
Saturday 3 October 2020

آبار الغاز اللبنانيّة في رعاية الله والصواريخ

د. وفيق إبراهيم

تمارسُ فئات لبنانية تقليدية من أهل السياسة والإعلام تشكيكاً بالاتفاق الذي أعلن عنه رئيس المجلس النيابي نبيه بري مع الأميركيين للبدء بمفاوضات لترسيم حدود لبنان البحريّة مع الكيان الاسرائيلي.

هذه الفئات تفسّر هذا التطوّر بأنه استسلام لضغوط اميركية اقتصادية شديدة القسوة على لبنان، الذي يشهد بدوره انهياراً اقتصادياً لا يقلّ قسوة ومأساويّة.

فتعتبر أن هذا الاستسلام هو اذاً محصلة “سيناريو” متفقٍ عليه بين ثلاثة اطراف داخليين: رئيس المجلس نبيه بري الذي له الحق بالإعلان عن الاتفاق، والرئيس ميشال عون الذي يمثل الدولة اللبنانية والفريق المسيحي الأكثر قوة في البلاد وهو صاحب الحق الحصري بتشكيل وفد للمفاوضات بالاتفاق مع حكومة حسان دياب التي لا تزال تؤدي دوراً في ادارة الاعمال الحكومية.

يتبقى حزب الله، فتقول تلك الفئات المشككة إنه انكفأ بتعمد عن الصورة الإعلامية حتى لا يبدو منهزماً، فهناك انهيار اقتصادي لبناني أدرك حالة جوع تستشري في اوساط الطبقتين الوسطى والفقيرة، واذا اعترض الحزب على عملية الترسيم فإن تذمراً شعبياً كبيراً قابلاً للتراكم على شكل احتجاجات واسعة على منع عمليات ترسيم الحدود قد تنال من شعبية الحزب حتى بين الفئات الأقرب اليه. الأمر الذي لجم أي ردود علنية منه على اتفاق إطار الترسيم، ذاهباً عن الغياب المتعمّد وصولاً الى حدود التجاهل.

بالمقابل بدأ الإعلام المضاد بتصوير الاتفاق على انه إذعان من الحزب الى حدود المطالبة بإلغاء دوره في مجابهة “اسرائيل”.

يكفي أن واحدة من كبريات الصحف اللبنانية نشرت في المانشيت الأساسي لصفحتها الأولى، عنواناً ساخراً يقول انه “اتفاق تاريخي على مفاوضات في زمن الانهيار”.

بالإضافة الى عشرات الصحف اليومية الأخرى، هناك ثلاث محطات تلفزة شديدة الصلة بالمشاهدين (الجديد- أم تي في – أل بي سي) لا تنفك منذ ثلاثة أيام في الربط بين الانهيار الاقتصادي والاستسلام للضغوط الأميركية – الإسرائيلية مع التعريج بخفة على انكفاء ما لحزب الله.

لا بدّ أولاً من تأكيد أن هذه الفئات اللبنانية السياسية والإعلامية تؤدي هذا الدور التشكيكي منذ إعلان تشكيل الدولة 1943، فلا تؤمن إلا بأهمية السياسات الغربية وتوالي محاورها بالانتقال من نفوذ فرنسي – بريطاني، أميركي حسب التوازنات وكادت لولا الضغوط الوطنية الداخلية تمارس تطبيعاً كاملاً مع “اسرائيل” وما منعها تاريخياً هي المقاومات الوطنية حتى الثمانينيات وجهادية حزب الله المفتوحة منذ 1982 حتى اليوم.

هي اذاً موازنات القوى التي ضبطت الانحرافات الداخلية، التي تختبئ خلف الانتماء اللبناني في معظم الأوقات ولا تتفلت عواطفها الجياشة نحو العدو الاسرائيلي إلا في مرحلة صعود النفوذ الأميركي – الإسرائيلي إقليمياً او عودته للعب في لبنان داخلياً.

يجب اذاً الربط بين الضغط الأميركي على لبنان والمبادرة الفرنسية وتهديدات “اسرائيل” وعودة الفئات المحسوبة عليها الى تصعيد سياسي وإعلامي وتحشيد طائفي ومذهبي وصل الى حدود تحريض رجال دين مسيحيين ومسلمين وتشكيل كتل سياسية تابعة لهم من نواب مستقلين وإعلاميين وسياسيين.

هذا يعني أنه لا يجوز ربط هذا التحريض الأميركي باستسلام ما لحلف المقاومة. بل بإعادة نصب قوى لبنانية موالية للغرب وتشهد حالياً انهياراً كبيراً.

لذلك فإن ما يمكن استنتاجه بشكل إضافي يتعلق بحاجة أميركية الى ترسيم بحري بين لبنان والكيان المحتل، لتحرير خط غاز بحري يجب أن يمر بموازاة آبار غاز لبنانية في البلوكين الثامن والتاسع.

وسبب هذه الحاجة وجود إصرار أميركي على نقل غاز تحالفها الإقليمي المتشكل من مصر و”اسرائيل” واليونان وقبرص والأردن وايطاليا والسلطة الفلسطينية التي لم توقع حتى الآن على الاتفاق النهائي، وفرنسا المرشحة للانضمام.

هناك اذاً حاجة اميركية لتنظيم توريد هذا الغاز الشرق أوسطي لمنافسة الغاز الروسي. وهذا لا يمكن ان يحدث مع وجود خلاف لبناني – إسرائيلي على نحو 860 كيلومتراً من اعماق الحدود البحرية.

والأميركيون متأكدون أن تمرير الانابيب الاسرائيلية مسألة مستحيلة من دون تراجع “اسرائيل” عن مطامعها في آبار لبنان، وذلك لان صواريخ حزب الله تقف لها بالمرصاد ولن تسمح للكيان الإسرائيلي وتحالفاته العربية بتمرير الغاز الخاص بها على مقربة من بحر لبنان من دون الاعتراف بلبنانية 860 كيلومتراً مربعاً وبدء لبنان التنقيب عن الغاز الخاص به.

هذا هو دور صواريخ حزب الله الحامية للأرض والبحر والإنسان والثروات من الطاقة وخلافها.

