
Saturday 21 August 2021

Wither Germany?

Wither Germany?

August 21, 2021

Germany has been the keystone of the failing EU. Does it intend to remain so, or is it time to pursue its own interests?

by Francis Lee for the Saker Blog

Germany has been and still is the most important economy in Europe, the export-driven colossus and if not yet the most important imperial power; that designation belongs to France with its Force de Frappe (Nuclear Strike Force), and additionally the UK which is also a member of the nuclear club but has since left the EU remains as a loyal – and oh so loyal! – member of NATO. (1) However, Germany is without question the most dominant country in Europe and still the main creditor and funder of euro states. Looking back to the rise of (West) Germany was a key presence in the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951. These various states pooled the coal and steel resources of six European countries: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg which became known by the acronym – BENELUX. These states would be collectively known as “the Six”. It was argued that the pooling of coal and steel resources greatly reduced the threat of war between France and (West) Germany.

It was perhaps entirely predictable that Germany with its system of Bismarckian style guided capitalism would emerge to poll position in this imperial club. At the time France had other, imperial and pressing commitments in Algeria and Indo-China, the British had commitments more or less everywhere East of Suez, and even little Belgium had problems in the Congo (Zaire). Germany had no such incumbrances on its economic development and was thus free to power ahead with its version of guided, bank-funded capitalism, and avoid the pitfalls of Anglo-American financialised capitalism. Under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Economics Minister Ludwig Erhard Germany’s rebirth was dubbed the Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle). A far-reaching contract between business and labour unions allowed the rapid rebuilding of industry and strong growth, creating the foundations of an economic powerhouse.


The centrality of Germany and German economic policy in this shifting economic montage requires attention to the gradual increasing dominance of what is the de facto European economic dynamo. It was perhaps inevitable that Germany would – in economic terms at least – become the regional hegemon in this continental configuration. After all,

‘’ … it had a globally competitive industrial base, pivoting on automobiles, chemicals and machine tools. Its exports enabled it to command vast surpluses on current account thus providing the wherewithal to lend globally.’’(2)

The peculiarities of the Anglo-American financialised system has not been replicated in Germany. To be sure Germany has a large and growing service sector similar to the financialised Atlanticist models this much is true; but Germany has also systematically defended its industrial sector, not least by manipulating the exchange rate to protect its exports of which many go to the other member states of the EU. The German manufacturing sector enjoys high levels of productivity, is export-based with relatively strong labour unions in wage negotiations compared to the rest of the private sector. But this did give rise to a two-tier labour market. The ‘good’ jobs were to be found in the export industries and the not so good jobs tended to be located in the internal domestic service sector.

‘’What happened from 2003 onwards to enable German capitalism to exploit its workers more intensely than before? In 2003-2005 the Social-Democratic Party (SPD) government implemented a number of wide-ranging labour-market reforms, the so-called Hartz Reforms, after one Herr Peter Hartz. The first three parts of the reform package, Hartz I-iii, were mainly concerned with, (i) mainly creating new types of employment opportunities (ii) introducing additional wage subsidies, (iii) instructing the Federal Employment Agency. The final parts of Hartz (iv) was implemented in 2005 and resulted in a significant cut in the unemployment benefits for the long-term unemployed. Between 2005 and 2008 the unemployment rate fell from almost 11% to 7.5%, barely increased during the Great Recession of 2008 and continued its downward trend reaching 5.5% at the end of 2012, although it is still higher than was the case during the global period of expansion in the 1960s.’’ (3)


Perhaps what was more important has been the banking system in Germany and its relationship to German industry.

1.1 Savings banks (Sparkassen and Landesbanken)

German savings banks are usually owned by the cities and villages. Formerly, each city had its own savings bank. Over the past 20 years, many savings banks have merged due to the competitive situation. As opposed to the big private Banks – Deutsche Bank, Commerz Bank whose main interests are in housing and stock market investment – the small and medium banks operate with a local focus.

Although the savings banks have been losing customers for a number of years, they are still among the best-known. Often, the accounts are open, because the savings bank is “on the spot”. Later, when one has to deal with more finances, then there is often a change to another bank that is more cost-effective or offers better services. These banks provide funds to industry at good rates of interest, and this particularly applies to small start-up firms.

1.2 Volksbanken / Raiffeisen Banken (cooperative banks)

This is the next best-known bank organization in Germany. VR-banks – their abbreviation – are cooperative banks (Genossenschaftsbanken). They are organized similar to associations and are owned by their members. Members may only purchase very few shares of the bank so that no single person is enabled to have too much influence on the business of the bank.

Just like the savings banks, the Volksbanken have to deal with a loss of customers. Although they have many branch offices, they can often not keep up with the price and service of the modern direct banks. In Germany, there are several hundred different VR-banks. They belong to the cooperative banks. Another successful innovation and feature of German development was the technical education of the German labour force.


The success of the German economy is driven by its small and medium Enterprises ( SMEs), a group to which more than 99 per cent of all firms in Germany belong. These companies account for more than half of Germany’s economic output and almost 60 per cent of jobs. Approximately 82 per cent of apprentices in Germany do their vocational training in an SME.

These small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), also known as the ‘Mittelstand’, (4) are the country’s strongest driver of innovation and technology and are renowned across the world. Companies that want to keep their competitive edge must be at the forefront of new developments. A study on SMEs commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy shows that innovative SMEs will continue to drive the success behind the ‘Made in Germany’ trademark. Provided that they embrace new trends, particularly digitisation, and that they find ways of recruiting the skilled labour they need, even in times of a skills shortage, SMEs have every opportunity to remain successful in their chosen specialised niche markets.

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy wants Germany’s SMEs to embrace new challenges and remain vibrant, strong, and innovative. This is why the ministry is working on many levels to strengthen the Mittelstand’s competitiveness, its capacity to innovate, and its ability to create jobs.


