
Thursday, 7 July 2011

Levy's "Syrian Conferance": Stars, Kambars and Allegiance

By Osman tzghart
In case uou missed it:
Meet the spiritual leader of the neo "Grand Arab revolutions"
My translation

Before yesterday Paris witnessed a conference organized by the Star of «new» French philosophers,  Bernard-Henri levy, known as  dear «friend» of Israeli occupation state, the conference was supposed to be in solidarity with the Syrian opposition. The Conference could serves as a screenplay for a cynic film , as riddled with speculations of caricature
Non-Syrian Novelist & Philosopher
Non-Syrian Novelist & Philosopher
The Conference, "solidarity with Syria" held yesterday evening in the cinema «San Germán», in the Latin quarter in Paris upon the invitation of the magazine «Rule of the game»» La règle du jeu, directed by French writer Bernard-Henri levy, attracted ,  a big crowd. The most effective part was the impressive testinomies written by a group of Deraa children and youth  about operations of oppression and youth typed read by the  film star Jane berkane and filmmaker Xavier bovwa of («human beings and God»).
Although prominent Syrian opposition figures objected and called for a boycott (see Al-Akhbar number 1452), Henry levy opened the Conference by saying that this is the first gathering of its kind, that brings the Syrian opposition with all various spectrum, though at the end of the Conference, Levy apologized because many Syrian opposition figures attending the meeting, were unable to speak, claiming ... Limited time!
The many fallacies Conference ceremony began with a video showing acts of suppression of demonstrators in Syria, and turned into a case against Arab nationalism as the root of dictatorship!, not only criticising the Syrian Baath party, but involving Gamal Abdel Nasser, claiming that unity with Egypt (not coups) eliminated the democracy in Syria, since the requirement of unity of Abdel Nasser had put an end to the parliamentary experience of pluralism in Syria! The same tape compared between repression of demonstrators in Syria with Nazi genocide.  The comparison irritated zionist Bernard Shalsha, and the partner of Bernard Henri levy in organizing this Conference and activating it, the later apologized, saying it "you may not compare what is comparable»!. He added: «we regret this tape is not prepared by us , and the Organizing Committee bear on responsibility of what contained therein».
No doubt the motives of Bernard Shalsha here is not objectivity or challenging the apparent  exaggeration in  comparing the repression in Syria and bloody in the Nazi Holocaust. The reason of the objection of this extremist Zionist, is another thing, the pain of the Jewish people cannot be compared, because it is above all human pain.
Pro-Palestine activist: The goal behind St. Germaine meeting was mere Zionist
Thurraya Ezzeh

This Zionism background  in the Congress emerged again, when a Syria girl from the audience left the Hall, saying angrily: "there is no Syrian opponents in this Hall, all here are Zionists. Although the majority of the attendees met the girl with laughter and ridicule, Bernard Shalsha  commented, saying: «I wish to recall that a Zionist is the term used by in some literature instead of the word Jew».

Then, a French person stepped from the public to respond to acute Shalsha: «Who talked about the Jews? Nobody talked about Jews! I would like to remind you that talking about Zionism does not speak out of vacuum, Syria has territory occupied by a Zionist State named Israel!».

As usual, Bernard-Henri levy sought to attract the spotlight, focusing on the fact that this Conference has been supported by prominent French political personalities from both right and left. Syrian opponents, they were more like balkombars, so allowing for seven French personalities to talk long, read letters of support from six other French personalities who were unable to attend, while invoking the lack of time for not allowing Syrian opposition figures to talk.

Levy initially told about a statement he drafted jointly with a number of prominent cultural figures, from Salman Rushdie to Umberto Eco, and Woody Allen to Amos Oz, to ask the UN Security Council to issue a resolution condemning repression in Syria. Then promised that «this Conference campaign won't stop till Assad leave governance».

