ED NOTE: A misleading list, mixing ISIL with Iraqi Resistance against the American occupation, and other groups who where considered as Freedom Fighters during and after the Invasion of Iraq.
Posted on September 13, 2014 by Alexandra ValienteEditorial Comment:
The following information is not intended to demonize any nation. Certainly, the list is far from complete. It is critically important to understand that these paramilitaries operate with the full assistance of NATO, the US and EU. (See: 80,000 Attend “Friends of ISIL” Meeting in Villepinte)MEK-MKO and related organizations also have haven in Iraq from which they conduct their campaign or terror against Iran. MEK-MKO also fight alongside terrorists in Syria. To some degree, many of the paramilitaries listed here are in Iraq to contain the terror threat within Iraq’s borders, thus protecting their respective homelands. We can no longer afford to deny the complexity of the situation in Iraq. We cannot ignore which paramilitary organizations are participating (directly or indirectly) in the oppression of the Iraqi people who cannot accept the legitimacy of the US puppet regime. There is an excellent presentation by Russia Today that covers the atrocities of 2013; “Iraq 2013″ A Year of Carnage“. These horrific crimes against humanity were being committed long before DA’ISH made media headlines. This has been the reality for Iraqi civilians since the initial war began in March, 2003. A critical point I wish to make in presenting this partial list of organizations active in Iraq is that the Great War that has embroiled Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Israel, the US, NATO and their Gulf allies, began long ago. The danger now is that this is about to explode and when it does, there is no way of predicting the consequences for the region and the millions of innocent civilians that will be swept up in its wake. It will not be possible to contain it. The Greater Middle East Project will inexorably engulf the entire world in a third world war.
In Iraq today, unfortunately there a host of different terrorist and criminal paramilitary groups that operate in Iraq, killing innocent civilians, expelling people from their homes, and attacking houses of worship. Some are on the radar and get the attention of the world media, and yet others operate underneath the radar. Nevertheless they have killed thousands and forced millions to flee their homes. They include: 1. Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (or Sham or Levant) or ISIS, or ISIL, or DA’ISH as it is known in Arabic, led by Ibrahim Al-Badri (also known as Al-Baghdadi). They are based in Syria and Iraq. [ Mossad creation] 2. Iranian Quds Force (which is a special paramilitary organization underneath the Iranian Revolutionary Guards). The Quds Force is led by Qasim Sulaymani. [Resistance Movement against USA Occupation] 3. Asaib Ahl-Haq militia led by Qais al-Khazali, The Asaib militia has been notorious for massacres and mass executions of civilians in Diyala and villages outside of Baghdad. The most recent massacre was when the Asaib militiamen entered Musab bin Umayr Mosque in Diyala and slaughtered over 70 worshipers during the Friday prayers. [Iraqi Resistance Movement against USA Occupation] 4. Badr Forces Militia, led by Hadi al-Amiri. Badr has been notorious for infiltrating the ranks of the Interior Ministry forces and responsible for the arrest, torture, and mass executions of Sunnis. [Arrived as a Freedom Fighter on American Tanks] 5. Sarayah Salam Militia (formerly Mehdi Army or Jaish Al-Mahdi, JAM) led by Moqtada al-Sadr. [Iraqi Resistance Movement against USA Occupation] 6. Al-Hashd Al-Shaabi Militia (Popular Mobilization Militia) led by Moqtada al-Sadr, using the fatwa of Ali Sistani to rally against Sunnis. 