Germany’s small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) play a defining role in the country’s economy. Germany’s economic model derives its strength not from a small number of dominant players, industries, or industrial regions, but from the fact that Germany has a wide range of companies – small, medium-sized and large – that are based in locations all across Germany, specialise in all sorts of different sectors, and often form close networks with one another.

Germany’s Mittelstand, is extremely diverse. Family-owned companies that were established generations ago, trendy start-ups, traditional crafts firms, self-employed people and service providers, retailers and freelancers, pioneering high-tech companies, regional suppliers and global players. The size of these  SMEs ranges from one person to several hundred employed across the globe. The Mittelstand has many well-established brands, but also newcomers and lesser-known brands that still deliver the same standard of quality, precision and innovation. It is this high level of diversity that makes it so strong.

The Mittelstand also acts as a strong partner for large corporations, across the entire value chain. Mittelstand companies are often highly specialised and produce the type of up and downstream products that enable large corporations to create innovative and complex products, services and systems solutions

Moreover, the Mittelstand is global in its reach. Some 44 per cent of German companies export their capital goods or intermediate goods to other markets, thereby contributing to the success of the German economy. At least one in two German firms that turn over 2 million euros or more per year are exporting companies. Even small companies benefit from venturing on foreign markets. This is attested by the fact that even very small firms generate an average of over 20 per cent of their turnover from exports.


The German Economic model which had performed so well compared to its competitors – during the period from the Wirtshaftwunder until the 21st century – outmatched both European and North American rivals. But of course this golden age was to stutter in the late 1990s – the dot com bubble – and collapse completely during the 2008 and the property price debacle. For all its efficiency the German economy was, like the rest of the world, engulfed in the double whammy of the EU/euro crisis and the 2008 blow-out. Figures for growth make interesting reading.

(These are World Bank figures for declining growth rates in both the developed and developing economies for the period of 1960s through 2009.

1960s = 4.9%

1970s = 3.93%

1980s = 2.95%

1990s =2.7%

2000/09 = 2.58%

It should be by now common knowledge that the global economy has been on a downward path for decades as can be seen from the above figures. Moreover, with the possible exception of China and some other East Asian dynamos, these figures did not improve in the post-2008 era, quite the contrary.

Suffice it to say that the 2007/2008 explosion of the speculative bubble was avoided with massive injections (hmmm, sounds familiar) of ‘liquidity’ basically the extension of credit to the banking sector. Starting in 2008 the European Central Bank (ECB) lent the European banks money at an interest rate of 1%. (As did the Fed on the other side of the pond.) Predictably these same banks used that liquidity for speculation rather than lending to the productive sectors. In passing, we may say the Anglo-American financialised model – at least for Europe – didn’t work and given the objective situation shows no signs of working. In addition, the euro was stillborn with different rates of growth and trade between sometimes diverse member states. The euro was extended to other euro states, and particularly those in the southern bloc, which were far from enjoying the levels of productivity of the northern bloc. Europe’s weaker and less productive countries and thus of international competitiveness could not live with Germany’s productivity levels and low costs. The southern bloc could not devalue the euro – the centre-piece of the euro economy – and they ran up trade deficits with the German-dominated northern bloc which consistently ran up trade surpluses. Most commentators knew this apart from the brain-dead euro-elites who seemed impervious to the situation.

Given these fundamental geopolitical and economic changes Germany would be wise to now examine its options.

At the present time, another deeper and all-encompassing economic and financial crisis has occurred. The EU has, for better or worse, already had to swallow the departure of the UK from the EU; and it is not too difficult to imagine that this is only the beginning of a process of dissolution, particularly in light of the present and future possible political/economic developments. Moreover, the whole brouhaha which has already been instanced by the Nordstream-2 episode represented a win for one particular German faction – in this instance the business class – which now appears to be reorientating to a longer-term strategy of a pivot to Eurasia. It would appear to have won against the political class – including those lovely Greens who seem hot for a war against Russia. The German political and ideological class would appear to inhabit a different time-warp, circa 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall and moreover being hopelessly fixated with NATO, liberalism, globalism and everything American, including woke ideology.

The same German business elite, however, seeks parallel factions together with other similar groupings in other financially strong and reliable countries, who wish to seek the expansion of Germany toward China and Russia. There are obvious reasons for this move. Both these countries have immense reserves of raw materials. Secondly, the level of Chinese economic growth and the size of its market is way above those of the EU. Thirdly, Germany’s relative technological superiority is an ideal for the inter-trade appropriation of Chinese surplus value. Fourthly, if bilateral trading relations continue at the current pace, Beijing will become Germany’s main trading partner by early 2023 at the earliest. Fifthly, for China, Germany, is the optimal country for the best investment opportunities.

So this is the current situation with the Nordstream-2 instalment concentrating the minds of those who have read the runes of Germany’s future development with newer and dynamic trading partners east of the Oder-Neisse line. We shall wait and we shall see for such developments.


(1) In this respect the French and British nuclear deterrents should be seen as little more than geo-political phallic symbols by two second-rate declining powers.

(2) Costas Lapavitsas – The Left’s case against the EU – pp, 33, 35)

(3) The Long Depression – Michael Roberts – The Hartz Reforms – The Failing Euro Project – pp.153-155.

