصاية الأميركية والتركية، فلا شكّ في أنّ مستويات التفاهم بين الروس وهذين الفريقين ذاهبة إلى مزيد من التوتر.

بالنسبة للأميركيين، فلن يقبلوا بتدمير «آليّاتهم الإرهابية» الجديدة، لأنّهم يعوّلون عليها لإعادة تجديد دورهم المتراجع في سورية والعراق. فهل يتركون التحالف السوري الروسي الإيراني يكمل عملية تحرير سورية بتحرير شرقها؟

لذلك، أعلن وزارة البنتاغون الأميركي رفض بلاده سحب قواتها من سورية في موقف يدفع إلى مزيد من التأزّم في تفاهماتها السابقة مع الروس. الأمر الذي يضع قوات البلدين في مواقف عسكرية لا يُحْسَدون عليها، خصوصاً أنّ الاحتلال الأميركي للحدود السوريّة العراقية انتهى عملياً مع محاصرة القوات السورية لقاعدة التنف الأميركية التي أصبحت معزولة تماماً، ولا سُبل إمداد لها إلا من خلال الطيران وبعض البؤر الإرهابية المجاورة.

فهل تذهب الأمور إلى حدود الاصطدام؟

ما يعزّز هذه الفرضية هو الوجود العسكري لحزب الله والمنظّمات الإقليمية والإيرانية إلى جانب الجيش السوري، هؤلاء لن يدّخروا جهداً لتحرير شرق سورية، فضلاً عن الروس أنفسهم الذين يعلمون أنّ تحرير سورية بكاملها هو إعادة بناء كاملة لدولة صديقة لهم، ومعبرهم إلى الفضاءات السوفياتية السابقة.

بأيّ حال، لن يدخل الأميركيون في معارك جديدة خاسرة، وحين يستشعرون اقتراب الانهيار، فلن يتأخروا في ترك شرق سورية للدولة السوريّة، لكنّهم وعلى مستوى التدبّر واستيعاب ردود الفعل الروسية يتّجهون إلى تسهيل عمليات إرهابية جديدة بدأت في روسيا نفسها بطرسبرغ وأفغانستان والعراق وأوكرانيا، ويُنتظر أن تتكاثر لأنّها مدعومة من الجهات الاستخبارية التقليدية التي سبق ودعمتها منذ 2003 وحتى اليوم، وهي الجهات الأميركية السعودية والتركية.

لذلك يرجّح أن تزداد عمليات «داعش» والقاعدة في أوروبا وروسيا والصين والهند، تلبية لحاجات أميركية ترى أنّ ترويع العالم أفضل وسيلة لتدجينه ضمن مشروع النفوذ الدائم للإمبراطورية الأميركية.

ضمن هذا الإطار، يجري تشجيع الإرهاب على استهداف البلدان الداعمة للدولة السورية وعلى رأسها روسيا، مع العودة إلى اللجوء إلى الفتنة السنّية الشيعية، كما حدث في أفغانسان التي ضرب الإرهاب «الداعشي» فيها مؤسّسات شيعية.

ولاستكمال المشهد الإرهابي، تعطّل واشنطن حركة العراقيين للانتقال إلى الاستقرار، وتستعين هنا بالسعوديين أصحاب الخبرة في تحقيق التدمير والفوضى والفتن المذهبية. وهذا لا يعني أنّ الدولة السورية وحلفاءها لم يربحوا الحرب، فهؤلاء انتقلوا من محيط دمشق والساحل السوري إلى حدودهم مع الأردن والعراق ولبنان، وعلى مقربة من الحدود مع تركيا، ما يعني أنّ الدولة انتصبت على بُنى قوية ومتماسكة، وما يحدث هو آخر المهام لإعادة سورية دولة إقليمية قادرة.