In his speech, former French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, objected the popular idea that the Syrian regime is a balance and stability factor in the region, noting that democracy is the best possible service for peace in the Middle East, the democratic transition must be supported in order to break the axis Hezbollah Iran Syria». In that context, Kouchner stressed that the «fallacy of claiming that dictatorship protects minorities, democracy means plurality not sectarian». He advocated more pressure and sanctions on the Syrian regime, claiming that several Arab countries formally backing Western demands to Assad's departure from Office. Feeling the impatience of the Hall, he added: «I can give you an example: for example Turkey!».
In turn, former President of the French Government, Socialist Laurent Fabious chose humor, saying: «when protests in Syria started , no one imagined that things would take such a trend, I recall that bloody distinguished diplomat who assured me that President Bashar Al-Assad could not repeat what happened in Tunisia or Egypt or Libya, and his argument that Assad chosed to study ophthalmology, surgery because less bloody!».
On the other hand, the President of the Foreign Relations Committee in the French Parliament Boniatovski Excel called to draw the economic sanctions sword against the Syrian regime, on the basis that it had proved to be effective in Iran, where «the regime in Tehran and is nearing collapse, thanks to the economically international sanctions.
In the meantime, the Algerian origin women's activist, Fadela Amara, which had occupied the post of Minister for the city at the beginning of President Nicolas Sarkozy, have took the risk to talk about the Palestinian issue, stressing her support for "Arab Democratic spring", and renouncing the roles played by Arab women in ongoing revolutions, called «support the legitimate aspirations of all Arab peoples for freedom and democracy, including the Palestinian people, which we must support their right in freedom and dignity.

But the tone of Zionism soon returned with the intervention of Dominic Swapo, the President of , SOS Racisme, whoch strongly attacked the «agents» of the Syrian regime, in the Hall  in reference to some of those who have tried to express different views. Swapo tstressed hat «those who speak here about Zionism, are planting the seeds of anti-Semitism over the graves and bodies of the martyrs of the Syrian revolution.
Then came the role to another symbol of «new philosophers, Andrey Gloxman,» who meet with Bernard-Henri levy in his Zionist orientations. But Gloxman, unlike Henri levy, who claims belonging to left wing, is a likudist where his work focused mainly on the fight against Marxism. during 1960s and 1970s, and participating in promotional anti-Soviet Union campaigns financed by the CIA, and justifying  the crimes of the military juntas in Latin America.
During these interventions letters of support from a number of French political figures that had not been able to attend has been read, especially presidential candidates Martine Aubry, François Bayrou François hollande, as well as the Mayor of Paris, Bertrand Delanoe, who addressed the Conference, saying that «Paris consider Syrian refugees and opponents as her sons, and opens its arms for them».
On that Xavier Bovwa, after reading the testinomies  of Deraa children commented saying: «during our activities in the region of Calais, in solidarity with Afghan refugees, some of our comrades were imprisoned simply because they shipped some phones. Thus, when Delanoe,say Paris would host the Syrian refugees, I should like to say to him that there is a wide gap between acts and sayings».  
Lamis al-Atassi
The interventions of opposing Syrians were limited to ,  Ashraf Mekdad, the uncle of child martyr Hamza al-Khatib, Mohammad karkoti, media writer residing in London, and Radwan Badini, representative of Kurds in Syria Change Association for democracy arising from Antalya Conference.

The testinomy of the uncle of Hamza al-Khatib, was very impressive moment, was stronger than all the political speeches that overshadowed the Conference. It started citing Jean-Jacques Rousseau on the proposition that "society should be governed by all of its components». And expressed its rejection of approaches and manipulations of sectarianism, saying: «what is happening in Syria a popular revolution, not ethnic or sectarian backgrounds. A revolution aimed at building free and democratic, Syria is not the place for bullying or communal».

But the Syrian interventions, soon signed in a tragic comedy character, which had characterized the activities of the Conference. In his intervention,  Radwan Badini, speaking in his capacity as the representative of the Syrian Kurdish opposition coalition emerged from «the Antalya», said «I am a Kurd was denied since 34 years of basic rights as Syrian citizens». But two minutes later, he hailed Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan!
The intervention of media activist Mohammed Kakoti, was funny, and wailing, he praised French values thanked  thanked the people and the Government, for standing beside the Syrian people. His Greetings  were followed by saying «in Syria today dark prevail in daylight, heavy blood gushed while tyrant stand smiling, as if looking at swarms of beautiful butterflies that fly in peace». While the Translator was trying hard to convey the idea to the French public with the least loss possible», he added «In my Syria the Spring started as Autumn,  and hurricanes continued. The tyrant  even wants to change the climate laws». A funy French commented «the country suffers the problem of electricity, not a popular revolution».

At the end of the Conference, Henry levy stunned everyone again, by reading a statement he called «Paris oath » inviting the audience to vote, by raising hands, on the text calling for a «free Middle East, a peaceful Middle East, a  free Syria living in peace with its neighbours».

Levy Conference was a Total failure, the main reason was the Facebook campaign led by Syrian intellectuals and activists at the Conference and the boycott of opposition Syrian symbols living in Paris who issued a statement condemning the meeting, thus isolating the Syrian participants, including the Muslim Brotherhood including Mulhim Aldroubi.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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