(4) Mittelstand – commonly refers to small and medium-sized enterprises in the German-speaking world, particularly in Germany, Austria and parts of Switzerland,

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

اكتمال مشروع المقاومة الاستراتيجي


 ناصر قنديل

خلال أربعة عقود نجحت المقاومة بتقديم نموذج استثنائي لمقدرتها على بناء مشروع قادر على تحرير الأرض وردع العدوان، وتحوّلت بفعل فائض القوة الذي راكمته والمكانة الأخلاقية التي رافقت مسيرتها، والمواهب الاستثنائية التي تميّز بها قائدها السيد حسن نصرالله، الى قوة إقليمية يُحسب حسابها في كلّ أحداث المنطقة، ونجحت بتوظيف كلّ ذلك لهزيمة مشروع الهيمنة الأميركية في سورية والعراق واليمن كشريك للقوى والحكومات والجيوش، وعمّمت معادلة الشعب والجيش والمقاومة على ساحاتها، لتتوّج ذلك كله ببلورة معادلة حماية القدس بعد المعركة الباهرة التي خاضتها المقاومة الفلسطينية في غزة ونتائجها، تحت عنوان حماية القدس تعادل حرباً إقليمية، لكن المقاومة التي راكمت خبرات إدارة الملفات السياسية والدبلوماسية، وتفاعلت مع قوى ودول إقليمية ودولية، فتعرّفت على روما من فوق بعدما عرفت روما من تحت كما تعرف كفّ يدها، وصارت عضواً معترفاً به في نادي اللاعبين الكبار، نجحت بالتقرّب من الملفات الاقتصادية الاستراتيجية ودراستها بهدوء، واكتشاف القطب المخفية فيها، والعقد التي تفسّر أزماتها وشبكات المصالح التي تحرّكها، للتهيؤ خلال السنوات الـ 15 الماضية للحظة تحوّل نوعي في مسارها، كانت تنتظر التوقيت المناسب.

لم يكن لمشروع المقاومة الإستراتيجي كحركة تحرر وطني كاملة الأوصاف أن يكتمل على مستوى المنطقة، وليس على مستوى لبنان فقط، لاستحالة اكتماله لبنانياً دون المنطقة أصلاً، إلا إذا بلورت المقاومة على الطريقة التي كانت تبلور فيها خطواتها النوعية المفصلية في مسيرتها العسكرية كمقاومة مسلحة، مفاتيح تشكل نقاط اتصال بنيوية بين الملفات الحاسمة في المشاهد الاقتصادية والسياسية والاستراتيجية في آن واحد، تعيد من خلالها فك وتركيب هذه المشاهد على عناصر جديدة، تتمثل بفرض حضورها المتفوّق أخلاقياً والملتزم اجتماعياً بالناس وبسطائهم وفقرائهم، لتكسر المعادلات السائدة، وتنشئ معادلات جديدة تراكمية، تتيح شقّ الطريق لمسار تنموي واجتماعي وسياسي يحمل مفهوم التغيير الجذري، الذي كان يسطحه بعض المتحمّسين بتوجيه الدعوات للمقاومة لقلب الطاولة بقوّتها العسكرية في لبنان والغرق في مستنقع اللعبة الطائفية ونزاعاتها، والمخاطرة بفقدان تفوّقها الأخلاقي، ومهابتها العسكرية، وحكمتها السياسية.

رمت التطورات الدولية والإقليمية الدراماتيكية الناشئة عن صعود محور المقاومة بعد معركة سيف القدس وعن التراجع الأميركي بعد الانهزام في أفغانستان من جهة، والتطورات الإقليمية واللبنانية التي ظهرت خلالها المكانة المحورية لقطاع الطاقة بعنواني الكهرباء والنفط وصولاً للطاقة النووية كقطاع قيادي في صناعة معادلات الاقتصاد الداخلي والإقليمي والدولي وصناعة السلم والحرب وصياغة السيطرة على البحار والتفاوض على الحدود السيادية ورسم العلاقات بين الدول وداخلها بين الكتل الكبرى ومصالحها، من جهة ثانية، ودخول الأزمة المعيشية والاجتماعية والإنسانية في لبنان حدّ الانفجار والانهيار الكبير، في مقابل توحّش آلات صناعة السياسة والاقتصاد وانصرافها لمراكمة أرباح خيالية تعادل في قطاع الطاقة عشرة أضعاف الرساميل الموظفة في كلّ عملية متاجرة، أيّ بمعدل مراكمة الرأسمال ألف ضعف في السنة، بينما تهاوت الطبقات الوسطى، وزاد الفقر اتساعاً، وتبخرت الودائع المصرفية كمخزون وقائي لمواجهة الأزمات، وتهدّد قطاع الاستشفاء وصارت العتمة على الأبواب، في ظلّ انسداد سياسي أمام المسار الحكومي وسادية اقتصادية يمارسها الخارج والداخل أملاً بأن تسقط المقاومة مع سقوط الشعب اللبناني في القعر العميق للانهيار، من جهة ثالثة، لتقدّم التوقيت الاستراتيجي والعنوان المحوري في ضربة واحدة لتتقدّم المقاومة نحو النقلة التاريخية لإكتمال مشروعها.

المسألة الآن ليست سفينة مازوت ولا سفن محروقات، بل معادلة مركبة متعددة المراوح والشفرات، لصياغة بيئة سياسية اقتصادية استراتيجية جديدة في المنطقة الممتدة من مضيق هرمز حتى سواحل لبنان وسورية، وموقع خطوط نقل الطاقة فيها، وتوازناتها ومعادلاتها، وبالتوازي بيئة سياسية اقتصادية استراتيجية داخل دولها انطلاقاً من المسار الذي ستسلكه التجربة اللبنانية، والمقاومة عندما تحزم أمرها وتعلن إبحار سفنها فهي تعلن بدء مسار سيمتدّ طويلاً في مراكمة البناء، فالمقاومة تقرّر الجمع بين مسؤوليتها الراسخة في صناعة وتطوير معادلات الردع المتصلة بالمواجهة مع كيان الإحتلال حتى لحظة تاريخية مشبعة بمصادر القوة والمشروعية الأخلاقية تندلع خلالها شرارة إشتباك يتحوّل منازلة كبرى تنتهي بزواله، وبين دخولها حقل الألغام الشائك للغرف السوداء التي تسيطر على سوق الطاقة وممراتها، واحتكاراتها المحلية والإقليمية، طريقا لبلورة مشروع تنموي وطني قابل للتكرار كالمقاومة، بعمق إنساني اجتماعي غير قابل للمساومة.

