
Saturday 26 May 2018

في التوازنات الجديدة في المنطقة ولبنان

مايو 24, 2018

– يتيح اليوم الانتخابي الرئاسي في مجلس النواب اللبناني استشعار زمن جديد يطلّ على المنطقة ولبنان، منذ بداية الانقلاب الدموي الذي نفّذ بدماء الرئيس رفيق الحريري لعزل سورية والمقاومة تمهيداً لحرب تموز وبعدها للحرب الشاملة على سورية وفيها ومَن حولها. فثمة حقيقة تختفي وراء ما قاله وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق تبريراً لخروجه من جلسة مجلس النواب قبيل انتخاب نائب رئيس المجلس النائب العائد بقوة التمثيل الشعبي، عن أن زمناً جديداً يطل علينا والمؤشرات كثيرة، متحدثاً عن زمن الوصاية العائد، وهو الآتي وحلفاؤه من زمن وصاية سعودية علنية ظهرت جلية بحضور الوزير السيادي بابتسامة عريضة لإفطار السفارة السعودية الممنوع الغياب عنه، وغيابه متعمّداً عن إفطار رئيس الجمهورية.
– كان في المنطقة حرب وتكاد تنتهي، فالجغرافيا هي التي تتحدّث بلسان مَن يُمسك بها. وهي تقول بالفم الملآن إن سورية تستعيد عافيتها، وتتجه للمزيد، وإن المقاومة منتصرة في حروبها كافة، وأن المأزق الوجودي الذي يعترف به قادة كيان الاحتلال، في زمن انتصارات المقاومة، لا يغيّر فيه نقل السفارة الأميركية إلى القدس، بل يزيد من الاحتباس والتصعيد اللذين يسرّعان مفاعيل تحسس كيان الاحتلال لهذا المأزق، والانسحاب الأميركي من التفاهم النووي مع إيران لن يسقط قوى المقاومة بالضربة القاضية. وقد كان ما كان قبل التفاهم وانتقلت المقاومة من نصر إلى نصر، ولم يهبط عليها المنّ والسلوى من عائدات التفاهم، ولم تكن إيران طيلة عقود دعمت خلالها المقاومة، إلا في حصار كالذي يهدّد الانسحاب الأميركي من تفاهم «دخل القصر أمس العصر»، وصاحب قرار الانسحاب وهو يصرخ ويعلم في سره أنه لا يريد أن يرى إيران تعود للتخصيب المرتفع وهو لا يملك جواباً على ما سيفعل، فيترك هوامش المناورة مفتوحة للأوروبيين من تحت الطاولة.
– كل شيء كان مرتبطاً بهذه الحرب التي استمرت لعقد ونيّف بوسائل متعددة، وجالت نصف الكرة الأرضية، من اليمن وصولاً إلى أوكرانيا، وقلبها كيف يسيطر الغرب على سورية، واستعمل فيها كل السلاح وكل الجيوش، وكل المال وكل الإعلام وكل الغيب وكل المحسوس، فجيء بتنظيم القاعدة ليبذل الدم الذي لا تملك جيوش الغرب القدرة على بذله، وجيء بفتاوى الوهابية لتحل مكان الخصخصة في مواجهة عقيدة أهل المقاومة، وأنفقت مئات المليارات من الدولارات، والحصيلة باتت واضحة، بتبلور حلف روسي صيني متماسك مع إيران وسورية والمقاومة، لن تضعفه أوهام السعودية بالحديث عن خلافات وتشققات حول مطالبات روسية موهومة لإيران والمقاومة بالانسحاب، بينما لا يزال التركي والأميركي يحتلان بعضاً مهماً من الجغرافيا السورية. وهو انسحاب لا يضير إيران والمقاومة دون طلب روسي عندما يصير لسورية مصلحة فيه، وهي حليف استراتيجي ما يربطه بإيران والمقاومة أعمق بكثير من هذه المفردة، التي لم يحن أوان بحثها بعد.
– القطاف السياسي للانتصارات الإقليمية الكبرى يظهر في وجدان الناس ووعيهم وذاكرتهم، فترحل الغيوم السوداء، ويظنّ أصحابها أنها مقيمة، ويتوهّمون أن كذبتهم صارت حقيقة، فكيف للذين بنوا مكاسب ومناصب على ظهر العلاقة مع سورية أن يتحدثوا عن دورها كزمن وصاية يخرجون من عباءته بمزاعم السيادة، وخروجهم لا وصف له إلا الغدر والانقلاب، وكيف يستحضرون السعودي وصياً ويسمّون الالتحاق به والتلحُّف بغطائه، «لبنان أولاً»، ويعطلون بحثاً عن الرضى السعودي مصلحة لبنان بالتفاهم مع الحكومة السورية تحت عنوان عودة النازحين، فيصير الفيتو السعودي قبل عامين على وصول العماد ميشال عون إلى بعبدا ممكناً تحت عنوان لبنان أولاً، ويصير انتخاب العماد عون رئيساً للجمهورية متى رضيت السعودية عملاً وطنياً خالصاً، بينما يحق لهؤلاء أن يوزّعوا بطاقات الوطنية على لبنانيين آخرين أخلصوا للمصلحة العليا للبنان التي رأوها مبكراً بقوة التاريخ والجغرافيا، في خيار المقاومة والعلاقة المميزة بسورية.
– الحساب لم يقفل، بل هو يفتح الآن، وللكثير ممن أدمنوا كثرة الكلام في سنوات عجاف مضت أن يتقنوا منذ اليوم فضيلة الصمت.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Sayyed Nasrallah: US-Gulf Sanctions Ineffective, Confident of Victory in any Coming War

