The answer is clear, Mr. Bayoumy, and its up to you and your party. The shortest way govern is Pleasing the USA, Via pleasing its Tool Israel, and its Zionist Lobby. Ask your brother Ghanushi. But it's also the shortest way to lose power, morals, and political future.
I am sure that worries you and you brothers. You can't stay on the fence, and should come down to this side or that.
Khalid Amayereh, who wrote few days ago: All we want from Egypt is to tell Israel, straight in the eyes, our commitment to the Camp David Peace Treaty depends on your behavior toward the Palestinians, driven by fear that his Egyption brothers may lose by their left hand what they got by their right hand (Hamas), he finally got it
"The Muslim Brothers have said that they will respect Egypt's international obligations" though "Camp David treaty was not really a treaty of peace, but rather a treaty of submission and capitulation to Zionist regional hegemony, arrogance and military supremacy" wrote Khalid Amayereh.
“We advise and insist that this warship not return to its former base in the Persian Gulf,” Salehi told reporters on Tuesday, according to the armed forces website. “We don't have the intention to repeat our warning, and we warn only once,” he was quoted as saying.
- you are looking for power, just power, and would deal with the devil for power.
- You dealt with Sadat, with Mubarak for 30% of the Parlament seats, with Tantawi, and with the USA,
- Like Sadat (No 20 years before Sadat), believed and still believe that the USA holds 99% of the cards, that the shortest way to govern is to please the USA,
- You believed and still believe that you may please the USA, without pleasing its "Chosen" tool.
Mr Powell started in Damascus with a strong and clear message to Syria's President Bashar al-Assad that Washington expected change including an end to Syria's support for militant Palestinian and Lebanese groups classified as terrorists. |
8 years passed and Bashar still govern and shall govern for many, many years.
A stupid may think Assad, who stood tall after Bush declared" Mission acomplished, would bow while deteated Obama declaing declairing: Defeat accomplished.
Deep in the Syrian national mind and collective memory, Palestine is a Syrian occupied Land, Lebanon is a Syrian land, Jordan and Iraq are Syrian Lands, Iskandarouna is an occupied Syrian Land.
This fact explains why Gollan was never a Syrian priority."?
Back to Egypt Muslim Brothers: Its not enough to say "the Brotherhood will not recognize the "criminal state of Israel."
People don't care about what you say, they care about what you do, and we saw what you did so far.

Hamas, as a resisrance movement washed all you historical mistakes/sins.
Hamas is entiltled to be your "Hezbollah", you crane, all it needs is a MB Assad in Cairo, to destroy all walls with Gaza Hashim, Gaza Al-izza.
Don't kill your best offsping.
However, since Israel has violated these resolutions rather starkly and scandalously, if only by building hundreds of Jewish colonies on occupied land, and by transferring hundreds of thousands of its citizens to live on land that belongs to another people, Egypt should be able to downgrade its commitment to and compliance with the infamous treaty to the bare minimum.
Such a posture on Egypt 's part wouldn't be viewed as declaration of war or even a unilateral promulgation of the treaty. It would only be viewed as a necessary measure reflecting Egypt 's sovereignty and national will.
There is no doubt that the treaty and relations with Israel will be a litmus test for the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) as well as the other Islamist party, the Nur, representing the Salafi brothers.
The Islamists under all circumstances must keep a distance from Israel even if bullied, coerced and pressured by the United States to behave otherwise. Any concession, real or imagined, in this regard will cost the Islamists dearly in terms of their standing in the eyes of the people.
The Islamists must not allow themselves to gain acceptance and favor from the criminal entity and her supporters, especially the Jewish-controlled US Congress, at the expense of the Egyptian people's acceptance of the Islamists.
In Egypt as elsewhere in the Arab and Muslim world, there is a mutually exclusive relationship between having normal relations with Israel and being accepted and respected by the masses. A government, including an Islamist or quasi-Islamist government, can only have either good relations with Israel and her supporters on the one hand, or acceptance and respect from the people, on the other. It can't have both, period.
In case you missed it: Raja last question in 2011
Is there some secret deal , in which the Islamist may take over
Which shows why islamism is only refuted when it is an-Iranian-Islam .
Think about it and answer me next year , please.
رَجا شْمَيِّل
- Brothers of America
- "O people and political forces"
- "Arab spring" is a great asset for Palestinian cause - commented
- Amayereh, indirectly,addressing himself and his brothers: Don't allow yourselves to fall into the trap.
- "We can't take people's support for granted."
- Divide to Rule: "Arab Spring" between Secularism and sectarianism.
- The Abbas-Mishaal encounter: what is next? - The start of a ”real" Palestinian partnership
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!
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