
Saturday 17 February 2018

السيد ومساجلة أفكار خاطئة

السيد ومساجلة أفكار خاطئة

ناصر قنديل

– معادلة الردع التي وضعها الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله بين أيدي المسؤولين اللبنانيين وعنوانها، «سنتكفّل بوقف منصات النفط الإسرائيلية في البحر خلال ساعات إن طلبتم ذلك»، كانت الشراكة التي يحتاجها لبنان من المقاومة في المفاوضات الدائرة مع الأميركيين، والتي سجل لها السيد وحدة الموقف اللبناني وتمسكها بالحقوق، لكنه لم يمتنع عن مساجلة أفكار خاطئة في جوهر إدارة التفاوض، لجهة ترك الأميركي يمسك ورقة التهديد الإسرائيلية ومواجهتها بورقة الحقوق، التي تنتهي مهمتها عند مواجهة الادعاءات الزائفة بالملكية الإسرائيلية للمساحات النفطية التي حملها الأميركي، بينما ورقة القوة تستدعي إشهار ورقة من نوعها ذاته، وعنوانها تمسكون «إسرائيل» فنمسك مقاومتنا، وينتهي التصعيد، ولبتّ الحقوق آليات سلكها لبنان وانتهى الأمر.
– في مضمون وحدة الموقف الذي نوّه بها السيد، سجال ضمني من نوع مختلف عنوانه، كيف تستقيم حال الوحدة وتُصان عندما يترك الأميركي يُقدّم مكوّناً لبنانياً، يجب أن يفتخر اللبنانيون بتضحياته ومقدراته وصدق وطنيته، على طاولة التفاوضكعبء على لبنان واللبنانيين؟ وأي رسالة يتلقاها جمهور المقاومة عندما يشعر أن الإعلان الرسمي لا ينطلق فقط من إثبات الحق ليطلب التوسط الأميركي لمنع العدوان من موقع لن يفهمه الأميركي إلا ضعفاً وقلقاً من التهديد؟ وعندما يصير استعراض الالتزام بالقرارات الدولية والقوانين المالية للإيحاء بأن لبنان لا يغطي حزب الله، فيتمادى الأميركي ليقول إن اللبنانيين يجب أن يقلقوا من حزب الله. ويفرح بعضهم إذا سمع أن مشكلة أميركا مع حزب الله وليست مع لبنان، ويعتبر هذا الكلام إنجازاً لبنانياً، بينما المفترض من موقع الذين يقولون إن الوحدة بين اللبنانيين هي مصدر قوتهم، أن يرفضوا كل محاولة تجريم أو شيطنة لمكوّن وطني لبناني يمثل مصدر قوة وعنصراً حاسماً في هذه الوحدة.
– في مشهد إسقاط سورية لطائرة الـ»إف16» الإسرائيلية، فوق فلسطين المحتلة بعد استهدافها في الأجواء اللبنانية، يلخص السيد الموقف بشهادة الإنصاف لسورية ورئيسها وجيشها، ثم يعرض لعنصر الردع الجديد والحاسم الذي أضافه المشهد إلى معادلات الردع التي تختزنها المقاومة، لكنه ينصرف من هاتين لثالثة هي التساؤل عن مبرر بقاء الأجواء اللبنانية، «مالاً سائباً يبرّر الحرام»، ويشجّع الإسرائيلي على ارتكابه. فواقعة الإنجاز السوري تقول إن حماية الأجواء اللبنانية ممكنة، وإن السلاح الروسي قادر، وإن الأمر بالإرادة وليس بسواها، والروس جاهزون، فماذا يمنع لبنان، طالما أن حماية الأجواء اللبنانية من سورية ممكنة فكيف من لبنان؟
– في المشهد الانتخابي، بعد الإشادة بالقانون الانتخابي، يلفت السيد إلى، مَن قال إننا نطلب منكم تحالفاً، في ردّ على النفي المتكرّر لرئيس تيار المستقبل لفرضية التحالف مع حزب الله، ليصل إلى جوهر التغيير الذي يريد من اللبنانيين فهمه مع القانون الجديد، وهو تحوّل الانتخابات النيابية من كونها حرباً أهلية باردة تشارك فيها الأحزاب والطوائف لهدف واحد، هو مَن يسقط مَن، ومَن يهزم مَن، ومَن يلغي مَن، ليصير هدف الانتخابات أن يتمثل كل فريق بحجم يتناسب مع ما يمثل بعدالة، حيث لا يملك أحد قدرة إسقاط أحد أو إلغاء أحد، لا في طائفته ولا في طوائف أخرى، وبعد الانتخابات تُقام التحالفات السياسية والحكومية، وما يتم من تحالفات انتخابية لا يتعدّى كونه انتخابياً. وهذا معنى التمييز بين العلاقة المتينة مع التيار الوطني الحر وفرضية عدم التحالف في دوائر انتخابية عديدة.
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!


