
Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Israel was created to solve Europe’s ‘Jewish Problem’

Israeli professor Shlomo Sand is the author of several controversial books on Israel and Judaism. The list includes The Invention of the Jewish People, and The Invention of the Land of Israel. His latest book to propagate more myths about Jews, Israel and Holocaust is How I Ceased To Be A Jew.
What Shlomo Sand and other Zionist and the so-called “anti-Zionist” writers refuse to admit that Zionist Jews used Europe’s centuries-old Jewish Problem to establish a Jewish homeland in Muslim-majority historic Palestine and the western powers including the US, Britain and USSR helped them to achieve their dream.
Initially, a great majority of British Jews were against the creation a ‘Jewish homeland’ on an Arab land. However, British hardcore Christian Zionist leaders, such as, Lord Balfour, Lord Shaftesburry and Lolyd George were driven by their ‘messianic fantasy’ that once a great majority of world Jewry assemble in the Holy Land (Palestine), it will usher the second-coming of Christ. Over 65 million evangelic Christian still believe that when Christ appears he will convert Jews to Christianity in the Holy Land and the ones who refuse to convert would be put to death.
The distorted interpretation of the Jewish Bible (OT) has been and still remains central to Western support for the Zionist entity. This support has generated over $3 trillion American aid to Israel since 1970s excluding $3 billion annual military aid and over 38 American vetoes at the UNSC to protect the Zionistentity being dragged to some international body on charges of war crimes.
On September 16, 2014, Janet C. Phelan, an investigative journalist and author, published an informative post, entitled, The United States and Israel: A Dance of Deception in which she shed some light over the European’s hatred towards Jews, Zionism, Israel, Israel’s Dumb Iron Dome and the new Jewish religion, the Holocaust.
To understand the dysfunctional US-Israel relationship which has been plagued with self-deception, betrayal and false intent from its inception. To begin with, one must understand that the state of Israel was in large part created by those who despised Jews,” Phelan said.
In fact, Roosevelt’s own personal racial ideas might be considered to be somewhat aligned with Hitler’s. His refusal to raise immigration quotas for Jews helped to ensure that Jews would be trapped in Eastern Europe. As reported by Rafael Medoff, director of the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies in an article for the Los Angeles Times:  “In 1923, as a member of the Harvard board of directors, Roosevelt decided there were too many Jewish students at the college and helped institute a quota to limit the number admitted. In 1938, he privately suggested that Jews in Poland were dominating the economy and were therefore to blame for provoking anti-Semitism there. In 1941, he remarked at a Cabinet meeting that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. In 1943, he told government officials in Allied-liberated North Africa that the number of local Jews in various professions “should be definitely limited” so as to “eliminate the specific and understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany,” Phelan said.
Interestingly, Benjamin H. Friedman (died 1984), a Jewish defector, had called  FDR a Jewish Pawn along with presidents Wilson, Truman, Eisenhower, JFK, Lyndon Johnson and Nixon.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a captive of the Talmudists from the time he went to Albany as governor of the state of New York. President Roosevelt was long beholden to the Talmudists,” wrote Friedman.
Phelan claims that the American Jewish Congress (AJC) also collaborated with Nazis.
Phelan claims that the Zionist entity benefited from the 9/11 terrorist attacks the most. “The fact that the attacks of 911 were used as a rationale to go to war, first against Afghanistan and Iraq, then in a domino effect to attack Libya and threaten war against Syria and Iran, can only be seen as an effort to destabilize the entire region, an effort which may have fatal blowback for Israel,” She said.
River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of the Blog!


  1. Keep in mind both FDR and Eisenhower were both Jewish.

  2. This post claims that I state that Israel benefitted most from the attacks of September 11. I did not state this anywhere in the article referenced herein nor anywhere else.
