
Saturday, 10 April 2021

اجتماع السرايا يؤمّن التوافق على تعديل الحدود الجنوبيّة: نسف المفاوضات مع العدوّ؟ Saraya meeting that secures consensus on amending the southern torpedoing

Lebanon may present two new options in border talks | News , Lebanon News |  THE DAILY STAR
Lebanon may present two new options in border talks


اجتماع السرايا يؤمّن التوافق على تعديل الحدود الجنوبيّة: نسف المفاوضات مع العدوّ؟


ميسم رزق

الجمعة 9 نيسان 2021

وزير الأشغال اللبناني ينفي استقالة الحكومة: "لا مانع لدينا م | مصراوى
حسان دياب

بعد أشهر من النقاش والجدال، وافق رئيس حكومة تصريف الأعمال حسان دياب والوزراء المعنيون على توقيع تعديل الحدود البحرية الجنوبية. تطوّر كبير قد ينسف المفاوضات غير المباشرة مع العدو الإسرائيلي، ويثبّت حق لبنان بمساحة 1430 كيلومتراً مربعاً، ويمنع «إسرائيل» من سرقة ثروة لبنان النفطيةقُضيَ الأمر. أخيراً، استدركَت الحكومة النتائج الكارثية التي كانَت ستنجُم عن تأخير تعديل المرسوم 6433 (الصادر عام 2011، والذي يحدد حدود المناطق البحرية الاقتصادية الخالصة للبنان)، وقررت إضافة مساحة 1430 كيلومتراً مربعاً إلى المنطقة «المتنازَع عليها» عند الحدود الجنوبية. بعدَ انقسام سياسي دامَ أشهراً، ونقاشات بينَ القوى السياسية ومراسلات مع الجهات المعنية، وجدَ رئيس الحكومة حسان دياب والوزراء المعنيون بالتوقيع أنفسهم أمام خيارين: إما التوقيع وتثبيت حقّ لبنان في هذه المساحة وإبلاغ الأمم المتحدة بذلك، أو تركها ملاذاً لشركات التنقيب التي تعمَل مع الحكومة الإسرائيلية لتسرح وتمرَح فيها، وتُصبِح الحدود «السايبة» هي البوابة التي يستغلها العدو الإسرائيلي لشفط ثروة لبنان النفطية، وخاصة أن التنقيب في هذه المنطقة تحديداً (حقلي «كاريش» و«72») سيبدأ في حزيران المقبل. وفي حال سلوك تعديل المرسوم الطريق المتوقع له، ستمتنع شركات التنقيب عن العمل في المنطقة التي ستُصبح «متنازعاً عليها».

السنيورة يناشد «السيّد الرئيس»: وا أوباماه، وا أوباماه - أرشيف موقع قناة  المنار
فؤاد السنيورة

قرار التوقيع على تعديل المرسوم، اتّخذ مساءَ أمس في اجتماع وزاري ضمّ دياب ووزيرة الدفاع زينة عكر، ووزير الأشغال والنقل ميشال نجار، ووزير الخارجية شربل وهبة، والوفد العسكري المفاوض في الناقورة: العميد بسام ياسين والعقيد البحري مازن بصبوص. اقتراح التعديل كان قد ورد من قيادة الجيش، بعد سنوات على إنجاز دراسات مراسلات تجاهلتها الحكومات المتعاقبة. كان الجيش، منذ نحو 10 سنوات، يحاول تصحيح «الخطأ» الذي ارتكبته حكومة الرئيس فؤاد السنيورة الأولى، وحوّل مساحة 860 كيلومتراً مربعاً من المياه الجنوبية اللبنانية إلى منطقة «متنازع عليها». وبموازاة المفاوضات التي كانت تجرى بوساطة أميركية، تبيّن لفريق من التقنيين العسكريين والمدنيين أن حق لبنان يتجاوز تلك المنطقة «المتنازَع عليها»، ليصل إلى 2290 كيلومتراً مربعاً لا 860 كيلومتراً مربعاً فقط.

قرار التوقيع على التعديل لم يكُن سهلاً، فقد «استمر النقاش بين الوزراء لأكثر من ساعة ونصف ساعة حول من يُفترض به أن يوقّع أولاً». في البداية، «جرت محاولات من قبل وزراء لكي لا يكونوا أوّل الموقّعين»، لكن «رئيس الحكومة، ولأول مرة، كان متحمساً للحسم، فقال: إننا اجتمعنا اليوم لاتخاذ قرار، وعلينا توقيع المرسوم. وعندما يوقّع الوزراء سأقوم أنا فوراً بالتوقيع».

