
Saturday 23 March 2019

الرعونة الأميركية ليست سبباً للقلق؟

مارس 22, 2019

ناصر قنديل

– قد يبدو في الظاهر كلام الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب حول الاعتراف بالجولان كجزء من السيادة الإسرائيلية، كمثل الاعتراف بالقدس عاصمة موحدة لـ«إسرائيل»، تصعيداً خطيراً يهدّد بالمزيد من التوتر في المنطقة، بينما التدقيق الهادئ سيكشف أن توازناً دولياً قائماً سيضمن الفشل الأميركي بتحويل القرارات الصادرة عن واشنطن إلى قرارات أممية، كما سيكشف أن «إسرائيل» لا تملك كمية القوة اللازمة للاستفادة من القرارات الأميركية بتهجير العرب الفلسطينيين من القدس والعرب السوريين من الجولان، لجعل الضمّ ذا قيمة يبنى عليها لاحقاً.

– عملياً استعان الأميركي والإسرائيلي بكل حلفائهما في العالم والمنطقة لإسقاط سورية ليصير سهلاً إيجاد شريك سوري يمنح الشرعية لضمّ الجولان وشريك فلسطيني يمنح الشرعية لضمّ القدس، وتقول الوقائع كل يوم، إن زمن شرعنة هذا الضمّ بتوقيع سوري أو فلسطيني غير قابل للتحقيق، رغم المال الخليجي ومحاولات الترويض الأمني والسياسي للشخصيات المرشحة للتوقيع ومنح شرعية الضمّ، فسورية حرة وقوية وفلسطين مقاومة وتزداد قوة، والتوازنات الحاكمة داخل فلسطين والجولان تقول إن مَن يمكن ان يُفكّر بالتوقيع سيُقتل قبل أن يفعل.

– ما تفعله أميركا عملياً هو تلبية مطلب ومطمع إسرائيلي، لكن في زمن العجز الإسرائيلي عن الاستثمار، وهي بذلك تبرئ ذمتها بأنها منحت «إسرائيل» كل ما طلبت، كما لو أن واشنطن قالت بلسان ترامب إنها تمنح تل أبيب الضوء الأخضر لضرب إيران، فهل «إسرائيل» قادرة ولا ينقصها إلا الضوء الأخضر الأميركي؟ وغداً إذا قال ترامب أو وزير خارجيته مايك بومبيو إن مزارع شبعا جزء من السيادة الإسرائيلية، هل يمنح «إسرائيل» ذلك المزيد من أسباب القوة؟

– بالمقابل شهدنا ظهور مؤشرات على عقلانية أوروبية تسير باتجاه أكثر قرباً من وقائع المنطقة بعكس المواقف الأميركية، فقد تم إقرار الآلية المالية للتبادل التجاري الأوروبي مع إيران خارج نظام العقوبات الأميركية، ووضعت قيد التنفيذ، وبدت أوروبا في خلفيّة المشهد الأممي الجديد في سورية، حيث تبدّلات وتحوّلات تدريجية إيجابية في ملفي عودة النازحين والعملية السياسية، توحيان مع القول إن إعادة الإعمار وعودة النازحين ترتبطان ببدء العملية السياسية، وإن العملية توشك أن تبدأ بتشكيل اللجنة الدستورية قريباً، وإن الأمم المتحدة مطمئنة لحال النازحين العائدين، إن أوروبا تريد التخفف من أثقال الحرب على سورية وفي سورية، ومعها ملف النازحين وملف الإرهاب، وتبدو تركيا من موقع آخر تسير باتجاه سيوصلها إلى هذه الضفة، فيما روسيا والصين حاضنتان لهذا المسار، والأميركي يتخفف بطريقة عكسية، فهو يقول للإسرائيلي لقد أعطيتك كل ما طلبت وها أنا أستعدّ للانسحاب من المنطقة.

– علينا أن نقلق عندما تقول أميركا لـ«إسرائيل» ان عليها إعادة الجولان ومزارع شبعا إلى سورية ولبنان، لأن هذا يعني عملياً التمسك بفلسطين، وعزل القوتين الأهم في المنطقة، وهما سورية والمقاومة ومن خلفهما العراق وإيران ومحور المقاومة، عن التأثير بمستقبل فلسطين. وعلينا أن نقلق أكثر عندما تقول واشنطن إنّها تشجع حل القضية الفلسطينية وفقاً للقرارات الأممية، لأنها بذلك تضع الأراضي المحتلة عام 1948 تحت حماية الشرعية الدولية وتصنع إرباكاً في علاقة إيران وقوى المقاومة مع روسيا، أما السياسات الأميركية الرعناء كالاعتراف بضمّ الجولان والقدس، فستكون موضع ارتياح في محور المقاومة لأنها تجعل خيار المقاومة ذروة الاعتدال والعقلانية، وتمنحه الشرعية الشعبية والدبلوماسية والقانونية، وتؤدي لتماسك الحلفاء، كل الحلفاء.

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Protest at the Vortex -the artistic/humanist take

In this beautifully made short video by Rishi Pelham you can meet both my detractors and my supporters.
Notorious rabid Zionist Jonathan Hofmann is correct in his assessment that I do manage to unite the ‘entire Jewish tribe’ against my work, and by that I include all fifteen of them. Noticeably, I am not the first one, I am actually in a good company here. Jesus was pretty effective in infuriating his contemporaries, so did Spinoza, Marx, Otto Weininger, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Richard Falk and many others. The question we may want ponder is why Momentum’s ‘leadership’ decided to operate as a Sanhedrin  and why not a single Momentum member heeded the leadership’s call.
You can see that, once again, none of my detractors is familiar with my work. If they did, they would know that in my work I do not address ‘Holocaust ideology,’ I write about the treatment of the Holocaust as a religion. History as I understand it, is the attempt to narrate the past as we move along. When the past is persistently revisited and revised, then history becomes a meaningful pursuit. Restrictions placed on the investigation and discussion of certain past events reduce such events into dogma, a religion. I, for my part, have often declared that if the holocaust is the new Western religion, all I ask is to enjoy the right to be agnostic. 
My battle for truth and freedom involves  some expensive legal services. I hope that you will consider committing to a monthly donation in whatever amount you can give. Regular contributions will enable me to avoid being pushed against a wall and to stay on top of the endless harassment by Zionist operators attempting to silence me.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Pompeo, Satterfield: The sources of weapons reflect sovereignty بومبيو وساترفيلد ومصادر السلاح هي السيادة