يكفي هنا أن تنظر هذه الفئات كيف سطت “اسرائيل” على الغاز في سيناء المصرية وبعض انحاء فلسطين والجولان السوري حتى تتبين أهمية صواريخ الحزب في تأمين الاستقرار الوطني اللبناني بأبعاده الشعبية والسياسية والاقتصادية، وما على الجميع إلا انتظار بدء المفاوضات لكي يتأكدوا أن لبنان بعناية الله وصواريخ حزبه.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!



Turkey Ramps Up Its Involvement In Armenian-Azerbaijani War - YouTube

Azerbaijan has given Turkey control over the air segment of its military campaign to capture the Nagorno-Karabakh region, the Armenian Defense Ministry reported on September 30. According to Artsrun Hovhannisyan, Turkish and Azerbaijani aviation is being coordinated by the E7-T aircraft of the Turkish Air Force, which is an air command post. The military plane was spotted near the Turkish cities of Erzurum and Kars.

“It is possible that the leadership of the Turkish Air Force is on board this plane,” Hovhannisyan added.

As an example of such actions, the Armenian side claimed that two Turkish F-16 fighters, an Azerbaijani Su-25 attack aircraft, as well as a Turkish combat drone “Bayraktar”, which took off from the city of Kurdamir, had inflicted a missile and bomb attack on the Karabakh towns of Hadrut and Martakert.

Further a command and control post for Turkish combat drones is located near the city of Hadrut. It is reportedly coordinating the strikes of Azerbaijani warplanes.

Pro-Armenian sources insist that the Chief of General Staff of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces Najmaddin Sadigov was in fact removed from his command of the Karabakh operation at the behest of Turkish military advisers and specialists. Sadigov was allegedly an opponent of the dramatically increased influence of Turkey in the Azerbaijani military.

Armenia also showed photos of its Su-25 attack aircraft, which, according to it, was downed by a Turkish F-16 on September 29. The pilot of the Su-25, Major Valery Danelin, died. In their turn, Turkey and Azerbaijan insist that the Turkish Air Force and other branches of Turkish military are not involved in the conflict. According to Fahrettin Altun, the head of the communications department of the Turkish presidential administration, Armenian claims are “another fantasy of the Armenian military propaganda machine.” The Azerbaijani side, in turn, said that two Armenian Su-25 warplanes crashed into the mountain and exploded, the rest is absurd and disinformation.

Since September 30, the situation on the frontline between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces has not changed significantly. Despite this, intense firefights, artillery duels and air strikes are being reported along the entire contact line. Armenian sources accuse Azerbaijan and Turkey of intentional bombing of civilian areas of the Nagorno-Karabakh republic, including its capital, and even inside Armenia itself.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan, which ceased to name areas allegedly seized from the Armenians, insists that its forces have captured several key positions on the frontline. According to Baku, since the morning of September 27, its forces have destroyed up to 200 battle tanks and other armored vehicles, 228 artillery pieces, rocket launchers, mortars, 30 air defense systems, 6 command-control and observation posts, 5 ammunition depots, more than 110 vehicles and an S-300 anti-aircraft missile system. The number of killed or injured Armenian fighters was not provided but if one checks previous Azerbaijani reports, it has supposedly already exceeded 1,000.

On the other hand, the Armenian side said that during the last 24 hours only 130 Azerbaijani service members were killed, 260 others were injured, 32 military equipment pieces were destroyed and 13 UAVs were downed.

Both sides regularly release videos showing the destruction of enemy positions and equipment. Nevertheless it seems that without more active participation from the Turkish side, Azerbaijan is unable to deliver a rapid and devastating military blow to Armenia and thus capture the contested region. However, if the regional situation remains same, the Azerbaijani military is likely to have the upper hand in any developing war just because it has more manpower, weapons, military equipment and ammunition.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

What’s at stake in the Armenia-Azerbaijan chessboard

 What’s at stake in the Armenia-Azerbaijan chessboard

October 01, 2020

By Pepe Escobar, posted with permission and first posted at Asia Times

Few geopolitical hot spots across the planet may rival the Caucasus: that intractable, tribal Tower of Babel, throughout History a contentious crossroads of empires from the Levant and nomads from the Eurasian steppes. And it gets even messier when one adds the fog of war.

To try to shed some light into the current Armenia-Azerbaijan face off, let’s crisscross the basic facts with some essential deep background.

Late last month Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s proverbial “strongman”, in power since 2003, launched a de facto war on the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh held by Armenia.

At the collapse of the USSR, Nagorno-Karabakh had a mixed population of Azeri Shi’ites and Armenian Christians. Yet even before the collapse the Azerbaijani Army and Armenian independentists were already at war (1988-1994), which yielded a grim balance of 30,000 dead and roughly a million wounded.

The Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh declared independence in 1991: but that was not recognized by the “international community”. Finally there was a ceasefire in 1994 – with Nagorno-Karabakh entering the gray area/no man’s land of “frozen conflict”.

The problem is that in 1993, the United Nations had approved no less than four resolutions – 822, 853, 874 and 884 – establishing that Armenia should withdraw from what was deemed to be roughly 20% of Azerbaijani territory. This is at the core of Baku’s rationale to fight against what it qualifies as a foreign occupation army.

Yerevan’s interpretation though is that these four resolutions are null and void because Nagorno-Karabakh harbors an Armenian-majority population who wants to secede from Azerbaijan.

Historically, Artsakh is one of three ancient provinces of Armenia – rooted at least in the 5th century B.C. and finally established in 189 B.C. Armenians, based on DNA samples from excavated bones, argue they have been settled in Artsakh for at least 4,000 years.

Artsakh – or Nagorno-Karabakh – was annexed to Azerbaijan by Stalin in 1923. That set the stage for a future powder keg to inevitably explode.

It’s important to remember that there was no “Azerbaijan” nation-state until the early 1920s. Historically, Azerbaijan is a territory in northern Iran. Azeris are very well integrated within the Islamic Republic. So the Republic of Azerbaijan actually borrowed its name from their Iranian neighbors. In ancient history, the territory of the new 20th century republic was known as Atropatene, and Aturpakatan before the advent of Islam.