Sayyed Nasrallah: US-Gulf Sanctions Ineffective, Confident of Victory in any Coming War
26-05-2018 | 00:37
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah confirmed that this year’s Al-Quds Day should receive great attention at all levels in view of what the Holy city is facing, especially after US President Donald Trump’s to recognize it as the capital of the occupying entity.
2000 Victory
In a televised speech on the 18th anniversary of 2000 Liberation, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the anniversary is a very important and national one i.e. full of lessons.
“The heroic fighters, martyrs, wounded, liberated prisoners, general public, Lebanese Army, security forces, resistance factions and the Syrian army are the ones who are credited with this achievement,” His Eminence added.
He further hailed the Syrian and Iranian support so that the 2000 liberation was accomplished.
“This victory had divine, humane and moral aspects as the resistance remained steadfast in the major confrontations,” The Resistance Leader viewed, noting that “victory has shown that the enemy has lost confidence in its army and its agents.”
This comes as he praised the sacrifices of the Resistance: “There were martyrs that gave their blood and their pure souls. They left their work and their families and lived in valleys and in fear, and spared no effort to liberate this land.”
In parallel, His Eminence underscored that “the residents returned to their homes and fields, the captives returned in pride and dignity and security returned along the border with Palestine.”
“We are living in safety, dignity and freedom thanks to this victory,” Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned.
Ready for War
Sending an assuring message to the Lebanese and a threatening one to the enemy, His Eminence vowed:
“We do not seek war. However, we do not fear it.”
In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed that the Resistance is confident of victory in any upcoming war.
US-Gulf Sanctions Ineffective
Commenting on the recent US-Gulf decision to blacklist Hezbollah and its leaders as terrorists, Sayyed Nasrallah played down the step.
“The US-Gulf blockade on the Lebanese and Palestinian resistance, including blacklisting us, is not new.”
“The US and Saudi sanctions against me and my brothers do not have material effect, as we don’t have money in banks and we don’t trade through regular channels,” he elaborated, noting that “these sanctions aim is to scare people of meeting with us.”
On this level, His Eminence went on to emphasize that the Lebanese government has responsibility towards citizens put on US terror lists and must not abandon them.
“The Lebanese government had a responsibility to all its citizens placed on US terror lists and that some of those affected were not affiliated and did not give money to Hezbollah. As they’re Lebanese citizens, the Government should defend their rights. They should reject the sanctions,” he confirmed.
Warning that this is a US-“Israeli” course and that the Gulf states are taking part in it, Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that “sanctions, the terrorism lists, the blockage, and so on are part of the battle.”
“When you defeat the invincible “Israeli” army, when you advance a cultural change in the region, and stand in as an obstacle in the way of US and “Israel” schemes in the region and contribute to foiling them, it is natural that the s enemy will threaten you,” he explained.
Sayyed Nasrallah also mentioned that
“Blacklisting Hezbollah aims at scaring the allies and pushing them away from the resistance as well as drying up the Resistance’s funding sources and they’ve been seeking this since the 1990’s.”
“Resistance fighters deserved victory in 2000 and 2006 as they had honesty and made enormous sacrifice in their battles against the enemy,” he stated, noting that “when the enemies face popular resistance, they will not be able to defeat i. They will lose their battles.”
In addition, Hezbollah Secretary General praised the fact that people from diverse Lebanese societies proved their loyalty to the Resistance by voting in favor of Hezbollah during May 6 parliamentary elections.
On Syria…
On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah congratulated the Syrian leadership and people on the liberation of Damascus and its entire countryside.
“I had previously said that the Syrian leadership and their allies would not let Damascus fall, whatever the sacrifice. Today, we also turn to Syria, its army, its people and its allies to welcome the liberation of Damascus in its entirety,” he added.
Morroco’s No Evidence
Regarding Morocco’s fabrications against Hezbollah, His Eminence stressed that there is no political relationship between Hezbollah and the Polisario, and there is no communication between the two sides
“The pressures on Iran are also part of this course,” he said, pointing out that “the Moroccan foreign minister has not offered any evidence to his Iranian counterpart backing his accusations.”
To Fight Corruption
On the internal level, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that
“Terrorism lists won’t delay formation of Lebanese government.”
“We are calling for a speedy government formation because this is in the country’s interest and because there are major files that need to be addressed and the all the developments in the region are in our favor,” Sayyed Nasrallah added.
He further unveiled that “Hezbollah will not put forward a candidate to head any of Lebanon’s key ministries.”
“Hezbollah didn’t and will not demand having one of the so-called sovereign ministerial portfolios,” His Eminence stressed.
According to him, There are parties with whom we may disagree strategically, but nothing prevents from cooperating with them in fighting corruption.
“We look forward to a cabinet which would represent politicians from all factions and parties. It is important for Hezbollah to have a constructive presence in the new cabinet. Our fight against corruption is a serious and major battle, and it completes what happened in the 2000 liberation,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, revealing that “among the brother MPs in the ‘Loyalty to the Resistance bloc’, we chose MP Hassan Fadlallah to follow up the file against corruption.”
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من أليكس جورج سميا إلى الجميع... سنفطر في القدس... عاصمة فلسطين