7. Shaheed Al-Mahrab (Prayer Martyr) Militia led Ammar al-Hakim. This is an offshoot of the Badr Brigades, but it is led by the Islamic Higher Council party head Al-Hakim. [Ammar al-Hakim Arrived as a Freedom Fighter on American Tanks] 8. Iraqi National Congress militia led by Ahmed Chalabi. The INC militia was notorious for sectarian assassinations and executions early on 2003 to 2006. [Chalbi Arrived as a Freedom Fighter on American Tanks] 9. Dawa Party Militia led by Nouri Al-Maliki. Maliki established special paramilitaries from his Dawa party that reported to the Prime Minister’s office. [Malki Arrived as a Freedom Fighter on American Tanks] 10. Dawa Party – Iraq Branch Militia, led by Hashim al-Moussawi and Abdel-Karim Anzi. 11. Hezbollah Militia led by Karim Mahood Muhammadawi. [Iraqi Resistance Movement against USA Occupation] 12. Hezbollah Movement Militia led by Hassan Al-Sari. [Iraqi Resistance Movement against USA Occupation] 13. Iraqi Hezbollah Militia led by Wathiq Al-Battat. [Iraqi Resistance Movement against USA Occupation] 14. Al-Paratha Husseiniya Militia led by Jalaluddin al-Saghir. This militia was notorious for running secret torture chambers at the Al-Paratha center. 15. Ghasl Al-Aar (Wash the Shame) Militia led by Jafar Al-Ragheef. The militia specialized in targeting for executions, Shiites who became Sunnis. 16. Ashbal Al-Sadr (Cubs Battalions) Militia led by Mohammed Hussein al-Sadr 17. Yed Allah (Hand of God) Militia, led by Ahmed al-Saadi 18. Thar Allah (Revenge of God) Militia led by Walid al-Hilli 19. Al-Fudhalaa (Virtuous) Militia led by Khazaal Al-Saadi 20. Islamic Labor Organization Militia led by Abdul Karim Al-Mudarassi 21. Baqeyat Allah (Rest of God) Militia led by Mustafa al-Abadi. 22. Islamic Youth Gathering Militia led Muntisar Moussawi. 23. World Aal-Bayt Militia led by Fadel Al Kaabi. 24. Aal-Bayt Association Militia led by Musa al-Hasani. 25. Al-Qassas Al-Adil (Just Retribution) Militia led by Majid Ali Hussein. 26. Kataib Al-Qassas (Retribution Brigades) Militia led by Abdullah al-Lami. 27. Al-Talee’a (Vanguard) Militia, led by Ali al-Yasiri. 28. Al-Fatih (Conquering) Militia led by Mr. Kazim Ali. 29. Kataib Al-Dem Al-Zakeya (Pure Blood Brigades) Militia led by Ali Hakim. 30. Anti-Terrorism Association Militia led by Muawafaq Al-Rubaie. 31. Malik Ashtar Brigades, a militia led by Abbas Jaffer. 32. Kawthar Committee to Rebuild the Shrines Militia, led by Mansour Haqeqat. 33. Hussein Revenge Brigades Militia led by Ali Ghassan Shahbandar. 34. Mokhtar Army Militia led by Atallah al-Husseini. 35. Islamic Action Party Militia led by Sadiq Ali Hussein. 36. Al-Mahdiya Movement Militia, led by Mohammad Ali Al-Khurasani. 37. Al-Adalah (Justice) Militia led by Samir Sheikh Ali. 38. Al-Youm Al-Mawoud (Promised Day) Brigade, belonging to the Sadrist Militia leaders Hazem Al-Ajraji and Al-Samaysem. 39. Al-Marjaeyya Soldiers Militia, a force reporting to Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani’s office. 40. Sahwat Badr Militia, reporting to Nouri al-Maliki, personal guards. 41. Sarayah Al-Qassas (Retribution Brigades) Militia led by Rafid al-Maliki 42. Sarayah Al-Amr Bil-Marouf Wal Nahee An Al-Munkar (Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice Brigade) Militia led by Nadhim Al-Saree. 43. Badr Organization Militia, led by Shaker Abu Rumi (this is separate from with Badr Forces led by Hadi Al-Ameri) 44. Shaban 15 Organization Militia of Hamza al-Battat 45. Jund Al-Imam (Imam Soldiers) Militia led by Sami Al-Badri 46. Thaer Allah (Revenge of God) Organization Militia, led by Yusuf Al-Sanadi 47. Mujaheed Al-Thawra Al-Islamiya Movement (Islamic Revolution Mujaheed Movement) Militia, link to the Islamic Higher Council Party, led by Al-Hakeem. 48. Sayid Al-Shuhada Movement (Master of Martyrs Movement) Militia led Nafee Al-Saymari and Sayed Dagher Al-Musawi Many of these groups operate under the color of law and are closely linked to the central government security forces, which have been infiltrated by many of these paramilitary groups. In fact many of these militias are actually escorted by government security forces and military, and carry out the massacres under the cover of the government forces. River to Sea
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