تعرفوا على وزير الاشغال الجديد
ميشال نجار حزب الكتائب

وبحسب المعلومات، دافع وزير الخارجية عن ضرورة تعديل المرسوم، وأكدت وزيرة الدفاع أنها ستوقّع وهي تتبنّى توجهات قيادة الجيش، بينما طلب وزير الأشغال مهلة ثلاثة أو أربعة أيام للتوقيع، لأنه يريد العودة إلى مديرية النقل البري والبحري في الوزارة، للاستيضاح حول عدد من النقاط. وخلال الاجتماع، «عرض الوفد العسكري على وزير الأشغال أن يحضر إلى الوزارة ويقدّم له عرضاً بكل المعلومات والإحداثيات الجديدة، لكن نجار أصرّ على العودة إلى المديرية كونها هي التي أعدّت المرسوم قبل إصداره عام 2011».

وزير الأشغال طلب مهلة ثلاثة أيام للعودة إلى مديريّة النقل البرّي والبحري

بعد الاجتماع، صدر بيان من الأمانة العامة لمجلس الوزراء أشار إلى أن «الرئيس دياب أكد خلال الاجتماع ضرورة الإسراع في بتّ هذا الملف. وبعدما قدم وفد الجيش شرحاً مفصلاً حول الملف، أكدت وزيرة الدفاع الوطني تبنّيها مشروع المرسوم المرفوع من قبلها. واستمهل وزير الأشغال العامة والنقل لدراسة هذا المشروع بالسرعة القصوى بالتنسيق مع قيادة الجيش تمهيداً لاستكمال الملف وتوقيعه من قبل وزيرَي الدفاع والأشغال ليصار بالنتيجة إلى عرضه على الرئيس دياب لتوقيعه وإحالته إلى رئاسة الجمهورية لإصدار الموافقة الاستثنائية المطلوبة».

اتخاذ قرار توقيع التعديل وتصحيح الخطأ السابِق، يُعدّ تطوراً كبيراً في ملف الترسيم البحري، جنوباً. فهو الأمر الذي سعى العدو الإسرائيلي جاهداً من أجل منعه، وكلّف الوسيط الأميركي بالضغط على الدولة اللبنانية من أجل التراجع عن الخط (29) الذي طرحه الوفد اللبناني المفاوض في الناقورة، بناءً على دراسات وخرائط وإحداثيات تؤكد حق لبنان بمساحة 2290 كيلومتراً في البحر، بدلا من الـ 860 كيلومتراً مربعاً «المتنازع عليها». وهو الأمر الذي دفعَ بالجانِب الإسرائيلي أيضاً، إلى تعليق عملية التفاوض غير المباشر وشنّ حملة في وسائله الإعلامية تتهم لبنان بنسف المفاوضات.

قد يؤدي تعديل المرسوم 6433 الى وقف المفاوضات فعلاً، وتعنّت العدو الإسرائيلي ورفضه العودة الى طاولة الناقورة. لكن الأكيد أن هذا التعديل سيكون ورقة قوية في يد الوفد اللبناني المفاوض، والأهم أنه سيُثبت حق لبنان حتى الخط (29)، ويحوّل مساحة 2290 كيلومتراً الممتدة إلى نصف حقل «كاريش» إلى منطقة متنازع عليها، الأمر الذي يمنَع شركة «إنرجين» اليونانية، أو أي شركة أخرى، من البدء بعملية التنقيب في هذا الحقل، لأنه يشكّل اعتداء على المنطقة الاقتصادية الخالصة التابعة للبنان.

في الاجتماع نفسه، ناقش رئيس الحكومة والوزراء والوفد المفاوض، موضوع ترسيم الحدود البحرية مع سوريا. وجرى تكليف وزير الخارجية شربل وهبة بمهمة التواصل مع الجانب السوري. وعلمت «الأخبار» أن وهبة وجّه دعوة إلى السفير السوري في لبنان علي عبد الكريم علي، حيث سيلتقيه في الوزارة يوم الثلاثاء المقبل، لإبلاغه باستعداد لبنان للتفاوض والبحث معه في الآليات المناسبة للبدء بالمحادثات، في انتظار وصول الكتاب الذي أعدّته قيادة الجيش ورأي المجلس الوطني للبحوث العلمية، ورسالة السفير اللبناني في دمشق سعد زخيا. وأكدت مصادر مطّلعة أن «الوفد العسكري ــــ التقني الذي يتولّى مهمة المفاوضات غير المباشرة مع العدو الإسرائيلي، هو نفسه من ستُوكَل إليه مهمة التفاوض المباشر مع الجانب السوري».