التفاعل الأميركي و”الإسرائيلي” مع قرار المقاومة يكشف حجم الخطوة والقرار، فالجواب الأميركي “الإسرائيلي” تلاقى تحت عنوان واحد هو سورية، واشنطن سارعت لفك جزء من عقوباتها على التعامل مع سورية لفتح الطريق أمام الغاز المصري والكهرباء الأردنية نحو لبنان، كتعبير عن خيار قبول التنافس مع المقاومة ممثلة بحزب الله بدلاً من خيار المواجهة في لحظة التراجع التاريخي مع هزيمة أفغانستان المذلة، وكيان الاحتلال قرّر الهروب من المواجهة نحو تصعيد الغارات على سورية لاجتذاب الضوء الى هناك والتغطية على العجز عن خوض مواجهة قد تتحوّل الى الحرب التي تحتاج المقاومة الى درجة من المشروعية لخوضها يوفرها عنوان الحاجات الإنسانية للبنانيين، لكن التلاقي على عنوان سورية ليس عابراً، هو كلمة السر التي تختصر حلقات الصراع المقبلة، فحجر الرحى في التوازانات بين مشروع المقاومة ومشروع الهيمنة والإحتلال كان ولا يزال سورية، وهناك ستدور مواجهة من نوع مختلف سياسياً واقتصادياً وعسكرياً، مع محور تقع المقاومة في قلبه، لكنه هناك يضمّ شريكين دوليين كبيرين، واحد متجذر راسخ عسكرياً منذ سنوات هو روسيا، وثان وافد بقوة حضور اقتصادي وازن هو الصين، وقوة هذه الشراكات المرشحة للمزيد من النمو، في مناخات ما بعد أفغانستان، ستمثل عنواناً مركزياً في صورة المشروع الجديد الذي ترعاه المقاومة تحت شعار فكّ الحصار وتفكيك الإحتكار وفقاً لمعادلة التوجه شرقاً.

التعليقات الصادرة عن خصوم المقاومة من القيادات اللبنانية بدت تافهة دون مستوى الحدث ودون مستوى النقاش، وهي بدت مجرد ظاهرة صوتية في واد بعيد، أو طلقة خلبية في منطقة مفتوحة، أو معلبات سياسية منتهية الصلاحية بعد صدور الموقف الأميركي.

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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Iran Fuel Shipments Bought, Paid For By Lebanese Shia Businessmen – Report

August 20, 2021

Iran Fuel Shipments Bought, Paid For By Lebanese Shia Businessmen - Report

By Staff, Agencies

A report by Iran’s Supreme National Security Council [SNSC] said the fuel shipments sent by Tehran to help the Lebanese people, as announced earlier on Thursday by Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, have been paid for in advance by a group of Lebanon’s Shia businesspeople.

“The Iranian fuel shipments which Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah mentioned today have been all purchased by a group of Shia Lebanese businesspeople, and they are considered their property from the moment of loading,” the report said on Thursday.

The Twitter account of Nournews, which is close to the council, also said the Iranian fuel shipments, in contrast to speculations and rumors fomented by hostile news networks, are “neither a gift nor the Lebanese government has paid for them.”

It added that the powerful measures taken by Iran and Hezbollah to shatter the economic embargo imposed on the Lebanese people, has seriously angered the enemies of the Axis of Resistance, who want to cast doubts on this issue by distorting relevant facts.

The report came hours after Sayyed Nasrallah said earlier on Thursday that the first vessel carrying Iranian fuel would set sail for Lebanon within hours, warning the Zionist entity and the United States that the resistance group would regard the ships carrying Iranian fuel as part of the “Lebanese soil.”

The ship would be carrying diesel since it is a top priority for the Lebanese people’s livelihoods, Sayyed Nasrallah said, promising that it would be followed by other ships carrying more fuel.

Sayyed Nasrallah had already voiced willingness on a number of occasions to import Iran’s oil to counter Lebanon’s dire fuel shortage, in case the government fails to deal with the crisis.

On Sunday, he asserted that Hezbollah would “definitely” import fuel from Iran, and would do so “in broad daylight, not at night.”

The small Mediterranean country has, since 2019, been paralyzed by a major financial crisis, which has cut the value of its currency by more than 90 percent, eliminated jobs, and made banks freeze accounts.

Nasrallah’s Thursday comments come as tensions run high between ‘Israel’ and Iran in the aftermath of an alleged attack against the ‘Israeli’-managed Mercer Street tanker off Oman in July, after which Israel, the US and Britain were quick to blame Iran and threatened a “response.” Tehran, however, rejected the accusation as “baseless” and “childish.”

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

Imperial NATO Chaos: Taliban Are Terrorists while al Qaeda in Syria Supported


USA good terrorists in Syria - bad terrorists in Afghanistan

The Taliban immediately moved into the Afghanistan presidential palace upon the exit of Ashaf Ghani, with his five million in cash, and possibly his wife, upon the US leaving the tattered country on a jet plane, not knowing when it will be back again. The ensuing hysteria among various factions of NATO imperialist hypocrites — politicians, diplomats, NGO’s, fake charities, media stenographers, underpaid mercenaries — has been so on the same page as to appear to almost be a form of coordinated chaos.

This relatively short piece will mostly involve the double standards of hatred of the Taliban and adoration of the al Qaeda terrorists in Syria, by the finely coiffed and overpaid unindicted war criminals.