Pompeo, Satterfield: The sources of weapons reflect sovereignty

مارس 20, 2019
Written by Nasser Kandil,

The political badness in Lebanon the country, in which the political conflicts were waged against the resistance which defeated the unequivocal occupation and still under the title of sovereignty, has reached a strange stage. The decision of war and peace about which those who claim the sovereignty talk and use against the resistance is confiscated for decades before the emergence of the resistance, when they prevented the Lebanese army from possessing what it needs to respond to the Israeli attacks which reached the capital Beirut, and it became impossible to restore the violated sovereignty without the resistance that born from the inability of the country, the inability of its sovereign decision, and the inability of the diplomatic bet to oust the occupation.
During many decades, the resistance was able to fill the gap between the capacitates of Lebanon which were zero on the eve of the Israeli invasion of Beirut in 1982 till now, it offered sacrifices till the liberation and the deterrence were achieved as shown in facts in 2000 and 2006. But what has been accumulated by the resistance was in the wars of ground under a sovereign decision to prevent the Lebanese army from possessing an air defense network according to the equation that it is forbidden to posses other than American weapon, at the same time America refrains from providing Lebanon with the air defense means, while it proposes its modern aircraft and its new sophisticated air defense missile to Turkey to prevent buying ones from Russia. It gets what it wants from Lebanon which is uncovered under sovereign decision without any cost.
The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo knows as his assistant David Satterfield who came to Beirut for that purpose on the eve of the travel of the President of the Republic the General Michael Aoun to Moscow that Washington will impose more sanctions on Lebanon and will end the military cooperation with it if it the Lebanese army was supplied with non-American weapons as a Russian air defense network. The intention is not the source of the weapons rather the principle of Lebanon’s possession of defense means that prevent Israel from violating its airspace. So what such rudeness against the sovereignty? And what such tolerance from Lebanon towards these words?
It is understood that the Americans are aware that the protection of the Israeli aggression is their priority in the region, because this contributes in weakening the resistance alliance, as they are aware that going on in any settlement of the Palestinian cause according to the UN resolutions as a Palestinian state till the border of 67 that its capital is Eastern Jerusalem and the withdrawal from the Syrian and Lebanese occupied territories will lead to a different positioning by Russia and Iran in the equations of the region. This option is the only hope to weaken the alliance which defeated America and Israel and their allies in Syria, and will put the resistance in Lebanon in front of the question of the justification of possessing weapons, and will put Syria under embracing questions after the withdrawal from the Golan. The Americans know that the possession of the Lebanese army of an air defense network and deterrent missiles in case of aggression will impose new equations about the weapons of the resistance.  But Washington does not mind scarifying of all these opportunities to keep the aggressive Israeli superiority.
What are the justifications of the sovereignty’s claimers in Lebanon, who are hostile to the resistance and who obey what America asks for? What is the secret of the reluctance in confronting Pompeo and Satterfield “Treat us as you treat Turkey the member in the NATO, we will promise to obey you and to accept your offers even if the others’ offers are better, just because we do not master the policy of defending our sovereignty strongly and we fear your anger at least for face-saving, otherwise leave us!”
The concept of sovereignty is not a slogan that is accompanied with anger and raised against the brothers, and obscured when there is an enemy, we become ashamed of this word which you pretend to adopt “Sovereignty”!
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

بومبيو وساترفيلد ومصادر السلاح هي السيادة

مارس 7, 2019

ناصر قنديل

– في لبنان البلد الذي خيضت فيه الصراعات السياسية بوجه المقاومة التي هزمت احتلالاً بائناً لا لبس فيه ولا تزال تحت عنوان السيادة، يصل الفجور السياسي إلى مرحلة غريبة عجيبة، فقرار السلم والحرب الذي يتحدث عنه أدعياء السيادة ويُشهرونه بوجه المقاومة مصادر من الدولة ويدها من قبل الذين صادروه منذ عقود قبل ولادة المقاومة، عندما منعوا الجيش اللبناني من امتلاك ما يلزم لرد الاعتداءات الإسرائيلية التي بلغت ذات يوم اجتياح العاصمة بيروت، وصار مستحيلاً استرداد السيادة المنتهكة عندها، بغير المقاومة التي ولدت من رحم عجز الدولة وعجز قرارها السيادي، وارتهان سياستها لنظرية الضعف، وعجز الرهان الدبلوماسي عن إخراج الاحتلال.

– خلال عقود سدّت المقاومة الفجوة بين مقدرات لبنان من نقطة تحت الصفر، كانت عليها عشية الاجتياح الإسرائيلي لبيروت عام 1982 إلى يومنا هذا، فكوّنت ما يكفي من المقدرات وقدمت ما يلزم من التضحيات، حتى تحقق التحرير وكان الردع عن خوض العدوان، كما تقول وقائع العامين 2000 و2006، لكن ما بنته وراكمته المقاومة بقي في مجال حروب البر، وبقي أو استبقي الجو رهينة للعربدة الإسرائيلية، بقرار سيادي عنوانه منع الجيش اللبناني من امتلاك شبكة دفاع جوي، والترجمة بسيطة وفقاً لمعادلة قوامها، ممنوع أن يمتلك لبنان سلاحاً غير أميركي المصدر، وأميركا تمتنع عن تزويد لبنان بوسائل الدفاع الجوي، وهي تعرض آخر نسخة من طائراتها الحديثة وصواريخ دفاعها الجوي المتطورة على تركيا العضو في الحلف الأطلسي مقابل الامتناع عن شراء صواريخ دفاع جوي من روسيا، بينما تحصل على المراد من لبنان الذي يبقى مكشوفاً بقرار سيادي بلا مقابل.

– يعلم وزير الخارجية الأميركية مايك بومبيو الذي يصل بيروت خلال الأيام القليلة المقبلة ذلك جيداً، ويعلمه مثله معاونه ديفيد ساترفيلد الذي جاء بيروت مهدداً، عشية سفر رئيس الجمهورية العماد ميشال عون إلى موسكو، بأن واشنطن ستفعّل المزيد من العقوبات على لبنان وتنهي التعاون العسكري معه إذا تمّ تزويد الجيش اللبناني بسلاح من غير المصدر الأميركي، والأمر معلوم، المقصود هو شبكة دفاع جوي روسية، والمقصود ليس مصدر السلاح، بل مبدأ امتلاك لبنان وسائل دفاعية تمنع استعمال «إسرائيل» أجواءه، فهل من وقاحة بعد هذه الوقاحة، ومن تعدٍّ وتطاول على السيادة بهذا المستوى، ومن ارتخاء في مفاصل السيادة بدولة بمثل ما هي حال لبنان الذي ينصت لهذا الكلام ويقبل؟