مايو 25, 2018

محمد صادق الحسيني

هذه الكلمات الخمس التي أرسلها الطفل اللبناني الموهوب، ذو الثماني سنوات، أليكس جورج سميا، هي خلاصة ما تصبو إليه الأمة بكاملها وهي بالضبط الكلمات التي تعبر عن ضميرها الحقيقي.
خاصة ونحن نشهد في هذه اللحظات عيداً وطنياً لبنانياً وعيداً قومياً عربياً وعيداً لكل أحرار العالم هو عيد المقاومة والتحرير والنصر المؤسس لعصر الانتصارات عيد 25 أيار المجيد…
فلا مبادرة سلام عربية ولا صفقة قرن ولا مخططات لإقامة إمارات عدة في الضفة الغربية المحتلة، يحكمها من تطلق عليهم سلطات الاحتلال: «شخصيات قيادية فلسطينية»، ولا عودة إلى أيّ شكل من أشكال الإدارات المحلية لمناطق الضفه الغريبة، بعد أن تقسمها سلطات الاحتلال ثلاث أو اربع مناطق، يحكم كلاً منها مجلس حكم محلي تعينه السلطة المحتلة، كما يروّج لذلك الكتاب والصحافيون الإسرائيليون من أمثال اليكس فيشمان وعاموس هارئيل وغيرهم…!

فهؤلاء الكتاب ومَن يقف وراءهم من قادة الأجهزة الأمنية والعسكرية الاسرائيلية يعلمون تماماً أن كل هذه المخططات قد تم إسقاطها في مراحل النضال الفلسطيني السابقة وحتى قبل أن يتشكل حلف المقاومة بقواه الحاليّة والتي تشكل حائط صد منيع يعيق تنفيذ أي منها…!

كما أنهم يعرفون أيضاً أن الشعب الفلسطيني قد أسقط من قبل كل مخططاتهم الرامية الى إقامة «مملكة عربية متحدة» أو ما أطلق عليه في حينه «مشروع ألون». وكذلك الأمر بالنسبة لمشروع التقاسم الوظيفي، الذي عرضته حكومة إسحق شامير على م. ت. ف. أواخر ثمانينيات القرن الماضي، وكان يقضي بأن يتم تشكيل إدارة محلية لـ«سكان الضفة الغربية» على أن يقوم هؤلاء «السكان»، وهم في الحقيقة المواطنون الفلسطينيون في الضفة، بممارسة حقوقهم السياسية في الأردن من خلال المشاركة في الانتخابات الأردنية وتقديم مرشحين لهم يمثلونهم في البرلمان الأردني، على أن تبقى السيادة على الأرض لدولة الاحتلال.