How the equation changed

Baku’s main argument is that Armenia is blocking a contiguous Azerbaijani nation, as a look in the map shows us that southwest Azerbaijan is de facto split all the way to the Iranian border.

And that plunges us necessarily into deep background. To clarify matters, there could not be a more reliable guide than a top Caucasus think tank expert who shared his analysis with me by email, but is insistent on “no attribution”. Let’s call him Mr. C.

Mr. C notes that, “for decades, the equation remained the same and the variables in the equation remained the same, more or less. This was the case notwithstanding the fact that Armenia is an unstable democracy in transition and Azerbaijan had much more continuity at the top.”

We should all be aware that “Azerbaijan lost territory right at the beginning of the restoration of its statehood, when it was basically a failed state run by armchair nationalist amateurs [before Heydar Aliyev, Ilham’s father, came to power]. And Armenia was a mess, too but less so when you take into consideration that it had strong Russian support and Azerbaijan had no one. Back in the day, Turkey was still a secular state with a military that looked West and took its NATO membership seriously. Since then, Azerbaijan has built up its economy and increased its population. So it kept getting stronger. But its military was still underperforming.”

That slowly started to change in 2020: “Basically, in the past few months you’ve seen incremental increases in the intensity of near daily ceasefire violations (the near-daily violations are nothing new: they’ve been going on for years). So this blew up in July and there was a shooting war for a few days. Then everyone calmed down again.”

All this time, something important was developing in the background: Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, who came to power in May 2018, and Aliyev started to talk: “The Azerbaijani side thought this indicated Armenia was ready for compromise (this all started when Armenia had a sort of revolution, with the new PM coming in with a popular mandate to clean house domestically). For whatever reason, it ended up not happening.”

What happened in fact was the July shooting war.

Don’t forget Pipelineistan

Armenian PM Pashinyan could be described as a liberal globalist. The majority of his political team is pro-NATO. Pashinyan went all guns blazing against former Armenian President (1998- 2008) Robert Kocharian, who before that happened to be, crucially, the de facto President of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Kocharian, who spent years in Russia and is close to President Putin, was charged with a nebulous attempt at “overthrowing the constitutional order”. Pashinyan tried to land him in jail. But even more crucial is the fact that Pashinyan refused to follow a plan elaborated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to finally settle the Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabakh mess.

In the current fog of war, things are even messier. Mr. C stresses two points: “First, Armenia asked for CSTO protection and got bitch slapped, hard and in public; second, Armenia threatened to bomb the oil and gas pipelines in Azerbaijan (there are several, they all run parallel, and they supply not just Georgia and Turkey but now the Balkans and Italy). With regards to the latter, Azerbaijan basically said: if you do that, we’ll bomb your nuclear reactor.”

The Pipelineistan angle is indeed crucial: for years I have followed on Asia Times these myriad, interlocking oil and gas soap operas, especially the BTC (Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan), conceived by Zbigniew Brzezinski to bypass Iran. I was even “arrested” by a BP 4X4 when I was tracking the pipeline on a parallel side road out of the massive Sangachal terminal: that proved British Petroleum was in practice the real boss, not the Azerbaijani government.

In sum, now we have reached the point where, according to Mr. C,

“Armenia’s saber rattling got more aggressive.” Reasons, on the Armenian side, seem to be mostly domestic: terrible handling of Covid-19 (in contrast to Azerbaijan), and the dire state of the economy. So, says Mr. C, we came to a toxic concourse of circumstances: Armenia deflected from its problems by being tough on Azerbaijan, while Azerbaijan just had had enough.

It’s always about Turkey

Anyway one looks at the Armenia-Azerbaijan drama, the key destabilizing factor is now Turkey.

Mr. C notes how, “throughout the summer, the quality of the Turkish-Azerbaijani military exercises increased (both prior to July events and subsequently). The Azerbaijani military got a lot better. Also, since the fourth quarter of 2019 the President of Azerbaijan has been getting rid of the (perceived) pro-Russian elements in positions of power.” See, for instance, here.

There’s no way to confirm it either with Moscow or Ankara, but Mr. C advances what President Erdogan may have told the Russians: “We’ll go into Armenia directly if a) Azerbaijan starts to lose, b) Russia goes in or accepts CSTO to be invoked or something along those lines, or c) Armenia goes after the pipelines. All are reasonable red lines for the Turks, especially when you factor in the fact that they don’t like the Armenians very much and that they consider the Azerbaijanis brothers.”

It’s crucial to remember that in August, Baku and Ankara held two weeks of joint air and land military exercises. Baku has bought advanced drones from both Turkey and Israel. There’s no smokin’ gun, at least not yet, but Ankara may have hired up to 4,000 Salafi-jihadis in Syria to fight – wait for it – in favor of Shi’ite-majority Azerbaijan, proving once again that “jihadism” is all about making a quick buck.

The United Armenian Information Center, as well as the Kurdish Afrin Post, have stated that Ankara opened two recruitment centers – in Afrin schools – for mercenaries. Apparently this has been a quite popular move because Ankara slashed salaries for Syrian mercenaries shipped to Libya.

There’s an extra angle that is deeply worrying not only for Russia but also for Central Asia. According to the former Foreign Minister of Nagorno-Karabakh, Ambassador Extraordinary Arman Melikyan, mercenaries using Azeri IDs issued in Baku may be able to infiltrate Dagestan and Chechnya and, via the Caspian, reach Atyrau in Kazakhstan, from where they can easily reach Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

That’s the ultimate nightmare of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) – shared by Russia, China and the Central Asian “stans”: a jihadi land – and (Caspian) sea – bridge from the Caucasus all the way to Central Asia, and even Xinjiang.

What’s the point of this war?

So what happens next? A nearly insurmountable impasse, as Mr. C outlines it:

1. “The peace talks are going nowhere because Armenia is refusing to budge (to withdraw from occupying Nagorno-Karabakh plus 7 surrounding regions in phases or all at once, with the usual guarantees for civilians, even settlers – note that when they went in in the early 1990s they cleansed those lands of literally all Azerbaijanis, something like between 700,000 and 1 million people).”

2. Aliyev was under the impression that Pashinyan “was willing to compromise and began preparing his people and then looked like someone with egg on his face when it didn’t happen.”