Saraya meeting that secures consensus on amending the southern torpedoing

Al , Akhbar

Maysam Rizk

Friday, April 9, 2021

وزير الأشغال اللبناني ينفي استقالة الحكومة: "لا مانع لدينا م | مصراوى

After months of debate, political division, discussions between political forces, Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the ministers concerned agreed to sign the Southern Maritime Border Amendment. A major development that could torpedo indirect negotiations with the Israeli enemy, prove Lebanon’s 1,430-square-kilometer right, and prevent Israel from stealing Lebanon’s oil wealth. Finally, the government realized the disastrous consequences of delaying the amendment of Decree 6433 (issued in 2011, which sets the boundaries of Lebanon’s exclusive economic maritime zones) and decided to add an area of 1,430 square kilometers to the “disputed” area at the southern border.

Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the ministers concerned ministers found themselves facing two options: either sign the Amendment and establish Lebanon’s right to this space and inform the United Nations, Or leave the “loose” borders as a haven for exploration companies working with the enemy entity a gateway to steal Lebanon’s oil wealth, especially since exploration in this particular area (Karish and 72 fields) will begin next June. After signing the amendment of the decree, exploration companies will refrain from working in the area, which will become “disputed”.

The decision to sign the amendment of the decree was taken yesterday evening at a ministerial meeting that included Diab, Defense Minister Zeina Aker, Minister of Works and Transport Michel Najjar, Foreign Minister Charbel Wahba, and the military negotiating delegation in Naqura: Brigadier General Bassam Yassin and Marine Colonel Mazen Basbous.

السنيورة يناشد «السيّد الرئيس»: وا أوباماه، وا أوباماه - أرشيف موقع قناة  المنار

The amendment proposal was received from the army command, years after the completion of correspondence studies ignored by successive governments. For nearly 10 years, the army has been trying to correct the “mistake” made by President Fouad Siniora’s first government, turning an area of 860 square kilometers of Lebanese southern waters into a “disputed” area.

In parallel with the U.S.-brokered negotiations, a team of military and civilian technicians found that Lebanon’s right exceeded that “disputed” area, reaching 2,290 square kilometers, not just 860 square kilometers.

The decision to sign the amendment was not easy. “The discussion between ministers continued for more than an hour and a half on who should sign first.” In the beginning, “attempts were made by ministers not to be the first to sign,” but “the prime minister, for the first time, was enthusiastic about making a decision, so he said:

We met today to make a decision, and we have to sign the decree.” When the ministers sign, I will immediately sign. ”

تعرفوا على وزير الاشغال الجديد
Michel Najjar, the Phalange Party

According to the information, the Foreign Minister defended the need to amend the decree, and the Minister of Defense confirmed that she will sign while adopting the directions of the army leadership, while the Minister of Works asked for three or four days to sign, because he wants to return to the directorate of land and sea transport in the ministry, to clarify a number of points. During the meeting, “the military delegation offered the Minister of Works to come to the ministry and present him with all the new information and coordinates, but Najjar insisted on returning to the directorate because it was the one who prepared the decree before it was issued in 2011.”

The Minister of Works requested a three-day deadline to return to the Directorate of Land and Maritime Transport

After the meeting, a statement issued by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers indicated that «President Diab stressed during the meeting the need to speed up the bit of this file. After the army delegation provided a detailed explanation of the file, the Minister of National Defense confirmed that she had adopted the draft decree submitted by her. The Minister of Public Works and Transport has begun to study this project as soon as possible in coordination with the army command in preparation for the completion of the file.

It was signed by the Ministers of Defense and Works to be presented to President Diab for signature and referred to the Presidency of the Republic to issue the required exceptional approval.”

The decision to sign the amendment and correct the previous error is a major development in the maritime demarcation file, south. This is what the Israeli enemy sought to prevent, and the U.S. mediator was tasked with pressuring the Lebanese state to reverse the line (29) put forward by the Lebanese negotiating delegation in Naqoura, based on studies, maps and coordinates confirming Lebanon’s right to 2,290 kilometers at sea, instead of the “disputed” 860 square kilometers. This has also prompted the Israeli side to suspend the indirect negotiation process and launch a campaign in its media accusing Lebanon of torpedoing the negotiations.

The amendment to Decree 6433 could effectively halt the negotiations, intransigence of the Israeli enemy and its refusal to return to the Naqoura table. But surely this amendment will be a strong paper in the hands of the Lebanese negotiating delegation, and most importantly it will prove Lebanon’s right to the line (29), and turn the area of 2,290 kilometers extending to half of the Karish field into a disputed area, which prevents the Greek company Energin, or any other company, from starting the exploration process in this field, because it constitutes an attack on Lebanon’s exclusive economic zone.