Syria News reminds our readers of a few salient points: [1] The US has not officially declared war since 11 December 1941. Such a declaration can create all kinds of extraneous logistical problems, while engaging in invasion, occupation, slow or fast genocide without an official declaration can allow for res inter alios acta and other forms of plausible deniability. [2] Ronald Reagan did not call the Taliban “freedom fighters,” as they did not yet exist in their military formations; he invited the progenitor of the Taliban, the mujahedeen, to visit the White House, where he praised them as similar to the US founding fathers. [3] Ashraf Ghani was considered the president of Afghanistan since 2014, though he functioned more like the chief warlord of Kabul, possibly given his remarkable background that included being a high school exchange student in Oregon, getting a bachelor’s degree at the evangelical American University of Beirut, making the rounds through John Hopkins, the UN, World Bank, the Fulbright scholarship folk — which might explain that impressive net worth of between five and nine million USD in a least developed country that comes in the second to the last in poverty, with an average annual income of $500.

Reagan invited ”freedom fighters” mujahedeen to White House; “Mommy” stayed away.
Synopsis of 40 years of undeclared war in Afghanistan.
Ashraf Ghani has a spook-y history.
Evangelical preacher cum founder of independent American school accredited by NY, in Beirut, Daniel Bliss

The author has just been made aware that Ghani’s background is even more malevolent. He has been involved with the Atlantic Council (which recently came into partnership with Big Brother, Facebook), the UN Democracy Fund, and the World Economic Forum Global Agenda.

In 2021, he co-authored a twenty-four page paper demanding that President Bashar al Assad be removed from office, employing the standard NATO lying propaganda as the cover story for supremacist regime change.

Had the corrupt US warlord not fled the Taliban with five million, one might suggest he also fell prey to that Assad Curse.

ghani demanded transition imposed on syria
institute for state effectiveness

The UAE Foreign Ministry has announced that the Syria-hating, globalist, Taliban-fleeing Ghani and his family have been welcomed with opened arms, despite being almost as “dead broke” as were the impoverished Clintons when they left the White House.” The Ministry claims the five million USD report is “completely baseless,” “lies” (everyone who believes that may cast a vote in the comment sections).

We shall now take a look at a cross-section of the NATO hypocrites, outraged over the Taliban having taken control of the ‘abandoned’ Afghanistan, and compare their rage and wrath to their adoration and full support of terrorists in the Syrian Arab Republic. As these humanitarian bastards are cut from the same cloth of that colonial savior complex, the order of their listing is of no consequence.

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Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR), willfully joined the army in 2005, four years after 9/11, which was plenty of time for even the most naive to grasp that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, time to know there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, that the con involved idiot Bush citing Tony Blair’s lies in his State of the Union Address, time enough to grasp that the destruction of the secular country was to enrich Dick Cheney’s Halliburton war machine. With flagrant amorality, he invaded Iraq, and did his part to destroy the country.

Cotton has ignored all requests by this author to investigate the Arkansas-based charity without charitable status, in its financial support of a chilling organization run by al Qaeda in Idlib, involving little girls garishly made up to look as though degenerates are pimping them on the dark net for pedophiles who should be locked up.

The same Cotton who recently called on Biden to bomb “every Taliban fighter in the vicinity of Kabul,” supported Trump’s war criminal bombing of Syria for al Qaeda terrorists in Idlib, cheered the US/UK/French bombing of Syria for al Qaeda in Douma, supported Trump’s criminal assassination of Major General Qasem Soleimani, gave full support to terrorists in Hong Kong murdering police and torching innocents, and approved of Trump appointing Langley boy Guaido as president of Venezuela — as though the former president were King George, appointing governorships.

He also called for deployment of US military on the streets to such down demonstrations after the George Floyd suffocation killing.

Cotton outraged over Taliban terrorists taking control of Afghanistan.
Cotton silent on Arkansas ‘charity’ engaged in Epstein-like situation with little girls in Idlib.
Supremacist double standards: Hate Taliban but love terrorists in Syria.
Cotton cheered war criminal bombing of Syria for al Qaeda terrorists in Douma.

UNSG Antonio Guterres also went the round of fake teeth-gnashing, being “deeply concerned by accounts of human rights violations against the women and girls of Afghanistan” because of the takeover by the Taliban. Guterres was not Secretary-General in August 2013, when al Qaeda and Qattar’s al Jazeera raided villages in Latakia, slaughtering men and kidnapping women and their children.

He was, however, in office for one month at the time the remaining 57 women and their children were released from captivity in February 2017, in an exchange for arrested terrorists, in a moment long awaited. Guterres was utterly, silent when al Qaeda terrorists massacred upwards of 130 mostly women and children in al Rashidin during another terrorist-abductees exchange, 17 April 2017.

antonio hypocrite
kidnapped latakia women

freed syrian women

freed syrian women2
Latakia Freed Women and Children with President Assad and First Lady Asma

al Rashidin
Shahd survived the massacre in al Rashidin

Why has Guterres never been deeply concerned by kidnapped Syrian women being driven around in caged trucks before being murdered for war porn? Why was he not revulsed by the sight of a near full-term baby surgically carved out of his mother’s womb, by terrorists?

women in cages3

Were an award to be given for the most arrogant, two-faced, hypocritical, unindicted war criminal on Capitol Hill, it would surely go to Congressman Adam Kinzinger, likely jockeying for a presidential nomination. Previously seen on the Hill trying to squeeze out a couple of tears over 6 January, Kinzinger’s double standards are unprecedented.

He was a bomber pilot, which means that he used to fly over other people’s countries and drop bombs on them.

Now, he is devastated over the Taliban taking over Afghanistan and has shared a suicide hotline for veterans who invaded and occupied Afghanistan who might be depressed over this news.

In 2014, he held a meeting with terrorists — including an armed insurrectionist who supported ISIS terrorists and called them ‘brothers’ — in Turkey. Three years later, he tweeted an attack on Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, who visited Syria and had a meeting with President Assad. He sadistically reminded her of Omran, neglecting to mention the child was kidnapped, painted in moulage trauma, and had his iconic photograph taken by the savage who was friends with the deranged psychotics who kidnapped 12 year old Abdullah Issa from a hospital, and cut off his head with a kitchen knife, and videoed the horrific atrocity (Kinzinger has never mentioned Abdullah’s name).