ماذا أيضاً عن التفاهم الروسي مع الترك؟

إنّ مَن يستطيع تحجيم الدور الأميركي، لن يعجز عن استيعاب قلق أردوغان وهمومه الكردية، لكن ليس على حساب استقرار سورية. ولا بدّ من تأكيد أنّ العام المقبل لن يكون إلا سنة تحرير سورية وإعادة تموضعها كدولة رائدة ومحوريّة في المشرق العربي. ميركي أ

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The American Strategy for the End of the World

30-12-2017 | 08:51
If Donald Trump’s recently unveiled National Security Strategy (NSS) is a barometer for what to expect in the New Year, states in the Middle East should not be hedging their bets on peace and stability.
Donald Trump
The 68-page document, which lays out in clear detail how the Trump administration plans to treat the world, also dispels any notion of America turning inwards.
On the contrary, President Trump – in sharp contrast to his days as a contender for the White House – is hailing interventionist policies, promising an uncompromising dissemination of American ‘values’, threatening traditional geopolitical rivals (Russia and China), while indirectly declaring war on conventional ‘rogue’ states (Iran and North Korea).
The NSS document vows that the US “will seek areas of cooperation with competitors from a position of strength, foremost by ensuring our military power is second to none and fully integrated with our allies and all of our instruments of power.”
This text is as much about defining Trump’s foreign policy agenda during his tenure at the White House, as it is a skeleton of the US national strategy for the 21st century.
It very openly stipulates that the western empire, which refuses to accept the collapse of the unipolar order, is in the process of planning perhaps its final global thump, designed to bring the world back under its ‘messianic’ flag.
And explaining Washington’s refusal to come to terms with the fact that the international community has new contenders for the post of ‘number one’ is a reasonably straightforward task.
In simple terms, US social, economic and political stability is wholly contingent upon American military adventurism across the globe. It is also the most basic axiom on which modern western societies are built.
This geopolitical doctrine made the US a dominant power throughout much of the 20th century, and is one that many in Washington still believe works.
Donald Trump, as an individual, becomes a figure of little significance. One can argue, with a great deal of conviction, that the US president is a largely marginal character in the big picture.
“The scourge of the world”
It remains to be seen how the newly published NSS document will translate into action on the ground, but whatever happens, it is clear that Washington’s strategy has nothing to do with making the world a more peaceful or stable place.
The language used, which Russia’s President Vladimir Putin labeled as “offensive” and “aggressive”, essentially paints a bullseye on the backs of American adversaries, promising to create the necessary geopolitical conditions to pull the trigger.
The already highly combustible Middle East region is once again in the eye of the storm, and Iran is singled out as the greatest obstacle to American strategic objectives there.
The NSS clearly designates the Islamic Republic as a ‘threat’ to the US, describing the country that acted as the driving force in the battle against Daesh as a sponsor of terrorism and the “scourge of the world”.
According to the Director of the ANSWER Coalition, Brian Becker, “this represents a sharp shift, especially given the fact that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) – the so-called Iran nuclear arms deal – could have been a precursor to a new thaw in relations between the United States and Iran in the Middle East. But this is a sharp reversal of any sort of possibility for that.”
That reversal could very well trigger a wider confrontation, involving both regional and global powers, and driven exclusively by the US desire to dominate the highly strategic Middle East – an objective that can be considered far from realistic without an obedient leadership in Tehran.
A program for ‘confronting’ Iran appears to have hatched in the lead-up to the publication of the NSS document, when representatives of the major “Israeli” and American intelligence and defense hierarchies held a “secret” meeting at the White House on December 12.
A report aired on “Israel’s” Channel 10 claimed that Tel Aviv and Washington have formulated a joint strategy, setting up four separate teams to undermine Iran.
The four areas of interest include Iran’s alliance with Hezbollah and Damascus, as well as its ballistic missile and nuclear energy programs.
Bringing a sword to the world
Perhaps not surprisingly, Washington’s strategic document triggered a process of regrouping and realignment among the world’s key players.
The conclusion is simple: Pax Americana cannot be realized unless a new brand of geopolitical confrontation takes place in the not-too-distant future. No one knows this better than the Iranians, the Russians and all the other ‘offenders’.
In short, the US strategy seeks to ‘bring a sword to the world’ -establishing some sort of new Cold War model that would once and for all ensure “the end of history” in a fully Americanized world.
Of course, the danger is that any attempt at imposing “the end of history” through waging ceaseless wars and conducting nuclear maneuvers could very well be, at the same time, taunting the end of civilization as we know it.

Source: Al-Ahed

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Hezbollah’s War Media Center Threatens ’Israel’: We’re Ready, You Must Know That!

