
Sunday 20 July 2014




Last night Israel invaded Gaza to destroy the infrastructure used by the Hamas to attack Israel. According to many Palestinian residence they used all sorts of shelling and poisonous gas which resulted in 30+ deaths and great amount of injuries. This reminds me of 2008′s invasion, this invasion was not as bad as the 2008′s when more than 1,400 Palestinians were killed and out of those 80% were innocent civilians. Well lets talk about something that most people don’t really know.
Ariel Sharon after 2001 said that Israel will never buy gas from Palestine, what he was trying to say was that the Palestinian coastal gas reserves belongs to Israel. There are gas and oil reserves along the coastal line of Gaza, the gas reserves were discovered back in 1999, British Gas Group and its partners were granted oil exploration rights, at that time BG and its partners owned 90% of the oil reserves and 10% was owned by Investment Fund of the Palestinian Authority. BG declared that these reserves are worth $4 billion but it seems like it is worth more than that. 
Instead of going into details we’ll discuss the matter that could be connected with the 2008′s and last nights invasion. Ariel Sharon went to supreme court trying to justify his insane idea that the gas reserves that were in Gaza’s territory belongs to Israel, In 2003 Ariel Sharon vetoed a deal to buy gas from Palestine, later on in 2007 under Prime Minister Ehud Olmert they decided to buy gas from Palestine that was going to generate 10% of the total energy in Israel, but under some weird conditions, Israel rejected the idea of sharing profits with Palestine instead offered to provide goods and services but not the money to the government of Palestine as they thought this money will be used by Hamas in terrorist activities, I believe you all can understand why this deal was never going to happen. British Gas Groups were disappointed by the Israeli approach and they ended their negotiations with Israel.
Now it was all set up for the invasion of 2008, Israel were preparing for the invasion for 6 months, the hypocrisy of Israel is unmatched as they were negotiating a ceasefire with Hamas and at the same time they were preparing for an invasion, regardless of the result of negotiations. The not so surprising thing is that Israel was also negotiating with British Group to revisit the deal of natural gas supply, as they were confident of either taking over the gas reserves or forcing the Palestinians to accept the conditions put forward by Israel. The 2008 invasion was one of the worst invasions, where the courts turned their backs on the victims and those who committed such disgusting crimes, like always, got away with it.
Last night’ invasion might just be a trailer for whats coming next, I hope not, but one thing we cant ignore is the fact that Israel since the discovery of the reserves have been declaring the reserves, that belongs to Palestinians, to be theirs and these reserves could be the reason or one of the objectives of such invasions
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!

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