At the same meeting, the prime minister, ministers and the negotiating delegation discussed the demarcation of the maritime border with Syria. Foreign Minister Charbel Wahba was tasked with communicating with the Syrian side. Al-Akhbar learned that Wahba invited Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon Ali Abdel Karim Ali, where he will meet with him at the ministry next Tuesday, to inform him of Lebanon’s readiness to negotiate and discuss with him the appropriate mechanisms to start the talks, pending the arrival of the book prepared by the army leadership and the opinion of the National Council for Scientific Research, and the letter of the Lebanese ambassador in Damascus Saad Zakhia. Informed sources confirmed that “the technical military delegation that is in charge of indirect negotiations with the Israeli enemy, is the same one who will be entrusted with the task of direct negotiation with the Syrian side.”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Lee Camp: How Corporate America Supports Racism, Hatred & Exploitation (in New & Fun Ways!)

 By Lee Camp


Corporate America Social Justice
Corporations like General Mills and ExxonMobil aren’t going to save us from white supremacist violence or climate annihilation with their piddly tweets.

modicum of attention to the world at large, you’ve noticed that white supremacists constitute a bit of a problem in America. They led an insurrection at our Capitol recently. They’ve been involved in many mass shootings. I, along with many others, was nearly killed by one a few years ago in Charlottesville, Va.after he tried to murder as many peaceful protesters as possible. Our police forces are brimming with white supremacist assholes. And I think they had a popular TV show about ducks and beards not too long ago.

So I believe we can all admit that there are large groups of racist pricks wandering around our country — usually armed, rarely friendly. Everyone knows it. I bet even the racist parents of a 32-year-old white supremacist know he’s a dick. At Thanksgiving dinner they probably tell him, “Listen, Robbie. We’re very proud of you. We love what you’ve done with hating Black people online. But the thing is — you’re kinda a dick. Can you just be more polite? Just approach people slowly and kindly ask if they would like to be racist with you. You don’t have to make such a scene — with all the guns and the camo.”

Anyways, I bring this up because I don’t think we’re going to solve America’s militant hate group problem until we get the help of Fruit by the Foot and Gushers. …You heard me.

We all know that this country will not heal without further efforts from the gummy candy community. I mean, you remember when they solved racist policing in this country, don’t you? In the midst of the Black Lives Matter protests last summer, Gushers literally tweeted, “Gushers wouldn’t be Gushers without the Black community and your voices. We’re working with Fruit by the Foot on creating space to amplify that. We see you. We stand with you.”

t just brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it? Gushers was there for Black lives. (Although this tweet does raise the question, “If Gushers wouldn’t be Gushers without the Black Community” then what would it be? Do gummy candies taste different if there aren’t Black people around? What would be the point of that? Why invent a racist candy like that?)

Point being, after Gushers’ unprecedented alliance with Fruit by the Foot (both of which are owned by General Mills), racist police brutality in America ceased to exist (one assumes). And so, building on that success, I think we clearly need another gummy-based Manhattan Project to tackle the unnerving prevalence of extremist hate groups and racist ideology. Perhaps if they made a statement that only good little Proud Boys get Fruit by the Foot? That might do it.

Or perhaps (he writes knowingly) this could be just one of the countless examples of corporate America trying to act like they aren’t an actual negative force on community, sustainability, fairness, and equality.

Chevron and ExxonMobil and banks and credit card companies and franchise restaurants all often tell us they care about Black Lives or care about the LGBTQ+ community or are working to create a safe space for folks with disabilities or they tell us we’re all in this together.

No. We. Aren’t.

Corporations only care about you as far as they can extract profit from you. That is their only goal. The moment Black lives or white lives or Asian lives don’t make them a profit, they no longer give a shit. The moment people try to demand something from them that will benefit the community and world but not improve their bottom line, those companies are not there to listen — just look at  the current fight for unionization at Amazon. Or try going up to Wells Fargo and saying, “Hey, I saw your ad that we’re all in this together. I was so glad to hear that. Really made me feel blisstastic. Seeing as we’re all in this together, I would like to ask you to stop funding oil pipelines that are killing, um, everything. Oh, and also can you stop working with weapons contractors, too? They like to kill children and stuff. So what do ya say? ….Hello? Hello? I thought we were in this together? …Does this mean you also won’t babysit my cockatoo next week?”

Corporate America does not care about you or me or any of us outside of what they can extract from us, and that’s as true for Betty Crocker as it is for ExxonMobil. For example, it has become a problem in America that workers (the ones lucky enough to still have a job or three) are working themselves to the bone. People literally fall asleep or collapse on the job. They’re trying to work non-stop in order to afford meaningless consumer goods like, well, health care. And it’s kind of common sense that if we raised the minimum wage or gave workers free child care and more paid time off then they wouldn’t be suffering so much. So Ford Motor Company saw this problem and said, “Hold my beer.”