30-12-2017 | 13:15
Under the slogan: “Intensify your training, our war is about to end … Our victory is firm. Our determination is solid. If you think, then you’ll be crushed,” Hezbollah’s War Media Center threatened the ‘Israeli’ army in a set of posters, stressing that the resistance group is ready for any future option:
Hezbollah's War Media Center Threatens 'Israel': You Must Know That We're Ready!
Hezbollah's War Media Center Threatens 'Israel': You Must Know That We're Ready!Hezbollah's War Media Center Threatens 'Israel': You Must Know That We're Ready!
Hezbollah's War Media Center Threatens 'Israel': You Must Know That We're Ready!

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Dozens of Palestinians Injured in Friday Clashes with Zionist Occupation Forces

December 29, 2017
After Friday prayers, the Palestinian youths took into streets in the various cities to stress their support to Al-Quds and challenge the Zionist occupation measures, clashing with the enemy soldiers.
On Gaza border with the Zionist settlements, fierce clashes erupted as the Israeli soldiers fired gas bombs and live bullets onto the Palestinian protestors, injuring 50 and suffocating 100 of them.
The Palestinian youths also clashed with the Israeli occupation forces in the various cities of the West Bank, which left a number of protestors wounded.

The following photos show a rally which was held by Hezbollah and attended by crowds on Friday on Lebanon’s border with the occupied Palestinian territories in support of Al-Quds (Jerusalem):


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Friday 29 December 2017

Putin Wishes Russian Children a Happy New Year

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A time of mounting excitement in Moscow as the city gets set for the holidays–in Russia, New Year is celebrated before Christmas, rather than after it. The Russian Orthdox Christmas will be observed on January 6-7, 2018. What I find most striking about the video is the extent to which the Russian children seem to idolize Putin–almost as if he’s a rock star or something. I would find it hard to imagine any group of American children displaying such frenzy and adoration upon the appearance of a US president.
You’ll note also that some of the children in the video are from Sevastopol. The city is located in Crimea, and for many of them it’s their first trip to Moscow. Obviously they are quite impressed!
A little bit about Russian Orthodox Christmas:
People in Russia celebrate Christmas Day with activities such as having a family dinner, attending a Christmas liturgy and visiting relatives and friends. There is a 40-day Lent preceding Christmas Day, when practicing Christians do not eat any meat. The Lent period ends with the first star in the night sky on January 6 – a symbol of Jesus Christ’s birth. Many Orthodox Christians go to the church to attend a Christmas liturgy that evening. (Source).

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Ridiculous claims by Erdogan that Assad is a “terrorist” when he has been arming & supporting Takfiri terrorists

Syria hits back brutally against Erdogan’s claims that Assad is a terrorist

By Paul Antonopoulos – Fort Russ News – December 28, 2017
December 28, 2017 – Fort Russ News – Paul Antonopoulos
DAMASCUS, Syria – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reaffirmed his stance against Bashar al-Assad as Syrian President during a state visit at the Carthage presidential palace in Tunis on Wednesday, describing the Syrian President as a “terrorist,” as reported by FRN earlier today.
“I clearly want to say Assad is a terrorist who leads state terror. There is no peace in Syria now and won’t be with Assad. Otherwise we would have an unfairness on the people who are killed. We can not recognize this situation as Turkey,” he said.
However the Syrian Foreign Ministry did not take the ridiculous claim lightly and hit back at the Muslim Brotherhood sympathetic Turkish president.
“The Turkish regime of Recep Tayyip Erdogan bears the primary responsibility for the bloodshed in Syria and the entry of terrorist forces inside Syrian territories. His aggression has played a big role in supporting Takfiri terrorists,” a source from the Syrian Foreign Ministry told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on Thursday.

“Erdogan continues to mislead the public in a desperate attempt to absolve himself of crimes he committed against the people of the Syrian Arab Republic,” the Foreign Ministry continued.
“Erdogan has turned Turkey into a large prison for those who have different political opinions and for those in the press that disagree with his politics. His destructive policies have not only hurt the Syrian Arab Republic, but also, Turkey. Furthermore, Erdogan does not have any credibility to make such comments,” the Foreign Ministry stated.

