Now that we are in our fourth year of fighting a war against the Forces of Evil, the United States, NATO, the Zionist Ghetto State, the Pre-Iron Age Arabs and their minions, the time has come to give recognition to those brilliant military leaders in the Syrian Arab Army and Air Force who have devoted their lives to the protection of Syrian society, its institutions, soil and the honor of its presidency.
This award is named for the outstanding military general, Moussaa Ibn Nusayr, born in Syria around 640 C.E. in the Qalamoon Mountains near Homs (Jabal Al-Jaleel) and who is credited with conquering North Africa to the far West. Ibn Nusayr is the general who ordered the legendary Taariq Ibn Ziyaad to cross the Pillars of Hercules in the first Islamic invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. Mousaa later caught up with his Berber lieutenant and completed the conquest of Spain/Portugal.
While Taariq had Gibraltar named after him (Jabal Taariq), Moussaa also has a mountain in Morocco that carries his name: Jabal Moussaa.
This award is also named after Lt. General Muhammad Tawfeeq Al-Juhni who is known as the vanquisher of the Zionist Army at the battle of Qar’oon Lake in Lebanon during the Zionist invasion of 1982. It was on June 9, 1982 that General Al-Juhni, formerly the chief of the Syrian 1st Armored Division, took over command of the theater in the mountains of Syria and delivered bone-crushing blows to the invading Zionists killing hundreds of their rats and bringing down many of their bombers. While the SAA lost much armor during the battle, the stunning appearance of Al-Juhni as a battlefield commander shocked the Zionists and brought them to their knees. So many non-indigenous Jews died in the battle, the effort to find all their bodies would eventually result in the Ziyaad Al-Humsi Espionage Affair. General Al-Juhni’s name is gold in the annals of the Syrian Arab Army……….And the first nominee:
1. LT. GENERAL FAHD JAASSEM AL-FURAYJ: In July 2012, an agent of Saudi Arabia, who had been “turned” earlier with promises of money and Paradise, placed a bomb inside the Ministry of Defense in Damascus. He was a contracted janitorial employee who was thought to be beyond suspicion.
Hassan Turkmani, Dawoud Rajha and Assef Shawkat |
When the meeting started, there were 4 of Syria’s most senior defense officials inside: Lt. General Daawood ‘Abdullah Raajiha (Defense Minister) and the first Orthodox Christian to hold this post in Post-Islamic Syrian history; Lt. General Hishaam Yikhtiyaar; Lt. General Hassan Turkmaani (the President’s Military Advisor); Lt. General `Aassef Shawkat, Deputy Chief of Staff and the president’s brother-in-law. When the bomb went off, Raajiha, Turkmaani and Shawkat were killed instantly. Yikhtiyaar died of his wounds a few days later.
In Syria, the Chief of Staff is an active duty officer who, when he reaches a certain age, becomes the Defense Minister when that post is vacant. The Chief of Staff was Lt. General Al-Furayj. With a cold, decisive and seamless style characteristic of someone trained in the sciences, Dr. Assad appointed Al-Furayj to take Raajiha’s position and assigned another nominee to the post of Chief of the Syrian General Staff, Lt. Gen. ‘Ali ‘Abdullah Ayyoob. The Saudis expected panic in Damascus, but got nothing but a phlegmatic succession, streamlined and efficient. They might have expected the new defense minister to be less aggressive than his predecessor. But, he wasn’t – at all. In fact, the King Rat ‘Alloosh, who took responsibility for the assassinations, remarked later that the new appointees were more ferocious than those before them.
Born in Rahjaan, Hama Province, Lt. General Al-Furayj is an expert in armored warfare and commanded Special Forces units in the south of Syria.