The good people at Ford have come out with a new answer to this tragic issue. It’s a hat that keeps you awake while you’re collapsing on the job. No, really. The commercial writes itself — “Just strap this thing to your fucking head while your subconscious brain is telling you that if you don’t sleep soon you’ll DIE, and the hat will tell your conscious brain, “NO! Fight the urge to give in to your urgent biological needs!”

’m hopeful Ford will soon come out with a version of this dystopian headgear that connects to a long tube which you just place up your backdoor so it can vacuum out any waste your body needs to expel. Once you have that device bolted into your skull and secured up your rear, you’ll actually be able to drive for upwards of 56 hours without hitting the brake pedal once. There is a small chance brain matter will ooze out your ears and your heart will explode. But if that happens — guess who’s getting Employee of the Month?!

Corporate America consists of totalitarian entities laser-focused on short-term greed. These corporations have become largely decoupled from reality, from humanity, from sustainability, and from the environment. Any time they take a breather from their rapacious, glutinous greed to belch out some tired exclamation of care for social justice or care for environmental rejuvenation or care for ending inequality and hate — those moments are beyond meaningless. In fact, those moments are actually harmful due to the number of people who honestly believe they mean something, who think the corporate world can ever be a force for good rather than the center of our own waltz off the cliff.

If we want to end oppression, we must end inequality. If we want to end inequality, we must evolve beyond our rancid exploitative socioeconomic system and the corporations that thrive in it.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Will Israeli Supremacism continue to get a free pass?

 Germany, France slam US over sanctions against ICC chief prosecutor |  Africa | DW | 04.09.2020

ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said her inquiry will be conducted “independently, impartially and objectively, without fear or favor.”

By Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor -April 9, 2021

…from PressTV, Tehran

[ Editor’s Note: Israel does not really mind being a rogue nation, but would prefer the fact not get too much widespread attention. But this is exactly what the good people at the ICC had finally decided to do.

The Zionist regime, as expected, has responded that the ICC can stuff its investigation of Israel’s war crimes against the Palestinians where the sun does not shine. Everyone knows this is true, but most pretend that Israel is a ‘special’ situation.

In effect Israel is allowed to ‘do onto others that you would not want them to do onto you’ because they are…you know…special. Different rules apply for Israelis and their supporters that don’t apply to you and I, because, you know, we are not one of them.

Historical and contemporary media have swallowed this free pass for Israeli supremacism as some form of dispensation it must pay for the ‘Big H’, guilt for not preventing it. I am not even going to use the word, because the Israelis have inflicted the ‘Big H’ on the Palestinians and write it off as a just security matter.

The last time looked we had 75 to 80 million dead from WWII related causes, a number heavily biased because it left out a chunk of the 50 million Chinese dead estimates. One special group has reserved for themselves to be annointed the most horrible thing that happened during WWII, and everyone else can not only go to the back of the bus, but jump off or be thrown off.

That has always stuck me as rather impolite, and hence I have never had warm and fuzzy spot for Israeli, Zionist, Jewish supremacism, for those who practice it.

They may consider me a bad person for this, but I would consider it just a rational observation. I would even be open to hearing their raionale for one group being allowed to hold the number one supremacism spot as an unquestionable right, and dish out to the Palestinans whatever horrors it many want and that be no one else’s business

Jim W. Dean ]

First published … April 09, 2021

Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel will tell the International Criminal Court that it will not cooperate with its investigation into possible war crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Netanyahu said in a statement that Israel will respond to a notification letter from the ICC, telling it that Tel Aviv does not recognize the tribunal’s authority.

Last month, ICC Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced in a statement the launch of a war crimes investigation into the Palestinian territories, which have been under Israeli occupation since 1967.

She said her inquiry will be conducted “independently, impartially and objectively, without fear or favor.” The Palestinian Authority (PA) welcomed the prosecutor’s announcement.

It is “a long-awaited step that serves Palestine’s tireless pursuit of justice and accountability, which are indispensable pillars of the peace the Palestinian people seek and deserve”, the PA foreign ministry said in a statement.

Hamas resistance movement also praised the ICC’s move.

“We welcome the ICC decision to investigate Israeli occupation war crimes against our people. It is a step forward on the path of achieving justice for the victims of our people,” Hazem Qassem, a Hamas spokesman said.

“Our resistance is legitimate and it comes to defend our people. All international laws approve legitimate resistance,” Qassem noted.

Palestine was accepted as an ICC member in 2015, three years after signing the court’s founding Rome Statute, based on its “observer state” status at the United Nations.

Both Israel and the United States have refused to sign up to the ICC, which was set up in 2002 to be the only global tribunal trying the world’s worst crimes, war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Jim W. Dean, Managing Editor

Managing Editor

Jim W. Dean is Managing Editor of Veterans Today involved in operations, development, and writing, plus an active schedule of TV and radio interviews. 

