Tuesday 29 March 2011

Levy & the 'Libyan Massouds'....

Via "friday-lunch-club"

Supporting some butchers while opposing a few others, as long as both breeds kill Arabs!

"...after his key role in the run-up to France's intervention in Libya, Bernard-Henri "BHL" Levy, can probably safely claim to be the world's most powerful philosopher: 
Lévy took up the Libyan cause in earnest after meeting Mustafa Abdul Jalil, former Libyan justice minister and leader of the opposition's National Transition Council (NTC). He traveled to Libya March 4 wearing his journalist's hat – he's on the board of the progressive French daily Libération. During the interview, Lévy asked Mr. Abdul Jalil if the NTC would come to Paris. That night he phoned Mr. Sarkozy: Will the president meet "the Libyan Massouds," he reportedly asked, referencing Ahmad Shah Massoud, the former leader of Afghanistan's Northern Alliance, who is revered in France. The president agreed.
"I called the president of my country from Benghazi to tell him, 'There are people here, good people; these people hold the same values as we do, and they’re going to die to the last one if we allow Qaddafi to go on to the conclusion of his criminal logic. Would you accept to receive them in Paris and thus send a strong signal to the butcher?' Nicolas Sarkozy immediately said yes,"..."
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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