
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

US-Israel behind Egyptian religious riots

On Monday, Egypt’s most popular Islamic movement, the Muslim Brotherhood issued an appeal to both Muslims and Copts to calm down and see the foreign hands behind the riots.
“Needless to say, the number of dead and wounded and the extent of the destruction all prove that these events are not merely the result of the Edfu, Aswan Church, but the work of domestic and foreign hands endeavouring to abort the revolution and disrupt the march towards freedom, justice and democracy, even if that leads to civil war between brothers who share and have always shared homeland, blood and history, as some declared openly.”

Lebanon’s Islamic Resistance, Hizbullah, also condemned the sectarian riots in Cairo on Monday. Hizbullah claimed that Washington was behind the latest riots to divide the Muslim East on the basis of religious and racial differences. The Lebanese movement has called on Egyptians to be vigilant and try to resolve their problems through dialogue.

So far the three-day riots have cost 26 dead including three policemen and over 300 injured, mostly Coptics. The Coptic Christian minority makes 5-7% of the total Egyptian population of 80 million.
Hazem El-Beblawi, Egypt’s deputy prime minister and finance minister, has resigned from the pro-US military government in protest over the deadly violence.

Israel which supported Hosni Mubarak against anti-government protests – is affraid that if the ruling military junta allowed democratic elections, pro-Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood, has the change to dominate the newly elected civilian government.

In addition to the attack on Israeli embassy in Cairo, the Egyptian government has rounded up several Israelis and local people for spying for Israel. On New Year Eve, Mossad agents bombed Alexanderia Coptic church, killing 22 and injuring 80 more. However, the Jewish terrorist act, instead of turning the incident into sectarian riots – bonded the Muslim-majority and Christian minority.
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