– مفهوم أن يتفوّق لدى الأميركيين هدف حماية العدوانية الإسرائيلية على أي شيء آخر في المنطقة، بما في ذلك ما قد يسهم بإضعاف حلف المقاومة، فعلى سبيل المثال يدرك الأميركيون أن السير بتسوية للقضية الفلسطينية وفقاً للقرارات الأممية ومن ضمنها دولة فلسطينية على حدود العام 67 عاصمتها القدس الشرقية، وانسحاب «إسرائيل» من الأراضي السورية واللبنانية المحتلة، سينتج تموضعاً متبايناً لكل من روسيا وإيران في معادلات المنطقة، وأن هذا الخيار هو الأمل الوحيد بضعضة الحلف الذي هزم أميركا و«إسرائيل» وحلفائهما في سورية، وسيضع المقاومة في لبنان أمام سؤال عن مبرر بقاء سلاحها، ويطرح على سورية أسئلة محرجة بعد الانسحاب من جولانها المحتل. ومثله يعرف الأميركيون أن امتلاك الجيش اللبناني شبكة دفاع جوي ومثلها صواريخ رادعة في حال العدوان على لبنان، سيفرض معادلات جديدة للنقاش حول سلاح المقاومة، لكن واشنطن لا تمانع بالتضحية بكل هذه الفرص للحفاظ على تفوق إسرائيل العدواني.

– السؤال البسيط ما هي مبررات أدعياء السيادة في لبنان، الذين يناصبون المقاومة العداء أو الذين لا يفعلون، لتفسير السير بما يأمر به الأميركي فيُطاع، وما هو سر الإحجام عن قول الكلام السيادي بوجه بومبيو وساترفيلد، «عاملونا كما تعاملون تركيا الأطلسية، ونعدكم أننا سنتعامل بطاعة أقوى فنقبل عروضكم ولو كانت عروض الغير أفضل، لأننا لا نتقن الدفاع عن سيادتنا بقوة، ونخشى غضبكم، لكن بحدود حفظ ماء الوجه على الأقل، وإلا فارحلوا واركبوا أعلى ما في خيلكم، فقد طفح الكيل»!

– السيادة يا سادة، ليست شعاراً يُرفع بوجه الأخوة والأشقاء ويرافقه كل الغضب، ويُحجب عندما يكون في الساحة عدو أو شريك لعدو ويحجب الغضب لحساب حني الرؤوس وفرك الكفوف، فقد بتنا نخجل من سماع تلك الكلمة التي صممتم آذاننا بلوكها، السيادة!

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Netanyahu, Trump, and the inevitable failure: A strength that changed the face of the history نتنياهو وترامب والفشل المحتوم: قوة فعلت فغيّرت وجه التاريخ

Netanyahu, Trump, and the inevitable failure: A strength that changed the face of the history

مارس 20, 2019
Written by Nasser Kandil,

The current American and Israeli situation may summarize the new balances experienced by the world in the light of the consequences of eight-year war on Syria. Within a month from the beginning of the American war on Venezuela, the leader of the opposition appointed by Washington as a president and its allies have chosen him as a legitimate president has fled from justice moving among the capitals involved in the coup. Moscow and Beijing vetoed for the first time against the American attempts to legitimatize the coup. Before a month of the American elections imposed by the balances of powers after a war of test on Gaza, Benjamin Netanyahu faces judicial charges of corruption after he returned from a failed visit to Moscow where he did not get a green light to continue the raids on Syria.
Those who are obsessed by the American power can talk whatever they want about the American-Israeli retreat as a smart plan, or by retreating one step to go forward two steps or by the policy of fortifying. But the fact is the same in all the battlefields. The negotiations run by the American President Donald Trump with the leader of North Korea Kim Jong Un and which were described by him as the victory of the century, and which he explained in details and  their results in advance, and considered as the most important achievements in his first term are collapsing all at once, and what has been predicted by Trump about tempting Korea with financial incentives has been failed due to the presence of the professional Korean  negotiator who presented tempting suggestions, but when the matters reached seriously he showed his commitment to his principles “ the coincidence between lifting the sanctions and dismantling the nuclear issue” so Trump returned disappointed.
The magical solutions of Trump for the Palestinians regarding the Palestinian cause are the same magical solutions for the Koreans; Your national dignity versus financial incentives, he will not gain but the same result, even if the Arab rulers gathered, along with  the funds of Gulf, the effect of Egypt and Jordan and the Israeli brutality, the Palestinians decided that they will not sign the contract of humiliation even if they are not able to end the occupation now, since the coming generations will be able to end it soon. Trump betted on a quick fall of Iran under the pressure of sanctions and siege, but Iran became stronger and now it is preparing for future rounds along with the increasing power, presence, and spread of the resistance axis, the apparent victory of Syria, the rootedness in the equations of Iraq and Yemen, and a legendary steadfastness in Palestine. Russia which America betted on its adapting by temptations, sanctions, and threats is continuing its progress steadily as a keeper of the international law and the concept of the independent country and the national sovereignty of the countries depending on its achievement in Syria to support the steadfastness of Venezuela, the stability of Korea, and more coherence with Iran.
Washington’s allies which were a strong alliance a decade ago, now they become weak, Warsaw’s conference in comparison with the Syrian Friends’ Conference is enough to describe the scene. The contradictions are spreading over the allies’ campaign. Europe and Turkey have their own options, while Washington is followed only by those who are defeated and who need the support. Neither the maneuvers in postponing the withdrawal from Syria nor the talk about the remaining in Iraq can change the equations and the balances, because the equations will impose themselves on America and will oblige it to withdraw.
The essential thing unrecognized by America and Israel is that the spirit of the resistance which won in 2000 in the south of Lebanon as an outcome of the Syrian-Iranian convergence depending on the concept of the national sovereignty and the right of resisting the occupation has become a global spirit that moves victorious from one front to another, Therefore, it is prosecuted from  Lebanon, to Yemen, to Iraq,  to Venezuela under the name of  cells of Hezbollah, repeating the scene of the squares of Nabatieh when the demonstrators were shouting for Ashura “Haidar Haidar” recalling the Imam Ali while they were confronting the occupation’s artilleries,  then the Israeli commander asked his soldiers to bring Haidar the organizer of the demonstrations. Just as Haidar of Nabatieh was an intangible spirit, Hezbollah in Venezuela and Korea was like that, it reflects the spirit, the resistance, and the will of peoples which cannot be suppressed.
This is illustrated by Al Sayyed Hassan Nasrollah in his equation “the time of defeats is over, now it is the time of victories” and this has been described by the late leader Hugo Chavez “Poor and naïve can draw their own fate by themselves” commenting on the winning of the resistance in the war of July 2006, and this has been told by the founder of The Syrian Social Nationalist Party Antoine Saadeh “ There is a strength in you, if you use it you can change the face of history” .
Translated by Lina Shehadeh,

