
Thursday 15 November 2012

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish

The Psychopathology Of Being Jewish And Getting Away With It

Psychopaths do not reveal themselves until they do something which requires a conscience. They can imitate the behavior of others and for example to pretend grief at a funeral. But they reveal themselves to a camera as when President Clinton exited a funeral laughing and joking but instantaneously switched to grief mode when he saw TV cameras. Today I want to warn you about the strong strain of psychopathology in the Jewish leadership.

Psychopaths are attracted to positions of power and have a competitive advantage because they have no conscience. I will be commenting on the video below. Psychopaths reap a lot of social damage so we need to be aware of what they can do. An example of a corporation without a conscience would be Monsanto. An example of a group of people with leaders who border on psychopathology would be the Jews. The Rothschild owned Bank of England did loan the German government 350 million pounds in 1935 to buy guns and to rebuild Farben. And it was Israel that took down World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7 on 9-11-2001 in order to plunge the Gentile world into war for the Jewish oligarchy. The video maker lists the key characteristics of psychopaths so we can spot them and hopefully protect ourselves.

Psychopaths do mot have empathy. That is what defines them. Empathy is the ability to feel within one’s self the emotions and feelings of others. Empathy makes us human. Psychopaths have no empathy and are therefore not fully human. Psychopaths realize at an early age they are not fully human and learn to imitate others so they can be more socially acceptable.

Being Jewish is killing 60 million Gentiles in the Soviet Union, never saying you are sorry and Getting Away With It.

Psychopaths can have no genuine remorse. Remorse is a feeling of shame for an act the person has committed they deem to be hurtful to others. Psychopaths can pretend to be sorry when they see others are angry with them over their behavior. Jewish settlers and the Israeli Defense Force have combined forces to systematically commit atrocities on the Palestinians of Gaza and the West Bank. The Jews refuse to allow people overseas to send crayons, coloring books and musical instruments to the children of Gaza. Jewish adults armed with automatic weapons to routinely beat 5 and 6 year-old children walking to school. Some Jews object but most do not. The Jews were taught by the Talmud that it is permissible to rape a Gentile three year-old girl. It is perfectly lawful for a Jew to kill or to rob the Gentiles. That is why most Jews show no Empathy and Remorse for their egregiously bad behavior in the modern world.

Passion drives those of us who are normal. Psychopaths lack normal human passions and therefore tend to be superficial. Psychopaths only have passions for themselves. I believe this superficiality is evident in America’s Jewish controlled media and entertainment industries.

Psychopaths are grandiose. They live in a falsely constructed world in which they are both literally and figuratively gods. They have an overblown sense of entitlement. Have you noticed how many Bailouts are going to the Jewish bankers and a few Gentile traitors in Europe and America? The only reason for this nonsense is that the Jews insist we have a banking system that requires us to pay them interest on money they created out of nothing. It is as if they were gods and we were born to be sacrifice the whole of our lives to them as Debt Slaves always in bondage to the them. They show no Empathy for the 3 million Americans who died from starvation in the Great Depression. And of course they show no Remorse because they are not fully human.

Psychopaths are irresponsible because nothing is ever their fault. They are never at fault because they think they are perfect. In the Talmud if a Jew rapes a Gentile woman she is to be put to death as an adulteress. But the Jewish rapist is blameless under Jewish law.

In the psychopath’s world whatever they want now is good and whatever they do not like is bad. This leads to impulsive behavior. If someone has money and the psychopath wants it, then robbery is good and the victim is bad. This explains why Goldman Sachs behaves the way they do with no regard for either Gentiles nor long term consequences.. This makes us understand the corporations and the government releasing genetic experiments into the wild with no sound thinking. An example would be the men who crossed the genes of s spider with those of the salmon and released it into the wild knowing the native and normal salmon will be extinct within 40 years. Psychopathology in the early 19th century was called Moral Insanity,
In a rational society psychopaths would not be allowed to live at the expense of others. They solve this problem by lying. Psychopaths hold their world together with lies. They lie compulsively. This is where the Jews excel. The Holohoax was a lie. 911 was a lie. Look at the Jew Arlen Specter who invented the Magic Bullet Theory of the Kennedy assassination to cover up Israel’s role in the murder of yet another American President.

Psychopaths are masters at manipulating others. They use our emotions against us. Jews do not feel guilt for the tens of millions they did kill in the Soviet Union. Nor do they feel guilty about killing 58 million people after the German Army and Navy attempted to surrender to His Majesty’s Jewish Government in March of 1939. They do not experience Empathy and Remorse because they are not fully human. Yet they can manipulate us into feeling guilty about a Holohoax that never happened even extorting taxpayer dollars from people who had nothing remotely to do with those imaginary events.

Psychopaths are anti-social. They do not care that Genetically Modified Organisms are destroying the health of tens of millions of people. They do not care that stealing 43 trillion dollars from the people of America has wreaked tremendous harm on people who have lost their jobs, their homes. their pensions and their saving. And when these psychopaths crash the dollar, the pound and the euro prices double overnight. That will destroy the countries whose people have always protected them from harm.

The majority of Jews do not care about you because are not capable of caring about you. So why do you care for those who do not care for you? Why do you still believe in their lies about the Holohoax and 911? Why do you still believe recovery is just around the corner?

Notes: Annotated Bilderberg 2012 Member List
911: Short And Powerful Questions
Video: Jews And The African Slave Trade. It Did Not End In 1832
They Dance To Daijal’s (Anti-Christ’s) Tune
Holy Holohoax. My Government Wouldn’t Lie To Me.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian  
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of this Blog!

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