Read Full Complete Bio >>>

Jim W. Dean Archives 2009-2014

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Should Russia repeat the 08.08.08 war in the Donbass? (OPEN THREAD #8)

Should Russia repeat the 08.08.08 war in the Donbass? (OPEN THREAD #8)


April 09, 2021

You know the expression, “better a bad peace than a good war“.  This surely sounds true and common sense seems to support this.  But, as with many slogans, it all depends on the meaning of words.

For one thing, Russia has been at war with the Empire for at least since 2017.  You can call that “peace” as opposed to a full-scale convention or nuclear war, but considering the human and material costs of this very real war, I am not so sure that the word “peace” fits.

Next, if we accept that we are already in a costly and ugly war (even if this war is not a full-scale military one), one could reasonably say that “bad” is still preferable to “worse”.  But here the assumption is that a transition to an open war would be necessarily worse for Russia.  But is that really true?

In economic and political terms, Russia remains weaker than the consolidated West.  In military terms, however, it is the opposite (see here for a very good primer on this issue).  Would that then not make sense for Russia to move the confrontation into the mode which favors her?

Furthermore, the notion that now is “bad” and that it will get “worse” if Russia is forced to intervene makes another logically flawed assumption: that if Russia does absolutely nothing things will not become “worse” anyway!

Then, we need to define the concept of “good war”.  Thousands of volumes have been written about what a “just” war is and even thousands more about what a “good war” might be.  This is a complex and even philosophical issue which I don’t want to discuss now, but I do want to point out the ambiguity of the concept.

There is also a practical reason: seems to me that the time has come again for the West to receive the painful smackdown the West gets from Russia about once every century. Clearly the folks in Germany have forgotten WWII.  As for the US Americans, 99.99999999% of them don’t know shit about WWII!.  Maybe all these loudmouths need a, what shall we call it, maybe a not-so-gentle “reminder”?  I would not suggest that if I had ANY hope AT ALL that the Europeans at least remember WWII.  Alas, I have no such hopes left.

So what are we left in the case of Russia vs Banderastan?

I submit that what Russia did in 08.08.08 five day war (in reality only three!) was correct.  She did the following:

  1. Comprehensively disarmed Saakashvili’s gangs of thugs in uniform
  2. Guaranteed the safety of both South Ossetia and Abkhazia
  3. Did not engage in a long occupation, take Tbilissi (absolutely correct decision!) or impose another ruler

Russia got the job done, and simply left (with a small contingent left in both South Ossetia and Abkhazia)

Now let’s transpose that the the Ukronazi controlled Ukraine:

  1. Comprehensively disarm “Ze’s” gangs of thugs in uniform
  2. Guarantee the safety of the LDNR
  3. Not “solve” the Ukrainian crisis for the Ukrainians (that is their job, not Russia’s)

Seems to me rather reasonable.  And, besides, just like Georgia, the Ukronazi Ukraine will not recover from that “minimal response” for many years.  In fact, I believe that only by defanging the Ukronazis would guarantee the collapse of Banderastan into several successor states.

There are, of course, major differences between Georgia on 08.07.08 and today’s Ukraine, both quantitative and qualitative.  Just one example: the Ukies could attack Russia proper (I said “attack” – I did NOT say “prevail”!) something which Saakashvili could not do.  Still, the fundamental sequence disarm->protect->withdraw is, in my opinion, one worth considering as “good” a war as can be, especially since the “peaceful alternative” might turn out much worse.

So what do you think?  Should Russia repeat the 08.08.08 scenario if the Ukronazis attack?

The Saker

PS: bonus question: check out these two news items:

Question: can you find a logical military rationale for either move and, if yes, which one?

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Nuclear Deal Committee Concludes Meeting, Iran Reiterates Call for Lifting US Ban

 April 9, 2021


Nuclear Agreement Joint Committee ended the second round of its 18th regular meeting Friday in the Austrian capital Vienna. After the meeting, the delegations of Iran, Russia, China, France, Britain, Germany, the European Commission and the International Atomic Energy Agency agreed to hold the next meeting next Wednesday at the level of assistants to foreign ministers of member states.

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for political affairs Abbas Araqchi says Tehran will not stop any of its nuclear-related activities until Washington lifts the whole sanctions and returns to the 2015 nuclear deal.

Emphasizing on Iran’s principle stance on lifting of sanctions, Araqchi said that Tehran will not halt or even reduce the pace of its nuclear activities in particular in uranium enrichment sector.

The 20 percent enrichment of uranium is going forward even with the faster pace than the speed that the Iranian parliament envisaged in its law, he said, adding that 20 percent enriched uranium are being produced now.

The trend will go on until an accord will be reached, which will oblige the US to lift all of its sanctions, he stated, stressing that the whole sanctions should be lifted in one stage.