نتنياهو وترامب والفشل المحتوم: قوة فعلت فغيّرت وجه التاريخ

مارس 1, 2019

ناصر قنديل

– قد تشكّل الصورة التي تظهر فيها الحالة الأميركية والحالة الإسرائيلية في يوم واحد، تلخيصاً للتوازنات الجديدة التي يعيشها العالم في ضوء نتائج حرب الثماني سنوات على سورية، فخلال شهر من بدء الحرب الأميركية على فنزويلا، يصبح زعيم المعارضة الذي نصبته واشنطن رئيساً وبايعه حلفاؤها رئيساً شرعياً، فاراً من وجه العدالة يتنقل بين عواصم الدول المتورّطة في الانقلاب، بينما تسجّل موسكو وبكين أول فيتو بوجه المحاولات الأميركية لشرعنة الانقلاب، وقبيل شهر من الانتخابات المفبركة التي فرضتها موازين القوى بعد حرب اختبارية مع غزة، يواجه بنيامين نتنياهو اتهامات قضائية بالفساد، وهو عائد من زيارة فاشلة إلى موسكو لم يحصل فيها على ما أسمته أوساط حكومته، بالضوء الأخضر الروسي لمواصلة الغارات على سورية.

– يستطيع المأخوذون بانبهار بالقوة الأميركية أن يفلسفوا كما يشاؤون توصيف التقهقر الأميركي الإسرائيلي بالخطة الذكية، أو بالتراجع خطوة للتقدّم خطوتين، أو بالتمسكن للتمكّن، لكن الحقيقة نفسها تفرض ذاتها في كل ساحات المواجهة. فالمفاوضات التي أدارها الرئيس الأميركي دونالد ترامب مع زعيم كوريا الشمالية، كيم جونغ أون، ووصفها بانتصار القرن، وأسهب في شرح ميزاتها ونتائجها مسبقاً ورفع سقوف التوقعات فيها إلى حد اعتبارها أهم الإنجازات التي ستتحقق في ولايته الأولى، تنهار دفعة واحدة، وما توقعه ترامب من سهولة ابتلاع اللقمة الكورية السائغة بمحفزات مالية مغرية، انقلب إلى شوك يصعب ابتلاعه بظهور المفاوض الكوري المحترف، الذي قدّم الإيحاءات المغرية، وعندما وصلت الأمور للحدّ الفاصل أشهر ثوابته، التوازي والتزامن بين فك العقوبات وتفكيك الملف النووي، فعاد ترامب يجرّ أذيال الخيبة.

– ما يبشّر به ترامب من حلول سحرية للقضية الفلسطينية يقوم جوهرها على عرض مشابه للفلسطينيين عن العرض الأميركي للكوريين، كرامتكم الوطنية مقابل حوافز مالية، فلن يلقى سوى النتيجة ذاتها، ولو احتشد كل حكام العرب، ومعهم مال الخليج، وتأثير مصر والأردن، وبالمقابل الوحشية الإسرائيلية، فقد قرر الفلسطينيون أنهم قادرون على عدم توقيع صك الذل، وإن كانوا غير قادرين على إنهاء الاحتلال اليوم، فإن الأجيال القادمة ستتكفّل بذلك، وما راهن عليه ترامب من سقوط سريع لإيران تحت ضغط العقوبات والحصار، يتبدّد وإيران تزداد قوة وتستعدّ لجولات مقبلة، ومعها محور المقاومة الذي ازداد قوة وحضوراً وانتشاراً، وأمامه نصر بائن في سورية وتجذّر في معادلات العراق واليمن، وصمود أسطوري في فلسطين، وروسيا التي راهن الأميركي على تطويعها بالإغراءات والعقوبات والتهديدات تواصل تقدّمها بثبات كحارس للقانون الدولي ومفهوم الدولة المستقلة والسيادة الوطنية للدول، مستقوية بقوة الإنجاز في سورية لتتجه نحو دعم صمود فنزويلا، وثبات كوريا، والمزيد من التماسك مع إيران.

– حلفاء واشنطن الذين كانوا حلفاً صلباً يتقدّم قبل عقد من الزمن، يتقلص ويبهت ويذبل، ومشهد مؤتمر وارسو مقارنة بمؤتمر أصدقاء سورية يكفي لرسم الصورة، والتناقضات تفتك بمعسكر الحلفاء، فترسم أوروبا وتركيا خياراتهما الخاصة، ولا يصطفّ وراء واشنطن إلا الصغار الذين لا يقدمون ولا يؤخرون، أو المهزومون الذين يحتاجون مَن ينصرهم، ولا تنفع مناورات تأجيل الانسحاب من سورية والحديث عن البقاء في العراق في تغيير المعادلات والتوازنات، فاليوم أو بعد حين ستفرض هذه المعادلات نفسها على الأميركي وتجبره على الانسحاب، وما لم تفعله الآلاف لن تنجح بفعله المئات.

– الشيء الجوهري الذي لم يستطع الأميركي والإسرائيلي ومَن معهما إدراكه، هو أن روح المقاومة التي انتصرت عام 2000 في جنوب لبنان، كثمرة للتلاقي السوري الإيراني بالاستثمار على مفهوم السيادة الوطنية للدول وحق مقاومة الاحتلال للشعوب، صارت منذ ذلك التاريخ روحاً عالمية تنتقل من جبهة إلى جبهة وتنتصر، فيلاحقونها تحت شعار خلايا حزب الله، من لبنان إلى اليمن إلى العراق إلى فنزويلا، معيدين الصورة التي رسمت في ساحات النبطية عندما كان المتظاهرون يهتفون في عاشوراء «حيدر حيدر» مستذكرين الإمام علي وهم يهاجمون آليات جيش الاحتلال، فيكون ردّ قائد القوة الإسرائيلية بأن يطلب من جنوده أن يجلبوا إليه حيدر هذا، باعتباره منظم التظاهرات، ومثلما كان حيدر النبطية روحاً لا يُمسَك بها، حزب الله في فنزويلا وكوريا، ليس وجوداً لخلايا، بل هو الروح المقاومة والإرادة الحية للشعوب، التي خرجت من القمقم ولا تستطيع قوة في العالم إعادتها إليه.