Published on Feb 15, 2018
 Independent journalist Eva Bartlett explains how the mainstream media lies about events in Syria.
Lulwa Kasawat:
“No one is listening Eva!! I told many people how the demonstrators under my house would scream and shout and the army would not respond, then they would throw rocks at them, and still they would not respond. One soldier got his head injured and blood burst and they rushed him away, but still they did not respond, until a shot was fired from the crowd, or elsewhere…and they the army rushed off and brought extra help.
Once it started from the other side again, it really started. Many a time the news (al Jazeera) would be stating that there is a big demonstration in Kudseiyeh (where I live) in the square (where my house overlooks) and that there is shooting and bombing of the army against innocent civilians, and I would look at the window and no sound and no gatherings. Shortly after, in an hour, some 15-20 young men, would gather chanting against the regime…but the army would not do anything, they wouldn’t even be there.
I went back to Syria when this started as I wanted to be with my family, so I stayed there from June 2011 to Sept 2012. My house was in Kudseiyeh and that is a troubled area, from the start, they were trying to get it in the equation, however the residents resisted despite all attempts. Then lots of outsiders came in, and they brainwashed the younger generation of that town, at one point I had to leave my house as it was very bad. The rebels kept shooting and telling everyone to flee because the army was going to bomb us.
*photo Lulwa Kawasat
I got a missile in my house, it came from below, up through the children’s bedroom, up through the roof. Thank God it did not explode. We weren’t there at the time but we have the shell. If it was the army it would have come from above. It is still unstable there. But they have signed a truce, which the rebels keep breaking…
-Channel 4 News’ Krishnan Guru Murthy refused to “get into history” over his lies, much less to acknowledge that the “moderates” he propagated about were Al-Nusra.
-MintPress Meets The Father Of Iconic Aleppo Boy, Who Says Media Lied About His Son, June 9, 2017, MintPress News
-Exploitation of children in propaganda war against Syria continues, Jun 19, 2017,
-Meet Aylan & Omran: Child victims used for Syrian war propaganda, June 12, 2017, RT Op-Edge
-Absurdities of Syrian war propaganda, Nov 2, 2017, RT Op Edge
-Deconstructing the NATO Narrative on Syria, Oct 10, 2015, Dissident Voice
-Syria Dispatch: Most Syrians Support Assad, Reject Phony Foreign ‘Revolution’, Mar 7, 2016,
-Western media ignoring reality on the ground in Syria: terrorism and anti-Syria sanctions which help terrorists, Mar 3, 2016, Russia Today
-The Children of Kafarya and Foua are Crying in the Dark, Sep 6, 2016, 21st Century Wire
-Western corporate media ‘disappears’ over 1.5 million Syrians and 4,000 doctors, Aug 14, 2016,
-UN covers up war crimes in Syria, citing U.S. backed Al-Qaeda propagandists, Oct 29, 2016, The Duran
-On Nov 3 2016 terrorist bombings, and Nov 4 terrorist shelling of humanitarian corridor. Aleppo: How US & Saudi-Backed Rebels Target ‘Every Syrian’, Nov 29, 2016, MintPressNews
-Liberated Homs Residents Challenge Notion of “Revolution”, Jul 8, 2014, Inter Press ServicesIn Gaza
-Madaya: Syria War Diary: Order Returns To Western Cities, Civilians Recount Horrors Of “Rebel” Rule, September 26th, 2017, Mint Press News

-On the White Helmets:

-On the DPRK:

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

In UAE, Palestine’s Capital Is ‘Ramallah’!