3. “Turkey has made it crystal clear it will support Azerbaijan unconditionally, and has matched those words with deeds.”

4. “In such circumstances, Russia got outplayed – in the sense that they had been able to play off Armenia against Azerbaijan and vice versa, quite successfully, helping to mediate talks that went nowhere, preserving the status quo that effectively favored Armenia.”

And that brings us to the crucial question. What’s the point of this war?

Mr. C: “It is either to conquer as much as possible before the “international community” [in this case, the UNSC] calls for / demands a ceasefire or to do so as an impetus for re-starting talks that actually lead to progress. In either scenario, Azerbaijan will end up with gains and Armenia with losses. How much and under what circumstances (the status and question of Nagorno-Karabakh is distinct from the status and question of the Armenian occupied territories around Nagorno-Karabakh) is unknown: i.e. on the field of battle or the negotiating table or a combo of both. However this turns out, at a minimum Azerbaijan will get to keep what it liberated in battle. This will be the new starting point. And I suspect that Azerbaijan will do no harm to the Armenian civilians that stay. They’ll be model liberators. And they’ll take time to bring back Azerbaijani civilians (refugees/IDPs) to their homes, especially in areas that would become mixed as a result of return.”

So what can Moscow do under these circumstances? Not much,

“except to go into Azerbaijan proper, which they won’t do (there’s no land border between Russia and Armenia; so although Russia has a military base in Armenia with one or more thousand troops, they can’t just supply Armenia with guns and troops at will, given the geography).”

Crucially, Moscow privileges the strategic partnership with Armenia – which is a member of the Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU) – while meticulously monitoring each and every NATO-member Turkey’s movement: after all, they are already in opposing sides in both Libya and Syria.

So, to put it mildly, Moscow is walking on a geopolitical razor’s edge. Russia needs to exercise restraint and invest in a carefully calibrated balancing act between Armenia and Azerbaijan; must preserve the Russia-Turkey strategic partnership; and must be alert to all, possible US Divide and Rule tactics.

Inside Erdogan’s war

So in the end this would be yet another Erdogan war?

The inescapable Follow the Money analysis would tells us, yes. The Turkish economy is an absolute mess, with high inflation and a depreciating currency. Baku has a wealth of oil-gas funds that could become readily available – adding to Ankara’s dream of turning Turkey also into an energy supplier.

Mr. C adds that anchoring Turkey in Azerbaijan would lead to “the creation of full-fledged Turkish military bases and the inclusion of Azerbaijan in the Turkish orbit of influence (the “two countries – one nation” thesis, in which Turkey assumes supremacy) within the framework of neo-Ottomanism and Turkey’s leadership in the Turkic-speaking world.”

Add to it the all-important NATO angle. Mr. C essentially sees it as Erdogan, enabled by Washington, about to make a NATO push to the east while establishing that immensely dangerous jihadi channel into Russia: “This is no local adventure by Erdogan. I understand that Azerbaijan is largely Shi’ite Islam and that will complicate things but not render his adventure impossible.”

This totally ties in with a notorious RAND report that explicitly details how “the United States could try to induce Armenia to break with Russia” and “encourage Armenia to move fully into the NATO orbit.”

It’s beyond obvious that Moscow is observing all these variables with extreme care. That is reflected, for instance, in how irrepressible Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, earlier this week, has packaged a very serious diplomatic warning: “The downing of an Armenian SU-25 by a Turkish F-16, as claimed by the Ministry of Defense in Armenia, seems to complicate the situation, as Moscow, based on the Tashkent treaty, is obligated to offer military assistance to Armenia”.

It’s no wonder both Baku and Yerevan got the message and are firmly denying anything happened.

The key fact remains that as long as Armenia proper is not attacked by Azerbaijan, Russia will not apply the CSTO treaty and step in. Erdogan knows this is his red line. Moscow has all it takes to put him in serious trouble – as in shutting off gas supplies to Turkey. Moscow, meanwhile, will keep helping Yerevan with intel and hardware – flown in from Iran. Diplomacy rules – and the ultimate target is yet another ceasefire.

Pulling Russia back in

Mr. C advances the strong possibility – and I have heard echoes from Brussels – that “the EU and Russia find common cause to limit Azerbaijani gains (in large part because Erdogan is no one’s favorite guy, not just because of this but because of the Eastern Med, Syria, Libya).”

That brings to the forefront the renewed importance of the UNSC in imposing a ceasefire. Washington’s role at the moment is quite intriguing. Of course, Trump has more important things to do at the moment. Moreover, the Armenian diaspora in the US swings drastically pro-Democrat.

Then, to round it all up, there’s the all-important Iran-Armenia relationship. Here is a forceful attempt to put it in perspective.

As Mr. C stresses, “Iran favors Armenia, which is counter-intuitive at first sight. So the Iranians may help the Russians out (funneling supplies), but on the other hand they have a good relationship with Turkey, especially in the oil and gas smuggling business. And if they get too overt in their support, Trump has a casus belli to get involved and the Europeans may not like to end up on the same side as the Russians and the Iranians. It just looks bad. And the Europeans hate to look bad.”

We inevitably come back to the point that the whole drama can be interpreted from the perspective of a NATO geopolitical hit against Russia – according to quite a few analyses circulating at the Duma.

Ukraine is an absolute black hole. There’s the Belarus impasse. Covid-19. The Navalny circus. The “threat” to Nord Stream-2.

To pull Russia back into the Armenia-Azerbaijan drama means turning Moscow’s attention towards the Caucasus so there’s more Turkish freedom of action in other theaters – in the Eastern Mediterranean versus Greece, in Syria, in Libya. Ankara – foolishly – is engaged in simultaneous wars on several fronts, and with virtually no allies.

What this means is that even more than NATO, monopolizing Russia’s attention in the Caucasus most of all may be profitable for Erdogan himself. As Mr. C stresses, “in this situation, the Nagorno-Karabakh leverage/’trump card’ in the hands of Turkey would be useful for negotiations with Russia.”

No question: the neo-Ottoman sultan never sleeps.