Omran’s sister was a distraction from the “iconic” intention of the photograph.

Original “iconic” photo included gray-painted siblings. Sis was cropped out. AMC is US-funded, with same initials as a

takfiri rslan
Meth freak selfie, lauding child beheaders of al Zinki
hamza friend taunting abdullah

Abdullah Issa, 12 year old Syrian-Palestinian, kidnapped from hospital, moments before his heinous beheading
rslan (2)

Syrian-Palestinian 12 yr old Abdullah Issa was kidnapped from a hospital and beheaded on camera. Congress was sil
These are the degenerates for whom perverts Trump, May, & Macron bomb Syria. Credibility, anyone?
Al Qaeda FSA/Zinki branch kidnapped a child & proudly videoed themselves carving off his head.

Around the same time, he launched an anti-Syria congressional caucus, to support the armed insurrectionists, the criminally insane who slaughtered Syrian soldiers, and mutilated their corpses.

In late 2019, Kinzinger was so offended by Trump’s anemic tweet that gave a whisper of inference that maybe there might be a withdrawal, that he was giving apoplectic interviews condemning the possible ‘abandonment’ by Trump regime troops war criminally in Syria, of the terrorist, Obama-created SDF-NATO-armed-insurrectionists.

Kinzinger whined that they would be slaughtered by the “Turks” — secure in his arrogant knowledge that stenographer media would not point out that he held his meetings with terrorists in Turkey.

kinzinger hypocrisy
kinzinger taliban

suicide hotline for depressed invaders
Babycakes cried at hearings.
kinzinger attack on gabbard
kinzinger brokered c isis akidi
Okaidi with ISIS terrorist in Syria, before meeting Kinzinger in Turkey.
okaidi isil bakr
Okaidi callled other terrorists his brothers.
If al Qaeda in Syria were Taliban would Kinzinger support them?

Peculiarly poetic, immediately after a Category 5 hurricane passed, the author found her notes on Kinzinger in a dirty puddle on the floor, among other, undefinable detritus.

Kinzinger on floor c rest of detritus

As our hypocritical, lying, warmongering ilk on the Hill flaunt their phony attacks of amnesia, and their deadly double-standards, we remind their constituents of the war crimes our taxes fund, the support that these politicians give to the criminally insane, and that our tax dollars arm these savages so that they are able to destroy other people’s countries.

NATO stenographer journalists have treated the world to the imperialist double standards of weeping for the fallen soldiers who invaded Afghanistan, and died there, allegedly fighting terrorists. These are the same supremacists who have supported terrorists in Syria, and who have defamed Syrian Arab Army soldiers who were killed defending their homeland from foreign invaders, within their sovereign borders — including the 83 SAA soldiers that Obama ‘accidentally’ massacred to protect al Qaeda terrorists in al Thardeh, Deir Ezzor. The same western supremacy media wailing over the western soldiers who died in Afghanistan — fighting the Taliban — were silent when Syria released the news of a mass grave containing the remains of 57 Syrian soldiers slaughtered by unknown sects of al Qaeda, discovered in al Raqqa.

Unindicted war criminal Blair shows his respect for Brit soldier killed fighting Taliban.
Mass funderal for 83 Syrian soldiers massacred when Obama accidentally bombed them to assist al Qaeda terrorists.

It is a war crime to set up military bases in other people’s homelands without their permission. While Obama merely did the sneaky special operative forces invasion of the SAR, the Trump regime actually invaded with armed soldiers, to steal the oil, and to further arm terrorists and to increase armed insurrection — which are politician crybabies continue to wail about regarding 6 January — against the Levantine republic. The Biden regime, now partially under attack for the abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving that ‘vacuum’ for the Taliban to fill (when not playing in the gym, or in the amusement park bumper cars).

The first two screenshots are self-evident. The third shows the degenerate necrophiliac tendencies of the al Qaeda terrorists the US taxpayer arms and funds. These not Taliban psychotics have decapitated a Syrian Arab Army soldier, and are having a fun time pretending to feed the severed head.

The schmuck with the cigar and the rifle is American terrorist in Syria, Brace Belden. A self-described juvenile delinquent, druggie, and young alcoholic who spent much of his time engaged in self-ejaculatory efforts, this criminal somehow found the means to leave his mommy’s home, travel to and illegally enter Syria, and bomb the sh*t out of everything, including helping to turn the city of al Raqqa, population pre-takfiri invasion, 800,00, into rubble.

American terrorist Sotloff is seen practicing with a ground-to-ground military weapon. Sotloff — absurd backstory and other American illegals’ fantastic backstories, here — was reputedly sold by his FSA terrorist friends to ISIS terrorists. Armed American terrorist Eric Harroun had an alleged non-combat vehicular closed head injury which gave him an honorable, medical military discharge. Despite not having put enough money into Social Security, he managed on a paltry disability income to find his way into Syria, where he embedded with the FSA and al Nusra, helping to engage in such freedom-ish things as bombing a military helicopter from the sky, and then stealing salvageable parts (upon returning home, he was arrested, then charges were immediately dropped and he subsequently and conveniently killed himself with a heroin overdose.).

In May 2017, armed insurrectionist terrorists thank the United States for sending them trucks loaded with military weapons, which they planned to use to slaughter SAA soldiers in the battle to destroy Deir Ezzor. The full video of gratitude, here. Please note that these chunks of human garbage succeeded in murdering Gen. Issam Zahreddine, not long after the gifts from Donald Trump.

Matthew VanDyke was reared by a single mother, yet after graduation, he had beaucoup funds to acquire a motorcycle and expensive camera equipment and then enjoyed the good life of traveling to various hot spots in the world, stopping in Libya where he helped al Qaeda destroy the country, before illegally settling in Syria.

