
Saturday 18 October 2014

Israel’s Rogue Agenda

Israel is a regional replica of rogue state America. Both countries operate lawlessly. Ruthlessly.

They partner in crime. They wage it on defenseless adversaries. For unchallenged control.

For resources they want pillaged. People they want exploited. No matter the human cost involved.
Imperial objectives alone matter. So does making the world safe for monied interests. Bankers. War profiteers. Other corporate crooks. Government extremists complicit with them.

Benefitting from mass slaughter and destruction. High crimes against peace. Killing Palestinian children for target practice.

On October 16, Israeli soldiers murdered 13-year old Bahaa Samir Badir in cold blood. He was shot in the chest at close range.

He died at Ramallah’s Palestine Medical Complex. Aside from Operation Protective Edge, he’s the 42nd Palestinian Israel murdered this year.
It injured over 4,300 West Bank Palestinians since January. State terror is official policy. Ruthlessness defines it.

Palestinian lives don’t matter. Israel extinguishes them lawlessly.

In 2005, an EU/Israeli Action Plan aimed to encourage cooperation on non-proliferation of WMDs. Fight terrorism.
Prevent regional and other conflicts. Resolve ongoing ones. Work cooperatively “to promote the shared values of democracy, rule of law, and respect for human rights and international humanitarian law.”

In 2013, EU nations urged Israel
“ensure respect for international law and human rights in the occupied territories, including intensifying efforts to curb settler violence and minimising the use of administrative detention without trial.”

Israeli policy is polar opposite. Operation Protective Edge is Exhibit A. So are multiple examples of daily violence. Operation Brothers Keeper reflects it.

Jeff Halper calls both campaigns “the imposition of a regime of warehousing, of outright imprisonment of an entire population.”

“(B)lind and atavistic destruction and hatred unleashed on the Palestinian people.”
Interminable state-sponsored violence. A “new political reality.” A clear unilateral/final message, saying:

“This country has been Judaized. It is now the Land of Israel in the process of being incorporated into the state of Israel,” Halper explained.
Arabs have no rights. Not in exclusive Jewish territory. “And once and for all we must disabuse you of the notion that we are actually negotiating with you,” he added.
“We never have and never will.” We’re all take and no give. “You are nothing but inmates in prison cells.”
We’ll continue collectively punishing you. International humanitarian and human rights laws be damned.
EU/Israeli Action Plan principles aren’t worth the paper they’re written on. Israel does what it damn pleases.
Palestinians got three option: submit, leave or die.
Murdering children in cold blood reflects what’s ongoing. Because world powers able to intervene responsibly do nothing to prevent Israeli lawlessness.
Operation Brothers keeper includes extreme persecution. Including mass arrests and imprisonments, many without charges, multiple daily community incursions, targeted assassinations, torture, and cold-blooded murder.

On October 16, thePalestine News Network(PNN) headlined “Ya’alon Confirms Israeli Government’s Political Program: Pro-colonization, against two-state solution.”

He’s Israel’s Deputy Prime Minister/Defense Minister. He bears direct responsibility for genocidal Palestinian slaughter.

Israel Hayom (Israel Today) is an Israeli Hebrew-language broadsheet. Its circulation is Israel’s largest. It interviewed Ya’alon. Extracts of his answers follow:

On Palestinian statehood:

“We need to free ourselves of the notion that everything boils down to only one option called a Palestinian state.”
“As far as I am concerned let them call it the Palestinian Empire. I don’t care.”

“It is an autonomy if it is ultimately a demilitarized territory. That is not a status quo, it is the establishment of a modus vivendi that is tolerable and serves our interests.”

On a two-state solution:

“Call it whatever you want. The political separation has already happened, and is a good thing.”

“We are not controlling the lives of residents of Gaza or Judea and Samaria.” Separation is important, Ya’alon believes.

“I would encourage and reinforce governability, the economy and the residents’ ability to live in dignity and economic comfort.”

“But to derive something so black and white from that? State or no state? Let’s put the terminology aside.”

On Abbas:

“He never said that he has given up on demanding refugee rights.”

“So where can we go with him? He is a partner for discussion; a partner for managing the conflict.”

“I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict and maintain relations in a way that works for our interests.”

On settlement construction:

“There is no construction freeze.”

Ya’alon reflects official Israeli policy. In its most extremist government ever. Its most lawless. Ruthless. Fascist. Viciously racist.

According to PNN, Israel “aims to consolidate the occupation that continues to control the lives of the Palestinian people.”

Extremists in charge are all take and no give. They deplore Palestinian self-determination.

They’ll keep stealing their land and resources. Netanyahu tries justifying the unjustifiable.

In New York, he told UN Member States:

“The people of Israel are not occupiers in the Land of Israel. History, archeology and common sense all make clear that we have had a singular attachment to this land for over 3,000 years.”

He never once mentioned a two-state solution or one nation equitably for all its people.

He and likeminded extremists want continued militarized occupation harshness. Violence, not peaceful coexistence.
Confrontation, not diplomacy. Militarism, intimidation and naked aggression. Unchallenged regional control.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled “Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III.”
Visit his blog site at
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River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian   
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