He further pointed to the negotiations with Europeans, Russia and China, noting that the claim that Iran is discussing with Europeans and they are holding talks with the Americans is not true, because the Iranian delegation in Vienna are negotiating with a set of current member states of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), including the UK, France, Germany as well as Russia and China; then, they put forward the issue with the US in a way they know themselves.

Araqchi went on to say that there are signs that the Americans are reviewing their own stance and move forward to lift all sanctions, but the Iranian side is not still in a position to make a judgement, because the negotiations have not been finalized.

According to the Iranian diplomat, a long way is still ahead; although, the pace of negotiation is moving forward and the atmosphere of the talks are constructive.

Source: Al-Manar English Website and IRNA

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Thinking Beyond The Great Reset To The Unthinkable

 By Kevin Smith


Thinking Beyond The Great Reset To The Unthinkable

Has anyone got a conspiracy theory I can borrow, mine have all come true?

God Save Us From Celebrities

I guess I’m not unique in disliking most modern-day celebrities. I hate their tendency for identity politics and virtual signaling while at the same time demonstrating breath-taking hypocrisy, aculture which has filtered down to us.

During the lockdown restrictions, close behind many politicians and scientists who’ve broken their own unnecessary and ridiculous rules, it’s always the celebrities doing the opposite of what they preach to theirTwitterfollowers.

The matter that has recently annoyed me is celebrities coming out telling the public to take the Covid vaccines. But not their Vitamin D or spinach, more on that later.  This strikes me as incredibly reckless given the vaccine is experimental and independent scientists are raising concerns on so many levels.

But these experts are excluded from mainstream debate, so to a degree you might understand the ignorance in vast swathes of the population. 

However, I think advising people to take the vaccine, or not, is not for celebrities.

As I said previously it is all about informed consent of the individual and weighing up the risk versus benefits. 

Anyway, here’s some of my latest observations and thoughts on Covid-19, each time I return to write here they’ve evolved yet further, as mad just gets madder. 

Enter The Black Celebs – Lenny Henry And Co.

Today I overheard one TV set blaring out in a room in my house speak of the take-up of vaccines among ethnic-minority Britons being lower than the general population. I’ve heard this before and there are probably a number of different reasons.  They’ve now wheeled out the black celebrities to persuade everyone to be vaccinated. 

Certainly, there will be religious and cultural and I suspect historical rooted objections which have filtered down generations. I’ve heard someone say black ethnic-minorities are generally skeptical of ‘white man’s vaccines’ and I suppose the closer-knit structure of these communities tends to mean more will follow the lead of their relatives over government minister’s, media hacks and celebrities, such as Lenny Henry

I’m middle-aged and white, though not unqualified to speak.   I have two ex-sister- in laws and nieces of WestIndian heritage, from one I hear her mother and sister have said they are not having the vaccine.  And my elder niece refuses, referring to the ‘New World Order’ and sinister agendas which may well include vaccines.

My ex-wife is from Serbia so our two children therefore are half-Serb and bi-lingual from an early age.   A few years ago, I used to complain to my then-wife that the BBC News was on constantly in the house and after the NATO bombing campaign of her country. I asked why on earth she still watched it. 

Perhaps during our difficult relationship, she did it to spite me, a kind of psychological warfare to get me to leave home.  Yet, despite the NATO destruction of her country, she still seems to largely accept the illusion of reality the BBC spin out on present day matters. 

However, on a more positive note, I hear there is at least some skepticism for this vaccine from my sons still living at home with the BBC, particularly in terms of fertility and it has any benefit for their age-group.  That’s probably more skepticism than you will come across in the average UK household.    

But these examples aside, generally in ethnic communities perhaps there are more sensitivities and less trust and automatic acceptance of authority. 

I used to quite like Lenny Henry but what black person would listen to him now?  He’s past his sell-by date.  Besides, I always viewed him as someone who has not really got involved in black issues before in any meaningful way.  

 I hope following the Queen’s disgraceful intervention on this vaccine and that of other corrupt officials will have the opposite effect and make their audience sit up and wonder why such pressure and coercion is necessary for a ‘miracle vaccine’. 

These events got me thinking more about certain recent disturbing articles and clips I’ve reviewed about Covid-19, lockdowns and vaccines, which go even further beyond the horrors of the Great Reset.

This also led me to the question, why are celebrities doing this? And why are people wearing masks outside and even on their Twitter profile? I think a lot of it is general fear and ignorance. But it strikes me some are trying to make a statement and, more recently, some of this behavior has started to really creep me out. 

Dumb Or Complicit? 

Now that’s the big question.  Are these celebrities and others mentioned somehow complicit with the wider agenda which is the Great Reset and possibly far worse? 