الامر الذي رفضته م. ت. ف. جملة وتفصيلاً، مما أدى الى تراجع الدعم المالي السعودي والخليجي آنذاك، بأوامر أميركية طبعاً، ذلك الدعم الذي انقطع تماماً بعد أزمة الكويت سنة 1990 بسبب الحجج التي نعرفها جميعاً والتي لا تستند إلى أية حقيقة…!

وعليه فإن الناطق باسم الأمة، الطفل اللبناني اليكس جورج سميا، قد أعلن الموقف الشعبي العربي المقاوم، بلاءاته الثلاث، بكل وضوح وصراحة، حيث قال:
لا صلح.
ولا مفاوضات.
ولا استسلام او سلام.
حتى نفطر في القدس، عاصمة الدولة الفلسطينية المستقلة على كامل التراب الوطني الفلسطيني:
وهذا هو آخر الكلام. لن يوجد أي فلسطيني يتنازل عن القدس، مهما تفنّنت في اختلاق الطرق والأساليب المختلفة للوصول الى هذا الهدف، كما لن يتحقق هدف حاخام المستوطنين، المسمّى سفير الولايات المتحدة الأميركية لدى دولة الاحتلال، الذي وزّع صورة له قبل أيام. وهو يحمل لوحة يظهر عليها الهيكل المزعوم مكان المسجد الأقصى ومسجد قبة الصخرة المشرفة.
فأنتم فشلتم في فهم كنه الشعب الفلسطيني الذي تصدّى لمؤامراتكم، منذ وعد بلفور سنة 1917 وحتى يومنا هذا، وأسقطها جميعاً. وهو سيسقط مخططاتكم وأفكاركم المريضة، التي تحاولون فرضها عليه وعلى حلف المقاومة، من خلال تآمركم مع حكام بني سعود ومشايخ الرجعية العربية من نواطير النفط والغاز…!
إن السيف الفلسطيني الذي بقي عصياً عليكم كسره طوال سبعين عاماً سيبقى مشهراً في وجوهكم للذود عن شرف الأمة وحماية كرامتها ومقدّساتها وحقوقها الوطنية إلى أن يكتب الله أمراً كان مفعولاً، ألا وهو انتقال قوات حلف المقاومة الى تنفيذ المرحلة النهائية من الهجوم الاستراتيجي والذي لن يتوقف إلا بتحرير القدس التي سنفطر فيها سوياً مع الشبل اللبناني اليكس جورج سميا.
بعدنا طيبّين، قولوا الله.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Protestors Heckle Nikki Haley During Speech at Texas University

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Nikki Haley was disrupted while attempting to give a speech at the University of Houston this past Tuesday. “Nikki Haley, you can’t hide. You signed off on genocide,” the protesters chanted.
Below is a video that was apparently uploaded by the university’s student media outlet, The Daily Cougar. It includes an interview with one of the protestors and ends with Nikki Haley herself mumbling some idiotic platitudes about how Americans need to be more united–united, presumably, while our government officials support a genocidal, apartheid state.
Lest there be any doubt as to why the protestors are accusing Haley of signing off on genocide, here is a presentation given a few days ago by Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Haley is not “the world’s school marm,” says Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi:
Nikki Haley is a disgrace, an embarrassment to America. She is prime exhibit number one that our government has been totally taken over by a lobby for a foreign country. America is a colony of Israel.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Friday 25 May 2018

North Korea Warns US of ’Nuclear Showdown’

24-05-2018 | 09:17

North Korea cast doubt on the planned summit between its leader, Kim Jong-un, and US President Donald Trump, warning that Pyongyang could make the US “taste an appalling tragedy”.

The summit’s fate is “entirely” up to the US, North Korea’s vice foreign minister Choe Son-hui said in a statement on Thursday. If the talks are cancelled, Choe suggested the two countries could engage in a “nuclear-to-nuclear showdown”.

“Whether the US will meet us at a meeting room or encounter us at nuclear-to-nuclear showdown is entirely dependent upon the decision … of the US,” she said.

“We will neither beg the US for dialogue nor take the trouble to persuade them if they do not want to sit together with us.”

The comments come after Trump earlier this week said there was a “very substantial chance” the summit could be delayed.

They also follow a week of heated rhetoric in Washington, with some US officials threatening a fate similar to Libya if the North does not relinquish its nuclear weapons program. Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown and killed in a NATO-backed uprising against his rule.