UAE Palestine capital
It seems that the United Arab Emirates has gone farther than Saudi Arabia in normalization with the Zionist entity, and even in adopting the occupation regime’s rhetoric.
Weeks after US President Donald Trump recognized Al-Quds (Jerusalem) as the Zionist entity’s capital, and as Riyadh has been emerging as the spearhead of normalization moves, activists on social media shared a photo showing that Abu Dhabi recognizes Ramallah as the ‘capital of Palestine’.

Ali Mourad tweet1
Ali Mourad’s tweet

The photo, shared by Lebanese journalist Ali Mourad, shows a paper- reportedly a part of an Emirati book- that identifies the capitals and currencies of Arab countries. According to the photo, the capital of Palestine is ‘Ramallah’, while the currency there is the ‘Jordanian Dinar’.
“UAE teaches school children that Palestine’s capital is Ramallah! (A country) which falsifies its own history and geography in order to create glory and culture for itself, won’t slacken to falsify other countries’ history and geography in a bid to please Zionists,” Mourad, who is specialized with Gulf affairs tweeted on Saturday.
Al-Manar contacted Mourad, who confirmed that the photo is taken of a part of an Emirati book, clarifying that he obtained the image from “a Palestinian who lives in UAE.”
Meanwhile, the Lebanese researcher noted that the photo was also shared on social media by several Palestinian activists.
Taking a look on some Palestinian accounts on social media, especially on Facebook, it was clear that the same photo was shared by several Palestinians who were warning, in their posts, against dangers of such move on the Palestinian cause.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!


On February 16, Hussain Murtada, a correspondent of the Iranian al-Alam TV, reported that a reconnaissance unit of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) had entered the Afrin area under an agreement, which had been supposedly reached by the Damascus government and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG).
Murtada’s report is still not confirmed by any officials of the Damascus government or the YPG. However, pro-government sources said that the National Defense Forces (NDF) units of the city of al-Safira [ located in southern Aleppo] are preparing to enter the Afrin area upon orders from the SAA general command.
Meanwhile, the YPG’s media adviser Rezan Hido said in an interview to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen TV that the SAA is welcomed to deploy its troops anywhere it wants in the Afrin area. However, he didn’t confirm reports that Damascus and the YPG had reached the agreement regarding Afrin.
Al-Mayadeen reported on February 15 that Damascus and the YPG had reached an agreement that allows the SAA to deploy its troops in the Kurdish-held area. Later on February 16, al-Mayadeen’s correspondent in Afrin said that the SAA is preparing to enter the area.
It’s unknown yet if Turkey is somehow engaged through Russia in the supposed Damascus-YPG agreement regarding Afrin. Syrian sources believe that clashes in Afrin will intensify if Turkey is not a part of the supposed agreement.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Genocide? As Gaza Dries Out, israel Turns Off Fresh Water Spigot

Rather than heeding the warnings from the UN to open up Gaza’s blockade and allow vital aid, what we have witnessed over the course of the last decade is a periodic all-out Israeli assault on Gaza’s vital infrastructure.
GAZA  (Analysis) — Near the end of last month, Haaretz reported that, according to an expert hydrologist, 97 percent of Gaza’s drinking water has been contaminated by sewage and salt. The UN also confirmed that this was the case early last year, and clearly, the situation has remained unchanged even up until 2018. Robert Piper, the UN’s local coordinator for humanitarian and development activities, has called the situation “really very serious” and stated that “[w]e are falling far behind the demand for clean drinking water for Gazans.”This kind of mistreatment is part and parcel of an overall package of deprivation that continues to plague the Palestinian people. There are some 2 million residents in Gaza affected by this egregious policy, famously one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. Gaza’s water resources are fully controlled by Israel and the division of groundwater is something that was provided for in the Oslo II Accord. However, despite the fact that under the Accord Israel is allocated four times the Palestinian portion of water resources, it has been revealed that Israel has been extracting 80 percent more water from the West Bank than it agreed to.
In 2009, the World Bank wrote that the responsibility was on the government of Israel to recognize that water and sanitation is a central component of the Gaza Strip humanitarian crisis and make arrangements to facilitate fuel distribution to some 170 water and sewage pumps in Gaza; maintain the Beit Lahiya Sewage Lake; and restore regular electricity supply in order to reduce dependence on fuel for generators.
<img src=””/> According to the World Bank, at the time, almost all of Gaza’s population was without running water and was dependent on stored water supplies. The World Bank also noted that nearly all sewage and water pumps were out of operation due to lack of electricity and diminished fuel supplies, something that we will address below. But once again, these deficiencies fall squarely on the shoulders of the Israeli government, which is wholly responsible for Gaza’s electricity and water supply.
In order to rectify the issue, the Deputy UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Maxwell Gaylard, called for the immediate opening of Gaza’s crossings to allow the entry of spare parts and materials critical to the restoration of Gaza’s water and sanitation services. Israel famously closed Gaza’s crossing points in June 2007 and the local population has been suffering ever since.
However, there are many other factors that have helped to create this humanitarian catastrophe. Israel routinely unleashes bombing campaigns on the Gaza Strip every few years, targeting vital infrastructure, including destroying Gaza’s only power plant in 2014. The blockade single-handedly prevents vital materials and equipment from making its way into Gaza, making redevelopment impossible, even some four years later.