– هو هذا الذي سمّاه السيد حسن نصرالله، في معادلة «ولى زمن الهزائم وجاء زمن الانتصارات، «ووصفه الزعيم الراحل هوغو شافيز، بـ«أن بمستطاع الفقراء والبسطاء أن يكتبوا مصيرهم بأيديهم»، معلقاً على انتصار المقاومة في حرب تموز 2006، وهو ما قاله ذات يوم مؤسس الحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي أنطون سعاده، الذي يحتفل القوميون اليوم بعيد ميلاده، «إن فيكم قوة لو فعلت لغيّرت وجه التاريخ»، وها هو التاريخ يتغيّر أيّها العظيم من أمتي.

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Friday 22 March 2019

Weekly report on israel’s terrorism on Palestinians (14 March – 20 March 2019)

Israeli forces continued with systematic crimes, in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)
Israeli warplanes launch dozens of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip for five hours. Two million Palestinians have become victims of collective punishment policy amid a tide of incitement at political and military echelons in Israel. Four Palestinian civilians, including 2 women and a child, were wounded, in addition to damaging a wedding hall, an office belonging to the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs. Moreover, several houses sustained material damage. Three Palestinian civilians were killed and 12 others were wounded in different incidents in the West Bank. Israeli forces continued to use excessive force against peaceful protestors in the Gaza Strip.

  • During the reporting period, Israeli forces escalated their attacks on the Gaza Strip. In this week, the Israeli forces continued to use lethal force against Palestinian civilians participating in the Return and Breaking Siege March, which broke out in the Gaza Strip on 30 March 2019, where thousands have been killed and wounded. Moreover, Israeli forces continued to target the agricultural lands with artillery shells, tighten the closure for the 13th year, and chase fishermen in the sea. On Friday dawn, 15 March 2019, the Gaza Strip witnessed the most violent Israeli escalation in months, in which Israeli warplanes carried out dozens of airstrikes on various targets in the Gaza Strip. Two million Palestinians are victims of collective punishment policy amid a tide of incitement at political and military echelons in Israel. In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces wounded 23 civilians, including 7 children, 2 women, a paramedic, and a journalist. The injury of five of them, including a girl, were reported serious. Sixteen of them were wounded during the 25th boats rally for breaking the Siege along the Gaza Strip coastline, while 27 others were wounded due to airstrikes and shooting incidents at the border areas. In the West Bank, Israeli forces killed 3 civilians and wounded 12 others in different shooting incidents. Moreover, a child was wounded with a liv bullet by an Israeli settler.

  • In the Gaza Strip, on 15 March 2019, Israeli warplanes fired for five hours 52 missiles at 20 military sites located in various locations; some were in densely populated areas throughout the Gaza Strip.  Targets were against civilian facilities, including a wedding hall and an office belonging to the Ministry of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, which were completely damaged. The Israeli airstrikes resulted in the injury of 4 civilians, including a girl and 2 women. Moreover, two million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip lived in a state terror and fear due to the continuous Israeli airstrikes.

  • On 19 March 2019, an Israeli drone fired one missile at a group of civilians, east of al-Shawkah village, east of Rafah, and no injurie were reported.

  • In excessive use of lethal force against the peaceful protesters in eastern Gaza Strip, Israeli forces wounded 16 civilians, including 4 children, a paramedic and a journalist. All of them were wounded during the 25th boats rally organized on 19 March 2019  for breaking the Siege along the Gaza Strip coastline.

  • As part of targeting the Palestinian fishermen in the sea, on 20 March 2019, Israeli gunboats stationed off al-Waha shore, north of Beit Lahia, north of the Gaza Strip, heavily opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats sailing within one nautical mile and chased them. As a result, fishermen were force to flee for fear of their lives and no casualties or damage to their boats were reported.

  • As part of targeting the border areas, on 14 March 2019, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence with Israel, fired live bullets and flare bombs, east of al-Zanna area, east of Khan Younis. They later declared that they arrested five Palestinian civilians while attempting to sneak through the border fence.

  • On 16 March 2019, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence with Israel, east of Deir al-Balah, opened fire at farmers in the eastern areas. As a result, the farmers were forced to flee fearing for their lives, and no casualties were reported.

  • On the same day, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence with Israel, east of Deir al-Balah, opened fire at Palestinian shepherds.

  • On 17 March 2019, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence, east of al-Shawkah village, east of Rafah, opened fire at agricultural lands and no injurie were reported.

  • On 19 March 2019, Israeli forces stationed along the border fence with Israel opened fire at Khaled ‘Abd al-Ra’ouf Abu Ghanima (21), from al-Sheja’ia neighborhood, east of Gaza City. As a result, Khaled was hit with a live bullet to the chest. According to PCHR’s investigations, Khaled was near the industrial zone (Karni) collecting gravel and stones using his cart to sell them. At approximately 08:30, he arrived at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City, where his injury was classified as serious.

  • On the same day, Israeli soldiers stationed behind sand berms along the border fence with Israel, opened fire at Palestinian civilians, who were 70 meters away, west of the aforementioned border fence, east of al-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. As a result, two children were hit with live bullets to the lower limbs and their injuries were classified as moderate.

  • On 30 March 2019, Israeli forces opened fire at agricultural lands, east of ‘Abasan and al-Qarrarah villages, east of Khan Yunis, south of the Gaza Strip.

  • In the West Bank, Israeli forces moved into Nablus to protect hundreds of settlers, who were going to perform their Talmudic prayers in “Joseph Tomb” in Balata al-Balad, east of Nablus. Fifteen minutes after the incursion, an Israeli infantry force covering behind buildings and stores at the entrance to the sub-road to ‘Amman Street opened fire at a Palestinian civilian car carrying two civilians identified as Raed Hashem Mohammad Hamdan (21) and Ziad ‘Emad Mohammad al-Noury (20), both from Nablus.Following that, the Israeli forces claimed that a speeding car opened fire at them on Amman Street, but no causalities were reported.Moreover, in an attempt to hide their crime, the Israeli forces confiscated the DVRs of the surveillance cameras in the nearby shops in the area.

  • On 20 March 2019, Israeli forces stationed at al-Nashash military checkpoint, south of Bethlehem, opened fire at a vehicle belonging to ‘Alaa’ Moahmmed Ghyatha (38). As a result, ‘Alaa’ was hit with a live bullet to the abdomen and taken to al-Yamam Hospital and he is in critical condition. Moreover, while civilians were evacuating passengers from the vehicle to relive them, Ahmed Jamal Mahmoud Mahmoud Manassra (26), from Fokin Valley village, west of Bethlehem, was hit with live bullets to the chest, shoulder and hand, immediately causing his death. According to PCHR’s investigations the two crimes were committed in cold blood.