From there, he proclaimed that there was no ‘Syrian revolution,’ that the fraud would collapse without the savagery of the “foreign” terrorists, that Jabhat al Nusra — comprised of mostly ‘foreign fighters’ — should be removed from the US, UN, EU terror lists. In between time spent sodomizing goats, he wrote to British intelligence operative Elliot Higgins that the ‘foreign fighters’ had chemical weapons and was prepared to use them and blame on President Assad, who was winning the war.

His recent concern over women under the Taliban rang a bit hallow, given his seduction of a naive, Syrian traitor, the star in his award-winning fraudumentary. Emails he exchanged with her suggests he instructed her in the art of fellatio, and then turned her out, and subsequently sexually harassed her (his hacked emails with her, and with Higgins, here).

A thinking mind might wonder that the NATO stenographers that went into a swoon over his 15 minute docudrama all missed the fact that these armed terrorists supported with US tax dollars had invaded, occupied, and destroyed countless homes of Syrians, though we have no evidence the indigenous habitants were slaughtered in the making of the movie.

armed terrorist in syria
american armed terrorists in syria
armed insurrectionist necrophiliacs
brace belden

brace beldon2
raqqa obliterated
sotloff in syria
eric harroun
takfiri now training c us illegals in syria
american terrorist vandick
where are the owners
Whose home was this, that was destroyed by US armed and funded terrorists?

The supremacist double-standards involving condemnation of Taliban terrorists and financial support of the various factions of al Qaeda deployed into Syria, are not limited to the rabid dogs of war on the Hill, but are equally shared by other NATO terrorist scum around the world — powerful mobsters who dumped their human garbage into the Levantine republic, to butcher its population, destroy its homeland, and then be killed off, so that they could not return to their filthy homes of birth. The U went so far as to write a paper on how various European countries could protect themselves from ”foreign fighters” come home to roost — though the 149-page report significantly lied about the numbers of human detritus dumped into the SAR.

In addition to providing glowing news stories on the criminally insane foreigners, Germany, France, Italy, and the UK were among the countries with the biggest pockets for arming the beasts with two legs.

These unindicted war criminals now so concerned about the Taliban in Afghanistan dumped in its pathogens, armed them, funded them, cheered their every crime. Italy went so far as to use its odalisques opératives phony kidnapping to launder $12 million to al Qaeda savages, under cover of a ransom story (the pretty Italian agents’ backstory also included in The Final Days of Armageddon missive.

colonialist EU
germany arms terrorists
German Gay in ISIS – Roles and Duties
Yes, indeed. The German media celebrate Al-Qaeda in Syria.

Illegal alien and German terrorist Denis Caspert was killed by the SAA in 2013. Caspert was one of hundreds of pieces of hu

As Obama cheers Merkel’s compassion, she prepares for the deportation of more than 12,000 Afghanis. Note the hypo
17 aug merkel

bj helmets
British terrorist-illegal Oliver Hall.
bj and death squads
No mention of this short order cook being armed in a foreign country. [Virtue suiciding doubtful]
This Brit illegal was the source of the anti-Syria ‘sarin’ hoax.
Brit terrorist whose medical license was revoked, is interviewed by American terrorist Kareem
French – Belgian Wahhabi terrorist Abdul Rahman Ayachi
Shamima Begum’s alleged concubinator.
italy taliban
haisam saqar idlib
Phony humanitarian aid workers begged their country in English to help them.
italy laundered 12 million to al qaeda in syria

Perhaps the most sanctimonious post Taliban power grab came from the great enucleator of the Gilets Jaunes activists, the criminal who arms and funds al Qaeda and bombs Syria for al Qaeda atrocities, the criminal who gasses his people and then projects his crime onto the beloved Syrian president. The little man throw a hissy fit claim that his words were “twisted,” and so his peeps added English captions: France and other U countries must “protect against large irregular migratory flows that endanger those who are part of them and fuel trafficking of every kind” (the French is not any more intelligible).

For the rabid dogs of war — in political office, or in media stenography work — there is never enough chaos, never enough Pavlovian tricks to set one group against another, along comes a warmonger to attack a war pimp, and the Business Insider immediately reported that a man politician had launched ‘out of context’ accusations against a woman reporter.

As the old Aretha Franklin hit goes, Who’s Zoomin’ Who? Both Cruz and Ward are indictable under Nuremberg Principle VI, Crimes against Peace (i) and (ii):

Crimes against peace applicable to the Taliban and the urchins who lie about Syria.

Cruz supported Trump’s war criminal bombings of the SAR for al Qaeda terrorists there. Ward — who only wears niqab when embedded with terrorists, be they Taliban or various sects of al Qaeda occupying Syria — has an extensive history of criminal propaganda lies, and multiple criminal entries into the Levantine republic to embed herself with (male) terrorists who have destroyed the country, who have kidnapped, raped, and butchered Syrian women, so the scam of sisterhood and or gender victimization were better shoveled elsewhere.

Ward was the first to whitewash al Qaeda — including foreign terrorists — when the savages changed their names and pretended to have gone through an amicable divorce. She subsequently spoke at the UN (seated next to SAMS liar and no longer in niqab), \essentially functioning as mouthpiece for al Qaeda terrorists with who she had criminally embedded herself, winning awards for interviewing foreign savages also illegally in the SAR. On 6 September 2016, she blew kisses to American illegal Bilal Kareem, former stand-up comic from NYC, who is embedded with foreign terrorists in the SDN list, who interviewed the degenerate head of the al Zinki terror gang who kidnapped 12 year old Abdullah Issa from a hospital, and hacked off his head with a kitchen knife. The degenerate lied that the child was a man, and that the poor terrorists had been under a great deal of stress.

UNSC never held a special meeting to condemn the kidnapping and beheading of 12 yr old Abdullah Issa
Abdullah Issa, 12 year old Syrian-Palestinian, kidnapped from hospital, moments before his heinous beheading with a kitchen knife.