“Erdogan’s delusions have made him forget that his dilapidated empire has little power,” the Foreign Ministry added

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israel Should be Suspended from the UN Until It Complies with UNSCR 2334

Condemning all measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem, including, inter alia, the construction and expansion of settlements, transfer of Israeli settlers, confiscation of land, demolition of homes and displacement of Palestinian civilians, in violation of international humanitarian law and relevant resolutions.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 was adopted on 23 December 2016. It concerns the Israeli settlements in “Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem”. The resolution passed in a 14–0 vote by members of the U.N. Security Council (UNSC). Four members with United Nations Security Council veto power, China, France, Russia, and the United Kingdom, voted for the resolution, but the United States abstained.
The resolution states that Israel’s settlement activity constitutes a “flagrant violation” of international law and has “no legal validity”. It demands that Israel stop such activity and fulfill its obligations as an occupying power under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
It was the first UNSC resolution to pass regarding Israel and the Palestine territories since 2009, and the first to address the issue of Israeli settlements with such specificity since Resolution 465 in 1980.
While the resolution did not include any sanction or coercive measure and was adopted under the non-binding Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter, Israeli newspaper Haaretz stated it “may have serious ramifications for Israel in general and specifically for the settlement enterprise” in the medium-to-long term.
The immediate effect is to place the state of Israel outside the International Community of Nations as confirmed by the UN General Assembly last week.
The General Assembly voted overwhelmingly during a rare emergency meeting 21 December 2017 to ask nations not to establish diplomatic missions in the historic city of Jerusalem, as delegates warned that the recent decision by the United States to do so risked igniting a religious war across the already turbulent Middle East and even beyond.
By a recorded vote of 128 in favour to 9 against, with 35 abstentions, the Assembly adopted the resolution “Status of Jerusalem”, by which it declared “null and void” any actions intended to alter Jerusalem’s character, status or demographic composition. Calling on all States to refrain from establishing embassies in the Holy City, it also demanded that they comply with all relevant Security Council resolutions and work to reverse the “negative trends” imperilling a two‑State resolution of the Israeli‑Palestinian conflict.
UNSCR 2334 confirms the territorial rights of Palestinians including the status of East Jerusalem and is endorsed by 128 major nations of the world.
Israel ignores this international condemnation at its own cost.
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Terrorism is most employed at the state level by the USA and its allies israel and Saudi Arabia, not by Iran

Who Are the Leading State Sponsors of Terrorism?

By Philip M. GIRALDI | Strategic Culture Foundation | 28.12.2017

As 2017 draws to a close, it is difficult to be optimistic about what will be coming in the new year. The American President, whose margin of victory was certainly based on his pledge to avoid unnecessary wars, has doubled down on Afghanistan, refuses to leave Syria even though ISIS has been defeated, and is playing serious brinksmanship with a psychopathic and unpredictable regime in Pyongyang. The White House has also bought into the prevailing largely fabricated narrative about a Russia and has decided to arm Ukraine with offensive weapons, which has already resulted in a sharp response from Moscow and will make détente of any kind between the two leading powers all but impossible in the upcoming year.
But, as I have observed before, the red hazard light that continues to be blinking most brightly relates to Washington’s relationship with Iran, which has unnecessarily deteriorated dramatically over the past year and which brings with it collateral problems with Russia and Turkey that could trigger a much wider conflict. I say unnecessarily because all the steps taken to poison the relationship have come out of Washington, not Tehran. The Trump administration refused to certify that the Iranians had been in compliance with the nuclear agreement negotiated in 2015 and has since escalated its verbal attacks, mostly at the United Nations, claiming that the regime in Tehran is the major source of terrorism in the world and that it is seeking hegemony over a broad arc of countries running westward from its borders to the Mediterranean Sea.
The only problem with the allegations being made is that none of them is true and, furthermore, Iran, with limited military resources, poses no serious threat to gain control over its neighbors, nor to attack the United States or Europe. The invective about Iran largely derives from Israel and Saudi Arabia, which themselves have hegemonic ambitions relating to their region. Israel’s friends in the US Congress, media and White House have not surprisingly picked up on the refrain and are pushing for military action. Israel has even threatened to bomb any Iranian permanent presence inside neighboring Syria.
A recent detailed analysis by former US intelligence officers has demonstrated just how the claim that Iran is the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism is almost completely fabricated. The analysis explains how these false narratives are contrived and how they become part of the Washington background noise. The White House’s recent National Security Strategy Report for 2018 stated that “Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has taken advantage of instability to expand its influence through partners and proxies, weapon proliferation, and funding.” But another US government report, the annual Country Reports on Terrorism 2016 cites no actual terrorist incidents initiated by Iran in that year. In fact, the most recent terrorist incident attributed to Tehran was in 2012, and that was retaliatory against Israel, which was at the time assassinating Iran’s scientists and technicians and attacking its computer systems.
America’s UN Ambassador Nikki Haley’s has recently claimed that it is hard to find a “terrorist group in the Middle East that does not have Iran’s fingerprints all over it.” But in reality, the overwhelming majority of terrorist groups in the region, to include ISIS, Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra, are Sunni Muslims, who believe Iran’s Shi’ism is heretical, and are both tied to and funded by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United States. The Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) is indeed an ethnic Iranian terrorist group, but it has been funded and supported by Washington and Tel Aviv to carry out attacks inside Iran.
The reality is that terrorism, defined by the United Nations as “criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public,” is most employed at the state level by the United States and its allies Israel and Saudi Arabia, not by Iran. All have used violence directed against civilians in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon, and all three have supported organizations that fit the definition of terrorists. Iran may indeed be guilty of actions that much of the world disapproves of, but it is not the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism as has been alleged.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Don’t Say Nazi – The Jews are Coming (comedy)