“In view of the remarks of the US high-ranking politicians who have not yet woken up to this stark reality and compare the DPRK to Libya that met a tragic fate, I come to think that they know too little about us,” Choe said, referring to the North’s official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. “To borrow their words, we can also make the US taste an appalling tragedy it has neither experienced nor even imagined up to now.”

In an interview on Fox News, US vice president Mike Pence said: “This will only end like the Libyan model ended if Kim Jong-un doesn’t make a deal”.

His words echoed earlier comments by national security advisor John Bolton that the US was studying Libya’s unilateral disarmament as a blueprint for negotiations with Pyongyang.

“As a person involved in the US affairs, I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out from the mouth of the US vice-president,” Choe said.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Thursday 24 May 2018

Syria: Withdrawal of Iran, Hezbollah ‘Not on Agenda’

Syria Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Al-Mikdad
Syria’s deputy foreign minister, Faisal Mekdad, said Wednesday that the withdrawal of Iran and Hezbollah resistance from the Arab country was not up for discussion.
“This topic is not even on the agenda of discussion, since it concerns the sovereignty of Syria. We cannot let anyone even raise this issue,” he told Russia’s Sputnik news agency on Wednesday.
“All these forces oppose terrorism. They are not making an attempt to violate the sovereignty and territory of Syria,” he said in comments translated into Russian.
He also said that those who demanded the pullout of the Iranian military advisers and Hezbollah forces from Syria “are considering the possibility of intervention in all parts of Syria, including the support of terrorists in Syria and elsewhere in the region.”
Mekdad said he “highly appreciates” the help of Russia, Iran, and Hezbollah in Syria’s battle against terrorism.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Mekdad touched on a recent US statement on the withdrawal of American troops from Syria, saying, “The main goal of such statements is to pump the money out of the Arab countries [by scaring them with a prospect of a US pullout].”
The Syrian official also accused Washington of financing and supplying terrorists with arms.
He said the US-led coalition operating in Syria unauthorized had deliberately bombed oil wells in the Arab country to render them useless for the Damascus government.
“I believe that the oxygen for terrorist groups comes from the United States,” Mekdad said, urging Washington to “stop supporting terrorists and respect Syria’s sovereignty and choice of the Syrian people.”
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad met Vladimir Putin in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on Thursday, with the Russian leader saying “foreign armed forces will withdraw from Syrian territory” although he gave few details.
But Russia’s chief Syria negotiator Alexander Lavrentyev later told journalists that the withdrawal of foreign troops should be done “as a whole”.
Mekdad, however, suggested Russia had not meant to say this.
“I don’t think that our Russian friends meant the forces that entered Syria in agreement with the Syrian government,” he said.
“Russia demanded the withdrawal of forces that are here without agreement: that is the forces of the US, France, Turkey and other forces that are here illegitimately.”
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

US Warplanes Strike Syrian Army Bases In Deir Ez-Zor

24-05-2018 | 09:31

So-called US-led coalition warplanes targeted several Syrian military positions in the country’s eastern province of Deir Ez-Zor.

US Warplanes

“Some of our military positions between Albu Kamal and Hmeimeh were hit this morning in an aggression by American coalition warplanes,” according to a report by Syria’s official news agency, SANA, quoting a military source.

The early Thursday comments further included that no casualties were caused by the attacks but only resulted in “material damage.”

The US-led coalition has been conducting airstrikes against what are it claims[the Arabic acronym for terrorist ‘ISIS/ISIL’ group] to be Daesh targets inside Syria since September 2014 without any authorization from the Damascus government or a UN mandate. 

The military alliance, however, was repeatedly accused of targeting and killing civilians. It has also been largely incapable of achieving its declared goal of destroying the terrorist group.

Earlier in the day, Syrian army and allied forces repelled Daesh terrorist attacks on a number of military sites in Deir Ez-Zor near the Iraqi border.

Daesh militants sought to attack army outposts on the outskirts of al-Mayadeen town, some 44 kilometers southeast of the provincial capital city of Deir Ez-Zor, but they were confronted by the Syrian army and allied forces.

Meanwhile, it was not identified how many terrorists were killed and wounded in the process, and how much of their munitions were destroyed.

The attacks came in parallel with the full liberation of neighborhoods south of the Syrian capital Damascus from the clutches of Daesh.