River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Vice President Would Take Power Under 25th Amendment If Trump Becomes Incapacitated From COVID-19

Vice President Would Take Power Under 25th Amendment If Trump Becomes Incapacitated From COVID-19

By Staff, Daily Mail

US President Trump could potentially be forced to relinquish executive control to Vice President Mike Pence or be replaced on the GOP ticket altogether, if he becomes incapacitated from COVID-19.

Trump confirmed on Friday that he and First Lady Melania tested positive for coronavirus after traveling with counselor Hope Hicks, who fell ill on Wednesday.

‘Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!’ he tweeted.  

Trump is 74 years old, which puts him at higher risk of serious complications from virus.

With the presidential election less than 32 days away, the positive result means the government may have to consider contingency plans in line with the Constitution should Trump become too ill to go through with the race.

The 25th Amendment states that the vice president should replace the commander-in-chief in the event he or she is unable to continue the term. 

If the VP is also unable to assume control, the powers are then delegated to the Speaker of the House, in this case, Nancy Pelosi.

However, the looming election further complicates the matter, as the Democratic and Republican national committees could also pick a replacement to run on their party’s ticket if the nominee were to withdraw.

The committee could choose to nominate the vice-presidential candidate, or another member of their party.

The selection process would depend on the parties’ respective bylaws. 

Under this scenario, all 168 members of the RNC would have to meet to vote on Trump’s replacement.

The rules require all members – three from each state and three from six territories –  to cast the same number of votes they were entitled to cast the national convention.

If members of a given state fail to unanimously agree on the casting of votes, they would then divide it equally and cast a third of those votes.

That scenario, although hypothetical, would be the first of its kind since no presidential candidate of either party has ever died or withdrawn before an election. 

A statement from the White House doctor said both the president and first lady are ‘well at this time’ but did not say if either have symptoms.

If Trump becomes seriously ill, there are constitutional procedures that would allow Vice President Pence to assume power temporarily.

But if Trump suffers mild or no symptoms, the president will be able to tout his recovery as evidence that the virus is a less grave threat than many believe.  

First lady Melania tweeted: ‘As too many Americans have done this year, @potus & I are quarantining at home after testing positive for COVID-19. We are feeling good & I have postponed all upcoming engagements. Please be sure you are staying safe & we will all get through this together.’

Trump was last seen by reporters returning to the White House on Thursday evening and looked to be in good health.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Syrian President highlights importance of Russian military inside Syria

By News Desk -2020-10-02

BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:10 P.M.) -Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, sat down for an interview with the Russian Zevzda TV channel on Friday to discuss a number of topics, including the Russian military’s presence in Syria.

During the interview, the Syrian President stressed the importance of the Russian military bases on the territory of his country, pointing out that their importance lies in ensuring security and stability in Syria and combating global terrorism.

“In Syria today we are dealing with international terrorism and Russia is helping us to achieve security and stability, but after the elimination of terrorism there is another role that Russia will play at the international level by urging the international community and different countries to implement international law.”

He pointed out that “there is an imbalance between the powers in the current system of international relations and Russia must restore the lost balance.”

The Syrian President noted that the Russian military presence plays a large and important role, not only in Syria, but in the whole world.

“The Russian presence is to ensure security and make the world order more just and balanced. Of course, if the West abandons its aggressive policy of using its military power to create problems in the world, Russia may not need such a policy as well, but the world today needs to the balance you mentioned,” the Syrian President said.

September marked the fifth anniversary of the Russian military’s intervention in the Syrian conflict. Since their entry into the war, the Russian military has helped the Syrian Armed Forces defeat the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) and retake several parts of the country.

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انطلاق مفاوضات الترسيم: من تنازل لمن؟

ناصر قنديل

مع إعلان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، التوصل الى التفاهم على إعلان إطار للتفاوض حول ترسيم الحدود، يحضر هذا الملف بقوة على طاولة النقاش والتقييم، بعيداً عن الخطابات الوظيفية، أي المكرّسة لمناقشة هادفة سلفاً لأداء وظيفة لا علاقة بمضمون البحث عن حقيقة، والتي تهدف مرة للإيحاء بأن المفاوضات ستكون تخلياً عن خيار المقاومة أو اعترافاً بكيان الاحتلال أو انخراطاً في التطبيع، ومرة بالتنمر على تهديدات المقاومة في حال إقدام كيان الاحتلال على شن حرب على لبنان بالرد الموجع وصولاً لتعريض الكيان لخطر الزوال، بالتساؤل عن مبرر الترسيم طالما المقاومة قادرة على تدمير الكيان، فغالب هؤلاء ليسوا من دعاة تدمير الكيان، ولا من رافضي الاعتراف به ولا من معارضي التطبيع، وخلفية كلامهم الغاضبة من إعلان الاتفاق تعكس تعارض معانيه مع مراميهم الآتية مرة تحت عنوان “الحياد” ومرة تحت عنوان نزع سلاح المقاومة، ومرات تحت عنوان تحميل القوى التي تؤمن بالمقاومة مسؤولية الانهيار المالي، لأنها تقف بوجه السياسات الأميركية والخليجية المتقاطعة عند النقطة الإسرائيلية تطبيعاً.