Electricity supply

A Palestinian family warm themselves on a fire outside their makeshift home during a power cut in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip. (AP/ Khalil Hamra)
A Palestinian family warm themselves on a fire outside their makeshift home during a power cut in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip. (AP/ Khalil Hamra)
According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the Gaza Strip endures dry, hot summers that are subject to drought.
Exploiting these conditions, Israel has used electricity as an inventive point of leverage to torture the Palestinian people, while the international community has stayed largely silent. This is the same international community that cites human rights abuses in Syria, Iran, and North Korea to promote military intervention and regime change to suit its geopolitical needs, yet stays silent as 2 million Gazan residents are suffering immensely in what is widely regarded as an open-air prison and the world’s largest ghetto.
On a good day, residents in Gaza over the last six months have been receiving three to four hours of electricity per day, the flow of which is controlled by Israel. However, according to the Times of Israel, Gazans were only able to obtain four hours’ worth of electricity thanks mainly to fuel supplies sent from Egypt. On a bad day, some estimatescite that Gazans have been receiving as little as two hours electricity per day if any at all.
After the Palestinian Authority said it would begin resuming payment for Israeli electricity flows to the Gaza Strip (at a cost of some $2.8 million per month), Israel announced it would restore its share of the electricity supply. However, this will increase Gaza’s electricity supply only to approximately six hours’ worth of electricity per day. The outage of electricity is expected to last for 12 hours a day at least, according to the Electronic Intifada.
One should bear in mind that, with a Gazan population of around 2 million residents, the effects of this stringent electricity supply are felt far beyond just the average household. In August of last year, Gaza’s children’s hospitals also warned of a health “catastrophe,” as power cuts routinely take place during four-hour-long dialysis treatment.
For years, Israel has attempted to shed blame from its inhumane policies and instead point to the debacle solely on an internal Palestinian issue between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas. Last year, Human Rights Watch’s director for the region, Omar Shakir, told the right-wing pro-Israel publication Algemeiner that because Israel is “legally the occupying power,” it bore the brunt of the responsibility for this crisis. “Israel controls the borders, the airspace, the waters of Gaza, so Israel has an obligation that goes beyond merely responding to a request from Palestinian authorities,” Shakir reportedly said.
The Electronic Intifada also notes that Israel has been using electricity as a politically viable blackmail tool, with Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) stating it would restore electricity after Israeli prisoners held in Gaza were returned, as well as the bodies of two Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul. It is also worth noting that Egypt, too, shares a great dealof the blame for this horrific treatment of the Palestinian people

Assaults on Gaza

a Palestinian girl walks next to destroyed houses, in the Shijaiyah neighborhood of Gaza City
A Palestinian girl walks next to destroyed houses, in the Shijaiyah neighborhood of Gaza City after a devastating bombing campaign by Israel in March of 2015.
Rather than heeding the warnings from the UN to open up Gaza’s blockade and allow vital aid, what we have witnessed over the course of the last decade is a periodic all-out assault on Gaza’s vital infrastructure.
Since the blockade was enforced, there have been three major IDF operations in Gaza: Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009, Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and Operation Protective Edge in 2014.
Following Operation Cast Lead, the World Bank reported that there had been severe damage to the water and sanitation infrastructure in the Gaza Strip.

