
Friday, 29 August 2014

Not confirmed, but maybe?! (+ open thread)

Dear friends,
I just decided to quickly drop by to let you know that the reports out of Novorussia are nothing short of incredible.  Okay, this is not, repeat, *NOT* confirmed, but sources are reporting that Novorussian forces have bypassed Mariupol from the north and have entered the Zaporozhie region!  I find this hard to believe, but some sources indicate that there is an offensive on Berdiansk.  If true, this is almost scary as this means a very long flank opening to a Ukie counterattack from the North.  There have been reports over the past few days that the Ukies are fleeing Mariupol, but I still would be very careful.  The Ukies in the first southern cauldron came very close to breaking out through the north and I just hope that no Ukie force is considered finished until it is really, truly, finished.
Still, the speed at which the Ukies are retreating might (not sure!!) that they have reached their breaking point.  If so, then this conflict is coming to some kind of a new phase.
Another thing which really made my day is the news that Putin told Poroshenko and Co. “we are not a party to this war – talk to the Novorussians”.  Beautiful and perfectly timed!
We should know more by tomorrow morning.
In the meantime – keep open threading!
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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