The anti-Daesh battle has been ongoing since April 19 to recapture the area covering Yarmouk camp and the adjacent districts of Qadam, Tadamun and al-Hajar al-Aswad.
Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team

US-led Coalition Aircraft Carry Out Strikes On Syrian Government Forces Simultaneously With ISIS Attacks - Reports
US-led coalition aircraft carried out strikes on Syrian pro-government government forces in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert area last night, the Syrian state-run media and the Hezbollah media wing in Syria reported.
According to reports, the strikes targeted pro-government forces positions near al-Bukamal, al-Mayadin and the T2 pumping station.
The Syrian state-run media emphasized that the strikes had taken place amid the continued attacks by ISIS on government positions near the desert area.
Captain Bill Urban, a spokesman for US Central Command, denied any knowledge about these strikes, according to Reuters.
“We have no operational reporting of a US-led coalition strike against pro-Syrian regime targets or forces,” Captain Urban said.

Russian military source denies US bombed Syrian Army troops in Deir Ezzor: RT

BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:45 A.M.) – A Russian military source told Russia Today this morning that the reports alleging the U.S. bombed the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Deir Ezzor are inaccurate.
According to the RT source, the reports of the U.S. attack are not “consistent with the reality.”
The RT military source did not give anymore details.
Shortly after the reported bombing, a Pentagon spokesperson told RIA Novosti that they had “no information” regarding the alleged bombing.
The Syrian military claimed the U.S. Coalition bombed their positions near the T-2 Pumping Station at approximately 1:00 A.M. (Damascus Time).

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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نبيه بري رئيس مجلس لبنان

