November 30, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 37 Comments
By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor(With commentary by Steve Johnson)
Millions around the world look at Wikleaks as poor, harried Julian Assange and his personal struggle against the evil empire of Bush/Obama America. Hate, envy, oh, there is lots of envy here, America stimulates that with its highways filled with gas guzzling cars, eating half the world’s meat, all the best music, television and a military that scares the begeezus out of everyone. What’s not to hate?
Many American’s are buying in on this hate. Journalist Arnaud de Borchgrave calls these people “self hating Americans.” He has, at times, coined me their leader. Consider this my resignation. There is nothing in Wikileaks about fixing problems, the job honest critics of America believe in, or at least should. Wikileaks is cheap sleazy marketing, dime store junk in a shiny package.
The biggest challenge of all had to be marketing Julian Assange. Assange began life as a reputed computer hacker though never punished when caught. This is where the smell begins. Other hackers waste away in prison, not Assange. Assange seems to have a guardian angel. It didn’t take Assange long to attack the 9/11 truth movement, the single area where America and the world actually want information leaked. Getting a 9/11 leak out of Assange is not likely, not even since the rest of the world learned about building 7 being demolished by exposives.
We are all still waiting for Assange to explain his way out of that one. We didn’t know who he was protecting over 9/11. We still aren’t sure but, more and more, the Assange 9/11 denial, with the revelations about Building 7, is another smoking gun, one pointed at Wikileaks as phony, one pointing at Israel as looking more than a bit involved. Assange quickly moved on, from possible front man for the 9/11 conspirators.
Julian Assange’s next incarnation after his introduction to the world as the poor harried gay-boy, getting America’s secrets from his paramour in the Pentagon had to have a more manly edge. Assange, wicked, mysterious and somewhat sleazy and his cohort, boyish, Midwestern, obviously seduced into betraying his country wasn’t playing well, not everyone is “gay friendly.” Assange had to be repackaged for a broader demographic.
This was how it began to play out, a fiction of course, as there was never a boyfriend and there were no real leaks at all. It was all an invention, a myth, cheap marketing, selling Wikileaks, building a brand for it as though it were pantyhose or a cold remedy made out of rat poison. Wikileaks was a tool, one to be taken out when needed and put away when the work is done.
Wikileaks were nothing but the scraps, the chickenfeed, left over from a major spy organization that accessed real secrets, nuclear weapons, war plans. Those were sold on the open market, as we are learning. Wikileaks was the political arm, spreading rumors, dissent, and readying the world for war, preparing the public for what is coming, by the people who are planning “what is coming.”
Wikileaks is war by deception. We all know who does that. Maybe even the same people who planned and executed what we have now, starting with 9/11 onward.
The leaks themselves started as inane, then went to “youtube forgettable.” On any given day, more secret information hits the mainstream press, or the “alternative news” or, better yet, the “fringe” press, all exceeding Wikileaks, certainly in quality and substance. Wikileaks began as reprocessed new stories and chickenfeed, all “gussied up” through what is commonly called a “guerrilla marketing” program, the same way the movie Blair Witch Project was sold.
Wikileaks was all “sizzle” but no steak dinner. There was one catch, however. The mainstream news was all over Wikileaks, when it was nothing, when they leaked nothing, almost as though they had received orders from above to sell Wikileaks because it was going to be needed for something later.
This, in particular, made Wikileaks seem wrong. News organizations spend millions working “inside sources.” Now they are supposedly made to look like total incompetents by this “upstart” out of nowhere? Not only do they lap it up, they do it with a smile. Shouldn’t the news have turned on Wikileaks, not just competition but debunking the press more than anything else?
This was the obvious side the news should have taken, what they should have seen, even what the alternative news should have seen in a minute but so few did. This is where it became clear. It wasn’t simply the old story of Zionist control of the press, you know the one, Jews run everything, own everything, make up the news and laugh at the rest of us, no, it wasn’t just that. It was something more simple, more basic.
Wikileaks tapped into the motherload, a well of hate across Latin America, Canada, Europe, Russia, the Arab world, Paksitan and India. Countries that would incinerate each other for the fun of it all love Wikileaks. In some areas of the world, hating America is more popular than cricket.
Wikileaks sells hate. Wikileaks finds its energy by tapping into the envy the world feels for the United States and helps twist that into hate. They are doing it, not as an end in itself, but as a way allowing their sponsor, one so obvious they should be asking for credit, perhaps we could call it “Zioleaks.”
As author Jeff Gates points out, Wikileaks is simple “game theory,” an Israeli psychological operation meant to provide cover for acts of genocide they have taken part in. Gates also points out “means, motive and opportunity” as the criteria for understanding Wikileaks. These common watchwords known to any criminal investigator prove one thing, Wikileaks simply does not exist, not the cover story, not the myth.

How many teenagers are being paid by Germany as holocaust survivors? One group alone conned Germany out of $42 million.
A country like that will stoop to anything and for Israel, a nation that has an odd history, so much to hide, so many lies, so many crimes, uncounted crimes, so many crimes that the holocaust is dragged out as a smokescreen…
Then we have the myth, Wikileaks, not selling so well as a gay pair.
Assange has to be reborn, first as the new “Yassar Arafat,” the “man without a country,” said to be fleeing from one recording studio and one 5 star hotel to another, inches ahead of the CIA and MI-6.
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We know about Arafat also.
One of my friends used to fly him. He did so as a Lt. Col. in the United States Air Force.
Why did the world’s greatest terrorist leader have an American plane at his disposal? Oh how we lie, oh how we build those strawmen.
You’ve heard stories about Osama bin Laden being on dyalisis in an American hospital? I wonder if the Air Force was flying him too?