  • In the same context, the Israeli forces wounded 12 civilians in different shooting incidents in the West Bank.

During the reporting period, Israeli forces conducted at least 114 military incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank and 5 other incursions into Jerusalem and its suburbs. During those incursions, Israeli forces arrested at least 51 Palestinians, including 3 children and 2 women, from the West Bank, while 5 other civilians, including a woman, were arrested from Jerusalem and its suburbs.
In this week, Israeli forces imposed a collective punishment policy against over 80 thousand civilians, from Salfit. Following an attack against a site belonging to the Israeli forces at the intersection of Ariel” settlement, north of Salfit, the Israeli forces declared the area as closed military zone, closed all the villages’ entrances, and prevented the residents from entering and exiting the villages. As a result, the residents were deprived of their right to live, work and movement for several days. The Israeli forces also conducted incursions against residential houses, shops, in addition to mal-treating civilians. Salfit includes around 20 residential compounds.
In the Gaza Strip, Israeli forces backed by five military vehicles, moved around 100 meters into the west of the border fence with Israeli, east of Gaza Valley village (Johr al-Dik). The military vehicles leveled lands adjacent to the border fence. The incursion continued until 14:30 as the Israeli forces redeployed along the border fence.

Israeli authorities continued to create a Jewish majority in occupied East Jerusalem.
  • As part of the Israeli house demolitions and notices, Israeli Municipality vehicles demolished an under-construction building belonging to al-Razi Private School and then completely demolished it. The building was comprised of 2 floors built on an area of 1000 square meters. The schoolmaster Saleh ‘Alqam said that the demolished building belongs to his wife, who bought a plot of land located few meters away from the school in order to expand it. The school was built years ago, where 1500 students are studying in it. He also said that the building was built last year on an area of 1000 square meters, in addition to other facilities, before issuing the demolition order in last November by the Israeli authorities. Before starting to build the mentioned building, the school administration headed to the Israeli Ministry of Interior and Jerusalem Municipality to get a license, where they told them that the area belongs to UNRWA and the municipality does not get construction licenses.  However, the Municipality issued an order to demolish the building.

  • In the same context, the Israeli Civil Administration staff handed a notice to the Palestinian Equestrian Club in Qalandia village, north of occupied East Jerusalem, to stop construction works under the pretext of non-licensing. The journalist Mahmoud ‘Awadallah said that the notice orders the owners of the club, which is built 2 years ago, to stop construction works and gives them until the beginning of next April to license the club.
Israeli Forces continued their settlement activities, and the settlers continued their attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property

  • As part of house demolitions, on 18 March 2019, Israeli vehicles stationed in Kherbit Um Nir and the digger demolished a water well used to irrigate the crops. The water well belongs to Fareed Za’al al-Jabbour and it was demolished under the pretext of non-licensing.

  • On 20 March 2019, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration and a digger moved into Kherbit al-Tubah, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, which is classified within al-Masafer area. The Israeli soldiers deployed between civilians’ houses and the digger started to demolish a 50-sqaure-meter house built of bricks. This house belongs to Huda ‘Ali ‘Abed al-Rahman ‘Awad, where she and her 3 children live. The Israeli forces also confiscated a water tank and solar cells from the house.

  • As part of Israeli settlers’ attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property, PCHR’s fieldworkers documented 7 direct attacks were as follows:

  • On 15 March 2019, an Israeli settler opened fire at Ahmed ‘Odah Mazar’ah (7) while he was al-Baba Mount Community in al-‘Izariyia village, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem.

  • On 17 March 2019, a group of Israeli settlers, under the Israeli forces’ protection, attacked the eastern outskirts of ‘Asirah al-Qabaliyia village, south of Nablus. As a result, two civilians, including a child, were hit with stones to their heads and then taken to Rafidiyia Hospital in Nablus. Moreover, the settlers damaged three windows of ‘Abed al-Rahman Mohamed Ahmed’s house, in addition to damaging the windows and rear lights of a car belonging to Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Salman Makhlouf and the rear lights of his brother Majdi’s car.

  • On the same day, dozens of Israeli settlers gathered in the plain of Dir Sharaf village, at the intersection of “Shavei Shamron “settlement, west of Nablus. The settlers threw stones at a vehicle belonging to the Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO) , broke its windows and attacked its staff.

  • On 18 March 2019, Israeli settlers, from “Homesh“ settlement, northwest of Nablus, attacked with stones Palestinian civilians’ vehicles passing on Jenin-Nablus Street. As a result, Rawan Ihssan ‘Atah Ghubariyia (24), was hit with stones to the back, abdomen, right shoulder, and left leg; along with her brother Nizar (30), who was hit with a stick to his back. Both of them are from Kafiret village, south of Jenin.

  • On 20 March 2019, a group of Israeli settlers punctured the tires of 17 vehicles belonging to Palestinian civilians in Biter village, west of Bethlehem. They also wrote racist slogans on the vehicles. The village’s residents said that they were surprised with storming the village by the Israeli settlers and damaging 17 vehicles parked in front of their owners’ houses. They also said that the settlers wrote racist slogans on the vehicles and walls such as “ Price tag” “ Go away” “ You have no place on the lands of Israel”.

  • On the same day, a group of Israeli settlers, from “ Homish” settlement, northwest of Nablus, threw stones at a house belonging to Fadi Mahmoud Mas’oud Heijah, which is located on Jenin-Nablus Street. As a result, Fadi and his brother Rami’s cars were damaged.
Use of Force against Demonstrations in Protest against the U.S. President’s Decision to Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel:

Israeli forces continued its excessive use of lethal force against peaceful demonstration organized by Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and it was named as “The Great March of Return and Breaking Siege.” The demonstration was in protest against the U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration to move the U.S. Embassy to it. According to PCHR fieldworkers’ observations, the border area witnessed large participation by Palestinian civilians as the Israeli forces continued to use upon highest military and political echelons excessive force against the peaceful demonstrators, though the demonstration were fully peaceful. The demonstration was as follows during the reporting period:

Gaza Strip:

