
Friday, 14 November 2014


Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,in meeting with the head of Islamic Jihad, Ramadan Abdullah Shalah (L) in Tehran on October 16, 2014

by Trevor LaBonte, Whatsupic - Via 

Whatsupic -- Yet again, "Israel" and the Zionist-controlled media are blood-libeling Iran in the press with misleading and inflammatory headlines such as "Iran leader's call to 'annihilate' Israel sparks fury as nuclear deadline looms." "Israel's" game is all-too-obvious at this point. 

Genocidal, terroristic, racist, and illegitimate as the Zionist regime is, its survival strategy consists of painting itself to be the "only democracy in the Middle East," while portraying everyone else as "hostile Islamic nations" that want to "massacre all the jews." Of course, Iran is also portrayed in the media as a "nuclear threat", even though the top 16 Western intelligence agencies have all stated unequivocally that Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons. In fact, Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei has issued a legally binding fatwa (a religious decree) against nuclear weapons, citing that they are "un-Islamic." Meanwhile, the hypocritical, usurping Zionist entity "Israel" is known to be sitting on it's own enormous cache of illegal, unregistered nukes. 

"Israel" has a long history of lying officially about the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially since 1979 when Iran escaped out from under the thumb of it's CIA-installed puppet dictator Shah. Demonstrably, malicious and deceitful Zionist propaganda about Iran is not only still free-flowing, but increasing, as evidenced by the latest headline cited above, as Israel" ramps up its incitement for the US to attack this enemy of Zionism. The Zionist gangster-owned media outlets dominate, and are used to mind-control the population, having the power to literally shape perception to whatever benefits the powers-that-be. And one of the projects of this apparatus is to inject into the unsuspecting public's minds things that can be used as pre-texts for "Israel's"wars of aggression and expansionist manifesto.

To any sane person that has been objectively observing this geopolitical situation, it is maddening and monotonous to watch "Israel" more or less get away with such blatant and transparent lies about Iran. For those of us who are awake, it becomes imperative that we do all we can to unhook others from the artificial Zionist narrative, namely by showing them, from primary sources, specifically what the Iranian government is actually saying. When contrasted with "Israel's" wild fabrications, this not only debunks pretext for Zionist aggression, but also exposes the entire media as a collaborator entity, aiding and abetting the biggest criminals in the history of the planet. 

Iran's leadership has never made any murderous threats against Jews or "Israel." Since the anti-Zionist revolution was founded around 1979 by the Ayatollah Khomeini, the goal has been to find a peaceful way to return the Palestine back to its rightful owners, the Palestinians, and, in the wise words of Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, make the illegitimate, sovereign Jewish crime-base  "disappear from the pages of time." Every time Iran tells it like it is, calling for the end of "Israel," the Zionist media distorts and mistranslates the statements to make them sound like Iran wants to militarily flatten "Israel" and kill all its people. 

Let's look at the latest case-in-point: Here is the Supreme Leader Khamenei's tweet which caused so much ire, so many Zionist crocodile tears, and such a flurry of internet slander: 

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Why should & how can be eliminated? Ayatollah Khamenei's answer to 9 key questions.

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