Assange is a strawman, he exists but is he Wikileaks?
The idea of a rather feminine looking young man who is said to receive secret material from an openly gay young American soldier isn’t good marketing. “Gay” doesn’t sell in today’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) world. Assange had to be reborn and what better guise than as a vicious “accused” rapist, pehaps the most “accused” then “unaccused” then “reaccused” rapist in history.
When American women look on Assange, the idea of following him to a hotel room or being raped seems a bit unlikely. Selling Assange as a “masher,” or “date rape” suspect with “on again/off again” criminal charges should have raised suspicions with the press. Funny thing, the press seems to take it all in, this new improved Assange, the potential sex criminal, the heterosexual animal preying on Swedish women, a nation famed for its passive and demure women. It would be a better than average guess that most female highschool students in Sweden could beat Assange in arm wrestling.
I think I have a new reality show here. Consider this a copyright.
This new Assange, serial rapist, “Yassar Arafat” clone, this one is selling better. What was once seen as feminine and even creepy can now be seen as sinister and dangerous. Women can now buy in. Assange is now a “bad boy.” Maybe we can have Ken O’Keefe give him some “man up” lessons and get him some ink.
While all this drama goes on, quietly, behind the scenes in an American courtroom, those paid to note such things are learning that Wikileaks is actually not a “star crossed” gay lover at all but a group of Israeli citizens, highly paid, heavily protected, working at the highest levels of American government, working for the State of Israel. Former AIPAC employee, Steve Rosen, listed on the indictment below, is now offering evidence of a massive and continuing spy operation, one accessing, well, Wikileak data among other things.
Funny thing, nobody has ever found the magic Wikileaks “treehouse” with the dozens of elves who sift through documents. The NSA and a dozen other agencies can pick up these keystrokes on my computer the second they hit, tap 200 million telephones, kidnap a woman off the streets of Karachi with a two minute phone request but they don’t seem to be able to find the offices or computers of Wikileaks.
Israel does what it does, plays its games, runs America around like a nation of fools. This time, however, the world is being conned.
Where did I hear that before, “We con the world.”
Really, we heard all of this before, back during the Cold War. Normally, something like Wikileaks would be a KGB operation, meant to humiliate the “vicious American imperialists” and, let’s not forget, their “running dogs.” The diplomatic cables in Wikileaks certainly pointed out America’s “running dogs” for sure.
Yes, this used to be an old Soviet game and they were good at it.
Now, all those old Russian spies are in Tel Aviv, drinking tea all day and plotting. Wikileaks is their game. There they sit, laughing at all of us while the world burns down.
They conned the world.
Editor’s note: Other than this being an agreement with the author’s point of view, I am including it, frankly, because it is better written.
Steve Johnson says:
Wiping away the tears of laughter visualizing Ken O’Keefe on a late-night bender with Assange getting ripped on cheap whiskey in the Kit-E-Kat club and singing Sea shanties about Marine adventures in Guam, I quickly realised the authors intent is far more serious a subject than this pictorial reference of a limp wristed bowell-prowling (less than arayan example of manhood) crying tears of violation for a whole day next morning about his new ” Semper Fi ” tattoo emblazened and weeping on his left ass cheek.Disturbing visuals aside, this new release brought reference in my mind to the last big release that was so obvious in it’s context and purpose they almost forgot to remove the Netanyahu -Abe Foxman signatures from the information release forms before seeding it to the media.
What advantage is gained by the information released and to whom is this releases advantageous for?
I consider Gordon Duff is spot on with his analysis. The last release prior blamed Iran weapons supplies for directly arming resistance fighters in Iraq.
The last release talked down the scale of the numbers of murdered civilians in both failed corporate sponsored adventures* of Iraq and Afghanistan. *(See War Inc.)
Immediately those who knew the knew the true figures and scope of the lies being told saw this as a deliberate direct attempt at “watering down” the human rights and war crimes that have been committed by such illegal “adventures”. A kind of plausible deniability in the face of the facts coming out eventually anyway.
Their concept is similar to the 9-11 truther/Gatekeeper phenomenon of late. Truth for Sale. just $29.99 per DVD. Might as well have a planned and controlled release IF ANY release is going to occur. Might as well have our own useful idiot as a poster boy if ANY idiot is going to get the numbers out one day.
This new information presented in the article above solidifies the now obvious link between AIPAC spying scandal and it’s true purpose in being the hasbara wing of the current Administration left with a legacy of illegal invasions, and rampant human rights abuses. It seems all this mess initiated and authorised from a former President who has the IQ and cerebral organic neuron content of a wet shoebox in a mud puddle. (No offense intended to any shoeboxes whom might be reading this article)
Were this not a very serious situation and the potential for initiating an INTERNET clampdown on whatever information THEY WANT that individuals might be posting, I would attempt another amusing anecdote. However this is not correct protocol given the seriousness of the wider implications of the effects of this new release.
Instead of directly targeting and shutting down ASSANGE, the authorities will use his behaviours to enforce their new tighter rules about internet information and the controlled releases of any and all pertinent information. A blanket fix for a bandaid problem. (As usual)
One could speculate this is a pre-cursor for a false flag which I am sure some in the past have been postponed due to rapid dissemination of critical information vital to their operation. By maintaining independent freedom as writers and researchers, who knows how many such State Sponsored operations such websites like this one has managed to thwart or complicate in the past.
Brilliant article and essential information.
River to Sea
It is difficult to say which are the true pretensions of Assange or the intentions of who it supplies information to Wikileakes. But we can be sure of two things:
ReplyDelete1) Bush wanted to create an Agency to publish lies and stockings truths in the media;
2) Obama doesn't need to do the same because it can use Assange and to blame him for the leaks.