يعلم المتنمرون على الاتفاق أن لغته ليست لغة الطرف اللبناني فيه، بل هي لغة الاتفاقات التي سبقته من اتفاق الهدنة إلى تفاهم نيسان والقرارات الدولية طالما أنه موثق في الأمم المتحدة وتل أبيب وواشنطن مثلما سيوثق في بيروت، ولو كان الاتفاق يصبّ الماء في طاحونة المتنمّرين ودعواتهم ويعبّر عن انتصارها، وهي ليست بعيدة عن دعوات واشنطن لضرب المقاومة وثقافتها، لصفقوا له وساهموا بتمريره بدلاً من الهجوم عليه، ولعل ما يجعل غضبهم مفهوماً هو أنهم وجدوا أن الأميركي الذي ينظرون إليه كإله جبار، يخون ثقتهم فيرتضي التسليم بأن نزع سلاح المقاومة فوق طاقته، وأن المقاومة وحلفاءها من القوة بما لا يمكن كسرهم أو تطويعهم رغم الأزمات الضخمة التي تقع فوق أكتافهم والعقوبات التي تقع عليهم، وأنه لا بد من مقاربة بلغة المصالح للبحث عن تفادي خيار المواجهة معهم، لأنها تعبر عن خيار خاسر خاسر، وهذا سبب سعي الطرفين لتفاديها، وسبب بقائها بالنسبة للمقاومة رداً دفاعياً يضمن تدمير الكيان لكنه يدمّر الكثير مما يهمّها سواه، ولذلك لن يكون خياراً ابتدائياً عندها. ومع السعي الأميركي القائم على التسليم بمغادرة خيار المواجهة يظهر العقل الأميركي القابلية لاستبدال المواجهة بالبحث عن خيار رابح رابح، بشروط أقرب لمصالحه، وإلا ففي منطقة وسط طالما لم تنفع محاولات تليين موقف المقاومة وحلفائها من شروط البحث عنه، ويعرف المتنمّرون على الاتفاق أنه ضمناً جواب على لا جدوى دعواتهم الحياد ونزع السلاح والالتحاق الأعمى بدفتر الشروط الأميركي الخليجي الذي يترجمه التطبيع، طالما تثبت التجربة الحسية أن بمستطاع المقاومة وحلفائها خلق موازين قوة تفرض على الأميركي قبول التفاوض، وتفرض شروط هذا التفاوض، بما فيها عدم الاعتراف بالكيان وعدم التطبيع معه، وتفرض نيل الحقوق الاقتصادية وانتزاعها من بين براثنه في زمن يقدم بعض العرب نفطهم وغازهم وبلادهم وأسواقهم وأمنهم على طبق من ذهب للإسرائيلي بعدما صار الأميركي سيد قرارهم منذ زمان، ويراهم هؤلاء المتنمرون مثالاً يُحتذى.

صبر الأميركيون عشرة أعوام منذ بدء فتح ملف الحدود البحرية، رسمياً عام 2010 عندما بدأ الكشف عن الثروات الهائلة في البحر في المياه اللبنانية وبصورة مكثفة في المياه الواقعة جنوباً على حدود فلسطين المحتلة حيث العين الإسرائيلية حاضرة، لكنهم صبروا منذ ما قبل ذلك عشرة أخرى تمتد منذ العام 2000 بعد تحرير المقاومة لجنوب لبنان، وانطلاق الحملة العسكرية الأميركية على المنطقة في عهد المحافظين الجدد خلال ولايتي الرئيس جورج بوش، وعينهم على ثروات النفط والغاز التي لا يعرف عنها الكثير سواهم ولا عن مواطنها، ومنها البحر المتوسط، وفقاً لتقرير الطاقة الذي أقره الكونغرس عام 2000، وجاءت بعدها الحروب على المنطقة ترجمة له، وقد جسدت هذه التوجهات مباشرة في لبنان بصورة حربية عام 2006 بعدما سبقها الإعلان عن أنبوب للنفط من ميناء جيهان التركي إلى ميناء عسقلان في فلسطين المحتلة، وما يستدعيه تنفيذه وتفرضه الحاجة لحمايته من حرب تُنهي المقاومة، وأعقب الحرب التي فشلت عسكرياً مشروع عسكرة البحر المتوسط بموجب القرار 1701 استعداداً لخطط استثمار النفط والغاز بعيداً عن تأثير قوة المقاومة وشروطها السيادية، وقبل حرب تموز 2006 تم بصورة أمنية وسياسية التمهيد لفرض السيطرة على هذه الثروات عبر القرار 1559 عام 2004، وصولاً لربط اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري لإشاعة الفوضى ونشر الفتن وإرباك سورية والمقاومة وإضعافهما خدمة لهذا الهدف، لكن صبر الأميركيين لم يحمل جديداً يتيح الرهان على المزيد من الصبر، فقوّة المقاومة تتزايد، ومعادلتها السياسية في لبنان تبدو غير قابلة للكسر أو للعصر.

بعد فشل رهانات 2004 و2005 و2006، جاء رهان 2010 على الحرب على سورية وتداعياتها لبنانياً بإضعاف المقاومة إذا قيض للحرب تحقيق أهدافها، ولكن خاب الرهان وجاءت النتائج عكسية، وبدت واضحة مسارات الحرب على سورية منذ نهاية العام 2016 ومعركة حلب، كما بدت المقاومة في ذروة صعودها السياسي مع وصول الرئيس ميشال عون كحليف للمقاومة إلى رئاسة الجمهورية في الفترة ذاتها، فحضر الرهان الأشد قسوة الذي ترجم حضوره عام 2016 ببدء العد التنازلي لموجودات المصرف المركزي من العملات الصعبة، وكانت الهندسات المالية التي نفذها تعبيراً عن هذا التراجع، الذي زاد تفاقماً عاماً بعد عام تحت ضغط أميركي مدروس هدفه خنق لبنان مالياً وتفجيره اجتماعياً، وصولاً لتسييل هذا التفجير بوجه المقاومة وخياراتها، وفي الطليعة فرض خط لترسيم النفط والغاز قدّمه الأميركيون تحت اسم سفيرهم فريديريك هوف منذ العام 2012 ورفضه لبنان رغم الضغوط التي تجدّدت مع خلفه في المفاوضات السفير الأميركي ديفيد ساترفيلد، ليعلن لبنان عام 2016 اشتراطه حصر الدور الأميركي بالوسيط وربط الترسيم والتفاوض غير المباشر برعاية الأمم المتحدة، وتتجمّد المفاوضات من حينها.