مايو 23, 2018

ناصر قنديل

– هذا العام بلغ ثمانينه ومعها أربعينية قيادته مسيرته السياسية المنتظمة منذ غياب الإمام السيد موسى الصدر. وهي أربعينية صداقتنا، وهو الآتي من عروبة عتيقة عريقة جعلته نصيراً للقائد العربي الراحل جمال عبد الناصر، ومعجباً فصديقاً للقائد الراحل حافظ الأسد، ورفيق درب ودود لدود للزعيم الفلسطيني الراحل ياسر عرفات، وقد دخل السياسة بخطواته الأولى قائداً طالبياً في أواخر الخسمينيات ومطلع الستينيات، مناضلاً لأجل الجامعة اللبنانية الوطنية.
– عام 1982 ومع بدء الاجتياح الإسرائيلي لبيروت تلاقينا وكان الغضب يُطلق الشرر من عينيه، ويستقرّ على قرار المواجهة، بلا تردّد، وصاغ بياناً من موقعه كرئيس لحركة أمل يدعو فيه للجهاد بكلّ سلاح مُتاح. وكانت الترجمة الأولى أن نذهب مجموعة من مقاتلي وقادة حركة أمل ومقاتلي وقادة من تنظيمنا اليساري آنذاك «رابطة الشغيلة» إلى إقليم التفاح وإقليم الخروب، حيث لم نكد نصل إلا وتبلغنا أنّ العدو صار على ساحل الدامور، لنقرّر ملاقاته إلى خلدة. وكانت المعركة التي قاتل فيها شباب أمل ومنهم مَن صاروا لاحقاً قادة في حزب الله، وكانت أولى الهزائم المدوّية لجيش الاحتلال.
– مع رحيل المنظمات الفلسطينية عن بيروت، كان من الذين استشعروا بؤس الزمن العربي، ونعاه يومها بكلمات عن سقوط مقبل للعاصمة العربية النبيلة بيروت، واستعداد للقتال ليسجّل التاريخ بطولة المدينة التي تُستشهَد واقفة ولا ترفع الراية البيضاء، لأنّ أخوة يوسف قرّروا أن يرموه في الجب ليتخلّصوا من إحراج جماله وفطنته. واستقبل أبي عمار مودّعاً، بحضور قيادات لبنانية وفلسطينية، وبعد الرحيل وانتشار القوات المتعدّدة الجنسيات، تيقن من أنّ بيروت تمّ تسليمها بقرار دولي عربي للاحتلال، فحزم الأمر لقتال لا أملَ بنصر محقّق فيه، لكنه شهادة للتاريخ.
– كنتُ إلى جانبه ساعة تبلّغه دخول وحدات من جيش الاحتلال ووحدات تابعة للعميل سعد حداد إلى مناطق في الضاحية، وصولاً إلى ساحة الغبيري فكانت تعليماته لمرافقيه الذين كان أغلبهم من شباب الحركة في الشياح بالذهاب وترتيب عمليات مواجهة مهما كلّف الثمن. فلا يجوز أن يشعر المحتلّ وعملاؤه أنهم في نزهة، وكانت سلسلة عمليات أخرج معها المحتلّ والعملاء من الضاحية وتمركزوا على مستديرة المطار، وعندما جاء نبأ انتشار مشاة الاحتلال في كورنيش المزرعة القريب من منزله، وكنّا على باب المبنى طلب بندقية مرافقه، ووقف كما يقف أيّ حارس متأهّب للقتال.
– منذ تلك اللحظة جمع سعيه لتزخيم المقاومة، مع تمسكه بكلّ ما يستثمر على الوحدة الوطنية. وكانت هذه حكمته للمشاركة في هيئة الإنقاذ التي شكلها الرئيس الياس سركيس وضمّت إليه رئيس الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي وليد جنبلاط وقائد القوات اللبنانية بشير الجميّل والوزير فؤاد بطرس، ورغم اختلافنا حولها بقينا معاً تحضيراً للانتفاضة التي غيّرت في السادس من شباط عام 1984 وجه لبنان والمنطقة، فرحل المارينز، وسقط اتفاق السابع عشر من أيار، وتمهّدت الطريق لولادة أوّل حكومة وحدة وطنية برئاسة الشهيد رشيد كرامي.
– كوزير لشؤون الجنوب في هذه الحكومة رعى شؤون الأسرى والجرحى والإعلام المقاوم، وكقيادي وطني جعل شغله الشاغل كيف يستردّ للبنان وحدته، فكان من الذين ساندوا بقوة ترشيح العميد ميشال عون يومها لمنصب قائد الجيش، لما بلغه عن ترفّعه فوق العصبيات الطائفية وعن وطنيته. ومع اقتراب نهاية ولاية الرئيس أمين الجميّل كان من الذين سعوا للانفتاح على فرصة ترشيح العماد عون لرئاسة الجمهورية، قبل أن تذهب البلاد إلى حكومة أمر واقع تكرّس الانقسام.
– في مسيرته المعلومة جداً بعد ذلك، ومنذ تبوّأ منصب رئيس مجلس النواب حرص على أن يكون رئيساً لمجلس لبنان، وكان موفداه الدائمان نائبه إيلي الفرزلي والوزير جان عبيد رسل وفاق مع القيادات المسيحية الكنسية والسياسية، في زمن المقاطعة وزمن الغياب، وما يسمّيه البعض بزمن الوصاية، وأغلب هذا البعض كانوا من رموز ذاك الزمن، وكانوا يومها يأخذون على برّي وفاقيته «المبالغ بها»، تطلعاً لتقاسم مغانم ومناصب ومكاسب على حساب الغياب المسيحي.
– يُنتخَب اليوم بري لولاية جديدة رئيساً لمجلس النواب، مكرّساً مكانته كرئيس لمجلس لبنان، لا يزيد ولا ينتقص منها ثلاثون، ولبنان الرابح الأكبر، وقد استعاد إلى جانبه وتحت قبة المجلس معاونيه عبيد والفرزلي… وخسر تحت القبة شريكه اللدود لأربعين عاماً وليد جنبلاط… «مبروك» دولة الرئيس.
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Wednesday 23 May 2018

US Envoy Holds Image of Al-Quds without Al-Aqsa Mosque, Dome of the Rock!

Friedman Quds image
US Ambassador to the Zionist entity David Friedman was photographed Tuesday holding an aerial image of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) bearing a simulation of the so-called “Third Temple” instead of the Al-Aqsa holy mosque and the Dome of the Rock.
First reported on the ultra-Orthodox news site Kikar Hashabat, the photo of Friedman holding the poster was taken during a tour of Bnei Brak held by the Achiya organization, which aids Israeli children who suffer from learning disabilities, Israeli Haaretz newspaper reported.
A statement issued by the embassy later claimed that Friedman “received the photo from one of the organization’s employees and “was not aware of the image thrust in front of him when the photo was taken.”
According to the statement, Friedmen was “deeply disappointed that anyone would take advantage of his visit to Bnei Brak to create controversy.”
The embassy which has been recently relocated from Tel Aviv to Al-Quds in a provocative move by Washington, said that the US policy “is absolutely clear: we support the status quo on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.”
For its part, Achiya has issued an apology to Friedman and the embassy, saying a staff member on its behalf presented the picture to the ambassador, who “was unaware of its content,” the Israeli daily reported.
SourceIsraeli media