  • At approximately 14:45 on Tuesday, 19 March 2019, Israeli gunboats stationed in the sea and Israeli forces stationed along the border fence with Israel opened fire and fired sound bombs at dozens of Palestinian civilians, who were in the Return Camp along the coastal border, adjacent to “Zikim” military base, northwest of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. Moreover, they opened fire and fired sound bombs at the boats of the 25th day for the rally of Palestinian boats to sail for Breaking the Siege and another group were swimming in the sea. As a result, 16 civilians, including four children, a paramedic and a journalist, were wounded. Three of them were hit with live bullets and shrapnel, and 13 were directly hit with tear gas canisters. The injury of three of them, including a girl, was reported serious, while the rest of them ranged between minor and moderate. The wounded paramedic, Mustafa Khaled Mustafa al-Masri (20), from Khan Younis, who works as a volunteer paramedic for Rowad al-Salam team, was hit with a tear gas canister to the head. Meanwhile, the wounded journalist, Tha’er Khaled Fehmi Abu Ryash (24), from Beit Lahia, who works as photographer for al-Shamal Online Network, was hit with a tear gas canister to the neck.
Notices and House Demolitions:

  • At approximately 11:00 on Tuesday, 19 March 2019, Israeli forces accompanied with the Israeli Municipality staff and 3 military vehicles moved into Sho’fat refugee camp, northeast of occupied East Jerusalem, through its main entrance. The Israeli forces deployed on the main street and surrounded an under-construction building belonging to al-Razi Private School and then completely demolished it. The building was comprised of 2 floors built on an area of 1000 square meters.  The schoolmaster Saleh ‘Alqam said that the demolished building belongs to his wife, who bought a plot of land located few meters away from the school in order to expand it. The school was built years ago, where 1500 students are studying in it. He also said that the building was built last year on an area of 1000 square meters, in addition to other facilities, before issuing the demolition order in last November by the Israeli authorities. ‘Alqam added that before starting to build the mentioned building, the school administration headed to the Israeli Ministry of Interior and Jerusalem Municipality to get a license, where they told them that the area belongs to UNRWA and the municipality does not get construction licenses.  However, the Municipality issued an order to demolish the building. ‘Alqam pointed out that the demolition led to end the school day due to raiding the school and topping its roof. He said that the new building was supposed to be a primary school and kindergarten. About 400 students were enrolled in al-Razi school for the next academic year.

  • On Tuesday, the Israeli Civil Administration staff handed a notice to the Palestinian Equestrian Club in Qalandia village, north of occupied East Jerusalem, to stop construction works under the pretext of non-licensing. The journalist Mahmoud ‘Awadallah said that the notice orders the owners of the club, which is built 2 years ago, to stop construction works and gives them until the beginning of next April to license the club. ‘Awadallah said that the club is located in area classified as Area C, where the Israeli authorities refuse to give licenses in it. He also pointed out that the notice was part of the Israeli attack on the village through confiscating lands, preventing construction works and demolishing houses whether in lands classified within the municipality boundaries or the area classified as “C “. Awadallah said that the village faces a real urban crisis as the Israeli authorities only allow civilians to build in the center of the village on an area of 150 dunums.

  • Israeli settlers’ attacks against Palestinian civilians and their property

  • At approximately 14:00 on Friday, 15 March 2019, an Israeli settler opened fire at Ahmed ‘Odah Mazar’ah (7) while he was al-Baba Mount Community in al-‘Izariyia village, southeast of occupied East Jerusalem. Dawoud al-Jahaleen, the Secretary of Fatah Movement in ‘Arab al-Jahalin Community, said that the child was hit with a live bullet to the hand by an Israeli settler when he was playing along with other children in the area. Dawoud denied that the child was wounded with suspicious object. He added that the child was taken to an emergency center in Abu Dies village and then to al-Maqased Hospital in al-Tour neighborhood in Jerusalem. It should be noted that “Maaleh Adumim“ is located few meters away from al-Baba Mount Community.
Settlement activities and attacks by settlers against Palestinian civilians and property
Israeli forces’ attacks:
  • At approximately 10:00 on Monday, 18 March 2019, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration and a digger moved into Kherbit Um Nir, south of Yatta. The Israeli vehicles stationed in Kherbit Um Nir and the digger demolished a water well used to irrigate the crops. The water well belongs to Fareed Za’al al-Jabbour and it was demolished under the pretext of non-licensing.

  • At approximately 10:00 on Wednesday, 20 March 2019, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration and a digger moved into Kherbit al-Tubah, east of Yatta, south of Hebron, which is classified within al-Masafer area. The Israeli soldiers deployed between civilians’ houses and the digger started to demolish a 50-sqaure-meter house built of bricks. This house belongs to Huda ‘Ali ‘Abed al-Rahman ‘Awad, where she and her 3 children live. The Israeli forces also confiscated a water tank and solar cells from the house.

  • Around the same time, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration and a bulldozer moved into Kherbit al-Halawa, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The Israeli soldiers deployed between civilians’ tents. The bulldozer demolished three tents were as follows:
    • a residential tent built with stone chains, sheds and steel angles and belongs to ‘Ali Mohamed ‘Ali Abu ‘Arram;
    • a 20-sqaure-meter residential tent built with sheds and wood and belongs to Hussain ‘Ali Abu ‘Arram; and
    • a tent built with sheds and used as a mosque.

  • At approximately 11:30, Israeli forces backed by military vehicles and accompanied with a vehicle of the Israeli Civil Administration and a digger moved into Kherbit Moghayir al-‘Abeed, east of Yatta, south of Hebron. The digger demolished a 60-sqaure-meter residential tent and a 40-squre-meter barrack built of tin plates and used for breeding livestock. The tent and barrack belong to Nuzha Shehadah Makhamrah.

Israeli settlers’ attacks:

  • At approximately 14:30 on Sunday, 17 March 2019, following the attack carried out near “Ariel” settlement, south of Salfit, a group of Israeli settlers, from “Yatizhar” settlement moved into the eastern outskirts of ‘Asirat al-Qabaliyia village, south Of Nablus, under the Israeli forces’ protection. The settlers stationed in the vicinity of Bir ‘Asirah area, under Solman Mount, and then threw stones at Palestinian civilians’ houses. As a result, two civilians, including a child, were hit with stones to their heads and then taken to Rafidiyia Hospital in Nablus. Moreover, the settlers damaged three windows of ‘Abed al-Rahman Mohamed Ahmed’s house, in addition to damaging the windows and rear lights of a car belonging to Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Salman Makhlouf and the rear lights of his brother Majdi’s car. The wounded civilians were identified as Nimer Fathi Nekem ‘Asayirah (28), who was hit with a stone to the head; and Jameel Naser Rashid ‘Asayirah (17), who was hit with a stone to the head as well.