Israeli Comedy with English subtitles…

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Ahed Tamimi’s Twitter Account Deleted

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RT is reporting that the Twitter account of Ahed Tamimi, the Palestinian teen jailed for slapping an Israeli soldier, has been deleted. See report below

Twitter account of imprisoned Palestinian teenage girl Ahed Tamimi deleted
Without explanation, the Twitter account belonging to imprisoned Palestinian teenage girl Ahed Tamimi was deleted. Tamimi was arrested and imprisoned by the Israeli military.
Till yesterday Ahed’s twitter account was online (@ahedAlTamimi), today @twitter decided to delete the account. And we decided to do Another account and work on , Please follow @AlTamimiAhed and spread the word. we will not give up on our .
Another account has been created, calling for Twitter to reinstate Tamimi’s original account.
While it is unclear if Twitter itself deleted the account, Manal Tamimi, a relative of Ahed, suggested Twitter did indeed ban the account.
I’m not sure about that & not think her father did, I expect that Twitter deleted it due to a campaign or a call by zionists to block it or delete it
The Palestinian teenager was arrested last week after a video of her slapping Israeli soldiers who were blocking the steps at her family’s house went viral. Israeli forces confiscated computer equipment from the Tamimi residence during the nighttime raid. It is possible that Israel accessed Ahed Tamimi’s account from those computers.
Tamimi’s cousin Nour was also arrested. Her mother Nariman Tamimi was detained as well, when she went to the police station where her daughter was being held.
The Tamimis are prominent anti-occupation activists who reside in the West Bank village of Nabi Saleh. They lead demonstrations every Friday to protest the confiscation of the village’s well for the nearby settlement of Halamish.
An Israeli soldier shot Ahed Tamimi’s brother Mohammad, 14, in the head during a demonstration on December 22. He has been released from the hospital after undergoing surgery and a medically induced coma.
14yr-old Mohamed Tamimi, cousin of Ahed, is released from hospital after being shot by Israel 
 The Tamimis have long been targeted for their activism. In 2011, an Israeli soldier fired a tear gas canister from closer range at Mustafa Tamimi, killing him. Israel’s Military Advocate General cleared the soldier who fired the canister of any wrongdoing. The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem said the ruling “conveys the indifference of the military law enforcement system to the lives of Palestinians in the West Bank.”
While it is unknown if Israeli authorities requested that Twitter suspend Tamimi’s account, the social media giant has collaborated with Israel before. In 2016, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked revealed that Twitter was removing content it deemed “harmful.”
RT reached out to Twitter for comment on the suspension of Ahed Tamimi’s account but had not received any response at the time of publication.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!