حاول الأميركيون خلال هذه السنوات، تصعيد الضغط الاقتصادي حتى الانفجار الشامل، حيث لم يخف الأميركيون رهانهم على توظيف انتفاضة 17 تشرين وتوجيهها بوجه المقاومة وحزب الله، والتركيز على موقع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، بصفته الممسك بحنكة وحزم بملف التفاوض، وكلام سفيرهم السابق جيفري فيلتمان وإشاراته للتفاوض على ثروات النفط والغاز أمام الكونغرس تلاقيها الكلمات الواضحة لمعاون وزير الخارجية الأميركية ديفيد شينكر، “لديكم معاناة كبيرة وتملكون ثروات واعدة في البحر المتوسط تتنازعون عليها مع “إسرائيل”، وقد قدمنا لكم تصوراً لحل النزاع فاقبلوه”، كانت كافية لتكشف جوهر الأهداف الأميركية من الضغوط، وصولاً لدفع لبنان نحو الانهيار، واللعب بتوازناته السياسية والطائفية، وبشوارعه المتعددة اجتماعياً وثقافياً حتى الاشتعال، أملاً بالحصول على موافقة لبنانية على خط هوف من بوابة تفاوض مباشر بين لبنان و”إسرائيل” برعاية أميركية، ولم يخف الأميركيون خلال هذه الحملة المركزة المتعددة الجوانب سعيهم لإخراج ملف التفاوض من يد الرئيس بري، أملاً بجعل الأماكن البديلة خواصر رخوة يمكن الضغط عليها بشوارعها أو بالعقوبات، فلم يحصدوا إلا الفشل.

كان الجميع من اللاعبين الكبار يدرك أن الزمن الأميركي محكوم بسقف الانتخابات الرئاسية، وأن كل الأوراق المطلوب لعبها يحب أن تستثمر قبل ذلك التاريخ، وعندما سلم الأميركيون مطلع تموز الماضي بالإطار اللبناني لمفاوضات الترسيم، لا مفاوضات مباشرة، بل إحياء للجنة التفاوض في تفاهم نيسان مع أو بدون فرنسا، ورعاية الأمم المتحدة، وحصر الدور الأميركي بالوسيط والمسهل بدلاً من الراعي، وربط حدود البحر بنقطة برية محورية في الناقورة، وهذا معنى التلازم البري والبحري، بقوا ينتظرون فرصة جديدة لاختبار إمكانيات التعديل مرة أخيرة على حافة النهاية، والاتفاق في جيبهم جاهز للإعلان، لتطل برأسها ثلاثية تفجير المرفأ وحملة التطبيع الخليجية والمبادرة الفرنسية نحو لبنان، والثلاثية مترابطة لدرجة تطرح أسئلة كبرى حول تلازمها ومرجعيّتها الأميركية. وتحرك الفرنسيون بالتنسيق مع الأميركيين وتحت نظرهم. كان الناظر الأميركي ديفيد شينكر وزميله ديفيد هيل يزوران بيروت، ويجسّان نبض الرئيس بري ومن خلاله المقاومة، حول شروط الترسيم، وفقاً لمعادلة، أن يحصل الأميركيون على ما يريدون في ملف الترسيم فيحصل بري ومن خلفه حزب الله على ما يريدون في الملف الحكومي، وعند التمسك بالشروط جاءت العقوبات، وعندما سقطت الفرصة ولم ينفع شيء في تغيير المواقف قرر الأميركيون الإفراج عن التفاهم، ليتمّ الإعلان عنه، متقبّلين معادلة رابح رابح، بعدما فشلت كل محاولات الفرض وقوبلت بالرفض، فيربح الأميركيون ومن خلفهم الإسرائيليون ما يستثمرون من خلاله النفط والغاز والسياسة والتسويق الرئاسي والترويج لإنجازات تحاكي إنجازاتهم في الخليج، ويربح لبنان ومقاومته سيادة غير منقوصة، وثروات كاملة، وإحباطاً لضغوط تحت عناوين الحياد ونزع السلاح.

الجولات المقبلة لن تكون سهلة، لكنها تحت سقف توازنات صنعتها مفاوضات الإطار، وستكشف الأيام يوماً أن إدارة الرئيس بري لملف التفاوض كانت تتمة مديدة لمفاوضات حرب تموز، وأنها خلافاً لكل ما يقوله المزايدون والمتنمّرون، والذين غالباً ما كانت مواقفهم تعبيراً عن صدى للضغوط الأميركية، وسيظهر كيف أن إدارة بري عبرت عن وطنية لبنانية صافية وصلبة وعن استعداد للتضحية ترجمه تحمل العقوبات والاستعداد لتحمل التهديد بأكثر منها، لتكتب صفحة إنجاز وطني لبناني، مؤسف أن لا يتلقفه اللبنانيون موحّدين، ومؤسف أكثر أن يضعوه على خطوط تماس مراهقات عصبيّاتهم المريضة، في لحظة وطنية تستحق الترفع عن لغة التفاهة والحقد والعبث.

مبارك للبنان وشكراً لنبيه بري وتحية للمقاومة.

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Lebanon Issues Arrests Warrants for Owner, Captain of Beirut Port Blast Ship

 Lebanon Issues Arrests Warrants for Owner, Captain of Beirut Port Blast Ship

By Staff, Agencies

Lebanon asked the Interpol to issue arrest warrants for the Russian captain and owner of the ship that brought the explosive material that detonated at Beirut Port in August, killing nearly 200 people, state media reported Thursday night.

About two months after the explosion that injured thousands and ravaged the Lebanese capital, questions remain about why and how the cargo was abandoned in Beirut.

Authorities blamed it on the huge stockpile of ammonium nitrate, used for fertilizer but also for explosives, going up in flames after being stored in poor conditions at the port for years.

There have also been accusations of negligence against Lebanese authorities. Nearly 20 people have been detained in Lebanon after the blast including port and customs officials.

Lebanon’s public prosecution asked Interpol to issue warrants to detain the owner and captain, state news agency NNA said on Thursday, without naming them.

Boris Prokoshev was captain of the Rhosus ship when it arrived in Beirut in 2013, and he had identified Igor Grechushkin, a Russian businessman in Cyprus, as the owner. A security source and a judicial source said they were the two for whom Lebanon asked for arrest warrants on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Russia’s national Interpol bureau declined to comment.

Grechushkin, 43, was questioned in Cyprus in August. Attempts by Reuters to reach Grechushkin were unsuccessful.

Cyprus police spokesman Christos Andreou said, regarding an Interpol request on Thursday: “We have not received such a request.”

Prokoshev, who is in Russia, said he had not heard anything about it and that he has not been contacted by investigators before.

He has told Reuters that 2,750 tons of the chemicals ended up in Beirut after the ship’s owner told him to divert to Beirut to pick up extra cargo in 2013. He has also said Lebanese authorities paid little attention to the ammonium nitrate, which had been stacked in the hull in large sacks.