  • At approximately 19:00, dozens of Israeli settlers gathered in the plain of Dir Sharaf village, at the intersection of “Shavei Shamron “settlement, west of Nablus. The settlers threw stones at a vehicle belonging to the Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO) , broke its windows and attacked its staff, who left the area and went back to the company in Nablus. The company vehicle was carrying many persons identified as:

  • Raied ‘Abed al-Wahad Thulth (46), from Beit Ebah village, west of the city, who sustained wounds to the head;
  • Nash’at ‘Adel Suliman Dowikat (62), from Balatet al-Balad village, east of the city, who sustained wounds to the head; and
  • Samer Hamdi Abu al-Hayyat (56), from Nablus, who was sitting on the rear seat and sustained wounds throughout his body.
All the wounded persons were then taken to the Arab Specialist Hospital in Nablus.

  • On Sunday, dozens of Israeli settlers gathered on Wadi al-Dolb Road, near Ras Karkar village, west of Ramallah. The settlers threw stones at Palestinian civilians’ vehicles while passing on the street, causing fear among the vehicles’ passengers.

  • At approximately 12:30 on Monday, 18 March 2019, Israeli settlers, from “Homesh“ settlement, northwest of Nablus, attacked with stones Palestinian civilians’ vehicles passing on Jenin-Nablus Street. As a result, Rawan Ihssan ‘Atah Ghubariyia (24), was hit with stones to the back, abdomen, right shoulder, and left leg; along with her brother Nizar (30), who was hit with a stick to his back. Both of them are from Kafiret village, south of Jenin. This incident occurred when Nizar parked on the road side, near the entrance to the mentioned settlement to urinate. When he stopped his car, stepped out of it and hide behind a rock, he was surprised with 2 settlers attacking his car. His sister stepped out of the car and fled towards him. The settlers pursued them and attacked them with stones and sticks. Nizar and Rawan returned to the vehicle and then fled towards Nablus.

  • On Wednesday, 20 March 2019, a group of Israeli settlers punctured the tires of 17 vehicles belonging to Palestinian civilians in Biter village, west of Bethlehem. They also wrote racist slogans on the vehicles. The village’s residents said that they were surprised with storming the village by the Israeli settlers and damaging 17 vehicles parked in front of their owners’ houses. They also said that the settlers wrote racist slogans on the vehicles and walls such as “ Price tag” “ Go away” “ You have no place on the lands of Israel”.

  • At approximately 22:00 on Wednesday, a group of Israeli settlers, from “ Homish” settlement, northwest of Nablus, threw stones at a house belonging to Fadi Mahmoud Mas’oud Heijah, which is located on Jenin-Nablus Street. As a result, Fadi and his brother Rami’s cars were damaged.
  • Recommendations to the International Community

PCHR warns of the escalating settlement construction in the West Bank, the attempts to legitimize settlement outposts established on Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the continued summary executions of Palestinian civilians under the pretext that they pose a security threat to the Israeli forces. PCHR reminds the international community that thousands of Palestinian civilians have been rendered homeless and lived in caravans under tragic circumstances due to the latest Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip that has been under a tight closure for almost 11 years. PCHR welcomes the UN Security Council’s Resolution No. 2334, which states that settlements are a blatant violation of the Geneva Conventions and calls upon Israel to stop them and not to recognize any demographic change in the oPt since 1967.  PCHR hopes this resolution will pave the way for eliminating the settlement crime and bring to justice those responsible for it. PCHR further reiterates that the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are still under Israeli occupation in spite of Israel’s unilateral disengagement plan of 2005.  PCHR emphasizes that there is international recognition of Israel’s obligation to respect international human rights instruments and international humanitarian law.  Israel is bound to apply international human rights law and the law of war, sometimes reciprocally and other times in parallel, in a way that achieves the best protection for civilians and remedy for the victims.
  1. PCHR calls upon the international community to respect the Security Council’s Resolution No. 2334 and to ensure that Israel respects it as well, in particular point 5 which obliges Israel not to deal with settlements as if they were part of Israel.
  2. PCHR calls upon the ICC this year to open an investigation into Israeli crimes committed in the oPt, particularly the settlement crimes and the 2014 offensive on the Gaza Strip.
  3. PCHR Calls upon the European Union (EU) and all international bodies to boycott settlements and ban working and investing in them in application of their obligations according to international human rights law and international humanitarian law considering settlements as a war crime.
  4. PCHR calls upon the international community to use all available means to allow the Palestinian people to enjoy their right to self-determination through the establishment of the Palestinian State, which was recognized by the UN General Assembly with a vast majority, using all international legal mechanisms, including sanctions to end the occupation of the State of Palestine.
  5. PCHR calls upon the international community and United Nations to take all necessary measures to stop Israeli policies aimed at creating a Jewish demographic majority in Jerusalem and at voiding Palestine from its original inhabitants through deportations and house demolitions as a collective punishment, which violates international humanitarian law, amounting to a crime against humanity.
  6. PCHR calls upon the international community to condemn summary executions carried out by Israeli forces against Palestinians and to pressurize Israel to stop them.
  7. PCHR calls upon the States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC to work hard to hold Israeli war criminals accountable.
  8. PCHR calls upon the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions to fulfill their obligations under article (1) of the Convention to ensure respect for the Conventions under all circumstances, and under articles (146) and (147) to search for and prosecute those responsible for committing grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions to ensure justice and remedy for Palestinian victims, especially in light of the almost complete denial of justice for them before the Israeli judiciary.
  9. PCHR calls upon the international community to speed up the reconstruction process necessary because of the destruction inflicted by the Israeli offensive on Gaza.
  10. PCHR calls for a prompt intervention to compel the Israeli authorities to lift the closure that obstructs the freedom of movement of goods and 1.8 million civilians that experience unprecedented economic, social, political and cultural hardships due to collective punishment policies and retaliatory action against civilians.
  11. PCHR calls upon the European Union to apply human rights standards embedded in the EU-Israel Association Agreement and to respect its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights when dealing with Israel.
  12. PCHR calls upon the international community, especially states that import Israeli weapons and military services, to meet their moral and legal responsibility not to allow Israel to use the offensive in Gaza to test new weapons and not accept training services based on the field experience in Gaza in order to avoid turning Palestinian civilians in Gaza into testing objects for Israeli weapons and military tactics.
  13. PCHR calls upon the parties to international human rights instruments, especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), to pressurize Israel to comply with its provisions in the oPt and to compel it to incorporate the human rights situation in the oPt in its reports submitted to the relevant committees.
  14. PCHR calls upon the EU and international human rights bodies to pressurize the Israeli forces to stop their attacks against Palestinian fishermen and farmers, mainly in the border area.
, for the week of 14 – 20 March, 2019.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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