Read more by Darius Shahtahmasebi

After Operation Protective Edge in 2014, the UN reported that more than 20,000 Palestinian homes, 148 schools and 60 healthcare centers in Gaza were damaged or destroyed. Israel even bombed a disability center at the time. Gaza has no air force, no air defenses, and no substantive military to defend its people.
While most pro-Israeli pundits would point to Hamas rocket fire as an excuse for the interventions, the truth on the ground tells a different story.
The Submission to the United Nations Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2014 Gaza Conflict, published by Truthout, quite clearly demonstrates that Israeli airstrikes and ground attacks preceded Hamas rocket fire; and that Hamas rocket-fire had been nonexistent since Israel’s previous assault in 2012. In other words, Hamas had been abiding by its terms of the ceasefire — even while Israel had been starving Gaza of basic human rights, as argued and outlined above.
Further, in July 2014, The Guardian published a blog by investigative journalist Nafeez Ahmed, which claimed Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza in 2014 was rooted in a desire to control Palestinian gas off the coast of Gaza and had nothing to do with concerns about Hamas rocket fire. The Guardian axed his blog not long after.
The Jerusalem debacle
Israeli police fire tear gas at Palestine protesters during protests against US. President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Ramallah, Occupied Palestine. Feb 2, 2018. (AP/Majdi Mohammed)
Israeli police fire tear gas at Palestine protesters during protests against US. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Ramallah, Occupied Palestine. Feb 2, 2018. (AP/Majdi Mohammed)
Israel modus operandi has been to attack Gaza by punishing the civilian population with these heavy sanctions affecting its basic life necessities. It is almost as if the Israeli government has been attempting to provoke a response from the Gaza Strip, which could then be used again to justify yet another intervention — given it has been proven that Israel has lied about its stated reasons for intervention in the past. This response, however, never came in the form that Israel might have hoped for.
U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to unilaterally declare Jerusalem the capital of Israel, inflaming an already tense situation, was the political icing on the cake of Palestinian suffering. Regardless of one’s views on the Israel-Palestine conflict, which continues to divide people all along the political spectrum, the fact remains that this decision alone pushed an already volatile situation to a point of outright violence. According to Reuters, since Trump’s infamous decision, at least 13 Palestinians have been killed in clashes with Israeli forces.
Further, it wasn’t long after Trump’s announcement that Israel began resuming air strikes in the Gaza Strip. Perhaps this is a sign of things to come in the not-too-distant future. While tensions are heating up between Israel and Syria, Lebanon and Iran, it has been largely overlooked that Hamas and Israel are preparing for an imminent war even as we speak.

Gaza in crisis

A Palestinian man and his son warm themselves by a fire during cold, rainy weather on the outskirts of the Khan Younis refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, Jan. 5, 2018. (AP/ Khalil Hamra)
A Palestinian man and his son warm themselves by a fire during cold, rainy weather on the outskirts of the Khan Younis refugee camp in the southern Gaza Strip, Jan. 5, 2018. (AP/ Khalil Hamra)
In 2015, the UN predicted that Gaza would become uninhabitable by 2020. Not pulling any punches, the UN concedes the cause of this crisis is based on two important factors: Israeli military operations and the decades-long blockade that has crippled Gaza’s economy and infrastructure. Reportedly, Gaza has an unemployment rate of some 50 percent, the highest unemployment rate in the world, with a youth unemployment rate of at least 60 percent.
According to The New York Times, UN officials are warning that Gaza is facing a total collapse. Rather than exporting some much-needed freedom, human rights and democracy, the Trump administration instead announced that it would withhold $65 million from UNRWA — vital money required for providing basic necessities for some 1.2 million Palestinians in Gaza. The Times also wrote:
Still, whether out of bluster or desperation, Gazans both in and out of power have begun talking openly about confronting Israel over its blockade in the kind of mass action that could easily lead to casualties and escalation.”
No matter how one cuts it, whether Israel has been intentionally trying to elicit a response from Gaza or not, the fact remains that the Israeli government is intentionally pursuing a long list of policies that will almost certainly lead to a hostile escalation, as the international community continues to turn a blind eye to the everyday suffering of the Palestinian people. Israeli policies indeed border on a systematic genocide that will, if unchecked, completely erode the Gaza Strip to nothingness in just a few short years.
Top Photo | Palestinian children fill their bottles with water from a UNICEF tap in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. (Photo: UNICEF)
Darius Shahtahmasebi is a practicing attorney with an interest in human rights, international law, and journalism. He is a graduate of the University of Otago, where he obtained degrees in Law and Japanese. Follow him on Twitter at @TVsLeaking.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