The Rhosus had loaded ammonium nitrate in Georgia, shipping records show, before making the unscheduled stop in Lebanon.

But it never left, becoming tangled in a legal dispute over unpaid port fees and ship defects.

Beirut port authorities impounded the vessel after it arrived in late 2013 due to outstanding debts, according to a state security report which Reuters revealed in August. In 2014, the ship was deemed unseaworthy and its cargo was unloaded in October and warehoused in what was known as Hangar 12, the epicenter of the explosion.

The ship sank near the port’s breakwater in February 2018, the report said.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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Friday 2 October 2020

Turkey’s Destabilizing Role


Tuesday, 29 September 2020 10:22

With the current problems between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the continuous meddling of Turkey stirring trouble where it can-one cannot help but remember Cyprus and the way that beautiful Island was divided (1974) due to Turkish greed and a long time wish to reestablish the Ottoman Empire with a new face.

Cyprus pre-1974 was an island with a rising economy and status amongst world countries. Under the wise leadership of President Makarious it was navigating its way upwards.

Sadly the coup by the Greek Junta on President Makarious presented Turkey with an excuse to invade the Island-one that it had been searching for, for some time.

Syriatimes had the opportunity to interview Marinos Sizopoulos President of EDEK (a socialist Cyprus political Party).

EDEK party shrinks as turmoil escalates over ousted MEP, KNEWS

1- Can you give us a brief overview of the Cypriot problem-maybe going back to the British occupation of the island of Cyprus

After the occupation of Cyprus by the British, the Greek Cypriots of the island, in their very first official welcoming speech to the British in July 1878, asked for enosis (union) with Greece. The enosis was the main and constant demand of the Cypriots, expressed in every official memorandum to the British, in articles in the newspapers and speeches in the Legislative Council. 

The main turning points in the history of the movement for union with Greece was the 1931 revolt known as «Oktovriana», the referendum of 1950 and the EOKA struggle of 1955-1959. Specifically, the demand of Cypriots for Enosis urged them to an impulsive and not organized public revolt in 1931. The aftermath of the 1931 revolt was that the Governor’s House, symbolizing the colonial rule, was set on fire and an autocratic rule was imposed immediately afterwards.

In 1950 the results of the referendum for union (“enotiko dimopsifisma” as it is called) was that 96% of the Cypriots demanded the union of the island with Greece. Five years later, the EOKA struggle began which demanded the unification of the island with Greece. The struggle was ended with the Zurich and London Agreements in 1959. Following the Agreements, Cyprus was recognized as an independent state, the union could no longer be promoted and Turkey, Great Britain and Greece were imposed as the guaranteeing powers of the Republic of Cyprus. 

Few years later, in 1963, the military coup of Turkey against the Republic of Cyprus emerged. The coup was the first attempt of Turkey to put in action its plan for reoccupying Cyprus. This plan was designed in 1956 and it aimed to overthrow the legitimate government of the island by military force and integrate Cyprus to the Turkish regime.    Almost ten years later, in 1974, the military coup of the Greek military Junta allowed Turkey to invade and illegally capture 37% of the island. 

Since then, EDEK, the Socialist Party of Cyprus, has been struggling to set Cyprus free from the Turkish army. We demand all refugees be allowed to return to their home land, all settlers that illegally have been transferred by Turkey in the occupied areas, and all Turkish troops leave the island immediately. 

2- Archbishop Makarious the third was a well known leader of Cyprus-what was his role exactly?

Makarios was a charismatic leader. The people who met him, in Cyprus and abroad, admired him for his personality and knowledge. This can be confirmed by the thousands of letters that he received by his fans and followers from all over the word. Even in the reports of the foreign diplomats held in the historic archives we read how clever he was and how he fought for the justice of his people.   

Makarios succeeded to give prestige to both the office of Archbishop and that of the President of the Republic of Cyprus. He spent his life doing charity and missionary work in Cyprus and abroad. He was struggling for the establishment and strengthening of the Republic of Cyprus. By calling the name Makarios, we refer to the person whose work reflects our flag, our land, our struggles for freedom, national dignity and survival as Greek Cypriots.

His role after the Agreements in Zurich and London was focused on his initiatives for strengthening the Republic of Cyprus as an independent state. He worked hard for strengthening the role of Cyprus in the international community and especially into the Non-Aligned Movement. He systematically tried to give Cyprus an important and significant role in this Movement. As it is very well known he developed some really strong and sincere friendships with the Arab countries of the region, and specifically with Syria and Egypt. 

3- How many political parties are there in Cyprus?

There are four parliamentary parties in Cyprus which have been active for a few decades now. Randomly a few more parties, movements or combinations are popping up, but their existence is just for a short period of time. EDEK, of which I am President since 2015, was established in 1969. It is the socialist party of Cyprus, the fourth political power in the Cyprus Parliament.

4- In your opinion what was the reason for the invasion of Cyprus by Turkey and did Greece play a detrimental role in this invasion?

Turkey’s main goal, set since the 1950s, was to integrate Cyprus into Turkish territory in order to gain a dominant role in controlling the Middle East.

Britain sought to maintain its military presence and influence in Cyprus, in order to continue to exploit the island’s geostrategic position to the benefit of its interests in the region.

The United States, which was acting within the context of the Cold War (as it was at its peak at the time), sought to avoid the internationalization of the Cyprus problem and, above all, the involvement of the Soviets in the island’s affairs.

The junta of Athens, subservient to American politics, contributed with various illegal political and military means to carry out the coup against Makarios and to enable Turkey to invade and occupy the 37%.

For the United States and Britain, the Turkish invasion was a way of resolving a chronic problem. A “resolution” which runs counter to international law and the UN Charter. 

5- What were the policies of the USA and Europe towards Cyprus after the invasion?

The main goal of the US and the European Union is not to clash with Turkey, with which their geo-strategic interests are particularly important. Thus, in violation of international law, European principles, resolutions and provisions of the UN Charter, they either maintain an equal distance, or push Turkey towards the realization of its goals. The United States does that by strengthening Turkey with military equipment, and the European Union by enhancing its trade relations and economic agreements with Turkey.

Editor-in-Chief Reem Haddad

Basma Qaddour

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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