Or are they simply dumb, reading off a government script? My view, it’s possibly a mixture of both.   Some surely can’t believe what they are saying, others do but work on a vaccine premise provided to them by the government, no matter if it makes no sense after 10 minutes of reflection.  

Obviously, the fear factor of Covid-19 has entered into the minds of many.  Fear causes irrational behavior.  But are there other are factors in play? 

Various Theories And The Alleged Depopulation Agenda? 

Recently I’ve started to wonder if David Icke has a point. After all, he’s been right on many things.  And he’s not been the only commentator with similar views about what is truly the driving force behind Klaus Schwarb, Bill Gates, their cronies and their eco-communist agendas.  

In the above clip, he suggests that part of the reason people are becoming disconnected from reality is due to the material in vaccines and a deliberate attempt by the shadowy elites pushing and profiting from them to disconnect our senses and effectively remove the soul from people. 

I can’t endorse this theory. In fact, to me it sounds unlikely.  But I can no longer dismiss the theories I’m hearing purely because such scenarios are too calculating and evil for comprehension.  The elites and their puppets have shown how evil they are given what we now know about their attempt to bring about the Great Reset through the backdoor to enslave and impoverish humanity. 

Months ago, I would have dismissed any of this talk as too unbelievable to entertain.  In my view, after what has gone on this last 12 months, I think we all need to keep an open mind on everything Covid-19 related. 

Last week I came across quite a convincing clip that Covid-19 was man-made and deliberately released across the world.   

Motive, means and opportunity. And past track record too. 

And I’ve watched a lot of presentations about the vaccines, many people, including serious commentators such as Dr Michael Yeadon and Dr Vernon Coleman, suggesting they may be related to an intention to depopulate the world

It appears the Great Reset has an agenda to reduce population and towards ‘sustainability’. I don’t think a few months ago, many would have equated this agenda to some present-day predictions that they wish to wipe out 90% of the world’s present population. 

But given everything that has happened this last 12 months, almost 100% of Covid-19 and lockdown narratives being outright, proven lies, the rapid rollout of experimental ‘vaccines’ and the coercing of millions to take it, I really think more of us should wake up to the possibility something is seriously wrong.   

From a collective sum-up of circumstantial evidence and my instinct, such ‘conspiracy theories’ should be entertained.    As the saying goes “have you any conspiracy theories I can borrow, mine have all turned out true?”. 

The links above explain the means they could do this, ranging from the vaccines themselves to pathogenic priming when the vaccinated are exposed to the wild virus again.   

At the moment, the pathogenic priming  scenario worries me and perhaps is the most convincing scientific explanation for how we could all be done away with, either intentionally or not. 

The other day I came across this presentation.  It probably represents the so-called fringe on the Christian Right.

It makes the assertion that humanity is about to enter a new dark period, famines, war and mass depopulation, much of which was written in sections of the bible. Outlandish it may be for some but it seems to fit in with the many various events around the world in recent times.

Don’t close your mind to any of this.  Research the motives and don’t accept that such evil on this scale doesn’t exist.  It does. It’s just whether such evil is prevalent enough in elite society and has spread its tentacles to our governments, media, other institutions and even the general public. 

Some Suggestions 

As I said before, there’s very little doubt the Great Reset is upon us. That is evil enough.   Stay vigilant for possibly even worse.  If there’s a god as many believe, then there’s a devil. 

Humanity may be on the back foot right now, but these are a few things I recommend. This clip from Vernon Colman is useful but here’s some of mine. 

1)The Power Of Spinach, Vitamin D, And Zinc 

In these times where the elites are attempting a global coup and possibly our demise, strengthening our psychological and immune systems could be vital.  So, I conducted an experiment on a few family members.  

Before the trial, they wore trendy masks, seemed brain-dead and had a docile yet hostility to sceptic-lockdown narratives.

Over a period of 3 days, I fed them a diet of a type of beef/spinach casserole (a Serbian dish with original Turkish origins) and mixed in some Zinc and Vitamin D pills.  In every instance, each patient emerged with a healthy glow in the face and was lucid and socially engaging for 7 days following. Try it.   

2Depopulate The Celebrities 

Turn off the TV and celebrity Twitter profiles. 

3) Pray To God

For protection but also patience and forgiveness to others. Have faith that there is a God who will protect the good and aware on this planet against the evil.

At present I find my faith keeps me going. I feel my prayers are answered and are being listened to.  I tentatively became involved in religion 5 years ago after a life-changing experience.  I feel I was saved to be able to carry out the work I was destined for.  

That is to write articles for OneWorld Press and one day be personally decorated by President Putin.  

Seriously gang, religious or not, be strong have faith. Laugh. Good always overcomes evil. 

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!