
Friday, 20 January 2012

No renewal to Mishaal: external pressures and internal differences

The race for Hamas chairmanship
The day they tried to kill him was the day Mishal the leader was born,’
a Jordanian journalist told McGeough.
‘The man who died that day was Abu Marzook.
Nobody wanted to talk to Abu Marzook after that – it was Mishal, Mishal, Mishal.’
Kill him again
According to Pro Hamas PIC, a "Palestinian source, close to Hamas movement, said that Khaled Mashaal, the chairman of the political bureau of Hamas, has no intention of running for Hamas chairmanship in the next elections".

In other words Mishaal would not be nominated for the top post in Hamas.


According to Lebanon's Al-Akbar, Sources close to Hamas provided different stories, about internal differences within Hamas, and external pressure, specifically in relation to the crisis in Syria. One source insisted that the news is “just a rumor.”

Sources close to «Hamas» confirmed that the decission against Mashaal was taken during the meeting of the political Bureau of Hamas in Sudan two weeks ago.

The source said its no secret that the resolution was a result of pressures and conflicts without elaborating, but the sourse stressed that reconciliation with Abbas which provoked reactions from some leaders in Hamas «had nothing» to do with the issue.

Hamami from London
Leave Damascus now
Nato Mufti
The source linked the issue  with what is happening in Syria, saying that nominating a new chairman stems from the desire of the Hamas to move the political Bureau from Damascus, without formal announcement.
Electing another chairman for the political Bureau, will automatically lead to moving Hamas body to a different location, where the new chief resides.

The source pointed that there is two candidates who would replace Mashaal, One is Mousa Abu Marzouk, the current Deputy Chief, who was succeeded by Mashal in 1997 when Abu Marzouk was detained in the United States. So if Abu Marzuk is nominated, the political Bureau will move to Cairo which became his semi-permanent home.
since he left Damascus.

The second option is the Ismail Haniyeh, the President of the dismissed Government in Gaza, who enjoys strong influence within the movement. And if elected, the political Bureau will move to the Gaza Strip.

However, the same source says the second possibility of the second option is unlikely because moving to Gaza would limit the Chairman ability to move freely, adding that he would be an easy target for the Israelis.
He also adds that Hamas is expecting changes in Egyptian politics towerds Gaza in general and especially towards Rafah crossing.
The source deos not exclude the possibility that the decision stems  from the internal pressure recently exerted on Mashaal concerning his position towards Syria.
Meshal tried to find a way out by initiating a dialogue between

Abu Al-Walid tried to open a gap in the wall of the Syrian crisis between the Syrian regime and some clerics known to oppose  the regime, and at the same time, afraid of the Salafist tide.
Mashaal's attemps was not met with approval from some leaders Hamas who feel that the "arab spring" and the Muslim brothers rise as a great chance to open a dialogue with Washington.

in other words Mashaal's attemps shall spoil the "great chance" and may rock the MB boat. More here
Few days ago, I posted a translation for Nader izzeddin article posted at Al-Manar arbic site. Nader asked: "
Why Jeffrey jumped from Egypt to Turkey in a broad secret obscure visit?Starting from Cairo, with the Lebanese newspaper Al-Saffeer story (No 12081 number issued on 11/1/2012), about the "convening the first meeting between a senior Islamic organization in Egypt at the Rafah crossing. Following the story we learned that this meeting was personally sponsored by Feltman to prepare for another meeting with the Assistant Secretary of State William Burns (the meeting was held on 11/1/2012)."
Now we know that the Islamic Organization is the Egypt Muslim brothers, and the senior leader is Isam Al-Aryan, But why the meeting was convened at the Rafah crossing, not in Cairo??
Connecting the dots, it is not dificult to conclude that Isam Al-aryan sponsored Fafah crossing meeting held between Feltman and some Hamas leader (not Haneyeh who was on his "Spring tour"), and its not difficult to guess why Mashaal should step down.  
Mishaal responds to Qaradawi
Back to Al-Akbar source, the source points that Mashaal, recently received a message from one regional political party supporting Hamas for «Hamas» asking for an explicit stand on Syria, with "either with us or against us"

Again it is not difficult to quess who is the regional Hamas supporter......

According to Syrian opposition circles in Cairo, Hamad bin Jassem, in a meeting with members of the Syrian National Council in the Egyptian capital, presented an analysis stressing that Hamas ended as the movement of armed resistance. Hamas exit from Damascus, which has become confirmed will put an end to hamas as a resistance movement. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt will not be able to protect Hamas as an armed resistance movement because of the Camp David and Egyptian army presence and the large economic vulnerability in Egypt as well as the Egyptian society is not psychological ready for going to war on the border with Palestine, moreover the Jordan brothers can't embrace Hamas because Jordan cannot bear this burden.

"In a conference in Tehran Wednesday, Hamas representative in Iran Khaled Al-Qoddoumi stated that “Hamas considers non-recognition of the Zionist regime as its strategic red line. Therefore no one has the right to review this issue. This cannot be put into debate and is among the firm principles of the Palestinian Islamic resistance.”"

Palestinian source: Mishaal not to run for Hamas chairmanship
[ 17/01/2012 - 05:36 PM ] 

DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- A Palestinian source, close to Hamas movement, said that Khaled Mishaal, the chairman of the political bureau of Hamas, has no intention of running for Hamas chairmanship in the next elections.

The source, who refused to be identified, told the PIC on Tuesday that Mishaal would not accept nomination for the top post in the movement.
Senior officials in Hamas had earlier denied press reports that Mishaal would nominate himself for chairmanship of the Palestinian national council, or Palestinian parliament in exile, in the upcoming elections.

River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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