The gruesome video of the child being tormented while asking to be shot in the head, instead, has been expunged from the internet — not because of its heinousness, but because: The psychopaths are funded by the US taxpayer; one of the savages was involved with bombing a bakery (while Channel 4 was criminally embedded with him. This video was also expunged, but a screengrab from it found here); and one of the deranged killers was a friend of the fake physician married to the woman whose fraudumentary was nominated for an Oscar early this year.

ward kisses to kareem

To be completely explicit, Clarissa Ward has been a proponent of regime change against Syria since the onset of the NATO Spring. She has consistently embedded with terrorists, and spoken as their mouth piece. She has never concerned herself with the horrors that Syrian women have endured. Anyone who claims that the warmongering Cruz has attacked her because she is a woman — spending time in her element, with terrorists, the recently the Taliban ones — is a low-level propagandist for a variation on war propaganda.

Ward concerned over Taliban terrorists, but safe & secure with al Qaeda in Syria.
cruz and ward war criminals

ward of death
blocked by ward of death
Hands folded in supplication, head bowed in interview with terrorist in Syria.

Criminal illegal Ward in Syria, interviewing terrorists. Video showed her bowed head, walking several feet behind ma
AFP also somehow missed CNN’s Ward of Death’s tweet tribute to merc Kareem, in Sept. 2016.
Terrorists Kareem & SDN Muhaysini discuss need for Wahhabis of the world to invade Syria .

Bilal Abdul Kareem, American illegal in Syria, interviewed foreign terrorist with explosives belt in Aleppo, 2016.

Kareem interviewed an armed terrorist in Aleppo, groping his explosives belt which he was prepared to use against S

Criminal Bilal Abdul Kareem gives his degenerate audience noble explanation for kidnap & decapitation of a child in S
Ward intervieiwing al Qaeda terrorist in Syria.

Ward interviewing American illegal al Qaeda terrorist in Syria.
Terrorists bombed Syrian women enjoying a day in the park.

The western audience, trained over many decades of Operation Mockingbird, to eat the lies of warmongers, then beg, Please, Sir, may I have another, whose previously closeted sadoerotic fantasies pour out whenever it can feign sadness over countless atrocities, and slobber over outright lies, such as the incubator hoax funded by American taxpayers to dupe American taxpayers — is now being deluged with scary photographs of armed Taliban terrorists, some of whom drive around in trucks, reportedly terrifying Afghans, and threatening to kill, or outright killing of civilians, with alleged focus on women and girls.

The media manipulators now feign astonishment that the Taliban has come into possession of NATO weaponsSyria News has published countless reports on hundreds of millions of dollars worth of such weapons, abandoned by fleeing al Qaeda terrorists in the SAR — completely ignored by the double standard bearers of the MSM and corrupt political circles.

Similarly deranged-looking al Qaeda terrorists throughout Syria, armed with RPG’s and MANPAD‘s, have consistently been censored by the media stenographers, now in a frenzied outpouring of fear, regarding the Taliban takeover.

nato armed taliban

Taliban in Afghanistan
Terrorists in Syria supported by NATO that is worried about the Taliban.

scary taliban
arab spring flowers
Saudi Jaish al Islam was to have released 3,500 hostages.
filthiest of the filth
rpg taliban
helmet terrorist

takfiri 2

taliban 5
taliban whiners
Jaish-ISIS-alQaeda terrorist friend of the NYT source.
terrorist c rpg


Were some of these last terrorists of Douma culled from the 1,239 death row inmates the Saudis dumped into Syria?

Journalistic integrity requires us to make note of the very curious terror warning ejaculated by the US Department of Homeland Security, on 13 August 2021 and in effect through 11 November. Though the Biden regime officially announced the beginning of withdrawal from Afghanistan on May Day, 2021, the squirrely declaration of the DHS was shoe-horned between the Taliban taking control of Kunduz on 6 August, and entering Kabul on the 15th.

DHS issued strangely inclusive terror warning prior to the Taliban taking control of Kabul.

The warning was unprecedented in an eerie form of inclusivity, a “diverse and challenging threat” from malign foreign influences, foreign terrorists, domestic terrorists, possible grievance based violence during the ongoing global pandemic in which perceived government restrictions over public health safety measures require all to dutifully say something upon seeing something.

Less than one week later, the obviously disturbed Floyd Ray Roseberry — with a history of financial difficulties — live-streamed threats to detonate his truck near to the Congressional Library, as he told the world his mother recently died of cancer, his wife cannot get treated for her skin cancer, and he cannot get treatment for his bad knees. He live streamed from his Facebook account until it was shut down.

It took almost 15 hours after his uneventful surrender, before US law enforcement official announced no bomb was found in his truck, “but possible bomb making materials were collected from the truck” (emphases added).

Not a Taliban supporter, but a domestic terrorist.
Domestic terrorist under financial distress Floyd Ray Roseberry fit most of the inclusivity in the DHS warning.

The author again reminds our readers that the NATO junta which controls the UNSC has repeatedly supported terrorists in and against the Syrian Arab Republic, has repeatedly lied in support of them, since the launch of the NATO Spring against the Levantine republic, in 2011.

These klan members — and NATO — have begun to issue warnings against the Taliban, not to engage in terrorist activities against their entitled countries.

Gosh, it is almost as though they have decided wave the proverbial red flag in front of the bull in the China shop (mixed metaphors are currently of some use).

Brit ambassador to UN warns Taliban.
Frog ambassador to UN says no money for terrorists…
…except, of course, al Qaeda in Syria.
US supremacist ambassador to UN warns Taliban.
Et voilà! NATO warns the Taliban.

The Taliban – related imperial chaos unleashed by NATO politicians and diplomats has only just begun, and will persist even as the criminal liars continue to arrogantly flaunt their support of terrorists in Syria.

— Miri Wood

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