From Mexico to Africa, israel’s dark history of training war criminals, gangs and oppression


Despite its apartheid policies toward Palestinians and other minorities, Israel is often cited as the Middle East’s only democracy and a preserver of human rights within the region.
Not only does this public image sharply contrast with the reality of Israel’s brutal treatment of Occupied Palestine and the country’s institutional racism, but its government also has a history of supporting repressive regimes and human rights violations worldwide.
South of our border, Israel has used its experience in suppressing indigenous uprisings to aid Mexico with the Zapatistas, an ongoing Mayan uprising based in the Chiapas region. Writing in 2013 for Electronic Intifada, a news and activism site focused on Palestinian liberation, Jimmy Johnson and Linda Quiquivix reported that the freshly appointed security chief for Chiapas region, Jorge Luis Llaven Abarca, was working closely with officials of Israel’s defense ministry to train his forces.
“This may be the first time the Mexican government has gone public about military coordination with Israelis in Chiapas,” Johnson and Quiquivix wrote. “Yet the agreement is only the latest in Israel’s longer history of military exports to the region, an industry spawned from experiences in the conquest and pacification of Palestine.”
The Zapatistas in turn have repeatedly voiced their solidarity for the Palestinian people. In 2014, after Israel’s devastating attack on Palestine that left over 2,000 dead, mostly civilians, and over 500,000 homeless, a Zapatista spokesperson condemned Israel’s “war of extermination.”
Comandante Tacho reminded Israel that “the PALESTINIAN people will resist and will rise again, that they will once again begin to walk and that they will known then that, although we are far away on the map, the Zapatista peoples embrace them today as we have before, as we always do, with our collective heart.”
More recently, Israeli weapons and technology firms have helped arm U.S. forces fighting in what journalist Abby Martin termed a secret war at America’s borders.
Further from the U.S., Israel has been widely criticized in the international community for selling arms and military equipment to troubled African states, despite their repeated use in war crimes. An investigation by Adv. Itai Mack and Idan Landau, published in May 2015 by +972 Magazine, a blog devoted to analyzing Israel and Palestine, revealed that “[s]ince the 1960’s Israel has been fighting a secret war in South Sudan” resulting in Israeli-made arms being repeatedly used in war crimes and violations of human rights.
Mack and Landau reported:
“Despite the world’s reaction, Israel’s secret war in South Sudan continues according to reports and information provided by human rights activists who have been, or still are, in South Sudan. Since the country’s independence, Israel has continuously sent it weapons, training government forces and providing various security-related technologies. There is also a cooperation between the two countries’ secret services, and Israeli entities have established an internal control and surveillance system in South Sudan, which they continue to maintain.”
They also noted that Israeli aid for oppressive forces in South Sudan echoes the country’s aid for Rwanda’s despotic government during the 1990s.
And in August 1989, a Los Angeles Times investigation by Kenneth Freed uncovered an Israeli-produced videotape showing Israeli instructors training paramilitary forces belonging to the deadly death squads of Colombia’s Medellin drug cartel. The LA Times reported:
“The 48-minute color videotape clearly showed former Israeli army Col. Yair Klein running military and assassination training exercises for about 50 men, including one known as Vladimir. Other foreigners speaking Hebrew were shown and heard on the videotape.”
Vladimir and other members of the Medellin cartel were arrested that month in connection with the deaths of four Colombian judges and nine court workers.
In a September 2015 analysis for Electronic Intifada, “Israeli arms fuel atrocities in Africa,” Rania Khalek noted that support for oppression can be seen as part of a long Israeli tradition.
“Decades of stealing and colonizing Palestinian land and resources has qualified Israel with unique expertise in subduing resistance and maintaining colonial plunder,” she wrote.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!