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

President Trump to Unveil New Middle East Peace Plan

President Trump to Unveil New Middle East Peace Plan

President Trump to Unveil New Middle East Peace Plan

At the very start of his presidential term, Donald Trump promised to do what no other US president had done despite all their efforts. He said he would find a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian problem and close “the ultimate deal.”
Donald Trump will unveil his new Middle East (ME) peace plan in mid-to-late June after the end of Ramadan. The exact date for its publication is yet to be announced. Select allies are already being briefed on the elements of the plan. US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has confirmed that the initiative is being finalized.
The details are not yet known, but it is generally believed that the proposal will suggest recognizing Israel as the Jewish people’s homeland. The Palestinian Authority (PA) will be given limited sovereignty. Its territory will include about half of the West Bank, including the Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem and the entire Gaza Strip, provided that Hamas agrees to disarm. The Jordan Valley will go to Israel, preserving its security presence along the Jordan River. The Old City will also become a part of Israel. Palestine and Jordan will share religious jurisdiction over Jerusalem’s mosques. Abu Dis, located in the eastern part of Jerusalem, will become the capital of the PA. Israel will be responsible for the West Bank and the security of the border crossings. A system for compensating Palestinian refugees will be established and managed by the international community. Their right to return will not be recognized.
The plan will not be presented as a definitive document, but rather as the springboard for generating the momentum to rush into broader negotiations with the leading Arab actors, such as the Persian Gulf states and Egypt. The expectation is that certain mutually acceptable ideas will be discovered that will get the ball rolling.
So the proposal is not a two-state solution, but rather a blueprint offering a smorgasbord of options for further talks.
The plan is expected to be rebuffed by the PA amid signs that the US may slash funding for the West Bank and Gaza. The funds are likely to be reallocated elsewhere. Washington and its allies are looking for prominent Palestinians who would agree to back this plan that is certain to face rejection from the president of the PA. Mahmoud Abbas.
Progress on the Israeli-Palestinian track is a must; otherwise it’ll be a tall order to establish an anti-Iranian coalition that includes the leading Arab states. Saudi Arabia and other potential members of such a group cannot openly cooperate with Israel. The Palestinian problem is an obstacle. The US needs to marshal regional support for this plan. We’re going to start seeing some very intensive diplomatic efforts, including behind-the-scenes meetings. The plan will be inevitably rolled out at an international conference, probably hosted by a large Arab nation, such as Egypt for instance.
As mentioned above, many US presidents have tried to find a solution to the ME conflict. Trump’s plan stands out as an initiative not aimed at bringing the two sides to the negotiating table but rather one that exerts pressure to make them accept it. Resolving the Palestinian issue paves the way for uniting a powerful coalition under the US banner. Another hallmark of the plan is the attempt to find an alternative to the current Palestinian leadership. Finding the right people is part of the effort.
The US position in the region was weakened as a result of the decision to move the embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Leading the peace process will get the US back onto the field as the leading player and an indispensable nation in the region.
With an anti-Iranian coalition in place and moves underway to roll back Tehran, China will suffer and find itself growing weaker. The rise in global oil prices will make Chinese commodities more expensive and thus its exports will become less competitive. The growth of its GDP could slow as a result.
Russia has the reputation of being an “honest broker” in the ME and its regional influence is on the rise. Keeping Moscow out of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiation process is one way to contain it.
And in the end, the Palestinians will actually gain nothing. The proposal appears to be highly favorable toward Israel and dismissive of the PA. With Israel retaining control over security almost throughout the Palestinian territory, no full sovereignty is possible. The PA’s borders would not be based on the pre-1967 demarcations as the UN resolutions demand. But Sunni Arab states and others would provide enough economic assistance to the Palestinians to make them pliable.
Donald Trump likes to make “deals.” Perhaps he views the Palestinian problem as essentially an economic issue, not a political one. Because of this perspective he has adopted a “you make concessions to get economic benefits in return” approach. The problem is with the PA’s leadership, which is headed by Mahmoud Abbas, its people, and also the Arab leaders who want a real political settlement instead of a trade deal, because they aren’t going anywhere. It’s really hard to imagine the Palestinians taking any offer of “limited sovereignty” seriously.
The Israeli-PA conflict is not a problem to be tackled by a club of the chosen. Any peace effort requires broad international representation. The Palestinian leadership insists that Russia and a number of other states and organizations take on the role of mediating such a multilateral peace process.
President Trump’ proposal hasn’t even been made public yet. Nothing official has been heard from Washington so far. But some experts believe that the plan is dead on arrival. Perhaps they have a good reason to think so.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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