Since the time General Al-Furayj took on his new duties, he has performed with remarkable adroitness, perceptivity and innovation. He knew from the beginning that the army had to retool and adapt to a new kind of warfare if it was going to defeat the constellation of terrorist-supporting countries focused on ousting the sitting president of his country. He has been instrumental in convincing the Russian MoD that Syria could absorb new weapons systems and keep their technology under wraps. He has consistently and successfully mediated disputes amongst his generals demonstrating coolness and reserve, all the while being a champion of the conscript, the grunt, the soldier in the trenches who did not have the luxury of a limousine with security guards around it. When this war ends, he will be remembered as a giant in Syrian military history.
2. LT. GENERAL ‘ALI ‘ABDULLAH AYYOOB: This is Syria’s Omar Bradley. Chief of the General Staff succeeding General Al-Furayj after he ascended to the post of Minister of Defense.
General Ayyoob is the apotheosis of the iron-willed, thoroughly professional, icy cold soldier who cannot be rattled. In every decision to move this brigade or that, he is involved. It is his decisions to move the Tiger Brigades to Idlib or to redeploy them in Der’ah. He is the tactical whiz who must keep in his head the dizzying array of military units under his command – their capabilities and logistical needs. He is the one who informs General Al-Furayj about shortages in fuel or weaponry. He is the one who alerts the Chief of the Air Force, Lt. Gen. ‘Issaam Hallaaq, as to where his services will be needed. He is the one who coordinates the way intelligence is distributed to field commanders and he must ultimately make the hardest decisions to abandon assets or hold them against all odds. His performance at his post has been more than outstanding. There are many who will credit him with the victory of the Syrian Army over the forces of darkness and will insist on erecting statues to his memory.
Like many officers in Special Forces or Special Operations, this general, known as the “Mad Druze”, carries himself with a swagger that oozes charisma. Like other paratroopers, in the U.S. or in the Speznaz, he cultivates a macho persona which electrifies the soldiers under his command. When you serve with the 104th Brigade of the Republican Guard under General Zhahreddeen, you serve with the equivalent of General Patton, Montgomery or Rommel – men with reputations for daring, fearlessness and audacity in combat. His post today is a lonely one – Dayr El-Zor. Despite the paucity of materiel available to him in contrast to other units in the west of the country, this iron-muscled Ajax has brought defeat to the cannibal terrorists of ISIS and Nusra before it. They tried to kill him on November 11, 2013, but only succeeded in injuring his leg. He quickly recovered and delivered a sinew-wrenching blow to the rats at Al-Huwayqa and Muhassan. Today, he and his brigades of rangers and paratroopers have wrested control of Huwayjat Al-Sakr Island and are destined to exterminate every foreign rat the ISIS barbarians can send from the bowels of Asia or the prissy alleyways of London. To the rats, he is the personification of Death and the promise of a unified, unbreakable Syria.

Born on the coast of Syria in mountains which produced the lions who built her formidable army, this other cat has already translated courage and resolve into something much more feral and flexible, capable of being in two places at one time, stealthily crawling at unprecedented speed, his tanks atop trucks roaring towards every spot where the stench of Jihadist mongrel rats can be sniffed and lethal bombers plying the air at his command to deliver the early flames of Hell to those who have brought nihilist destruction to Syria. His speed is legendary even though he has not yet reached the age of 50 and his fame, as a brilliant tactician, has percolated into all the plague-infested rat holes where the Wahhabist rodents lounge amidst the reeking smegma of their pagan rituals.
Whether he is in Aleppo to break the back of Nusra’s stranglehold on the north or in Homs, where his crack troops annihilated ISIS at the Al-Shaa’er Mountain and the oil pumps in the fields to its southeast, or in Mork where his troops were victorious in liberating this town sitting on a critical artery, or leading the special operations units of the Air Force Intelligence Directorate in Der’ah, his methodical style and ability to infuse his men with the desire to devastate an enemy has made him Dr. Assad’s favorite officer. Today, he is heading again to the south for a landmark collision with Nusra at Nawaa.
The winner of this award will be announced at the end of the year in our patented slick way.
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